SummerSlam Reckoning

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August 6 2019

Finn Balor was standing in the ring as he was being interviewed by Kayla Braxton as Finn was getting ready for his No Disqualification match Against Alex Ambrose at Summerslam.

Kayla: Finn, I want to be honest This Sunday Live In Montreal Quebec Canada. You will go One on One against Alex Ambrose in a No Disqualification. What are your thoughts on this match?

Finn: Kayla, Alex is just a waste shell of a man hiding behind his own Regime. At SummerSlam He is not going against me. He is going against his worst enemy ever.

Kayla: Now Finn If You Beat Alex then Alex will be removed from his Position as an Authority Figure

Finn: Paige has told me just how much of a worm Alex is and How He thinks he's untouchable but He should also know that No One Is Untouchable.

Kayla: Some Menacing Words Balor. Paige is having full Expectations about this match

Finn: It won't be a problem at all because Alex is just a Rabid Dog that needs to be on a Leash

The Interview was interrupted when the Titantron showed a Recording Backstage as Someone picked up the Camera and it was revealed to be Alex Ambrose.

Alex: Ohhh Finn Can you hear me?

Finn just gave a smirk as Alex had more to say.

Alex: I have to be a Bit Honest Finn when we face each other at Summerslam which is gonna be my first match in Four Months. This Demon that your bringing up doesn't scare me in fact it doesn't faze me. You see Finn I was always better then you even when we were in the club.

Finn just stared at Alex as Alex was giving a smug smirk.

Alex: Finn, You were a Failure of a Leader. In Fact Your own Friendship with your old Tag Partner in Japan was the Main Reason when They kicked you out of Bullet Club. In Bullet Club You don't need friends because all you have is yourself and The club and Finn You just broke that rule.

Finn just smiled as Alex as Alex had more to say.

Alex: When I took over the club, I made everyone a Target. I single handedly sold out Madison Square Garden and I was known as the best in the world compare to Chris Jericho and CM Punk. I double crossed many People for my own gains and I've destroyed many peoples dreams in Hope's of making my dream come true.

Finn was just smiling as Alex was still talking.

Alex: Hahaha Prince You see in this No Disqualification Match. I wont need Ziggler, Corbin, Drew, Charlotte or anyone else by my side. I can take you on even if you bring the demon out.

Finn: Fine Alex, You just signed your Death Warrant

Alex: Hahahaha At Summerslam The Undefeated Streak of The Demon will be destroyed and The Legend Of The Demon will burned to Ashes by The Warbringer and THEN YOU WILL KNOW WHOS WORLD YOUR STEPPING ON.

Finn just smiled as Alex was laughing.


The Video Abruptly ended as Finn was ready and He wont back down.

August 11 2019

Summerslam has arrived after the Continuous Buildup for each Championship and Rivalry for the last couple of weeks. The Montreal cant wait for The Biggest Party Of The Summer to start as The No Disqualification Match happens before the Main Event. As Time past By, The No Disqualification Match has arrived as Everyone was ready.

Paige made her entrance as The Crowd was cheering her loud. Paige sat by the Commentery seat as She put on her Headset and waited for the Match to Start.

Alex made his entrance as He had a Sadastic smile on his face as The Crowd was booing him. Alex was also wearing his Constable outfit expect he didn't have his Vest on and His Sleeves were rolled up along with His Shirt Untucked.

Alex climbed on the Announcer table as He was smiling at Paige before doing the Cutthroat Taunt. Aled got in the ring as He did a Too Sweet Taunt along with a Cutthroat Taunt. Alex's music stopped as he was waiting for the Demon king.

Finn made his entrance as He was doing his entrance. Alex was smiling at him as Finn gave a sinister smile and Glare to Alex as He got in the ring as Smoke was covering it. The Lights came back to Normal as Finn was staring at Alex and Alex was staring at him. The Referee was checking on both of them as The Crowd was chanting Finns Name. The Bell rang and Alex Closeline Finn as Alex got out of the ring and Pulled a Kendo Stick from underneath the ring but Finn hit a

The Crowd was cheering on Finn as Finn picked Alex up but Alex pushed him to the steel steps as Alex started attacking Finn with a Kendo stick. The Kendo Stick broke as Alex whipped Balor to the Barricade as Alex grabbed Balor Again and Whipped him to the Apron. Alex was posing in front of Paige as Alex did a Too Sweet Taunt to a Spanish Commentator. Alex threw Finn back in the ring and Hit a

Alex pinned Finn but The Demon kicked out at One as Alex slapped Finn as Finn gave a Glare and Alex was laughing at Him at Finn Grabbed Alex and Hit a

Finn roared as He saw Alex in the corner as He ran and hit a Knife Edge Chop before he hit a snap mare and ran to hit a Low Dropkick. Finn pinned Alex but Alex kicked out at Two.

Five Minutes Later

There was Chairs Set up as Finn was trying to Suplex Alex on it Until Alex punched him and went for Death Valley Driver but Finn countered and went for a Exploder Suplex Before Alex got out as Both Men Punched each other but Alex grabbed Finn and Hit a

Finn was holding his back after his back hit the chairs as Alex grabbed a Chair and Climbed on the top rope and hit a

Alex pinned him but Finn kicked out at One as Alex picked him up as He started hitting Vicious Forearm strikes to Balor as Alex ran but Finn hit a Dropkick as Alex rolled out. Finn ran to hit a Baseball Dropkick but Alex grabbed him and hit a

Alex was holding his Back as Alex threw a Table in the ring but Balor Pushed Alex to the Announcer table as He got up and hit a

Alex was holding his back as Balor was laughing.

Ten Minutes Later

Alex was holding his back as Finn was down but Alex stood in the corner as He was shouting at Finn to get up as Finn got up and Alex hit a

Alex picked Balor Up as he whipped Balor to the corner and Alex hit a

Alex ran again and hit another one as Alex ran again but Finn ran and hit a

Alex was down as Finn climbed on the top rope looking for a Coup De Grace but Alex kicked him as He Climbed up and Hit a

Alex was hanging on the top rope as He flipped over and smiled at Balor. Alex grabbed a Table as He Tried to hit a Death Valley Driver But Finn got up and Hit a

Alex was down as Finn hit a Double Foot stomp on Alex but Alex kicked out at Two as Finn was down.

Twenty Minutes Later

Finn was top of the Ladder as He was gonna hit a Coup De Grace on Alex but Alex climbed up with him as Alex saw the Announcer Table as He grabbed Finn and hit a Superplex and Both Men landed on the Announcer table as The Crowd was going crazy. Referees came in as They were checking on Both men but Alex and Finn both got as The Crowd was Shocked. Both men got in the Ring as Alex Hit Balor with a

Finn was Standing as Finn hit a Big boot but Alex bounced through the Ropes and hit another boot to Balors Face but Balor hit a Forearm Strike as Finn was going for another one But Alex hit a roundhouse Kick and Grabbed Finn to hit a

Alex pinned Finn but Finn kicked at Two as Both men were down.

Thirty Minutes Later

Both men have been Exhausted as Finn hit a Bloody Sunday on Alex and pinned him but Alex kicked out as Finn tried to get Alex up But Alex hit a

Alex pinned him but Balor kicked out as Alex was down. The Crowd was going crazy as The Crowd was Chanting.

"Fight Forever"

"This Is Awesome"

Both Balor and Alex got Into Each Others face as Their Heads were close to each other. Both Men punched each other to Slapping each other as Alex hit a Big Boot and Balor bounced through the ropes and Hits a

But Alex countered into a

Alex pinned Balor but Balor kicked out as Alex rolled out with another table but Finn hit a Baseball Dropkick as Finn threw Alex to the Announcer as Finn Climbed up and hit a

Both men were down as Finn threw Alex back in the ring as Finn climbed on the top rope but Alex threw him to the ropes as Finn was holding his Nuts. Alex climbed on the middle rope and hit a

Alex grabbed Finn and hit a

Alex pinned him but Finn kicked out again as The Crowd was chanting Fight.

Fifty Minutes Later

Finn was gonna hit a Bloody sunday again but Alex threw him to the ropes and hit a

Finn got up as He was gonna do a Sling blade but Alex caught him mid air and hit a

Alex grabbed him and hit a

Alex grabbed Balor and hit a

Alex pinned him and He got the three count as Paige and the Crowd was Shocked. The Undefeated Streak of The Demon was over and Alex was laughing as His music was playing. Alex had a cut from his eye along with his Knuckles bleeding. Alex stood tall as He had a Microphone in his hand and had some words to say to Paige.

Alex: What did you say Paige? You will end my era?

The Crowd booed Alex as Alex was laughing.

Alex: Cry all you want but it doesn't change the fact that I defeated Finn Balor and Embrassed him. HAHAHAHAHA I love the sound Of Jealousy and Anger. Because it brings a Joy to my Soul

Paige was staring at Alex in Anger as He had some words to say.

Alex: You Know Paige just a While before my Match. I had a Talk with Stephanie McMahon and She said That If I win My Match against Balor not only will I keep my spot as a Authority Figure but Drum Roll Please




Alex: I get to be General Manager Elect

Paige was shocked as The Crowd was even more shocked.

Alex: So Welcome to my Era where no one can stop me. An Era that only I can control and........ A Place where without Mercy

Paige gave a Death Glare as Alex had one final sentence to finish.

Alex: Welcome To The Era Of War

Alex dropped the Microphone as He was doing a Little dance while doing Gun fingers as He was gloating his Victory.

Tuesdays Smackdown is gonna be a New Era.

A/N: Thanks for Reading and Tell me How was The Match from The Beginning to the end?

Stay Cool and Stay safe :)

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