Chapter 5

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Lunch comes slower than I wanted. The kids scream as were released YESSS but sadly after recess there was still class. I get pulled into a table of girl and they pull in 2 other girls. Eva automatically starts talking to a girl who I figure out is named Maddie. "Okay shhh" the seemed main girl says. It was the same girl I had made eye contact with. Her name was Kennedy. "So as we all know boys are gross." She says and all the girls nod including me. "They have Aids, herpies, and " she leans in "cooties!!!" She whisper yells and all the girls lean back gagging I look around OH MY GOD THEY DO. I go petrified. "And me as the leader of sunshine happy land and happy to say that we have 3 new members." She points at me and the two other girls.
      "Hi." I say waving and looking down so much attention, I don't like it! I look at the boy table they were all whispering about something...except of course the mute one. "I hope you guys know the secret code of our people." Kennedy says looking straight at me. I shrug but the Maddie girl nods wildly  making Eva giggle. "Good. Maddie please teach valentine the code. Of course do it in private we don't want any ucky boys joining in on this. We're holding a meeting today after school. And then after that we play emos vs vampires, but before we play games we HAVE to go to hot topic and buy some emo clothes for our new gals!"  She looks over making me look back at the boys table. The mute guy was looking over here "LOOK AWAY VAMPIRE SCUM" Kennedy screams at him. He hisses making most of the girls at the table gasp.
      "He has threatened the Emo race!" A couple girls repeat. What the fuck is happening... One girl hisses back making him smile and return to his food. Was that kid popular or not!? I thought he was a loser but now it seems he's in terms with the girls!??? Or am I mistaken? What the heck.

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