Chapter 10 - The sweet taste of normalcy

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~little denial~

"Who do you think you are?!" - these were the first words that greeted Jungkook when he showed up at the studio the next day. Namjoon didn't mince his words; he was furious.
The maknae sat in his place and decided to quietly listen to everything. What's done is done, and now it was best to endure it. But Namjoon continued to shout.
The rest seemed to stay out of it, although Hoseok finally couldn't take it anymore.

"I think you could let it go already. It's his first love, Joon. After all, he won't do something like this again."

"Oh, first love..." Joon began to mock him, "of course. In that case, anything goes, right?" His sarcastic tone was starting to get on everyone's nerves.

"So, what should we do? Kick him out because he missed one training session?" Hobi wasn't giving up. Kook gave him a grateful smile. Meanwhile, Namjoon clenched his jaw even harder, only to unleash another stream of sarcasm shortly after.

"Here you go!" He stood up nervously from the table, waving a piece of paper in front of Jungkook's face. "I've laid out the training schedule for the whole damn month for you!"

Hobi grabbed a pen, amusing the rest.
"Wait! I'm writing it down too. I don't want to get into trouble later," he said.
A smirk flashed across Tae's face, Jin, who had been sitting with an impassive expression until now, tried to hide his amusement at all costs, and Yoongi seemed completely absent-minded.

"Yah! I can't handle you guys. It seems like no one is thinking about the consequences," Namjoon appeared to be losing his battle. He sat down in resignation, burying his face in his hands. The situation was under control. At least for the time being.


The situation also seemed to be clearing up a bit in your case. Sang-hee didn't leave your side, at least until Jungkook was supposed to show up because even though she was your best friend, you had made it clear that you needed him more right now. But today, you spent the whole day with her. And it was a good thing; she finally helped you get back on your feet.

"I don't want to cause trouble," you lamented all morning. "Not for him, not at work. And I feel like it would be better if I just forgot that our relationship is even possible. Maybe I should let go?"

Sang-hee chuckled amusedly at your words. "After all you've been through? You're head over heels in love, and yet you dare to even think of such a possibility? And why, exactly? Where did you get that idea? Don't even tell me it's because of those few stupid, insignificant comments," she said, showing no mercy.

"I just..." you stammered, sobbing like a little girl, "I just wanted to be in a normal relationship."

Your friend sighed deeply. "Look, Y/N. Everyone knows about you two. Why don't you just embrace it? Just try to be with him exactly like you would be with any other ordinary guy." She tried to reason with you, sitting there, hugging you, dispelling and countering each of your silly arguments starting with 'no' and 'but.' Eventually, it dawned on you - there was no harm in trying.

That evening, you decided to take a leap of faith. As you anxiously awaited Jungkook's return from his training session, you restlessly paced back and forth, determined to push aside any doubts that threatened to mess with your crazy plan. When the elevator doors finally slid open and he made his first step, you wasted no time. You immediately grabbed him, your arms winding around his neck, clinging to him as if you both had been separated for an eternity.

Jungkook let out a soft chuckle, savoring the warmth of your welcome. While he had never minded such an affectionate greeting, he couldn't help but notice that it was perhaps the first time you had been this expressive. He wouldn't mind if this became a daily ritual; today, he simply relished the moment as he held your delicate waist.

"Did you miss me, my precious diamond?"

You answered with a nod, like a lil girl, showing no intention of letting go.

"Very much?"

You nodded once more.

Gently, he moved you just enough to cradle your chin between his two fingers. Your eyes locked, and he gifted you with his warm smile. Your face provided the solace he desperately needed after such an exhausting day. For a moment, he simply gazed at you - at your cheeks, which were gradually turning a delicate shade of pink, at your eyes, which attempted to evade his penetrating stare, at your slightly trembling lips, unable to conceal your apprehension. Despite his strong desire to kiss you at that very moment, he recognized that you had something important to say. Your body language spoke volumes. There was no need for him to ask; you had finally summoned the courage to speak your mind.

"Koo..." you whispered so softly that he could barely hear you. "Let me take you on a date."

"I'm sorry, Y/N, can you repeat that?" he asked.

You cleared your throat gently. "Koo, let me take you on a date."

"I'm sorry, Y/N, but I really didn't hear you," he insisted.

"Kook... I want to take you on..."

But you didn't get a chance to complete your sentence as he captured your lips in a passionate kiss, leaving you breathless and nearly unsteady on your feet. The intensity of the kiss sent your head spinning, and when he finally pulled away, you gasped for air.

"You heard me the first time, didn't you?" you whispered, your voice full of desire.

"Yup," he replied, his eyes were glittering with the same fiery passion that had just ignited between you.

"You cheeky little gremlin," you teased before disappearing into your apartment. His laughter lingered in your ears for a moment. You chuckled to yourself, completely smitten. You felt like he could ask anything of you, and you wouldn't be able to refuse. However, you knew you needed to come back to your senses. A date. You had to plan something. The sooner, the better!


You spent the morning stressing out because, aside from a romantic dinner, you couldn't think of anything else. You barely slept the previous night, trying to come up with a perfect plan. But what could you offer someone like him? He probably had been everywhere and tried every dish, and nothing would surprise him. Nevertheless, you settled on your favourite restaurant for a classic dinner. For a first date, you figured it was a safe bet. You were nervous enough as it was.

You sent him a message with the meeting place. You didn't want to leave the property together, and you knew he had something to do in the city. You wanted it to be a real date, where you met at a specific spot and went to the restaurant together. Your heart raced.

You were almost at the meeting spot, anxiously looking around for Kook. Maybe he had bailed? Perhaps he got held up somewhere? That would've been the easiest outcome right now. You felt like you might pass out any second.
Finally, you spotted him in the distance.
"Damn," you whispered, realizing there was no turning back. You took a deep breath and began walking toward him.

Jungkook watched you from where he stood. He didn't budge, letting you take charge this time. Your unexpected date proposal had caught him off guard, but it was a pleasant surprise. He leaned against the wall at the end of the alley. He kept his eyes on you the whole time. There were moments when he wanted to step forward, reach out for your hand because you seemed a bit uncertain, but he held back every time. The time it took for you to reach him felt like forever.

You basked in the sunlight, looking like a goddess to him. He couldn't take his eyes off you. At last, your eyes met. You glanced over him; he looked like a handsome god, like a model showing off the latest suit collection. You could frame him in a picture.
Nerves had peaked, and overwhelmed by emotions, you simply threw your arms around his neck, pressing your lips to his like two lovers reconnecting in a new lifetime.

However, not everyone was as lost in the moment as the two of you. ARMYs immediately recognized you. Some girls pointed fingers in your direction, someone gasped in surprise. One girl even jumped with joy, as if seeing you both brought her happiness. The rest of the onlookers held their smartphones high, realizing this was a rare opportunity to capture a photo of you. But none of them dared to approach you.
And it wasn't just the fans discreetly snapping pictures. The persistent paparazzi, who often trailed Jungkook, didn't miss the chance to take hundreds of shots of this "exclusive" moment - your embrace on the street. It was an unusual sight, not only for Jungkook but for all of Korea, and he eagerly clicked away like a madman.

Unaware of the attention, you simply made your way to the restaurant hand in hand, gazing at each other like a picture-perfect couple.
You didn't take your eyes off him even at the table, where the staff led you after you shyly requested, "A table for two under the name Choi."

Jungkook chuckled under his breath. It should have been the other way around, but he enjoyed this role reversal. He was in a mischievous mood today and intended to have some fun. Moreover, he relished the fact that you couldn't take your eyes off him. And you weren't the only one.
The waitress who came to serve you recognized him instantly. However, she didn't say anything, nor did she ask for an autograph or a photo, perhaps because of the rules at her workplace. But her gaze lingered on your man for far too long. You felt like you had to address the situation somehow.

Jungkook had already chosen his dish, and you hurriedly followed suit, eager to get out of there as quickly as possible.
"That will be all, thank you," you mumbled, handing her your card. Your jealous expression and the slightly upturned nose said it all. You glanced at him nervously, stealing a quick look.

"You're so jealous, aren't you?" He laughed, feeling quite satisfied.

"You wish, Kook," you replied with a forced smile, feeling yourself blush. "Well... maybe just a bit..." you admitted when he continued to laugh.

"A bit? Nah, I don't think so," he corrected you. "Is my baby feeling insecure?"

"Should I?"

Jungkook nodded in agreement, teasing you all the while. You rolled your eyes, believing him for a moment. And when your ordered dishes finally arrived, he waited for you to take a bite with your fork, only to reach over, grab your hand, and slide the fork into his own mouth, cheekily stealing your piece. You blushed a bit and glanced over your shoulder to make sure no one was watching. But in a moment, you didn't really care anymore. You fed him like a kitten, bite by bite, rolling your eyes in playful exasperation.

"You're so spoiled, Kook."

"You did that," you said.

"Me? I wonder when," he replied.

But he remembered, much to your surprise. He remembered the beginning when you first brought pancakes to him, and he invited you into his apartment. When you both sat over a plate of delicious treats, and you were engrossed in conversation, not even realizing you were feeding him. He hadn't said anything at the time but had etched it into his memory. "You remember?" you asked, surprised.

"I remember every moment with you. Everything we did was my first time, and you never forget those," he replied.

Could you have wished for a better guy? Your thoughts were turning into a fairy tale. You hoped this state of euphoria would last forever. You both deserved it, after all the difficult moments and trials you had to go through. But today, another test awaited you.

Dinner had been truly enjoyable. To your surprise, no one bothered you at the restaurant. You were certain that Jungkook had arranged for that beforehand, instructing his security to be vigilant. While it wasn't exactly how you'd like things to be, it was closer to normalcy, and you couldn't complain. You were even happy about it. As you stood up from your table, you had the entire afternoon, a wonderful evening, and a delightful night planned in your mind. You smiled to yourself, lost in your dreams.
Jungkook shook his head, amused by how sweet you were when you tried to keep things a secret. It had been a long time since he felt this happy, if ever. Today was yours, and he intended to savour the moment. Both of you left the restaurant, but as soon as you crossed the threshold, you were blinded by camera flashes.

You could feel panic creeping in, like a heavy weight pressing down on your chest. Recent events piled up, and it all seemed too much to bear. In the midst of blinding camera flashes, a crowd of journalists stood there, eagerly waiting for any piece of information about their latest sensation.
Your thoughts were a jumbled mess, mixed with bitterness at exposing Kook to such scrutiny and a creeping fear that you'd been caught in the act. You weren't accustomed to this level of fame and attention, and your voice failed you. A suffocating feeling washed over you, as if your chest was tightening, no matter how hard you tried to breathe. Panic surged through your body, making your limbs feel heavy and your thoughts clouded. You desperately scanned for an escape route, but your legs felt rooted to the spot. The world spun around you, the shouts of journalists and the relentless camera flashes closing in like a vice, and you struggled to keep control over your racing heart and racing thoughts.

"Kook?" you squeezed his hand, terrified.

But he stood there, unwavering, interlacing your fingers and proudly lifting his head. He allowed the journalists to take as many photos as they pleased. He held onto your hand tightly, pulling you close to his side like a treasure, showing the world that you were his and his alone. He was happy and proud, strutting like a peacock, with you by his side. And you clung to his arm, feeling the stress slowly dissipate. You knew it would be a tough road - you realized it right away, but you weren't alone on it.



The days dragged on relentlessly, and you didn't have the courage to peek into the comments. You avoided social media and tried to stay away from TV shows that might gossip about you two. It wasn't just because you weren't used to it; you were more afraid of the potential hate from crazed fans. You hadn't told Jungkook about the day you were attacked on the street; you didn't want to worry him. Besides, what would it change? He would probably have one of his bodyguards follow you around, and you preferred to remain free and unrestricted in that regard.

Another notification buzzed on your phone. You unlocked it only to dismiss the annoying notification bar or maybe even consider turning off notifications altogether when you saw a familiar name.

Jungkook tagged you on Instagram

You blinked several times, as if it could change anything. For a moment, the notification seemed like just another update that he had posted a new photo, but it didn't take you long to realize that it was of you.
A cold sweat broke out on your skin. You had tried so hard to avoid the internet, and now he just casually uploaded a selfie of both of you. But could you blame him for wanting normalcy just like you? With trembling fingers, you clicked on the notification.

In the picture, you were front and centre, wearing one of his oversized black t-shirts, looking a bit sleepy but smiling from ear to ear. You were making a peace sign, a victory sign, or whatever it was called, a popular pose for pictures. And Jungkook stood just behind you, resting his head on your shoulder, his lips puckered in his favourite duck face. He looked so adorable that instead of getting angry, you simply cooed at the picture.


You counted the figures after the decimal point. Damn. Nearly 5 million people had liked the photo, and yet there you were, front and centre. Among the countless others who could have filled your role. Your mind drifted once more. You shook your head, attempting to regain your focus.

"With my soulmate <3"

#love #soulmate @ChoiYN

You nearly melted. Below the photo were comments from three of the group members. All sweet and supportive. For a moment, you thought that maybe transitioning to normalcy was possible in your case. But your phone interrupted your reverie. Sang-hee. Of course, that witch always knows everything first. Right after she shouted in your ear that Jeon F Jungkook had posted a picture with you, as if you didn't already know, she got annoyed with your complaints.

"Sang-hee..." you mumbled, annoyed. "He didn't even warn me. And what if it gets even worse now? What if..." But you weren't allowed to finish.

"I think you should post something too," your friend completely ignored your rant. "It would show that you're not afraid of all those haters. A powerful statement."

She was right. What could possibly get worse? You scrolled through the internet. It was flooded with pictures of you two from your date, not only from when you walked out of the restaurant, proudly posing for the cameras, but also from the moment you met him before lunch, when you jumped into his arms and impulsively kissed him. You cursed your recklessness under your breath. Sang-hee's complaints and pressure never ceased. She had a counter-argument for every one of your points. In the end, you gave in.

"Okay. I'll do it! But if anything goes wrong... you'll be the first one to answer for it!" you warned her, but her loud laughter only reassured you that she knew what she was talking about.

You picked a photo. Both of you were lying on the couch, Jungkook was napping. His hair was tousled, lips slightly parted. He looked like a little angel. On the other hand, you, true to your devilish nature, stuck your tongue out and took a mischievous selfie with him. And now... taking a deep breath... you clicked "post."

[Jungkook's POV]

Jungkook sat with the rest of the band during their lunch break when his phone buzzed. He wasn't sure what to expect, but your name appearing on the screen brought a smile to his face. However, when he saw the full notification, his eyes widened in surprise.

ChoiYN tagged you on Instagram

Jungkook jumped up from his seat, nearly knocking over his chicken box in the process. The rest of the band looked at him in surprise, but he continued with his wild burst of happiness. He danced in place as if all his dreams had just come true. Hoseok started laughing, and the others gradually calmed down as well. Everyone was waiting for an explanation for this sudden burst of optimism.

"Feeling alright?" Jimin chuckled quietly.

Tae, on the other hand, seemed to figure it out almost instantly. Even before Jungkook could calm down and explain, Tae had checked your Instagram and found the reason behind his friend's joy. He chuckled under his breath.
"It seems your doll has finally officially accepted your relationship."

Namjoon discreetly checked his notifications, and his jaw clenched when he saw the photos of you two radiating happiness and love. His heart raced. You were really playing with fire here. As far as he knew, you might not have realized the potential consequences, but Jungkook should know better. Yet, he seemed to dive deeper into this. However, Jungkook wasn't paying any attention to what was happening around him. He was simply excited that you had taken this bold step. In the past few days, you had been acting stressed, frightened, and unwilling to discuss what had happened publicly. He hadn't expected this surprise.

"I posted a picture first, and then she followed!" he explained cheerfully to everyone around, like a little boy explaining the rules of his favorite game to his friends.

"Great!" Jin clapped his hands. "That means only one thing: P a r t y!"

"But who's going to deal with the consequences of what you've already done?" Jimin tried once again to dampen the good mood that had settled in the room.

"I... I... I will... take care of this," Jungkook stammered in an immediate response.

Jimin glanced around at the others. "Is it just me, or does anyone else see what I'm seeing?" he mumbled, looking for some support among his friends. Yoongi appeared completely uninterested, engrossed in a TV program and munching on rice cakes. Hobi had expressed his happiness with the way things were going. Jin and Tae were all in for the party and firmly on Kook's side. Only Namjoon sat there, clearly annoyed, but Jimin knew it was best not to engage with him now. Even he understood that something worse might be brewing in Namjoon's mind.

Kook continued excitedly, "She actually did it! Oh, man, I can't believe it. Can you guys grasp this? She genuinely accepted me!"

"Mhm. Yeah, it's pretty noticeable, JK," Tae quipped, rolling his eyes at Kook's repeated words. Kook wrinkled his nose in annoyance.

"Don't mock me! You said you're my best friend, V!"

"Because I am, you goof!"

Jungkook seemed lost in thought for a moment, as if he were piecing something together. V started teasing him again. "What are you thinking about?" When Jungkook laughed to himself once more, Tae shook his head in disbelief. "You know what, Kook? You look ridiculous when you laugh for no reason!"

"Do you always have to know everything?" The younger one retorted, clearly offended.

"Yeah, I do."

"When my plan is ready, you'll be the first to know about it. I'll need your help."

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