Chapter 7

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My maids brought me inside my room, and Mei went to lock the door. Before she did so, she saw a guard was standing watch. I gave her a look. She nodded. "Princess Zhou Meifeng asks that you leave," she said to the guards.

"We have strict orders to stand guard at the Princess's door," said the guard. "We can't leave."

She gave the guards an even more frightening glare. "If you wish to die, then stay..." she hissed. The guards' eyes widened. Then, they disappeared without another protest.

"Well done," I said with a smile. "Now get me a piece of paper, a brush and ink. Quickly."

"Yes, princess," she said as she and So rushed to get me the things I'd requested.

Then, I went to my desk, and quickly wrote a letter to Prince Xi. It said, "Dear Brother, as I'm sure you're already well aware, the Wu clan has invaded the palace. They are keeping me captive. To make matters worse, the Wu clan has allied itself with the Chu clan. They will attack with full force and destroy us all should you return.  Please do not fear for my safety. I am safe as long as you stay away. Please do not put all of us in peril by returning to the palace. No doubt Wu Yingjie has already declared himself king of the Southern states. His conquest of terror will not stop there. He will claim more land. I advise you to flee. Take what's left of your army, strengthen it, make allies with the states and provinces that Wu Yingjie has not already destroyed from the inside. I will wait for you. Your dear sister, Zhou Meifeng."

I signed it, released my dove, Longwei, from his cage, attached the message to his leg, and sent him off into the air.

"May the gods protect you, my wingéd friend," I prayed as I watched him fly off. Then, I turned to Mei and So, and they helped me get into my nightgown. Soon after, they tucked me into bed, and I fell into a deep sleep.

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