Chapter 2 - A little fun won't hurt

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I just wanted to say, that without you, Gia, this chapter would be delayed...
for who knows how long.
Thank you so much for your advise, for inspiration and help.
You are the best!

Trigger warning:
Extra cute & cheesy.  :P

You didn't know how to describe what you were feeling. The soju you drank excessively was just beginning to work in full force. Slight dizziness turned into total vertigo. Everything around you was spinning, you were unable to put your thoughts together into one meaningful whole.
Jungkook's lips, that shamelessly roamed your thighs, and his tongue, that was digging between your legs again and again, didn't help at all.

And even though, he could do pretty much anything he wanted right now, something held him back.
Something was blocking him, something just preventing him from enjoying the moment to the fullest.

"Kookie", you mumbled. You body was truly enjoying his touch, but your mind was far from that feeling. It's like you weren't sure, if it is the right moment.
You shut your eyes tight, trying to calm your heart, trying to muster up all your courage. You wanted him. With all your might. You wanted to tell him, how you feel. Without hesitation, without being that shy girl, who is always avoiding his gaze. You wanted to make him see, how much he means to you, to make him feel, that the world without him does not exist for you.

A sudden, unpleasant memory, of what you've been through, hit your mind. And maybe it brought a moment of pain, but it also changed something in you. Wanting to learn from mistakes, you finally decided to talk about everything openly, not to waste a single moment. Something has changed in you. His gentle touch gave you a surge of courage. You knew, that you were safe in his arms, that you could finally release all the bottled up emotions, that were overwhelming you.

Kook was taken by surprise. When you pulled him close, when you threaded your fingers into his hair and whispered dirty words in his ear. He closed his eyes, enjoying the moment to the fullest. It's much more than he could ever imagine. He felt that you opened up to him, that for the first time you were closer than ever.
It was the best night you two spent together. And you knew it wasn't the alcohol, that had that effect on you. You were sure it was the love you felt for him, the affection and desire to be with him, to have him by your side. Who knows, maybe you wanted him much more than he tried to get you? But what he didn't know was, that you were already his for a long time. Now you just merged into one soul.

And today, for the first time, whispering "I love you" to him, you felt how you do it with your whole being.

You were so blissful, that you let yourself completely lose control.
And Jungkook couldn't control the smile, that appeared on his face. It is as if the spark, that has been flickering between you for months, has ignited a fire within you.


[ Jungkook's POV ]

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes. He tried to stretch, but your sweet weight on his arm effectively prevented him from doing so. A smile crept onto his lips. He turned slightly towards you, twisting his arm under you. You mumbled something, still asleep, and clung to him tighter. He moved as close as he could so, as not to wake you up.

His nose was buried in your hair. He inhaled your scent with eyes closed. Your calm breath almost lulled him back to sleep.
He barely opened his weary eyes. The May sun played on your cheeks. It lit up your whole face. You looked like an angel. He stared at you, still not believing you were sleeping in his arms. He promised himself, that one day he wouldn't let you out of the house again. That someday you will stay with him forever.

Tempted, he brushed your collarbone. And when he wrapped his arm around your waist, due to the gentle, pleasant and warm touch, you moved closer, pressing your back against him. He buried his head in the crook of your neck. "Five more minutes," he muttered to himself as he fell asleep. You were a comfort to him, with you he could finally relax.

He probably would have dozed like a bear for another few hours, but the vibrating phone woke him from his lethargy. You were no longer in bed, he pouted his lips slightly, already missing you. You must have come back to your apartment - he thought, finally grabbing the phone and without looking, swiping across the screen.

"What is so important in the morning that you keep calling so insistently?" he whined, falling again back into the pillows.

"Umm... excuse me, but... who are you?" A deep, male voice spoke on the other end.

"You're calling me and asking me who I am?" Jungkook laughed amusedly into the phone.

"I'm calling YN. And some guy answers. Rude and with a stupid sense of humour. Of course I'm asking who you are. Can you give phone back to my sister?"

"Sis... sister?" Koo stammered, slowly putting the facts together. He quickly pulled the phone away from his ear only to realize it wasn't his device. "Fuck," he mumbled.
"I'm so sor...sorry. I thought it was my phone. It was an accident. I...just wo... woke up and... Umm, your...your sis... sister..." he started to stutter even more. "YN?" he called into the ether.

"You just woke up? You mean, you... slept with my sister?" the voice on the other end was growing irritable. "Who the fuck are you again?" he finally asked nervously, and Jungkook felt himself getting hot. And not because of you, even though, you entered the room in just a towel after a shower.

"Your brother is calling..." he stammered as he handed you the phone. You grinned from ear to ear.

"Yes, Dae?" you chirped into the phone.
Jungkook was observing carefully your face expression. But the smile didn't leave your face, even though your brother was clearly shouting something into the phone.
"Good morning to you too.
Yes, I missed you too, so so much.
Who is it? My boyfriend of course. I was hoping you two would meet soon anyway. Together? Yes, we sleep together. I have needs too, duh.
Come over? No, there is no need for that. "

Koo was sitting on the bed, already 100 percent awake. In fact, the expression on his face was typical Jungshook, he was just wondering how he could screw things up like that. Brother... of his beloved girlfriend. And he got caught like he didn't have enough problems to deal with. What will he think of him now?

Half of your conversation flew past him as if he wasn't there at all, lost in his thoughts, he didn't pay attention to anything. The last words reached him, just before you finished the conversation.

"I know that, Dae. You think I'd forget about your wedding? Dumbass. Of course I will be there."

"W-wedding..." Jungkook repeated to himself. You sat next to him and he gave you a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I answered your call, I thought it was for me." He looked down, a little embarrassed. "I made a fool of myself in front of your brother and put you in an awkward position."

But you climbed into his lap, straddling him. You took his face in your hands and looked deep into his eyes.

"You didn't put me in a weird position. I want to shout out to the whole world, that you are my man. I want everyone to know, that you are only mine and I belong only to you. So please stop blaming yourself. I love you." You threw it all out and pecked his lips. He immediately wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him. There was no distance between you now. His lips were soft and moved in perfect harmony with yours. The whole world spun again. You were lost, thinking only about this moment, and he was making mischievous plans in his head.


A few days later.

The workload for both, you and Jungkook, meant, that the last week you saw each other maybe once, for about 20 minutes, drinking a quick coffee.
He lived across from you, but that didn't change anything. Because when you were coming back from work, he still wasn't there, you were falling asleep - waiting for at least one message. He was coming back deep in the night, and when you were leaving for work, he was still sleeping deeply. The time of training and intensive preparations for the concert in Seoul was exhausting.

You understood it 100%. Now, that you've cleared things up, you supported him as much as you could. Sometimes, at the door of his apartment, you were leaving  cutely packed, sweet snacks. And sometimes you were finding them at your own door, along with flowers from him.
Although you had little time, you made up for it with such gestures. Remembering each other and bringing smiles to each other - that meant more than hours of sitting together.

At the end of the week, there was finally an opportunity to spend more time together. You had two whole days off, and he also finished extra early. You were waiting for a message, you wanted to eat something together, drink coffee or just watch a movie together.

One of the things you had to adapt to, was the fact, that Jungkook couldn't afford to date freely. And that meant, you couldn't go for a walk together or go to the movies. Of course, he insisted many times, saying, that you would take all precautions, that you would choose less crowded places, or he would just reserve the whole place for the two of you. But you wanted to support him, even if it meant staying home. You wanted his career to be unscathed. You were able to sacrifice a lot. Though you didn't know how hard this test of time would be.

Finally, the phone vibrated signalling a message from your beloved one.

"I found a great way for us, to go shopping. Before you say no, you have to hear me out, I'll be at your place in five minutes. I love you."

"Shopping?" you said to yourself, surprised. You knew perfectly well, that you couldn't just waltz into the mall and do your shopping. Fans would tear him apart. And you would be probably thrown over the railings.
Sometimes you were smiling at the thought. That he is only yours. That millions of fans sigh to his pictures and squeal at the sight of him, and after all that mess, he is just coming here and falling asleep in your arms.
A loud knock snapped you out of your thoughts.

Jungkook stormed inside, looking...comically.
You laughed out loud like crazy.
"You don't like my disguise?" he wiggled his eyebrows playfully and turned around, presenting himself to you in all his glory, like a model. You still couldn't stop laughing.

He looked funny. You could even call it eccentric. Oh and luxurious, because ... what he had on him?... It cost a fortune!

He was wearing a tight white turtleneck, an unbuttoned light-coloured blazer with black geometric patterns, and a long powder pink coat thrown over it. Out of this all, only black jeans and shiny, elegant shoes looked normal. Ah, and those rose gold sunglasses.
You pursed your lips to stop yourself from bursting into hysterical laughter.

You knew from his earlier message, that he had a plan, but what you didn't know was, that it was beyond crazy. The way he looked's hardly like Jungkook. Wait a minute...ah so that was it. Will he go undercover? But... looking like this, you're going to attract even more attention, you thought frantically.

He was standing in front of you, a slightly sulky, a real, Sassy Prince. You saw his amazing acting skills for the first time. Tears of joy ran down your cheeks.
"I'm sorry..." you started, trying to calm down. "But I don't think I fully understand your plan."

"We will do one, good play role game, baby." he grinned as he sat down next to you. To concentrate and listen to him, you looked him straight in the eye. His outfit distracted you. You weren't convinced by his devilish idea. The sparkle in his eyes told you there was more to it.
He explained everything step by step.
So what he was going to do seemed pretty simple, at least to him.
You were going to play a rich, married couple.
You were supposed to be a pampered wife and he was supposed to be a husband who would fulfil your every wish.
You grinned.
"Give me an hour." You just blurted out running to get dressed.


You got into the role right from the start. As soon as you closed the door of your apartment, Jungkook offered you his arm. You both looked smashing.
To match him, you put on a white, short, slightly loose turtleneck and a gold, tight, shiny skirt. High heels clicked on the floor and you giggled as you entered the elevator.

"I could get used to it." Jungkook grinned as he looked you up and down. You felt offended.

"You don't like my daily look?" You snorted, rolling your eyes.

"It's not like that, baby. It's just now...we're both...playing a role and...I haven't had so much fun in a long time. Maybe we just...could we use this way for more opportunities to go out in public?"

You looked at him. "We'll see if we won't get caught this time."

As soon as the elevator doors opened, the security immediately got you covered. You gave him a questioning look, but he just smiled, nodding that everything was fine and that's how it was planned.
There was a limousine parked in front of the building. The security guard opened the door for you. Before you got inside, Jungkook pulled you close to him. A little embarrassed by the presence of bodyguards, you tried to break free from his embrace.
"What are you doing? We're not alone." A blush crept onto your cheeks.

But he didn't care. He chuckled as he finally released you. "They're here for both of us, protecting us both, after all...we're a very powerful couple, aren't we?" he winked at you, and in a response, you shook your head in disbelief and hid in the limo.

You've never been in one. The interior was spacious and luxurious. It even had it's own bar, but you weren't sure if a drink before such a challenge was a good idea. Jungkook didn't encourage you to do it either, riding in silence, just admiring your beauty.

You were sure, you were going to the mall. That's why you were so nervous. You thought, you'd be the focus of attention, that everyone would stare at you enough, that you couldn't hide the truth, and that at the end of the day something would go wrong and jeopardize his career.

But the driver didn't take you to the mall at all. At least not to the one you used to go to every now and then.
When the door opened for you and you finally scrambled out of the car, you realized, you were in the most luxurious shopping district.

Louis Vuitton, Valentino, Bottega Veneta, Prada, Gucci, Chanel, Balmain, Vetements, Hermes...
Your legs have never brought you here before. And you probably wouldn't be here still for a long time. The prices offered by the shops here made you dizzy. Why did he bring you here? You felt... uncomfortable.

Right before entering the store, Jungkook cupped your face in his hands.
"Just have fun, baby. Hold my hand and don't go out of your role. Whatever what happen. You have to be picky, a little disrespectful, and make them jump around you to satisfy you."

"But..." you began, but he continued on.

"And most of all, in between the fun, I'd like you to look for something to wear to your brother's wedding. Please choose your perfect outfit. Show me each one, maybe even all of them. If you want, I'll tell you what I think about them."

"But I can't, Jungkook these pri..." you wanted to tell him that you can't choose from such prices, but he grabbed your hand and went inside, giving you no chance to whine.
As soon as you walked in, the staff immediately focused their attention on you. You were followed by your own security, so it was immediately clear to them, that you were someone important.
The advisor appeared at your side almost immediately, but before she could even open her mouth to say anything, Jungkook turned to you

"Honey." he started gesticulating "choose whatever you like. You can even buy this store."

The woman's eyes widened to exorbitant proportions, and so did yours. You gulped hard and made your way to the clothes, leaving the shocked woman behind you, ignoring her completely.

You walked around the store like a queen. Your hands glided over the clothes, brushing the luxurious material. You took your time, trying to act indecisive. And even though you tried your best, Jungkook noticed, that you were too shy to choose anything. He looked slightly worried.

He knew he had to help you somehow. He decided he needed to take control a bit.
He walked over to the outfits that caught his attention.

"This, this, and this, and maybe also this. And I'd like to see this one in black."
The saleswoman started to prepare everything and he glanced at you. You showed your thumb up, assuring him, that the choice is great, and even though you agreed to everything, you still remained a bit in the shadows. Still too shy. He decided to play harder.

He was picking up new outfits like a maniac. You smiled under your breath. You knew, you weren't playing your role like he wanted, you didn't want to spoil his game, you saw, that he was having a lot of fun with it. There's no harm in picking, right? In the end, he will buy at most one, chosen from all of them at the end, and you may even be able to give them up altogether. You also decided to have some fun.
So when he taunted, "Anything else, honey?" you've given up.

You suddenly turned into a demanding wife. You sat down on the sofa and looked at the staff.
"May I have a glass of champagne? For me and my husband, of course."
The woman ran to serve it immediately and you looked back at Jungkook - he smirked, amused. You smiled back, coquettishly and began to point your finger at the creations that caught your attention. From time to time you were fussy, asking him to put it back as you resigned from that option.

And Jungkook was overjoyed. He had a smile from ear to ear. He was glad, you finally decided to join him. You could easily notice how much he is enjoying this little game.
He himself held two creations in his hands, and three shop assistants were standing there, holding rest of them. He looked questioning, waiting. And you kept playing, much to his delight.

"Oh, let's take them all."

The women exchanged glances with each other, in deep shock, and he grinned, handing over two more creations to them.

He was staring right at you. No. He was just devouring you with his eyes. There was something he liked about this situation. The vision of the life he would like to lead, with someone by his side, both taking advantage of the privileges he had. And now, that he had a little trailer of it - he definitely wanted more.
He stood thoughtful for a moment. You walked over to him and put your hand on his cheek.
"What are you thinking about, honey?"

He shifted his absent gaze to you, giving you now 100 percent of his attention.
"You and I...we really should get married."

You were in shock. Like someone just froze you. Analysing each of those eight words he said to you. What was a game and what wasn't - everything was just blurring. He leaned in, kissing you gently on the lips, and handed his card over your shoulder to the counter.
As you pulled away from his gorgeous mouth and your sanity returned, you realized, that both: he and the four of you bodyguards, were laden with shopping bags.

"You..." you choked out
"you bought all of this? Are you insane?"

Jungkook, amused, turned to the shop assistants. "See that? First she ordered me to buy this all, and now she is surprised." Then he looked back at you.
"If you don't like them, Honey... we can just throw them away." he said loud enough for everyone to hear. He grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the exit, leaving behind murmurs of shocked employees.


"Why did you do that?" you whined as soon as you got in the car.

"It costs a fortune, I..."

He silenced you with a kiss.
"Today you are my wife. And the wife should be pampered. Not to mention, that I haven't seen you in any of these creations. I hope you will ... show me at home. My ... or your place?" He winked at you.
So the game is still on? 1:0 for you, Jeon. - you thought as you pressed your lips against his.

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