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Fallon's P.O.V~

The three of us entered base, everyone there looked antsy, I got out of Bulkhead and walked over to Raf.

"What's going on Raf?"

The twelve year old looked up at me, some fear evident in his hazel eyes, he adjusted his glasses. "We got a radio frequency from a Decepticon."

"Really who?" I asked, my interest spiking.

He shrugged. "We don't know yet, it was transmitted a few minutes ago. But it was from a Decepticon comm link. It gave coordinates Optimus, Arcee, and Bee are going to check it out."

I nodded. "So, a Decepticon maybe he wants to join the team?"

"Maybe, or it's a spy, who knows, no one can trust a Con."

"Not even their own comrades...." I muttered crossing my arms.

"Yeah, exactly." I froze as I heard the familiar voice and turned.

"I knew you'd come back, Jack."

He smiled, scratching his short black hair, shrugging. "Missed you guys I guess."

I nodded slowly, then shifted my attention to the groundbridge that Ratchet just opened, watching the three Autobots going, walk through the greenish/blue portal. Then around base looking for Miko, spotting the girl I relaxed. She wasn't going on another 'adventure'.

"So, Fallon, where have you been? Haven't been at base lately." Jack asked, crossing his arms. I turned to the older teen.


"Why? It's dangerous."

"Um, my Dad came home." I shrugged, shoulders hunched, arms still crossed.

"Your Dad's back? But he was gone for nine years, then he comes home?" Raf asked looking up at me, suspiciously.

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Oh, Fallon, I saw you punch Vince today, gotta say you have guts, and a punch." Jack said with a slight chuckle. "Ah you're dead Monday."

I felt my stomach drop somewhere, and stared at him nervously. "I know! When I told my Dad he laughed!"

"I can see why, the school jock getting punch by a fifteen year old girl half his size, and yet you sent him stumbling into a scared him."

"I know." I said quietly, I wasn't proud of what I'd done.

"How'd you do it, it was amazing."

I glanced at Raf, he was staring at me from the corner of his eye, then back up at Jack and shrugged. "I don't know."

"Well, it was awesome."

"It was hilarious." Miko added, finally making a comment since coming to base. "Then when Bulkhead and I went to pick her up, she jumped from her window, which is upstairs!"

The boys stared at me, astonished. "Whoa..."

I shifted, uncomfortably, grinning shyly. "Yeah...."

Suddenly the groundbridge opened again, I looked at the portal, Optimus entered first, behind him was....

I tensed as a long pointed pede appeared out of the groundbridge first, then an oddly shaped leg, slowly a slender torso formed from the green screen, then that blank visor that made me sick as it reflected the swirling green bridge, I felt myself get cold, glancing at my arms, my skin was two shades whiter. Oh no, no, no, no, not him.....

"Fallon are you ok? You look pale." Jack whispered. I didn't answer, I was paralyzed in fear.

"No." I finally muttered, voice uneven.

"What's wrong?"

"Um," I looked around, "I'm, I don't wanna be anywhere near that, nor in his line of vision."

"Why?" Jack gripped my upper arm, staring at me worried. "What wrong?"

"I don't want be in the same room with that Con, I don't want him to see me..." I said backing away towards the old yellow couch. I sat in the corner farthest from the rail, legs tucked tight to my chest, my arms hugging them closer, as I stared blankly at the Autobots and the Con, over the the back of it. Jack sat next to me.

"Have you encounter him before?"

I nodded. "Twice."

His black eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "When?"

"On the warship and in the woods..."

"Oh, does he creep you out?" I gave him a serious look, mentally asking if it wasn't obvious.

"No, of course not, he obviously doesn't freak me out, Jack" I whispered sarcastically. "OF COURSE HE DOES! Don't be stupid." I slapped him up side the head.

"Sorry." He winced.

I sighed. "No, I am, I shouldn't of snapped, I'm just....uncomfortable right now."

"I know, and I'm probably not helping by asking questions."

I shook my head. "Not really."


"It's fine." I glanced at the Autobots, and shivered. Primus he was watching me, or it feels like it.

"I don't like being in the same room with him, or near him....period."

"I can see why."

I didn't answer as I felt invisible optics meet my gaze, I caught Jack looking over his shoulder at the mech from the corner of my eye.

I hesitantly stood up. "I'm gonna walk the halls, get away from....him."

"Want me to come?" Jack asked standing, I raised my hand in a form of communication for him to halt.

"No, I'll be fine, I don't want to waste your time."

"You won't."

"I want to be alone."

"Ok, be careful."

"I'll try, but you never know, lately I've been a Con magnet, and could die on a simple walk through base."

"Well, have fun dying."

I glared at Jack. "Thanks, Jack. Thanks a lot...great boost of confidence."

I walked off, keeping to the wall, not wanting the Bots the or Con seeing me as I pasted quickly and quietly. Once at the hall's enormous entrance I ran down it, my footsteps a soft echo off the tall walls and high ceiling. After awhile I walked, deep into the hall, in the dim light. Finally the dim light lighten, came paler as the only window, hidden well in the base, I'd found wondering around. It showed the beautiful landscape of the desert and I caught a glimpse of the bright blue sky as I pasted underneath, smiling. 

I hope that Decepticon wasn't here to stay. 

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