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Three days later Fergus was bored and fuming.

He could feel it underneath his skin, it was slithering under the surface, whispering in his ear, driving him almost mad.

It started with itching, at first it was his neck, then it was his torso, and before he knew it, even his toes were itchy. He had been scratching so forcefully, only the sight and smell of blood had snapped him out of it. He had watched underneath the cold lights as a thin layer of blood had coated his fingertips. It hadn't even been a week and he had ruined his clothes.

Then came the sweating, he couldn't sleep anymore. Not that he wanted to sleep anyways, sleeping was for the weak. His mind was troubled. No longer could he really think logically. There were more primal thoughts in his mind. Like the fact that he was locked behind four walls and he couldn't move on his free will. Even the bruises that were almost healed did not bother him.

His eyes danced from one corner to another, almost paranoid as he scratched his ankles again. He bit the inside of his cheek to keep from growling, he didn't want to appear like a locked away feral animal. Even though he most definitely felt like one.

One time when he was asleep, he almost swore there was someone sitting on his chest. He couldn't move, couldn't open his eyes but be could feel the coldness, and someones boney fingers almost biting into his chest. A cold shudder had ran down his spine, and he couldn't tell if it was his own mind or someone had really been whispering in his ear. The voice had belonged to a female, even though it was slightly raspy, as if it was an old woman.


Once he managed to open his eyes, he had stumbled up, growling defensively as he studied every nook and cranny, smelled every corner, but there was nothing but the smell of iron.

And then his appetite grew, it seemed as if the angrier he got, the hungrier the beast under his skin became. He had lashed out to the guards who had kept bringing him food. Had demanded them to bring him more protein, more sugar, more everything. But they just glared and sometimes zapped him with electricity if he became too vocal. He'd bit down a whimper and scurry away from the glass wall.

Whatever he had been planning was forgotten. He was livid.

And he wanted to get out, he couldn't stand to be in anymore.

He let out a deep, low growl as he balled his fists and glared at the thin cuffs. He didn't care about the pain, couldn't even feel it anymore. Only the burning line in his core that became more and more powerful. He could feel it, the bent up energy that sizzled and crackled in the air and under his skin.

And then it came, the small noise of breaking of wires. They pooled on the ground, with the slight dripping of blood that had been running down his knuckles at the force the cuffs had been digging into his skin. He kept growing lowly, angry at the smell of blood, his blood.

Something jumped in the corner of his eye, making him snap around and crouch down in defensive position slightly. Someone laughed, and he felt his skin bristle. “Burn.”

The temperature dropped, he could hear the laughter as he kept turning around and around and around, but he only caught glimpses that disappeared into the air. “Burn, burn them.” his teeth snapped, trying to catch the black mass that kept jumping from corner to corner and then disappear.

Fergus' mind no longer belonged to him, but something ancient and primal. Something that had been asleep for a long, long time.

And he knew that he did not appreciate being behind those four walls. His head snapped towards the entrance when be heard numerous feet running down the hall. He backed away, trying to find a way out, a place to hide. They grew nearer, and so did the monster within.

When they pointed their guns at him, demanding him to back down, demanding him to obey as they tangled a new pair of cuffs in front of his face, he raged.

He took two steps back, collapsing on the ground as his back bent unnaturally, making it break, the crack echoed through his sensitive ears. But all he was focused on was burning them. The hair that spurt over his hands and back was thick and raised in agitation. He could hear it again, the laughter that seemed to echo only in his ears. The guards stepped back, intimidated by Fergus' size and the monster that he could turn into. He growled lowly, drowning out their frantic babbling, they were calling for help. “Chaos, we need chaos, burn them, Vargr.

It whispered in his ear, the voice that was sweet and mischievous. Fergus puffed his chest, showing then he was not afraid, not going to bow to them like a dog. Tail raised, he took a step closer, feeling as though he was too large for the room. With a ferocious growl, he bounced at the group. Most scattered, but two were the preys of his sharp teeth and claws that easily ripped through their uniform, bullet vests and tender skin. He licked his chops, trying to get the metallic taste off his tongue as he lowered his head, ears flattened against his skull as he stepped over the convulsing bodies.

Bullets went flying, they sunk through his thick fur and planted themselves into his body. He howled in pain, the adrenaline making it sting rather than anything else.

He turned and ran, heading towards the door that he had never gone through. Clutching his eyes shut, he rammed into the wall, surprisingly flying right through it. He shook his head to rid his fur of rubble. When the dust cleared, he headed towards the stairs, taking ten in one leap. A door was opened, and he ran towards it, knocking down the person who had been entering. The alarms started blaring as screams seemed to follow him on his wake.

He ignored the screeching alarm that almost made his ears bleed, instead, he kept choosing stairs that would take him higher and higher. He couldn't think straight as he crashed into people, walls and shattering windows.

This was chaos.

He knew there were many after him, this place was crawling with agents, but Fergus didn't care. He just followed the whispers. Nothing else mattered.

Outside, a storm was brewing. Lighting flashed in the horizon, making the earth rumble.

Fergus dodged a couple of bullets that had been aimed for his legs, to get him down. Panic was taking a hold of him, it kept beating in his blood system, making him even more oblivious to the dents he kept leaving in the walls whenever he slammed into them accidentally. The ground seemed to go by in seconds, before he knew it, he had passed seventy floors.

Here, up. Go up.” specs of frost covered the ground he had ran over, glistening in the air as it gently hovered above the ground. A chill had slithered into the building as the wolf kept viciously ripping its way through people and whatever stood in his way.

He skidded to a halt when he realised he was hit with a gust of fresh air. Fluffy ears perked up, he eyed the play of wind in front of him suspiciously. He jumped as the ground crackled, a gash running over the landing place. He whimpered, a dangerous feeling creeping up when he realised something was wrong. The wind howled, ruffling his dark fur as he tried to back away.

Something small attacked his cuff, latching onto him with such strength it made him stumble forward. He tried to bite at the dark wrinkly hands that kept getting tighter and tighter around his neck. Fergus fell on his back with a loud thud, trying to shake the small thing off that was like glued to him.

enough of chaos.”

It pulled at his fur, boney hands steering the oblivious wolf towards the hole that seemed to stretch over the landing place. He snapped his jaws as he tried to bend his neck enough to get the creature off him. But the ground under his back legs seemed to give in, yelping, he tried to pull himself out of it, ignoring the small creature in his back trying to pull at his fur.

A mighty cry of a large black bird came pummeling towards Fergus. With a swift leap, the creature on Fergus' back jumped, meeting the gigantic bird in mid-air. It was a merely mass of dark shadows as it pierced the birds chest with a dagger. Bruno, as Fergus had named him, cried out and flapped its midnight wings frantically before slowly turning into golden dust.

Fergus barked, unable to drag himself out of the jawning ground. He looked up, realising the eye of the storm was just above his head. With a strong push by the small creature who was barely the size of Fergus' head, the wolf fell into an endless abyss.

He kept falling as the air was pushed out of his lungs. Pain seemed to burn brightly in his veins as he slowly lost consciousness.

The storm was over and the chaos as well.

But for how long?

I'm alive.

Hope you are, too. Stay safe, please.

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