No Way....

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"Why didn't you think it mattered, Fallon?" Caroline asked looking at me, a little hurt and angry since she was just finding out that I was being bullied.

"'Cause it doesn't matter to me." I answered, I was done crying, the pain subsided and now it was just that annoying throbbing pain.

"Wel-" a knock on the door downstairs interrupted her. She looked at my door and stood up. "I'll be back."

I watched her leave and stood up, following, and stood at the top of the stairs.

I heard her answer it. "Hi how-"

It became silent. "Seth...?"

I gasped, then covered my mouth, it can't be.

"Caroline, nice to see you again."

I gagged as I heard a familiar voice say Caroline's name, and went downstairs, walking into the kitchen, my jaw dropped, no way....

The man had dark brown hair, like me, his eyes were blue, like mine, he was 5'9, handsome, and he looked at me, smiling. "Fallon."

"Dad?" I asked my voice cracking.

The man nodded. "Yes it's me."

He walked into the kitchen and I stared at him, astonished, then latched onto him, crying again, but for a different reason, not of pain, but of stunned happiness. I felt him hug back and I wanted to say something, but was lost for words. I haven't seen him in nine years, nine years I haven't seen my Dad, I have so much to tell him, where do I start?

"I-I-I....I missed you....." I muttered the first thing that came to my mind.

He hugged me tighter. "I....missed you too."

Holy Primus, my Dad's back.

"I missed a lot, didn't I?"

I nodded, and looked up at him. "Yes you did."

"Clearly....what happened to your arm?" He asked, letting go of me and studied my right arm.

I looked down at it. "Track....I fell."

"You're in track?"


"Any other sport you're in?"

"Track, volleyball, basketball, gymnastics, wrestling, and sometimes soccer." I answered, watching as he looked at me, surprised."

"Wow, a lot of sports."

"Yeah, and it gave her asthma." Caroline said walking by us and standing in the doorway behind me.

Dad raised an eyebrow and I groaned. "Yeah I have sucks...."

He laughed.

"Fallon you should show him your room." Caroline said, I looked at her.



I sighed. "Fine...."

I led my Dad upstairs to my room, and let him look around.

"I really see no reason to show you my room, it hasn't changed...much." I said as he messed with my iPod, which was on the charger, he turned it on and looked over at me. "Like your lock screen."


"Yep....what's the password?"

"My name."

"There's five characters, not six."


"Oh...I knew that." He said putting in my middle name, unlocking my iPod.

I chuckled. "Sure...."

I watched as he went straight to my music, but I jumped when All About That Bass blasted into my room. Geez Meghan Trainor scare me half to death. Dad glanced over at me and chuckled, I glared at him.

He looked at my albums, his eyes widened. "Thirty Nickelback songs....." he looked at me again, where I sat at the end of my bed.

"Yeah...." I answered slyly.

"New song?" He asked Satellite displayed on the screen.

I nodded. "Yes."

He pushed play. I watched as he listened to the song, kinda disbelieving what I was seeing, my Dad was in front of me, in my room after nine years. His dark brown hair was still its short rugged cut, like it never changed, his blue eyes seems to be a little bit dimmer, not as bright as they were when I was six, he looked to be more....experienced then before, clearly he's changed, and is hiding something.

"Why didn't you come home that night?" I asked suddenly, clearly to his surprise. He looked up at me, and stared, contemplating if to tell me or not, I stared back, emotionless. He sighed.

"It's....hard to understand, Fallon, first it wasn't my intention to leave....and I was captured by a secret government called M.E.C.H...."

My eyes widened, and I tensed, so I wasn't imagining my Dad's truck being towed, and M.E.C.H did have something to do with his disappearance.

"This is not how I'd think you'd react...." he said catching my attention, I shook my head. "Its because that night I thought I was imagining seeing your truck being towed behind....M.E.C.H trucks.....then a few days ago I had a friend hack into their falsity...." I explained as my favorite song played, I'd Come For You, Nickelback, and I focused on my Dad, he just stared, shocked.

"Y-you saw?" He stuttered. I nodded.

"Then Caroline yelled at me to get back in bed..." I looked down at my hands, which were in my lap.

"I'm sorry...."

I smiled and looked up at Dad, as the song ended and Gotta Be Somebody started to play, and I shook my head. "Don't be.....I don't blame you for it."

He looked down at the floor and set my iPod down, he stood up walking over to me he sat down with me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. "Can you tell me about your friends?"

He asked staring at pictures on the wall. "Well, I don't have very much, but there is Jack Darby, Raf Esquivel, and Miko Nakadai....also William Fowler."

"Not much."

"I said I didn't have much."

"Well, it doesn't matter how many you have, matters of their qualities."

"I know....kinda weird how we're all friends....we're nothing alike." I said thinking it over, we all we're different, Miko the crazy, upbeat, rocker, that could be annoying, but ment good. Rafael, who was the young intelligent kid that could hack into almost anything...who was also a good kid. Jackson, the one who took the responsibility of all of us, he was basically a natural born leader. While I was the one that was quiet, shy, only talked to ones that spoke to me, really no help to the Autobots....

"And how is that?" He asked looking away from wall and at me.

"Well, Jack is like the leader, even if he doesn't know, or admit to it, although Miko doesn't listen to anyone of us....she's the crazy one that you can barely stand.....Raf for his age he's smart....he can hack almost anything, I guess he's the brains of us all."

"And you?" He asked, I looked at him and shrugged.

"I don't know."

"Come on..."

I thought about it, I really didn't have a purpose, unless you count being at the right place at the wrong time with Decepticons, then yes, but other than being a lump on the couch watching the others as they found fun in the base, I was the only Ratchet never yelled at, I think he forgot that four human kids were there.

"The silent one." I finally said frankly, staring at the wall across the room.


"Yep, I barely talk.....Miko wanted me to sing for a 'band' she wanted to start with us....I was lucky enough to not get into it."

"How did you get out of that?" Dad huffed, amused, I glanced up at him.

"My hesitation, saved me from joining.....I was their audience."

"Did you watch?"

"Nope, I listened to my own music....but by what I saw they where terrible..."

Dad chuckled. "When was this?"

"Two days ago after four...." I said noticing Dad tense and I looked up at him. "Are you ok, Dad?"

He shook his head. "Yeah, of course, continue."

I stared at him worried, then rested my head on his shoulder, that's when I remembered that my music was going.

"Fallon." I jumped, with Dad, as we heard Caroline's voice at the door, I turned my attention to her.

"Yes, Caroline?"

"Can you come here for a second? I want to talk to you"." I stood up and walked to the door, pain completely gone in my leg.

"Uh, ok."

She closed the door behind me and we went downstairs, I found a man standing in the living room, I froze as he turned around.

He had a scar running along the right side if his face, he had short, army cut, hair it was blonde and he was muscular, his eyes were hazel, and he carried himself with pride, leader obviously.

"Hello, are Fallon Rodgers?" He asked, immediately I felt a untrusting vibe come off him, like he had something planned for me that wasn't good, for me anyway.

"Uh, yeah I'm Fallon, how can I help you?" I asked raising an eyebrow, I mean what man like him would need from a fifteen year old girl like me? I didn't trust him and I wanted him out of my house.

"I'm Silas."

Silas! No wonder I didn't trust him he was the crazy leader of M.E.C.H whatever he wants he not gonna get.

"Thank you Caroline, but I would like to speak with Fallon alone." Silas said looking at the brown haired woman, and I glanced at her, telling her I was uncomfortable with this man, but she nodded and left the room.


I watched her longingly then turned to the intimidating man across the room, he gestured for me to come over and take a seat. I did warily, he laughed.

"There's no need to fear me, Fallon...yet."

"I don't fear you Silas...I don't trust you." I said, my voice frank and defensive.

"Oh, but you can..."

"I'm not gonna take the chance."

He chuckled. "You're just like your father."

I glared at him, but I was actually a little scared. "Why are you here."

"You darling."

"Don't ever call me that." I said shaking my head.

He growled and lunged at me, covering my mouth and held a pocket knife to my throat. My heart skipped a beat at that moment, but I kept my composer.

"Listen kid, I know you know of those alien tell me about them and their're off the hook, if you don't, you made the biggest mistake of your life."

I shook his hand off my mouth. "I'll never tell you, Silas...."

He put pressure on the knife and pulled my head back more. "Watch your back then, Sweetie, 'cause ya gonna end up like your Daddy."

He threw me and stepped back, I glared up at him.

"Like to see that happen...."

He smirked. "Just wait...." he turned around and walked to the door. I watched him leave and stood up, rubbing my neck.


I looked up at the stairs as I heard Dad say my name, concern written on his face.


"Are you ok?" He asked walking over to me, I was still holding my throat, I nodded.

"Yeah....know anyone by the name of Silas?"

"Silas?" He asked tensing ever so slightly, again I nodded. "Yes I do....he was here wasn't he?"

I nodded again. "He wanted me to tell him something..."

"Did you?"

"No....I don't trust him."

"Good you shouldn't." He said sitting on the couch, I sat down by him, my emotions getting the best of me and I felt my confusion sketch itself on my face. "He said I would end up like you...." I said looking up at him confused.

I noticed Dad freeze, as I said that, and my suspicion rose more, fear also started to intertwine with my confusion. "What did he mean by that, Dad?"

He looked down at me. "I'll tell you later, you have school tomorrow."

I looked at the time. 9:39, I had to take a shower.

"Fine...." I sighed, and stood up, heading towards the stairs.

(Thanks for reading hope u liked it)

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