Chapter 3

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I lied. I still need to introduce a char lol.


I take my seat at my desk a bit angry at myself. I should've arrived at school earlier! But NOOOO I just HAD to feed that herd of stray cats and...those cows....and that dog...and some more cats, but what am I gonna do if those animals need me! I look around before spotting someone. He was kind hair, blue eyes. I jump seeing a girl shift in her seat. Same Oh god they must be twins! Her head turns slowly as she looks at me spotting me looking at her apparent brother. We make eye contact for a bit before I uncomfortably look away my eye twitching. What just happened.....?
I scribble a doodle down on my math paper the teacher rambling on about fractions. "Christopher." The kid next to me looks up at his name. "What is the answer to 14 divided by 2?" She asks. His face and everyone else's in the class goes straight. Did she just ask a mute person a question. He shifts in his seat uncomfortably pulling his hat down "spit it out, sunny." She says "Mrs.Colver he's a stupid fucking mute, you're never gonna make his mute mouth talk." The kid I thought was cute says. Most of the boys in the class and a couple girls snicker. I watch Christopher did he actually not talk??!! I just got to this school and I didn't know there was a mute student. "Oh shut up, jack ass. mrs.colver the answer is 7." The kid behind Christopher says. I look at the other kid. Brown hair, kinda chubby, looks kinda mean... I look at his name tag on his desk. It's is Brently. Okay.
(I need to do this person anyways so here's another thing for them XD)

I open the principals door ignoring the white haired kid beside the door. I was invited up here anyways. The principal looks up his glasses sliding down his nose a bit. He says my last name and I nod before sitting down hugging my back pack. "Good then. first of all welcome to the school! 2nd, I hope you enjoy this year here." He says and I smirk  "I will." I say. He nods digging in his desk and pulling a paper out "this is a map of the school if you need help go to the school representative or class president of your class. He looks at a list "his name is Cole. You'll find him by asking your class mates."  I nod oh wow! Cole must be really cool and nice to be class president! I shake in my seat excited.
     He waves me out and I walk out the kid with white hair walking in and replacing my absence.  I head to my 4th grade class grinning from ear to ear. Eva was gonna be in this class! And I would get to hang out with her during class and during recess and lunch! And meet so many new girls. Oh I hope the boys here are nice.

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