The Schuyler Sisters and Farmer refuted(chapter four.)

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I'm so sorry.

It's a beautiful day. I know dad said not to come.... I'm scared of it.

So in basicity, people say that there is nothing rich folks love more than slumming it with the poor. While that is true.... we shouldn't be here. Our fathers/mothers are loaded but we still come here to watch the common folk. We shouldn't.

"Work, work!" Stan lets out, laughing slightly at the idiocy of the line in any context if it weren't an inside joke.

"Kyle!" The oldest of us says, laughing slightly.

"Work, work," I say.

"Stan!" the second oldest says.

Quite obviously, our younger sister couldn't come seeing as she's a toddler and we're kinda here manhunting...

"And Leo," I say.

"Work, work!" We all say.

"The denied brother's!"

What did we take that from? We are like brothers and are denied human rights sometimes. So yeah... Kyle doesn't like that but Stan and I make it into a joke.




"Work!" We all say.

"Daddy said to come home by sundown," I say.

"Your dad doesn't need to know," Kyle says.

"Daddy said not to go downtown!" I say.

"Like I said, you're free to go," Kyle says.

"But—look around, look around, the Revolution's happening in New York!" Kyle says, smiling brightly.

"New York!" Stan says.



"It's bad enough daddy wants to go to war," I say softly.

Stan sighs. He really has no choice but to be where he is with being half of the blood of the enemy.

"People shouting in the square," he says, after a moment of silence.

"It's bad enough there'll be violence on our shore," I tell Stan.

"Look around, look around!" Kyle says.

"Kyle... remind me what we're looking for," Stan says.

"He's looking for me!" Some women say. Kyle is incredibly popular.

"Stan, I'm lookin' for a mind at work! I'm lookin' for a mind at work! I'm lookin' for a mind at work!" Kyle says.

He repeats each time, looking at the people that said he was looking for them.

"There's nothin' like summer in the city, someone in a rush next to someone lookin' pretty," Craig Tucker says.

Kyle look at him, interested.

"Excuse me, sir, I know it's not funny," Craig says.

Kyle nods, waiting on.

"But you smell like your daddy's got money," Craig says.

Kyle rolls his eyes at this attempt at flirting but look intrigued... still.

"Why you slummin' in the city in your fancy shoes? You searchin for an urchin who can give you ideals?"  Craig asks.

The word 'urchin' is the moment Kyle has enough.

"Tucker, you disgust me," Kyle says.

"Ah so you've discussed me!" Craig says.

Kyle is starting to smile a little at the humour.

"I'm a trust fund baby you can trust me!" Craig says.

"I've been reading Common Sense by Thomas Paine! Some people say that I'm intense or I'm insane
You want a revolution? I want a revelation. So listen to my declaration:," Kyle says.

"'We hold these truths to be self-evident that all working are created equal'" we all say.

What the matter with that? Well, we all are physically unable to work so.... yeah that's also the inside joke behind 'Work'.

"And when i meet Allie Nelson I'm going to compel her to include people like me in the sequel!" Kyle says.

"Work," people around us say.

"Look around, look around at how
Lucky we are to be alive right now!" Stan says.

"Look around, look around at how
Lucky we are to be alive right now!" I say.

"History is happening in Manhattan and we just happen to be
In the greatest city in the world!" Kyle says.

"In the greatest city in the world!" We all say.

"Work," Stan says, laughing.

~Time skip and POV change into Sally's POV.~

"Hear ye, Hear ye."

We all turn to look over.

"My name is Heidi Turner and I'm here to present free thoughts on the proceedings of the Continental Congress."

Immediately, Wendy jumps to watch.

"Heed not the rabble who scream revolution! They have not your interest at heart," Heidi says.

"Oh my God. Ten dollars if you tear her apart!" I say.

"Chaos and bloodshed are not a solution! Don't let them lead you astray! This congress does not speak for me," Heidi says.

"Let him be," Craig says to Wendy.

"They're playing a dangerous game!I pray the king shows you his mercy! For shame, for shame!" Heidi says.

Wendy steps up.

"Heed not the rabble who," Heidi starts.

"She'd have you all unravel at the sound of screams!" Wendy says.

"Scream!" Heidi yells.

"But the revolution!" Wendy says.

"Revolution-," Heidi starts.

"Is coming," Wendy says.

"They have not your interest—!" Heidi says.

"The have-nots are gonna win this," Wendy says.

"At heart—," Heidi says.

"It's hard to listen to you with a straight face!" Wendy says.

But you can't. Wendy, Nichole and Bebe are the gay three, none of them can have a straight face.

"Chaos and—," Heidi starts.

"Chaos and bloodshed," Wendy says.

"Bloodshed are not—," Heidi says.

"Already taunt us!" Wendy says.

"A solution—," Heidi starts.

"Why can't she just try to act like a human? Not a political slave," Craig mutters.

"Honestly, you shouldn't even talk—," Wendy says.

"Don't let them lead you astray—," Heidi says.

"And what about Boston?
Look at the cost and all that we've lost! And you talk about Congress?" Wendy asks.

"This Congress does not speak for me!" Heidi says.

"Wait. Is she repeating the same things?" Bebe asks.

"My dog speaks more eloquently than thee," Wendy says.

"Oooooooh," Nichole lets out.

"You're playing a dangerous game," Heidi says.

"But strangely, your mange is the same!" Wendy says.

"I pray the king shows you his mercy," Heidi says.

"Is he in Jersey?" Wendy asks.

"Did she just-?" Craig asks.

"She's crazy," Nichole says, admiring in her eyes.

"For shame—," Heidi says.

"For the revolution!" Wendy says.

"For shame!" Heidi says.

"For the revolution!" Wendy says.

"Heed-," Heidi says.

"If you repeat yourself again I'm gonna-," Wendy says.

"Scream!" They say at the same time.

"Honestly, look at me, please don't read!" Wendy says.

"Not your interest—," Heidi says.

"Don't modulate the key then not debate with me! Why should a tiny island across the sea regulate the price of tea?" Wendy asks.

"Wendy, please," Craig says.

"I agree, this may go too far if this continues on," Bebe says, very quietly.

"Tucker, I'd rather be divisive than indecisive! Drop the niceties," Wendy says.

"Silence! There is a message from the king!"

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