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1)   Landform:

-         The terrain is divided into three main domain: central Meseta region, the other mountain and lowland.

     + Central Meseta region is considered a giant plateau in central Spain, is surrounded by mountains, gently sloping to the west.

     + Mountains include Pyrenees mountain range in the northeast and southeast Penibetico Distenma. (Pyrenees as a natural border between France and Andorra. Highest peak of the Pyrenees is the high peak Pico de Aneto 3400M). (Sistema Penibetico range runs from north to south eastern Spain. Ranges Sierra Nevada are part of the Sistema Penibetico Mulhacen is the highest mountain, 3479m high)

     +  The lowland plains Andalusia including the southwest, northeast basin and the coastal plain. Andalusian Plain is essentially a wide river valley by the Guadalquivir River flows through. Ebro Basin is the Ebro flows through, and is bounded by the Sistema Iberico mountain range to the south and west, and north of the Pyrenees mountains. The coastal plain is a narrow strip of land between the coastal mountains. Largest coastal plain runs along the Golfo de Cádiz rivers, where plain adjacent to Andalusia.


2)   Climate:

-         Due to hilly, Spanish climate is complex fertilizers. We can be divided into three main climate regions as follows:

• Climate continents: in the land of the interior, including the capital, Madrid.

• Mediterranean Climate: plain stretching from Andalusia to the south and east coast run up near the Pyrenees, the mountain side running along the coastline, including the city of Barcelona.

• Climate Oceanography: in Galacia, the plains along the Gulf of Biscay. Areas where oceanic climate is also known as Green Spain.

• In addition: the climate become cool from May to September (19-24 degrees),become cold starting from January to April and from October to December (12-16 degrees)


3)   Flora and launa:

-         The flora and fauna in the country Spain is very diverse and rich

+ Vegetation: the oak, blockhead, pine…

+ Fauna: the ibenrian wolf, linx, wild boar,… 

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