~Chapter 5~

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Galaxy was falling through the whole Serververse she went past some universes Shrek universe, kung fu panda, Madagascar, and how to train your Dragon!

As Galaxy was falling to her stop to TrollsTopia a DreamWorks logo came up and representing the intro

When galaxy fell to the ground it made a big explosion with a lightning bolt

Galaxy got up from the The hole that made a wolf Logo

Galaxy's ears were down like a dog then she left them up again

What is this?
Galaxy looked at her legs and realized she was squished

Galaxy Inflated herself then she became her normal height

What the I'm a troll?
Galaxy looked at herself as a cartoon troll

Is this where the games gonna happen?
Galaxy looked around trollsTopia to see if anyone's around

Where is everytroll?
Galaxy sees no trolls in trollsTopia but herself

Galaxy shouted

Galaxy shouted in a dead end

Galaxy shouted quietly in a tiny hole

Galaxy shouted in the sky loudly that you can hear her from space

Galaxy kept walking to the big mushroom until she was on top of it but then suddenly she found a random recently chocolate cupcake on the floor

Why is there a random cupcake on the floor
Galaxy was confused

When suddenly and a bull critter came running towards galaxy Fast

Galaxy shouted in fear

Galaxy when around the big mushroom with the bull still chasing her until they both meet up face-to-face when suddenly..

Hi welcome to trollsTopia :D
Queen Poppy came from above the bull

Galaxy flinch and hides on top of a tree

Poppy came towards the cupcake that was on the ground and put a cherry on top
With an extra cherry on top 😁
Poppy said

Queen Poppy?
Galaxy poked her head out of the tree but then the branch breaks and she falls off the tree and flopped on the ground

Poppy said

Poppy! I can't believe! Bring it here!
Galaxy squeeze Poppy when hugging her

Poppy was about to say a word

Listen pops I need your help
Galaxy placed Poppy down

You missed your queue 😏
Poppy pointed at the cupcake

Oh yeah 😌
Galaxy picks up the cupcake and eats it

OK here
Poppy it puts Galaxy in a Bash suit

Now say iM hUnTiNg QuEeN pOpPy AND TRY TO CHASE ME!
Poppy ran to her pod and went to her storage

Poppy wait!
Galaxy took off the suit and ran after Poppy

Galaxy was trying to chase after Poppy but then the whole stuff that Poppy had in her storage fell on Galaxy

Galaxy came to the surface for a breath

Oh I shouldn't seem that coming
Galaxy set on the stuff to take a little break but then suddenly in the dune huggie car came out from the storage

Galaxy shouted as she was running away from the car

I had to keep that safe 😁
Poppy said when she was driving the dune huggie Towards Galaxy chasing her

(not my art)

The Dune huggie car Chases Galaxy towards the whole tribes city's

Say have I seen you somewhere?
Poppy said to Galaxy

Suddenly when still chasing Galaxy everything stopped in mid air

Hey you're that famous celebrity girl come on in!aren't you Xx_GalaxyWolfGamer_xX!
Poppy recognize

Then everything went back to reality

Queen Poppy knows who I am😲😄
Galaxy said

Poppy grabbed galaxy to the dune huggie

Yeah I may be a pop troll in a pod but we still get
Cupcake à la Śplode
Poppy hold up the cupcake

Woah is that a-
Galaxy back the way a little even though the cupcake was her favorite

Yup cover your ears X
Poppy threw the cupcake on to a bridge that they were going to, then the bridge exploded

Why would you do that pops?!
Galaxy yelled

Dune huggie One over the cliff and started to fall

Galaxy was screaming as she was falling

I'm a troll, X! I can survive anything
Poppy used her hair to get on top Of the cliff

Galaxy yelled as she was falling

Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! AHHH 😱
Galaxy started to hit the rocks that was on the side of the cliff after she hit the rocks she fell on the ground but came back out alive

That was deeply upset...
Galaxy flopped on the ground

I do not understand this world
Galaxy said

Poppy came
Oops my bad X

Poppy put Galaxy back up and gave her a chocolate cupcake in her mouth

Galaxy eats the cupcake

So how long have you been alone out here
Galaxy questioned

Alone? you're never alone when you have friends like mine😄, ain't that right Branchie!
Poppy had a plush in her hand

Ummm that's just a plush homemade
Galaxy said

*le gasp* Branchie did you just hear what she just called you!
Poppy yelled to the plush

The ear fell off from the plush

So what brings you here in trollsTopia  X
Poppy said

For cupcakes?
Poppy had cupcakes in her hands

For the axolotls
Poppy grabbed one of axolotl from the river

To bring The rock life
Poppy whispered As she was talking about the spiky collar that Galaxy on her neck

Oh to bring Niko back 😄
Poppy said

Who is Niko-
Galaxy said

i Am nIkO aNd ScArEd Of NoTiNg
Poppy put on a axolotl on her head to make her look different

.__. All I know who is that an algorithm kidnapped my best friend and I need to get him back I think his name was Sergel?
Galaxy explained

Did you Say Sergel!
Poppy said as they randomly teleported in branch's bunker

Yeah that's right Sergl, Serg, whatever
Galaxy said

That's my new enemy he took away my friends from trollsTopia!
Poppy said

He kicked him out?!
Galaxy said

Well not exactly he buttered them up! saying they were wasting their time there is much more to see than old trollsTopia they made them turn their backs on who they really are even Branch left me!
Poppy explained

They all left all of them
Poppy sat on the table eating the The chocolate that was in the jar and became drunk

AnD i WiSh ThEm aLl ThEiR bEsT iN tHeIr
NeW dReAm.
Poppy said as she slammed her self on the table

Oh sorry Pop that's terrible families are everything
Galaxy said

Poppy look At the picture at their friends but mostly branch
Yup 🥺 Family..

Well Queen Poppy I need to assemble a team trust me this Sergel guy asked me for it and I need to get the team before that clock goes down
Galaxy pointed at the clock that says five hours left

Hold up X so you want me a talking cartoon troll who is queen of the trolls and is going to play basketball with a hip-hop and rap superstar in basketball game it sounds a little bit familiar
Poppy said And she stared at the wattpad

Who are you talking to but yes that sounds great and true
Galaxy said

Well I do have one thing that could help the both of us!
Poppy said

Poppy was going on top of the bunker
Who said that?

It was...... Me
Cloud guy said as he came up with an actual bigger UFO that he's on

Hey Poppy how's it going
Cloud guy said as he was going in front of Galaxy and flow on top of her

Cloud guy?!
Galaxy said

For real?
Galaxy cannot believe it was the actual cloud guy

Oh yeah I just wanted to say the clouds that I had here we're all my family and the time that I will try to maybe annoy my best friend with them
Cloud guy said

Oh Ok cloud well we will just get on my ship and out of your way
Poppy said

Oh it's quite all right you know you're my favorite troll
Cloud guy said

Come on let's go!
Poppy pushed galaxy to the ship

Isn't this his ship?
Galaxy said

Nice try pop but you're not stealing my ship
Cloud guy had a cloud gun and shot it at Galaxy which is making her float

Woah WOAH!
Galaxy was floating in the air but then poppy stopped it and she grabbed her tail

You're next!
Cloud guy shot the cloud gun at poppy

Reverse back at you!
Poppy grabbed a wind blower and blew it at the bullet that was coming at Poppy and went to cloud guy instead

Are you coming galaxy or would you rather float?
Poppy said as she was bringing galaxy to the the ship

Poppy just watch out for the- Ow I just said watch out for the- POPPY!
Galaxy was getting hit by the door

As they both got on the ship they flew off of trollsTopia

You got me now Poppy very impressive😌
Cloud guy said as he was floating

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