Chapter 2 - The wolf meets the lamb

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For a brief moment, the words caught in your throat. It's hard to say if it was fear or excitement. A hot wave rushed through your body and you felt a slight flush spread over cheeks.

"Sorry" - a melodic voice broke the silence suddenly
"I didn't knock or ask, I just entered your apartment as if it was my own."

Jungkook combed the hair on the back of his head anxiously, visibly embarrassed by the whole situation.
You laughed. In this one moment, all the tension escaped somewhere and created a place for completely different - not yet fully known for you - feelings.

"Well, now it's too late to do anything about it" - you joked to loosen up the atmosphere.
"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you ... even in such circumstances" - you added after a moment.

You could've sworn, there was a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. It was clear, that he was amused and enjoying what was happening now. He lifted the corner of his mouth in a small smile, not even realizing what his behavior was causing.
For a moment, you felt like a whole flock of butterflies took a flight through your chest.

| Y/N's POV |

What's happening to me? I don't remember the last time I was breathing so fast.
His smile is mesmerizing. How much longer will he be so grinning at me?
Shameless! He woke up a whole flock of butterflies in me, now suddenly they all want to escape through my stomach with all their strength.
His eyes, God, he has doe eyes, he looks like a little deer, that I would gladly adopt and take home.

Your gaze wandered over him from head to toe - his whole as if he was a god of cuteness.

Go to hell Y/N! Focus and get a grip!


He looked at you with a little delight and with the same amount of amusement. You looked a little confused, and he was well aware, that he was the reason.
But what was he supposed to do?
He just wanted to go for a daily walk. That's when he saw you. You were just entering your apartment. You looked like a fairy, your delicate scent spread over the entire staircase. Although he only saw you briefly, he was immediately attracted to something. Without much thought, he surrendered to this feeling and entered your apartment completely uninvited.
What a bastard, right?

"I hope that tomorrow we will be able to meet in the way we should meet from the very beginning.
You must be very tired" - he said calmly and pointed to the unpacked suitcases in the corner of the room.

Your gaze went from him to the luggage, and you sighed a little.

"Yes ... I could use some good sleep" - you replied him in your soft, slightly sleepy voice, which only stunned him even more. He shouldn't have stayed here any longer, he felt himself getting hot.

"I didn't want to disturb you" - he blurted right away "I just wanted to do a quick hi and see who would be living next door to me."

Before he turned to leave, his hand, completely against his will, formed a heart from fingers, which he sent towards you. His face was immediately embarrassed by his own, strange behavior, but he smiled indistinctly and oh God, he just tried to leave your apartment.

"Wait!" - but obviously you called after him, and he just stopped as if he was bewitched, althoug even he didn't know what he was expecting to hear.
"Have we ever met?" - you asked suddenly "your face seems familiar to me."

But he said nothing to that. Just smiled at you and left you alone, throwing just a sweet
  "good night Y/N." His heart tho was beating like crazy.


You stood in one place for a long moment, trying to analyze the whole situation from tonight, but then gave up, because you were just too tired. You fell almost involuntarily on the bed. The scent of his intoxicating perfume lingered in the room all night. And this opium-like perfume enveloped you and pushed into thinking about him. You fell asleep with his face under your eyelids.

The morning sun tickled you softly, as if it didn't want to wake you up at all. But you awoke to the pleasant warmth on your face. You stretched, and a big smile touched your lips long before you decided to open your eyes.

Finally you felt refreshed. Your unruly hair fell over your tanned shoulders, your chocolate eyes sparkled with joy, and full lips pouted like a little girl's. You were beautiful, although you would never admit it to yourself. You heard compliments from friends many times, and you experienced the glances from men.
To be honest, you didn't have a lot of dating opportunities, mostly because of your job.
Today, however, you quickly jumped out of bed, and after a shower, you put on a full soft make-up. You didn't know why you were trying so hard, but you wanted to look the best you could for the stranger from yesterday.
But is it really such a stranger?

"Who does he think he is, just appearing and sneaking into my thoughts?" -  you mumbled to yourself.


He woke up a while ago, but didn't even move out of bed. A smile crept across his face, and his eyes glittered like obsidian. He laughed out loud to himself and covered his face with the pillow. Something had drawn him to this apartment yesterday.

"How will I look at her face today? Why did I go there? How am I going to explain this to her?"
he muttered to himself from under the pillow.
This morning he was like a teenager, who just got a Valentine card from his crush. But he was already a grown man. Something was happening, and Jungkook was well aware of it.


You both couldn't focus on anything today.
  Jungkook couldn't get through the messages from the music agency, that he had to sort out and answer, and you couldn't concentrate on the work, even though, it was the first day and you should have all the paperwork ready for a new contract to be signed.

You decided to bake a cake for him and, in a classic European way, take it to him as new neighbors should do. After all, from what he said, he lives on the other side of the corridor...
But it wasn't Korean culture...
He had a very similar idea and decided to bake a mountain of American pancakes. He saw how much luggage you had, heard your accent, for sure you came from America, you must love American pancakes.
But America wasn't the country you came from...
Both enthusiastically started implementing your ideas in the kitchen.

And that's where the similarities end ...
because while Jungkook is incredibly neat and cleans up immediately after preparing a meal, you are one big mess.
You are great at cooking, but leave behind death, doom and destruction. Now you also looked like a snowman - all covered in flour, you were sneezing because it had got into your nose, mouth and eyes. The cocoa could be found in your hair, the chocolate you melted from the saucepan all the way across the table top to the cake itself.
Anyone who would look at it, would be sure, that a tornado has just passed through the kitchen.

You took a shower again, changed into a white Italian dress, made five checks in front of the mirror to be sure, that you look right, and finally you went to your new neighbor.

"I can handle it" - you said to yourself, hoping, that you would not be embarrassed anymore and that it would look completely different than yesterday.

If only youknew...

Jungkook opened the door to his apartment at the exact moment you wanted to knock on it. Good thing the pancake tray didn't fall out of his hands. He was terrified like Voldemort itself just visited him. Not that you were looking like one, just he didn't expect you at all.
He laughed like crazy under his nose, scolding himself for such stupid thoughts.
You looked at him in surprise and again, once again, apart from staring as if enchanted, you didn't even say a word.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" - he calmed himself and asked in a soft voice waking you up from your trance.

Without a word, you stretched out your hands and proudly presented your confectionery work in front of him. The cake looked fabulous, but the most beautiful thing about it was the sugar bunny on top of it.

Jungkook looked deep into your eyes.

"You're like a dream" - he whispered and dragged you into his apartment, slamming the door behind him.


Thank you for reading my story. I hope you are enjoying!
If you have any suggestion feel free to tell me about.

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