Chapter 1

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  Audrey woke up in a room she hasn't seen since she was 11 years old. She looked around at the light pink walls. "How is this possible?" She asks her self. Audrey shrugs it off and walks into her bathroom. She looks at her reflection and screams. The girl she saw in the mirror was a girl merely 10 years old, it took the girl a moment to figure out what was going on. "This all makes sense now. I'm ten again!" She exclaims, the young girl finished brushing her hair before walking back into her bedroom. She quickly grabs her cell phone from her bed side table and texts her friends.

Hey guys! ~A

Morning people! ~L

Does anyone find it weird that Evie hasn't said anything, I mean she is always the first one to respond? ~D

Yah, that is kinda weird Doug! ~B

I'm guessing none of you have looked in the mirror this morning? ~A

No.... why? ~J

Go! It's kinda hard to explain... ~A

Oh my god! ~L

Why are we ten again? ~B

You guys should come to my place, this obviously is magic and my mom is the best person to go to for that type of stuff! ~J

K, see you in a bit! ~ D

With that Audrey got up. She picked out a white dress with a pink cardigan. She then skipped down the stairs of her castle to the living area. "Mommy, Daddy, could you please drive me to Jane's house? Please!" Audrey said sweetly. "Of course darling, just let me find my keys." Her father replies happily.

King Philip's car pulled into the driveway of Fairy godmother's house, " bye daddy! I'll see you later!" Audrey says as she gives her father a hug. "Have fun honey, and text me when you want me to come get you" he calls after his daughter who was now walking up to the front door. Audrey nodded in response as she knocks on her friends front door. Jane opened the door with a warm smile inviting the older girl into her home.

Soon after the others arrived. The kids went up to Jane's bedroom where they were sure nobody would be able to over hear their conversation. "I know we should figure out what is going on here and every thing but, don't you guys think we should be worried about Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos?" Questioned Ben. The others nodded in agreement. "Don't worry Ben, they will be fine. Mal is strong. They all are." Lonnie says softly to the older boy. "But how is this even possible? There has to be a reasonable explanation. It's not every day that you get sent back in time!" Exclaimed Doug as he waved his arms around.
Suddenly the door opened and in came Fairy Godmother. "I couldn't help but over hear. Children, will you please explain what you mean?" She asked nicely. The group of kids looked at each other, as if they were talking to one another. "Well, last night when we went to bed we were 16 and in our dorms at Auradon Prep," Audrey explains, "but then when we woke up this morning we were 10 again!" Fairy Godmother was silent for a moment, almost as though she was struggling to comprehend what the little girl had just said. "Oh, well there are only two people who would be capable of doing this, myself and... um... Maleficent!" The woman informed the group of children in front of her. She looked around at the kids to see the sad, defeated expressions they all wore. She suspected that there was something these kids weren't telling her, "Is there anything else I should know?" She asked after a few moments of an awkward silence. "Well, you see, our very good friends Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos are from the Isle of the Lost and when they came to Auradon they were supposed to steal your wand. When they didn't complete their mission and chose good over evil we guess their parents, one of them being Maleficent, got angry and are probably doing this to get back at them for not freeing the villains!" Jane said, she was very afraid, for she and Carlos had only just started to date! "Well then, I guess we should go and save them shouldn't we?!" Fairy Godmother asked the group in front of her. She then proceeded to walk out of the room leaving the group of worried kids behind her.

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