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(New chapter enjoy)

After school I rushed to Bumblebee before Vince could see me, I wasn't really in the mood to deal with him today. I opened Bee's passenger door and got in, closing it, then sighing, sinking into the seat.

He beeped.

"Hi Bee." I said peaking outside the window as people passed, looking for Raf, Miko, or Jack. I necessarily didn't like being at school, I mean I like to learn, but at the free times I don't because I'm free to be picked on. I looked down at the dashboard, sighing again.

I let Vince control my life at school in fear, then I didn't have any friends other then the Autobots, Jack, Raf, and Miko. Caroline I considered family. 

Bumblebee suddenly whirled, making me jump, I looked up finding that I was still alone with him. He was trying to distract me from my thoughts. I smiled shyly, but didn't say anything, it stayed silent till Raf finally came up to us.

"Hi guys."

Bee whirled happily. 

"Hi." I muttered as Bee's engine roared to life as he sped down the road towards base. I watched the scenery of the desert pass by us as a yellowish orange blur.

"Hey Fallon?"


" old were you when your dad disappeared?"

I tensed, but then sighing, I looked at Raf. "Six."

"Oh, how?"

I shrugged. "He never came home one night nine years later I haven't seen him since. Although, I recall looking out my window that night and finding a truck pass by that said M.E.C.H in big bold letters, with what looked to be my dad's truck."

"Really M.E.C.H?"

"Yep M.E.C.H."

"Hmm what's your dad's name?" He asked getting his laptop out, I looked at him like he was crazy, but I was surprised that he was looking into my dad's case.

"Seth Rodgers." I sighed looking out the window.

"Well, I'll say you look a lot like him." He said suddenly looking at me, I looked at him then at his laptop, sitting up take a better look, finding a picture of my dad on a missing persons report.

Seeing the picture brought back some memories and had to look away, "Yeah...I guess I do don't I?"

"What about your mom?" He asked, glancing up at me.

"I barely knew her, she disappeared when I was five on one of her many business trips." I answered shrugging. With my mom always away for work my dad had been around to raise me mainly by himself, so when she disappeared I wasn't as affected by as my dad's. I mean, my dad was there for me when she wasn't, and when she was she was always reserved and distant. 

"Oh...I'm sorry."

"Don't be Raf, its fine, can I see this for a sec?" I asked referring to his laptop.

He nodded handing it to me. "Yeah sure, just be careful."

"Thanks I will, Raf."

I typed in M.E.C.H and clicked on search. Immediately a firewall appeared, I sighed then looked at Raf. "Hey Raf....could you do me a favor?"

"Sure what is it?"

I turned the laptop so he could see the screen. "Can you hack into this firewall for me, please?"

He fixed his black framed glasses and stared at the screen for s moment, then at me. "Yeah, if this has to do with your mom and dad's disappearances, then of course I will."

He took the laptop again and started to type away at the keys.

I watched him. "Thanks."

"No problem, here you're in." He said handing the laptop back to me. I nodded and looked at the screen.

So M.E.C.H did exist. It was a secret government, huh, interesting.

As I continued to read more I found that the leader of M.E.C.H was named Silas, he was a little bit crazy in my book and he indeed would take innocent people from the streets, he already roused suspensions in me. I went back deep into the files to nine years ago, when my dad disappeared.

Just as I found something interesting we had gotten to base, it was getting interesting. I closed his laptop and handed it to him. "Here Raf, thanks for letting me use it."

"No problem, you're welcome." He said as he got out of Bee's alt, I followed getting out of the passenger seat, Bumblebee transformed immediately after we got out.

I walked towards the catwalk send climbed the steel stairs send sat down on the yellow couch. I glanced over the back at the others, out of all the kids here I was the quietest, I was also the second oldest, Jack was older, and Miko was a few months younger then me and she was the loudest.

But I had caught Optimus' attention by my background, he was, in fact, my guardian. I didn't mind having the Autobot leave as my guardian , but I was still getting used to the whole alien war thing, and actually having friends after the years I didn't.

I turned back around and stared at the tv in front of me and sighed, rubbing the side of my face, I pulled out my phone, flipping it open, I went to my gallery and studied a picture of my dad.

M.E.C.H. . . I believe the then had something to do with my dad's disappearance and if not then maybe my mom's, I don't know why but I do.

"Hey Fallon!"

I turned as I heard my name called, and closed my phone. "Yeah?"

"Can you come down here?" Jack's voice asked.

"Uhh . . . sure." I answered getting up and walking down the stairs to them. "What do you need?"

"What songs do you like, do you play an instrument, if you do what is it?" Miko demanded, a electric guitar around her neck.

"Uhh . . . ."

"Well? Can you sing?" I shrugged, my mouth opened slightly. "Sing then."

"N-n-now?" I stuttered.


"Umm . . ." said a little disturbed, overwhelmed, and confused.

She sighed. "Never mind, you an just sit over three and watch, be our audience." She pointed to the stairs.

I looked at Jack. "What is she talking about?"

"She wants to make a band." He sighed, shaking he's head, shrugging.

"Ohhh . . . why do you need me then?"

"I don't know, she wanted everyone in it."

"Well then . . . I'll be going," I said walking away slowly. "Have fun with your 'band'."

"I don't even want to do to this."

"Well, I'm lucky then."

"Yes you are."

I chuckled and took a seat on the last step, taking out my iPod and ear buds, listening to music as I watched.

I looked up at Bulkhead, who was the only bot left in base . . . wonder where the others went. He looked down at me, confused.

I shrugged.

Suddenly a alarm went off and I watched as Bulkhead answered the call, I couldn't hear the rest of the conversation do to music.

I soon got lost in the music and the next thing I knew was Jack pulling me up off the step and behind Bulkhead's foot with Miko and Raf.

I kept quiet, still listening to music as I had a bed feeling, Jack kept a firm hold on my wrist.

Suddenly I was pushed out into the open I froze, shaking my ear buds out, looking up I found a not so happy agent staring at me from the catwalk.

Oh . . . no.

(Chapter done sorry I didn't mean to make it sooo long. Please leave comments. Thank u for reading!)

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