Chapter 13 - Touch of a Bad Luck

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Finally, it was time for your anniversary. This day was special in so many ways. Although, contrary to appearances, you haven't been together for a particularly long time, what mattered more to you was how much you've been through together. You've built your relationship from scratch, getting to know each other step by step, breaking into a million pieces and putting them back together again.

And now, realizing that Jungkook is the missing piece in your life, suddenly everything feels brighter.

You wanted this day to be extraordinary for him, in every way imaginable. You planned every detail, ensuring nothing was left to chance.
While you were bustling around the house, preparing your surprise, he was en route to a concert in Seoul with the whole group, needing to get ready. Even though you could have joined him at the concert, you chose to tell him you had to handle something with Sang-hee. Well... there was some truth to it, but you swiftly brushed him off to avoid delving too deeply into your plans. It seemed he forgot just how significant this day was for both of you. Oddly enough, it worked out in your favor.

"Are you really not able to come?" he asked, with a hint of disappointment, trying to convince you once more.

"Koo... There will be so many other opportunities. Please don't be upset."

"I'm not upset. But I'm shocked that you don't want to see me sing just for you."

You chuckled. "You know if I were recognized there, and I definitely would be, I wouldn't have any peace. Besides, it's better if everyone focuses on you guys. We'll see each other at home after the concert."

You had every moment after the concert planned down to the smallest detail. You just had to do a lot of things before that. So you went shopping, prepared a whole array of sweets he adored, and even set up a romantic candlelit dinner. Who said only men should take care of such things? You wanted him to feel special, just as you had felt with him over the past year.

Almost everything was ready. Finally, Sang-hee arrived, and together you went to pick up the last - and most important detail for today - your special gift just for Kook.


Jungkook was backstage, getting ready to go on stage. The makeup artists were making sure he looked perfect, focusing on every little detail. Even with the busy atmosphere, he couldn't stop thinking about you, wanting just to hear your voice before the show started.

As he waited for a chance to escape and call you, he couldn't help but smile at the plans he had for your anniversary. He had spent weeks planning everything, wanting to make it unforgettable for both of you.

After the concert, he wanted to take you to your favourite restaurant for a romantic dinner by candlelight. He made sure the menu was filled with your favourite dishes. And to make the night even more special, he arranged for fireworks to light up the sky.

The thought of seeing your face light up with happiness at the fireworks made him feel excited. Your beautiful eyes gazing at the sky... yes, he couldn't wait for tonight.


You and Sang-hee burst out of the house, bubbling with excitement, like two best friends on a mission. Giggles echoed in the air as you hurried to pick up the puppy you'd chosen as a surprise gift for Jungkook on your anniversary. You knew how badly he wanted a dog, and you were sure this furry addition would light up his world. Plus, the idea of raising the pup together felt far more significant than any material gifts.

You were completely absorbed in showing Sang-hee a video of the lively little pup on your phone, paying no attention to the world around you. Suddenly, the screech of tires and the sound of impact shattered the joyous atmosphere. The phone slipped from your grasp, crashing onto the pavement with a sharp crack, while Sang-hee's scream filled absolutely everything around.


Jungkook chuckled nervously as he heard the call to go onstage, declaring that he was almost ready but needed to make a quick call to you.

"Aw, look at him being all cute and romantic," Jimin teased with a playful grin. "I think I might just vomit from the sweetness."

Hoseok rolled his eyes at Jimin's rude jokes. But he continued.

"Come on, Jungkook, focus. You can call her later."

But Jungkook was already dialing your number. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, someone answered, but it wasn't you.


"Sang-hee? What's going on?" Kook's voice was concerned as he tried to understand her with all the weird crackling static on the line.

Sang-hee's voice came through, trembling with tears. "Jungkook, it's Sang-hee. There's been an accident. Y/N..." She choked back a sob, struggling to share the seriousness of the situation.

"Sang-hee? Hello?"

"Jungkook!" Sang-hee's voice broke through the static. "YN had an accident."

Jungkook's heart skipped a beat. "What? Hello? YN what? I can't hear you properly. Can you give YN to the phone? I have to go."

"It's me, Sang-hee." she said, with a shaking voice. He finally heard her clearly. "Jungkook, YN had an accident. A car hit her, and..."

Jungkook's world seemed to spin as the call disconnected abruptly. His legs were becoming like jelly, and darkness clouded his vision. Panic surged through him, mind flooded with worst-case scenarios. The silence of the phone line only amplified his fears, leaving him helpless and alone.

In the blink of an eye his world turned upside down. Adrenaline surged through his veins, drowning out any rational thought. Without hesitation, he left everything and sprinted out like a bolt of lightning.
He raced through the city streets, with heart beating so loud he could barely hear his own footsteps. Something was pushing him forward with an urgency he had never known.
He searched hospital after hospital, cursing himself for not having your friend's number. His mind was racing with a million possibilities, each one more terrifying than the last. He tried calling your phone repeatedly, but in vain.
Every corner turned, every door pushed open brought a new hope and a new dread. He prayed silently for a sign, any sign, that you were okay. Minutes seemed to stretch into eternity, and his hope started to fade.

His phone was buzzing like crazy, the rest of the band was trying to reach him at any cost. With trembling hands, he finally answered. "Hello?"

"Jungkook, where are you? What's going on?" Namjoon's voice crackled through the line.

"I can't find her," Jungkook's words came out in a choked whisper, his heart shattered even more when he said that aloud. "I've checked every hospital, but she's not here."

There was a stunned silence on the other end of the line. Then, Namjoon's voice, filled with disbelief and anger, broke through. "Then only six of us will perform tonight."

As the leader's words sank in, Kook was hit by the harsh reality of the situation. Instead of immediately asking about you, Joon was consumed by the problem of performing. "You don't have a heart? What's wrong with you?!" Jungkook screamed at the phone.

But Namjoon didn't care at all. "I told you, JK. One day she will ruin us." And just like that he ended the call.

Jungkook collapsed to the ground, overcome with tears. Minutes passed by and he could barely focus on what to do now.
Summoning the last shreds of his strength, Jungkook stood up from the grass. In that moment, nothing else mattered- not his fame, not his image, not even the relentless clicking of cameras that seemed to follow his every move.
All that mattered was you-whether you were alive, whether you were okay. With every step, his heart whispered your name.

Feeling the last shreds of hope slipping away from him, Jungkook stood in front of another hospital. But then, finally he spotted Sang-hee. For a moment, he wasn't even sure if it's real or his tired mind is playing tricks on him.
With a desperate energy he sprinted towards her.
"Sang-hee! Is she okay? Is everything alright? Where is she?! What happened?!" he blurted out, like crazy, waiting with panic for her response.

Sang-hee's eyes widened in concern when she realized in which condition he was. "Yes, she's alive," she said quickly, to calm him down immediately. It helped. "Everything is going to be okay. The accident wasn't as serious as we feared, but she was unconscious, so she couldn't call you."

Jungkook's breath caught in his throat, he felt relief and worry mixing all together.

"Shouldn't you be at the concert now?" Sang-hee asked, but he barely registered her question, his mind consumed by a single, urgent desire.

Ignoring her entirely, he pleaded, "Take me to her. Please."


Meanwhile, BTS faced a new challenge that night. They had to perform as six members for the first time in their ten-year career. Fans were left bewildered and worried, wondering what had happened to the missing maknae. The pressure was incredible, and the band had to come up with stupid excuses to calm the concerned audience down.

Before the concert, Namjoon suddenly instructed the rest of the members not to ask any questions, but they were surprised and worried. Jungkook didn't pick up their calls, but it looked like he and the leader talked. Despite their best efforts to focus on the performance, their minds were consumed by thoughts of their missing friend and the unknown circumstances surrounding his absence. But they didn't ask - waiting patiently till the concert ended to ask him again then.

After the concert, Namjoon's anger boiled over like a volcano erupting. He stormed backstage.
"Why... did... she... have... to... ruin... everything?" he seethed, kicking equipment with each single word. "She's always been nothing but trouble! We should have known better than to trust her."

His bandmates watched on in stunned silence, exchanging worried glances.

"We were finally starting to get a hold of everything again," he continued, with resentment. "But she just had to come along and screw it all up. I swear, if I ever see her face again..."
His words trailed off, swallowed by the echo of destruction that filled the room.

And in the very same moment as Jungkook clutched your unconscious body, tenderly whispering "I'll take care of you," Namjoon raged, promising revenge.

"You'll pay for every bit of suffering you've brought upon us."

Hoseok's phone rang, and he held the device to his ear. And in that moment, everything became clear. Turning away from the others, Hoseok stood in the doorway, his eyes wide with shock and disbelief. "Namjoon!" he called out, his voice cracking. "You knew?!" The accusation hung heavy in the air.

Namjoon's expression said more than words ever could as he met Hoseok's gaze. It was a look of resignation, of guilt, of silent admission to a truth they both knew all too well.

Hoseok's voice trembled as he continued, his emotions starting to overwhelm him. "You knew what happened, and you chose to perform like nothing happened?"

The rest of the band watched in stunned silence, their eyes darting between Hoseok and Namjoon, searching for answers. But Namjoon's response was cold and calculated, like a proof of the divide that had grown between them.
"Shouldn't we?" he began, "We cannot just reschedule because of our personal reasons..."

But before he could finish, Hoseok's hand shot out, grabbing his collar and shaking Joon with desperation. "You're calling a car accident a personal reason?!" he screamed. "Jungkook is out there, alone and terrified. We're not just bandmates, Namjoon. We're brothers. And if something happens to one of us, it happens to all of us. I thought you understood that."

The room fell silent, the weight of Hoseok's words hit everyone. He let go of Namjoon's collar and he turned to leave but the leader's ironic question stopped him in his tracks.
"And now what? Are you going to leave the band the same way he did?"

Hobi smiled with pain. "There is no band anymore," he said softly. "You took care of that."

And with that, he walked away, leaving behind a shattered group.

They should know better, that one spark truly can burn everything.

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