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"Fallon! Where are you going?"

I turned from the school's staircase, and suppressed a groan....Vince.

"What'd ya mean, Vince?" I asked as tge jock halted, touring over me, I stared up at him. I really had enough of him. He looked down at me, almost impressed.

"Oh, you got some guts since last week."


"So, how's your Dad, come back yet?" He asked with a smirk.

"Yes, yes, he has, so back off Vince." I said walking away.

"Hey, you get back here, I'm not done!"

I turned around, but kept walking, staring at the jock. "Yes you are Vince, you're done."

Turning around again I walked out of the school, knowing he was following.

He growled and slammed his body into mine, pinning me to the school. "When I say 'get back here', you get back here!"

I stared at him, my eyes narrowing, deciphering my words. "You're not my boss, I don't need to listen to you."

He punched me in the face.

It was quiet and I stared at the cement, mouth agape, my hair covering the left side of my face. I clenched my jaw and slowly looked up at him, he had a smug look on his face, but when I glared at him it disappeared and he took a step back.

I balled my fists and slowly approached him, as he retreated, his eyes locked with mine, when he stopped I stood there, classmates watching quietly, and I punched him.

I didn't care about the force, but it sent his stumbling into a trashcan and I just walked away.


I looked at Raf, he took a step back.

"What Raf?" I asked, my voice frank, which was kinda creepy.

"Your-your eyes."

"What about them?" I asked confused.

"Their purple...."

I tensed, anger forgotten, and i stared at him. "What."

"They're purple."

I glanced around, then without saying anything I ran.


I didn't answer I just ran

I pushed the door open, it slammed against the wall with a loud bang, and up to the bathroom.

"Fallon? Is that you?" I heard Caroline ask from the stairs, I didn't answer, I just stood staring at my reflection, panting, astonished. Raf was right, my eyes were purple.

I jumped as someone knocked on the door, which I had slammed shut behind me when I rushed in here.


"Yeah?" I asked breathlessly.

"You alright?'

'Yes, Caroline....I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You rushed in so quickly-"

"I'm perfectly fine!" I interrupted, aggravated, my voice impatient, stepping back and leaned against the wall, slowly sliding down, and brought my right knee up, resting my arm on it, then resting my forehead on my arm.

"Fallon?" I suddenly heard my Dad's voice. "Are you ok?"

I didn't move. "Maybe."

How do I explain that my eyes turned purple when I don't even know how they did in the first place?

The door opened, I thought I looked it....guess not.

"Fallon." Out of the corner of my eye I watched as my Dad crouch down beside me.


"Look at me."


"Why? I want to know what's wrong....was it that guy Vince again?"

I looked at him, confused. "How do you know about Vince?"

Dad stared at me, almost surprised, but not scared. "Are those contacts?"

"No....." I answered quietly, looking at anything but him.

"Then what? How are they purple?"

"I don't know, I didn't even know until Raf told me!"

"No pain?"

I shook my head. "Well, yes kinda, but that was because I was punched..."

"You were what?" Dad asked, sternly.


'By who?"



"I punched him for it." I defended quickly before I could get lectured.

"You did what!" He asked, his stern voice now surprised.

"I punched Vince and he fell into a trashcan."

It was silent, and Dad slowly grinned, send started laughing. I stared at father a little shocked. Why was he laughing? I punched a jock, who was also the school bully, when I got back to school Monday I'm dead.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Because it's a little amusing."

"How! I punched the most feared kid in school! I'm so dead Monday!"

"No you won't, trust me."

"Have you met Vince? He's, like, a foot taller then me."

Dad chuckled. "So, we tell Caroline tlyou got contacts, or the truth?"

"Contacts. I'd rather get yelled at for putting plastic lenses in my eyes more then her freaking our and getting me tested on." I said sitting up slightly.

"Alright, truthfully I would do the same thing." I stood up, Dad did too. "Now you have to listen to her lecture you."

I shrugged. "I'll space her out...."

He chuckled. "You do that."

"Oh, I will."

(Chapter done....I wonder what's happens to Fallon.....thank u for reading)

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