Chapter 8

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(Another milk chapter sorry I'll work on others I promise just the plot doe)

"Nice dolly little girl."
"HEY THATS MINE SERIOUSLY" the 3rd grader cries out angrily. The 5th grade girls toss a doll around giggling and laughing. I scratch my chin frightened at their size "they're so huge. This is the worst." One girl looks over our way cutting her laugh off right as she sees Christ, who was looming over my shoulder. I look at him even if he was in 4th grade his size made him look like he was meant in 6th grade. The girl nudges the other girl next to her spitting out a piece of grass.
They sneer at us another one of them snapping the dolls arms off pushing it into the girls arms. The one who spit out the grass walks over "what's up, fourthys." She says looking at me. I cower down, oh god 5th graders were scary. "We-w-we need your help" I say quietly "SPEAK UP" she says making me jump. Christ just stands there. God damnit help me! I plead in my mind at Christ. I rub my hand on my cheek nervous "we were sent over to get your help." I say a bit louder tugging at Christs backpack. Christ pulls out the photos and we hold them out. The girl snatches them looking at them she looks up after a while laughing before showing her friends the photos. They giggles and nudge each other. "We'll help you out but you'll haft to do something for us fourthy."
Their eyes narrow and I look at Christ who shrugs. I wonder when he'll actually say something. Is it super rare? I'll have to ask Brently, or Cole. "Good choice." The main girl cracks her knuckles. "We'll always be here to help you out if you can get us some good shit." The girls behind her nod wildly agreeing with her decision. "Good shit???" I ask confused. "You know..." She says.
Christ let's out a small gasp before holding up his finger and running into a room. I hear a small hum and mumbles. Was he talking!!!! AGH I wanna hear, but I keep my place. There's other time for that.... The girls look at eachother surprised at the out burst from Christ. After a minute or so he walks back out. "What was that." The main one says. Christ holds up his finger before a couple people with sunglasses on burst through the doors rushing towards us. WHAT THE FUCK, I get ready to run but they stop looking at us. The place a couple boxes on the floor as Christ digs in his pockets. What the heck..this isn't a cartoon right?! That was quick, to quick! He pulls out some money and pays and they leave, just like that. He kicks over the boxes the girls mouths open.  "Name's Reaux." She says smiling "we'll definitely help YOU out" Christ shakes her hand and I start to explain the plan.


I start walking outside passing the bathroom a group of boys there. I walk backwards, were the boys in front of the girls....bathroom!? "HEY" I scream waving my hands. A couple of them scatter except Allen, Dunkin, Cole, Brently, and a couple other boys I don't know. Brently starts giggling when Noah walks out instantly spotting me. "WHAT the HELL ARE YOU DOING IN THE GIRLS BATHROOM WEIRDO" I shove Noah angrily "EH! EH! There's nothing I was doing just checking it out!" Noah says. I narrow my eyes looking at Brently "tell me!" I say angrily "all he did was take a dump calm your tits." The boys walk off leaving me dumbfounded and grossed out. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

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