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He blinked, leaning against the car as he waited for Nick to get his wheelchair out of the house.

He breathed in the heavy air of New York, it was unusually foggy. And it had been so long since he had last been outside. He relished the moment, and also treaded it. He relished it because it meant he got out of this horror house and treaded it because it only meant that he was probably going to find himself in jail for the rest of his life. He wasn't naive enough to think they'd come back for him if something went wrong. No, Lennons didn't do that, they left you to stand your ground alone.

Of course, he wasn't alone outside, the twins had been flanking him like guard dogs, which, they probably were.
Fergus was leaning against the black van, his fingers latched onto the red bandana that was tied around his wrist, hidden under the dark coloured coat. He snapped his green eyes, that had specks of gold in them, towards Braxton. He shot him a glare, the blue-eyed twin answering with same. He was smoking, standing a couple of feet from Fergus, making the smoke blow into the dark-haired teens face.

It tickled his nose and scratched his throat, making him sneeze a couple of times. The smell was disgusting, and Fergus loathed the swirling smoke. The pack of cards was safely ducked into his pocket, the weight of it was calming. He didn't like magic tricks, not anymore. But this was what he needed to stay sane, he needed a reminder that a couple of weeks hadn't wiped his past and that he still had a past. Poor, dark and not average, he still had it nevertheless.

Mrs. Lennon strolled towards the van, lifting a duffel bag onto the back seat. It was filled with something heavy, but Fergus just kept his cool, looking as if he was bored out of his mind.

I mean, he was going to kill Tony Stark. Or that what those around him thought.

"Ashton, you'll drive. He'll be out exactly 5 PM, be precise and be on your positions by then," she said, even though she was shorter than the tree teens, she looked at them with such coldness as if she was looking at her servants or subjects instead of her children. Braxton let the burnt-out cigarette fall from his fingers, he stepped on it angrily. "What if Mongrel won't be able to do his part." Almost instinctively, he raised his lip a little, a low growling sound almost leaving his chest. Instead of glaring and saying something spiteful, Fergus freeze, too startled to function on anger.

Mrs. Lennons steel gaze rested on the tall teen, her gaze unfazed by the gold swirling in his green irises. "He will, and if he falters, we believe you will aid him. Good luck." was all she said before turning on her heels and leaving the three boys standing near the van.

Braxton snorted, sitting in the front before slamming the van door with too much force. He didn't even try to hide how agitated he was. "Here, you know what to do. Sir told that you press this, here, see?" Ashton said gently, giving Fergus the small circular object that was to be attached on Tony Starks suit. Mr. Lennon had called it a Sleepzer, his own little invention.

All Fergus knew was that it was supposed to paralyze the man for a couple of minutes. He nodded, grabbing the item with his left hand because his right one was bandaged. It was healed, but he didn't want them knowing it.

The ride was quiet, Braxton turning on some hip hop and jazz mixed music. Fergus couldn't help but look at the duffle bag next to him warily, hesitant to know what was in the bag. "Where will he meet with us?" he asked, breaking the silence in the car. He could see the twins sharing a surprised glance. Nick had told that he was going to come, but he had also hinted that someone was. Not saying anything directly, but Fergus had always had a habit of eavesdropping and judging situations. He tried to relax his posture, he had to play it off as if he was one of the Lennons.

"Right there. Leah will be a couple of blocks north, you get a small injury, ignore it, anything bigger you find her and get back. She'll be nearby." Ashton said, giving away more than he probably had intended. So, Nick was going to be there, why else would he want Leah there, for the twins? For Fergus? If anyone believed that, they would have to be quite naive. "And Jo?" Brax snorted, yet Fergus could see the way he was gripping the steering wheel. "Of course she stays home, she is his ace, the hidden gem. She could literally sing a suicide song to someone and the person would probably kill themselves. Sir wouldn't put someone like Jo in danger." Ash said, wrinkling his nose as if it was obvious. And Fergus' heart broke a little, he had known all along that Nick cared about no one, but he had hoped that just maybe Jo had managed to squirm her way into the man's heart. But no, even Jo's puppy dog eyes couldn't keep her safe from Nicks plans.

"Don't worry, we'll get revenge on Remington. I don't understand, how could Stark kill so many innocent people, yet walk around freely." there was no hatred in Ashton's voice, just wonder and curiosity. And Fergus couldn't help but wonder what sort of drugs was he on.

The closer they got to Starks tower, the busier the foggy streets became. The sky was grey, threatening to open to doors of rain. "Shut it, Ash."

Braxton snapped, pulling to a stop on Starks parking lot. He could see people wearing fancy clothes come and go to their cars, most of the time jogging in a hurry. He pulled the key out, shoving it into his pocket as the boys got out of the van. Ashton scanned the place, standing between the camera and Brax who was opening the duffle bag.

Fergus' throat went dry, seeing the heavy guns, grenades, and bombs in the bag. What were they planning? A suicide mission? He thought frantically, biting his lip nervously. He didn't respect Stark, he had killed Ref, thrown the bomb, but to take down a whole building and many innocents, wasn't it hypocritical? "Here, you get the small ones." Brax said lowly, thrusting two guns into Fergus' chest, sliding small knives and a fucking grenade in one of his coat pockets as well.

"Arsebadger! What the hell?!" he hissed, hiding the small guns into the inside pockets of his coat, his fingers burning and cold shudder running down his back. The small guns had been heavy and shiny, it was a frightening thought, to know what sort of dangerous things one could hide in their pockets.

The twins hid the other weapons on their body, sliding the van door shut. "Those were loaded, I truly hope no one has taught you how to shoot one and you accidentally blow off your head." Brax said, seemingly satisfied with Fergus' startled expression. He was too afraid to even move, there was a grenade on his being.

Why the hell did you give me those? I just needed the Sleepzer, that was my task!” he said angrily, hiding the anxiety under the thick layers of masks. He was torn, he was confused, he was hurt and utterly lost.

What has his life become to?

“Precautions, you never know how things may play out. You'll be fine. Now, let's get to our positions, good luck and don't fail.” Ash said, following his brother after giving Fergus a stern look that said we'll break your legs if you fail.

Little did they know, he had absolutely no intentions succeeding. Turning around he wiped every emotion from his face, casually strolling near the entrance, haltering there as he blended into the shadows.

He wasn't sure where to keep his hands because apparently, his pockets were full of knives and guns. He had thought if he ever touched a gun he would feel badass, but that was far from that, it was just fear.

He could feel the weight of it, and once he heard the familiar sound of a raven trying to startle him, he just turned his head to the side a little, glaring towards the large bird who was standing a couple of feet from him.

The bird tilted its large head as if saying what are you doing. Fergus looked back towards the entrance of the building, dismissing the dark coloured bird. There had been way too many weird things happening, the bird was starting to get normal.

It flapped its wings, catching unwanted attention. “Shut up.” Fergus said lowly, glaring towards the bird who just hopped closer, and closer, and closer...

He stared at the creature, freezing as the bird who had always ignored close proximity was now approaching him in free will. Suddenly he pushed himself off the ground, beating his strong wings to get wind under them and then he was heading towards Fergus. The teen turned his head away instinctively, closing his eyes.

Only to snap them back open when he felt the birds heavy weight on his shoulder. The creature was perching on his shoulder, looking as smug as ever. To Fergus' surprise, he didn't even have the mind to brush the raven off him. Instead, he turned back towards the entrance, hoping that everything would be okay in the end.

Or how okay can someone be after losing his friend, discovering abilities, being adopted and on top of that, being told to restrain Tony Stark so some psychopath could get revenge.

Yes, everything was going to be just fine.

Okay so, some feedback would be amazing guys, hope you enjoyed it.
Lots of love x

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