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He sat down behind the table filled with food. He took a deep breath in, his eyes glazed over as he closed them in bliss, feeling his heartbeat slowing down. His senses had sharpened tremendously after the long run. His nose picked up duller smells, eyes spotted shadows in the dark and even his feet were better connected with the ground. He could tell who was moving and how far they were. Of course, his senses dulled slightly when he was back on two feet and instead of fangs and claws he possessed the human features again.

It sure was strange, but Fergus loved it.

 He straightened his back, eyes sliding over the large hall lazily as people buzzed around him, taking their seats. There was plenty of empty space around him. He knew it wasn't because he was simply new around the town, it was fear. He smelt it, and once again, he didn't mind. Because it felt powerful, exhilarating.

The ceiling was high, numerous chandeliers hanging above them. He squinted his eyes, realising the tiny crystals were holding fire in them, the small flames acting like light bulbs of sort. His eyes widened in surprise, it was magic. The harder he looked, the more he understood it. It wasn't actually fire in crystals, these were creatures, almost like tiny bugs, or fairies? Agitated, they kept pushing against the glass, but no matter what they did, they were still stuck. Fergus was convinced that soon enough he wouldn't be able to tell from such distance, once the effects of a wolf disappeared he would, most likely, go back to his duller human senses.

His eyes snapped upwards once again as a whoosh of air made everyone's clothes and hair sway slightly. Aurgrímnir landed graciously, folding his wings with a small shuffle of dark brown feathers as he straightened his back. The cape he wore touched the ground and his every step was so smooth it made it look as if he was gliding over the polished floors.

“Show off.” Fergus mumbled under his breath, squinted eyes following the man's steps like every other pair of eyes.  He caught Aurgrímnir's gaze for a second, frowning at the playful glint in then, he had heard.

The man moved up to the table that was at the end of the room, standing on a higher platform. He went to stand beside it along with a couple of other people. Fergus guessed it was the council or something, he wants completely familiar with the hierarchy and roles of everyone.

The room was filled with laughter and talking, which sounded more like hissing or foreign language in his ears. Suddenly a silence fell upon the hall, and Fergus looked around curiously, noticing the slender, yet tall form of the Queen entering. Her attire was definitely eye-catching, the horns on her head catching the light if the fire as they shimmered just slightly.
Her steps were confident as she walked straight towards the highest chair that overlooked the entire hall.

She walked over to her spot, Aurgrímnir standing beside her as she raised a pitch-black goblet littered with golden and green gemstones. Fergus could see them as light reflected from the tiny jewels. Everyone following her lead, standing up.

Unlike Fergus who hadn't moved an inch, still looking at the scene before him curiously. They acted like a bunch of pigs and a cult at the same time, it was a bit... Frightening.

“It has begun.” she started, her voice sharp, yet melodic in a way, low and cold like ice. It demanded attention, commanded to not just be heard, but seen as well.

“The purging, the falling of old gods, of old beliefs. We are soon entering a new era, a new age in this endless domain of worlds and puny gods who do not know how to rule.” Fergus felt the excitement in the air, her words stirred something in the people around him. Even though he was still a bit lost, not understanding the meaning behind them.

“Soon, we will take back what is rightfully mine, rightfully ours. And now we have gained a new ally, our triumph will be inevitable. Let us celebrate it. Let us celebrate Fenrir. Skål!”

People cheered, feet thrumming against the ground as the Queen took her first sip of the night, and just like that, everyone dug into the food.

Fergus didn't know what to think of it, he was, after all, sitting behind a table with centaurs and immortal people who may or may not be dead. He eyed the food, his mouth watering at the smell of it. Yet, he could hardly tell what kind of food it was. He saw chicken legs, ham rolls, piles of cheese among things he couldn't name.

A shadow flickered next to him, a flash of brown feathers and cold eyes met his.

“The Queen demands your presence, my lord,” Aurgrímnir said with a small, mocking bow as he stepped back, letting Fergus get up. He could feel many pairs of eyes upon them, curiously looking at the scene unfolding.

Fergus didn't care enough to roll his eyes. Instead, he stepped past the winged man and headed right towards the Queen, no hesitation in his step.

She didn't turn to look at him as he stood by her side awkwardly, a bit lost at what to do, should he bow? Should he announce his presence, should he sit?

Aurgrímnir took a seat on the right of Hela, the left seat remaining empty.

“Sit.” she said, almost lazily as she swung her leg over her knee and leaned back, hands on the armrests that resembled snarling wolves.

Fergus sat down, eyes sliding over the large hall. He wasn't sure why he was called up with the Queen, the balding man beside him glared at him, as soon as he realised Fergus was looking, he glanced away, leaning in to whisper with the man next to him.

“Eat.” one-worded commands was not really something Fergus liked. He didn't even like the way she spoke to him. But she was the Queen, as much as he knew she had every right.

Fergus took a set of ribs soaked in some sort of marinade, dropping it on the silver plate before him. The bald man who had given him an evil eye before flashed his eyes again, agitated by his inelegance. Fergus turned his head, blatantly staring at the man who turned away immediately as if his stare burned him physically.

“Your wolves have been missing you, I was informed the hounds appeared to you immediately.” it wasn't a question, but a statement, so he didn't answer. Fergus' green eyes shot to Aurgrímnir who simply ignored him. He knew the other man had kept his eye on Fergus, he had felt it.

“Once you are ready, we will gather our forces. Until then, I want you to give it your all to stay focused.” Hela said, finally looking at the boy beside her. Fergus kept the eye contact, even though he wasn't sure if it was allowed.

“Gather our forces? For what exactly?” Displeasure flashed in her eyes, he could see it burning. But he was uneasy, what was going on?

“To get back what belongs to you of course, isn't it what you wish for? To be... Avenged? You poor soul, I can not imagine what it feels like. To have been abandoned like that. After years of being chained, only to be used as the victim of dark magic and be sent to Midgard? My, my, don't you have a difficult family my poor child.” Fergus felt himself stiffen at her words, he wanted her to keep on talking, but at the same time, he had a strong urge to make her stop. He didn't want to hear it, even though he had wanted to know for years. But this... This wasn't what he was ready for.

“Gather your forces for what, your highness?” that's the proper way to call her, right? At least that's what he has heard everyone else say.

Hela sighed, sliding her hands over her horns that, well, Fergus wasn't completely sure were real horns, they looked like spikes, and he watched as they moulded into long, black hair that flowed down her back and stopped just above her hips. “For war, darling.” her voice was low, almost raspy and filled with so much coldness Fergus could almost feel it.

“War? On Earth?” he felt his pulse quicken, sure it was filled with assholes, but... Thea was there, Jo was there, Mary —or Margareth, Fergus just couldn't remember anymore— was still somewhere either in a foster home or orphanage. What would happen to them? What was she thinking of doing to them all?

“you're hesitating.” she wasn't pleased, and Fergus was growing tense. She was dangerous, her jaw ticked but other than that, she seemed to be unbothered. “I have friends there.” he answered quietly, not wanting his bald neighbour to hear. Hela's mouth stretched into a smile, almost mocking one.

“Humans, they are like snakes Fenrir. You can feed them, offer them care, your affection. But once you turn your back on them, they won't hesitate to attack you. With gods you can expect it, they can't lie, humans however... Even though dense and terribly useless, are good liars.”

Oh didn't he know it.

Still, this wasn't the right way. This wasn't what he had signed up for. He had just wanted to find his family, his roots. He had thought that perhaps they were druggies, or just life hadn't been generous to them, and he would have been alright with that. But this? This was insane.

“Is this truly necessary, your highness? You have a whole realm.”

There it was, the anger that flashed through her eyes as they landed on him. She raised her hand, placing it gently on his cheek. He didn't breathe, completely frozen under her alluring touch.

It burned him, it was so cold. He felt odd, tingling feeling where her skin touched his, and suddenly his body felt heavy, even though still frozen. He didn't see it, but the pale skin had turned blue underneath her freezing touch.

And then things became numb, and Hela became almost golden in his eyes.

“You're thinking too much, darling.”

And her every word sounded like sunny mornings and he could not tear his eyes from her as she pulled back. It was like he wasn't in his own body, like he was just... There.

She turned away, pouring something to drink for herself and for Fergus.

“Enjoy the entertainment, my pet” she waved at some of the guards and Fergus' dull eyes turned towards the middle of the room where two chained creatures had been tossed. He watched, almost with disgust and curiosity as a half-circle appeared around them and they were cut loose from the chains.

They were humans, or appeared to be, but they acted like animals. They jumped at each others throats, trying to claw through necks and bite through skin.
They looked feral, starved and dirty. Wearing only thin clothing that was clasped over their shoulders. And those too, were torn and faded in many places.

“It always ends with blood, you just need to make sure you're the one who will remain standing.”

Updated wayyyy earlier then I thought I would so hope you enjoyed it!

Okay but I just want to say that Alex Høgh Andersen is one of my favourite actors ever (besides all the Chrises and Toms). And I think he fits so well into the role of Fenrir, no?

I dunno there's just something wolfish about that smile. I just think his whole demeanour kind of fits the vibe.

Also, I want to address something. I have gotten a couple of messages where people are telling me how and what norse culture is etc. Guys, I know. I've studied it three years, I know about their kings, about their earls, gods, goddesses, folk songs, sagas. Even made my own Hnefatafl game (the game of the gods) took me over six months to make (I made it from wood, carved and stuff).

So I know nordic culture and Viking beliefs, BUT I AM CHANGING up the mythology here okay? So just bear with me and focus on the story :)
(Like come on, it's already been changed up so much. In Niflheim there never existed someone named Hela, just Hel.)

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk

Lots of love,
K 🌻

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