Survivor Series

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November 24 2019

Survivor Series finally arrived as it was the first ever Smackdown vs RAW Vs NXT Brand Wars. Triple H along with Stephanie were concerned about this Clean Sweep Alex had in plan ever since he declared war on everyone. Alex was walking with Summer as he was fixing his Black button shirt and rolled his sleeves up as he was tired.

Summer: Tired?

Alex: Yeah Pumpkin.

Summer: You should really rest up after this.

Alex: Maybe I will or maybe not.

Summer: Workhorse huh?

Alex: You can say that kiddo.

Alex saw Lacey fixing her smackdown shirt as she smiled at Alex.

Lacey: Your look confident as ever.

Alex: And You Look Beautiful.

Lacey kissed Alex's cheek as He smiled at her.

The Kickoff Card was interesting indeed. Dolph and Corbin managed to win the Ten Man Interband tag team match and scored a point for Smackdown. Kalisto of Smackdown defeated Lio Rush to win the Cruiserweight championship and scored a point for Smackdown as RAW and NXT Were far behind.

Smackdown: Two Points.

Raw: Zero.

NXT: Zero

The Main Show started as the crowd of Chicago were excited to see Survivor Series as Everyone backstage was ready to kick off the action. First up was the Triple Threat NXT vs RAW Vs Smackdown Tag team match. The UE vs The Usos Vs The Revival. In the End The Revival won via shatter machine to the Usos as They score a point for Smackdown.

Smackdown: Three Points.

Raw: Zero.

NXT: Zero.

Next up was the Womens Fifteen Elimination Tag Match As Lacey along with Io, Kairi, Asuka and Rhea were getting ready for the match as Alex along with Yugoslavia and James came in.

Alex: Hey Lacey what's the matter?

Lacey: I'm worried maybe I'll mess up and-

Alex: Hey even if you mess up. I don't care as long as you did your best. You know I love you.

Lacey: I know Ambrose.

Alex: Well Give it all you got Darling.

Lacey: Thanks Alex.

Lacey kissed Alex's cheek as She smiled at him.

James: Good Luck all of you.

Draghar: Raise some hell for this match.

Io: Oh We will.

Luka: That's my girl.

Rhea: And Brutality.

James kissed her cheek as Everyone said Good luck to them and they were ready to kick this match off in style.

Ten Minutes Later

The Tag match consist of really great stars but only the best had to win. It consist of.

Raw: Natalya, Sasha, Sarah Logan and Ruby Riott.

NXT: Candice Lerae, Bianca, Kay Lee Ray, Toni, Piper Nivan.

The Match went on for Another Fifteen more minutes until Smackdown won the match as Io pinned Ruby and Won the match as Everyone celebrated with Io. Meanwhile the other teams were looking shocked and disappointed as Laceys team were doing the bullet club taunt and taunting the teams.

Smackdown: Four Points.

Raw: Zero.

NXT: Zero.

Lacey and the others made it backstage as Alex gave Summer a milkshake and smiled at Lacey.

Alex: You just kicked major ass over there.

Lacey: Even Though I got eliminated.

Alex: Hey, Its alright but at least you gave your best.

Lacey: Thanks Ambrose.

Alex and Lacey hugged each other as Summer wanted a hug as Alex picked her up and they shared a nice hug.

The Show Continued on as It was the Triple threat. NA Championship vs The IC Championship vs The US Championship. It consist of Roderick Strong, Damian Orton and AJ Styles. The Match went on for Fifteen Minutes until Damian hit a DKO On Both Styles and Then Strong and pinned both of them to get the three count.

Smackdown: Five Points.

RAW: Zero.

NXT: Zero.

The Show went on as Adam retained his championship and It was the mens Fifteen men Elimination tag match.

RAW: Seth Rollins, Ricochet, Cedric, Randy and Kevin Owens.

NXT: Ciampa, Priest, Gargano, Zieghar And Keith Lee.

Smackdown: Draghar, Rade, Luka, Blood and James.

The Match went on for Thirty Minutes as Draghar along with everyone else clean sweep everyone and Draghar pinned Ciampa to win the entire match giving Smackdown One more point as They did the Bullet Club Taunt and laughed at their opponents.

Smackdown: Six Points

Raw: Zero.

NXT: Zero.

It was now the Champion vs Champion Match as Alex despite not being champion was gonna take Kofi's place as Lacey was happy to see Alex confident about going against Brock meanwhile Stephanie didn't look too happy by the results.


Seth: I-


Natalya: We-


Stephanie left in Anger as Eveyone on RAW was embarrassed.

Five Minutes Later

Brock was going for a snap suplex on Alex but Alex countered into a

Brock rolled out as Alex grabbed him and hit a STO On the Barricade as he grabbed Brock again and hit a

The Crowd was shocked as Alex grabbed the camera and was taunting the entire audience.

Five Minutes Later

Brock hit another suplex on Alex as He was gonna go for another one but Alex jumped over his head and grabbed him to hit a

Alex kept stomping on Brock as He grabbed Brock and did another submission move.

Brock managed to get out and hit a belly to belly suplex as Alex was on the corner. Brock whipped Alex but Alex stopped himself as brock was gonna hit a clothesline but Alex countered into a

Alex grabbed Brock by the arm and hit a

Alex pinned him but he only got the two count as He did Gun fingers on Brock.

Five Minutes Later

Brock grabbed Alex for an F5 But Alex got out as Brock tried to throw Alex out of the ring but Alex countered into a

Alex grabbed Brock and put him between the ropes as he kept hitting uppercuts before Alex ran through the ropes to hit a

Alex smiled as he kept hitting knee strikes on Brocks stomach before he hit a

Alex pinned Brock but he kicked out at Two as Alex went for Taste of War but Brock got out as Alex and Brock ran through the ropes but Alex was the first to hit him.

Alex got upset as He grabbed Brock and hit a vicious.

Alex pinned him but he only got a two count as he was laughing at Paul Heyman.

Ten Minutes Later

Both men were using their MMA Background as Brock went for a right hand but Alex hit a

Brock bounced through the ropes to hit a clothesline but Alex hit a Low Superkick followed by a

Alex laughed as He was running through the ropes but Brock ran with him but Alex ducked to hit Brock with a

Alex grabbed Brock on the firemans carry and hit a

Alex pinned him but Brock kicked out as Alex grabbed Brock but Brock hit another suplex on Alex as it was the Fifteen suplex to Alex. Brock went for another German suplex but Alex countered into a

Alex laughed as he wrapped Brocks arms around him and hit a

Alex picked him up for Scythe Runner But Brock got out and hit an F5 As He pinned Alex but Alex put his leg on the ropes as Brock was upset. Brock got Alex up but Alex whipped him between the ropes and hit Brock with a

Alex did his taunt as He grabbed Brock and hit a

Alex pinned him and got the three count as Paul Was shocked while everyone else booed Alex as Alex climbed on the top rope and did his taunt.

Smackdown: Seven Points.

Raw: Zero.

NXT: Zero.

The Main event was the womens Championship match( Triple Threat) Charlotte of Smackdown vs Becky Of RAW Vs Shayna of NXT. In a Thirty Minute Brawl. Charlotte won the match as Everyone on Smackdown celebrated their win with her as Alex was with them and laughed as they won the brand war.

Smackdown: Eight Points.

Raw: Zero.

NXT: Zero.

It was a clean sweep as Alex promised for many weeks and it finally happened. Unknown to Alex. Two people were talking.

Unknown: Puddin, That Boy is smart as hell and every word he says always comes true.

Unknown: Indeed my dear but That Boy hasn't seen the worse yet.

Unknown: Oooh Puddin. I'm excited.

Unknown: As I am Dear. Let's welcome Chaos for The Warbringer HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

A/N: Thanks for Reading and Stay Cool :)

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