Chapter 1

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"Seahorse. Time to wake up." Said Seahorse's mother. Seahorse slowly opened her eyes, blinking away sleep. Her back ached by the hard, plastic bed. Since she was born, a new sheriff took over her town. But unlike the previous sheriff, he was ruthless, cruel and reckless. Not to mention, blood thirsty.

Seahorse's mother looked ragged and torn. Her dress was ragged and parts was torn off. She gently rubs Seahorse's soft, scaley skin. "Why so down in the manure, ma?" Seahorse asked. Her mother sighed. She opened her mouth to speak, until a loud yell rang: "Alright, slaves! Get to work!! I won't be dealing with lazy, worthless folks!!"

Seahorse's mother sighed before getting up and walking outside.  She followed, trailing behind her mother. The sheriff was walking around a sea of slaves and others working forcefully. He gripped a whip tightly in his hand, preparing to whip anyone without mercy. He whipped the whip on the air, a loud crack filling everyone's ears.

"Move faster, fools!! Unless you want to really get forced!!" The sheriff bellowed. Seahorse's mother picked up a pickaxe and joined in. The sheriff approached Seahorse. He let out a loud laugh. "I could use a slave as young as you, shrimp." He handed Seahorse a heavy pickaxe, which she struggled to pick up. "Work! Now!" The sheriff picked Seahorse up by the neck and threw her into the large pile of rocks that the slaves were working on.

Seahorse groaned in pain, before getting up. As she worked, She heard her mother complain. "You can't have a child work! She's only 10!! I will not stand by this!!" The sheriff lashed back. "I'm the sheriff!! Not you!! I make the rules!! Not you, slave!!" He raised a belt and smacked her with it. Seahorse watched in horror as she watched her mother get hurt . She wanted to help, but she was too weak to do anything.

The sheriff raised an unknown object and shot Seahorse's mother in the chest. Her eyes widened in horror as she realized what the object was: a gun. The rest of the slaves gasped in horror and shock. "SHUT UP!! Or else y'all are next!!" The sheriff spat. Tears started falling from Seahorse's eyes. Both from grief and from anger. "How dare he shoot my ma!!" She thought.

(That night)

Seahorse sighed in grief. Today was a rough day. But as she fell asleep, hatred flowed in her veins for the sheriff who shot her mother. "If I was sheriff, things would be different from now! I promise you, ma. I will get my revenge." She whispered , before closing her eyes to rest.

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