Chapter 6 - A little confession

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The sound of the message rang in your ears. But you took your time with the reading, because you decided to spend this evening with your friend only. It's hard to make up for such a long time, but you have to start somewhere.

Sang-hee was the queen of the soundtrack today. Despite such a wide selection of songs, she only played BTS. Even you were finally starting to hum their songs.
"I swear to you, that if you play the same song again, I will memorize it" you laughed and looked at your amused friend. Sang-hee was feeling already tipsy. She rocked her hips to the music and drank another colorful cocktail.
Dinner also seemed so much tastier today. Reason? Probably because you were both together again. You realized, how much you missed it. How returning to the past can heal the soul.
A smiling friend, home, the closeness of your family - all this gave your life a new momentum. Somewhere subconsciously, you felt that now everything would be easier. If only you knew, how quickly things could change.

Later that night, you booked taxi for Sang-hee.
The driver had fun, watching two drunk and struggling girls.
"These youth today", he sighed and finally helped you get your friend into the car. You gave him destination address and prepaid the trip in case Sang-hee was no longer able to do so.

After that, you came back home and collapsed on the bed tired. Somehow found the phone in the sheets and brought it closer to face, narrowing your eyes.

Hi Y/N.
Hope I didn't scare you on our date.
You didn't talk to me since that time.
Can we see each other tomorrow?

"I should talk to him," you sighed. The truth was, you just chickened out. The kiss was fabulous, exactly as if you dreamed it up. Yes, it was unexpected and it baffled you a little, but you couldn't deny it - it was perfect. Unconsciously, you touched your lips with fingertips, remembering his soft lips caressing yours at the last meeting.
You remembered his hands on your waist, slightly drawing you against his body. His pleasant warmth, that enveloped you, when you were so close. "What am I doing?" you muttered under your breath and settled comfortably on the bed, turning the phone nervously in your hands.
"I don't know what I should write to him. I don't even know how to look him in the face. We've just met, you can't build feelings for another person that quickly. What am I supposed to tell him, how can I describe what I actually feel?" you thought aloud. In the end, you decided to act spontaneously.

[11:24pm Y/N]
If you have time,
we can meet. Even in the morning.

You didn't wait long for an answer, it came almost immediately - as if Jungkook was just waiting for a message from you.

[11:25pm JK]
8:00? At my place?
I have a whole day off.

You smiled under your breath.

[11:31pm Y/N]
Does that mean,
we will spend the whole day together?

Jungkook grinned broadly. Just the thought of tomorrow made his heart beat faster.

[11:35pm JK]
Mhm. Exactly.
Now go to sleep.
I'll see you in the morning.
Dress comfortably! Good night :*

"Dress comfortably?" you repeated aloud.
"What does that even mean? I don't even know what we're going to do tomorrow. Are we going out somewhere? Are we staying home?"

[11:46pm Y/N]
What does it mean?
Are you taking me somewhere?

You expected a specific answer, but got a tease instead:

[11:54pm JK]
You will see. ;)

After the last message, you gave up, put down the phone and fell asleep almost immediately. The drinks did their job.

| JK's POV |

Today he got up at 5 am. He wanted to prepare for the meeting with you. He himself didn't know why he was so nervous. The reason was actually very simple.
For 9 years he didn't have many opportunities to get close to a woman. It's not that he didn't talk to any of them, but it was only for some interviews or professional conversations related to his profession.
Meetings with fans on fansigns were not serious - the short moments he spent talking there didn't allow him to get in closer contact. All female stylists, translators, photographers, the rest of the staff - he always treated them like family. He wasn't allowed to date - he had to be always available and free for fans. This left its own mark on him. Now, as a mature man, he has to learn all about feelings - just like a teenager - from the very beginning.
And exactly like a teenager - he was infatuated with no limit.
But will you understand it?
"Ah, it would be much easier for me if she knew about everything," he sighed to himself.
He was just taking a shower - he lowered his head, rested it against the tiles and let the cold stream of water wake him up and relax him just a little.
After getting out of the shower, he looked at himself in the mirror. He smiled hesitantly at his own reflection. "Apparently all the girls are crazy about you JK" - he whispered and hid his face in hands. "If only they knew you weren't so hot and brave offstage... You can do it JK. A little bit of courage." He exhaled with a hiss and went to get ready.

Exactly 8:00 am he heard a knock on the door. His heart leapt almost to his throat.
He wanted to say something meaningful, but... "I'm really glad to see you Y/N. I thought you were avoiding me." That was all he managed to mumble. "I've planned an entire day for us."

| Y/N's POV |

The "shock" is not enough to describe your feeling, when Jungkook eagerly pulled you towards the motorcycle.
"Are you telling me we're going for a ride on this thing?" you stammered, pointing with a trembling hand at the machine.
His eyes sparkled, he had a grinning smile, and he looked like a happy little boy. You were terrified.
"Hop on!" he encouraged you with a gesture of his hand and handed you the helmet.
"All you have to remember is that you have to hold on tight to me." he said and got on the motorcycle first.
You hesitantly hugged his waist. He turned to you almost immediately.
"I said hold tight, Y/N ..." he instructed you teasingly. You moved closer to him and pressed your hands against his chest. The butterflies in your stomach danced dangerously. It was hard to tell if it was stress, adrenaline or infatuation.
You bit your lip under your helmet, and as the motorcycle pulled away at high speed, your scream spread around the area.

The journey took almost three hours. It was the longest three hours in your life.
Terrified, you were hugging Jungkook with all your strength and didn't even care, if he felt comfortable with it. You just didn't want to fall off the motorcycle, squeezed your eyes shut tightly and waited when you both would finally be able to stop.
When you got there, you hugged him for a moment, just like a koala bear.
"You can relax now," he murmured happily. "Although I won't complain if you want to stay like this for a while." These words had an immediate effect on you and, ashamed, you jumped off the machine.
You took off you helmet and just looked around. Your eyes widened suddenly. "Jungkook" you whispered. "Did you take me to the sea?" you turned around few times, like a little girl.

The place was magical. The color of the water was like the emeralds in a fairy tale. It was pleasantly warm, and gulls were flying overhead. Their singing brought a holiday atmosphere. Together with the scent of sea salt, memories from your childhood were brought back.

| JK's POV |

Jungkook leaned against the motorcycle and stared at you as if enchanted. "She is so beautiful" - he murmured. For a moment he relished the sight of you dancing around.
When you both returned to reality, he pulled out a picnic basket from the trunk - a surprise he had prepared for today. The trip definitely increased the appetite, because you both gobbled like two squirrels, smiling at each other from time to time.
As you took your steps towards the sea again - drawn as if by a spell - Jungkook joined you and began recording you both together.
"We should come here more often. You look happy," he suddenly said to you.
You nodded head in agreement. "It's because of the sea, I guilty of it?" Jungkook continued. You felt slightly embarrassed, JK laughed and pulled you towards the motorcycle again.
You drove slowly across the beach as the sun went down. It was just like in a beautiful fairy tale. He - a prince on a mechanical horse. You - a shy princess.

There was an awkward silence as you finally stopped and came face to face.
Jungkook cupped your face in his hands and forced you to look at him. Your heart sped up dangerously.
"Tell me now, did that kiss mean anything to you?" he asked suddenly, staring at you with his sparkling eyes.
You could lose yourself completely in them. They were like distant galaxies full of stars.
"Jungkookie ... I ... I actually ... you know ..." you started to stutter like crazy. Jungkook watched you closely.
A strong gust of wind interrupted this magical moment. He cursed under his breath, and you felt relieved deep down inside.
The sky turned deep blue. The waves grew bigger and smashed against the coast. "The storm is coming." Jungkook said worried. "We can't go home in this situation. Come on." He reached out to you and led you to a local hotel.

You decided to spend the night here. You checked into the last available room. "You were lucky. At this time we usually have nothing left" - the receptionist smiled brightly at you.
You both tried to be neutral, but you could feel the tension rising in the air.
"Don't think I forgot what I asked you on the beach," Jungkook whispered when you were both in the room.
"I'll go order dinner for us and be right back to discuss it with you. We'll be here all night together and you won't run away this time," he added and left the room.

| Y/N's POV |

While he was out of the room, you took a quick shower and you put on a hotel robe. You were aware, that you won't be able to completely escape this difficult conversation. When Jungkook returned to the room with dinner, you were unable to concentrate. Even though you were very hungry - it was hard for you to swallow anything.
"Y/N. I hope we can talk a little now," he began hesitantly. "Ever since we met for the first time, I feel like a completely new person," he continued.
"Why?" you asked a bit surprised.
"Because of you. Don't be shocked. You have a lot of influence over me." your eyes widened.
"But I didn't do anything. I don't really know what's going on around me. I'm a little dazed. I'm confused all the time. Not sure what to tell you."
"So we're in the same condition," he laughed. "You look really cute in wet hair," he suddenly blurted out without taking his eyes off you.
"Do not lie" - you chuckled.
"I'm just telling the truth. To be honest ... I like you from that first evening. When I saw you on the terrace, I knew immediately that this girl was trouble. And I wanted to meet you at the same moment, as soon as possible." he felt ashamed like a little boy.
"Jungkook, I'd really like to tell you about my current feelings, but I'm too nervous." JK smiled delicately.
"You just have to throw them out like dust. Just tell me Y/N. Tell me anything."
You gathered up all the courage in yourself, and the butterflies in your stomach wanted to run away at all cost.
Jungkook suddenly reached out and placed his hand on your cheek.
"So...?" he encouraged you.

You looked deep into his beautiful, sparkling eyes. You knew him so briefly.
But the knot in your chest was telling you, that you would do a lot for him already.
"Please don't be nervous in my presence," he whispered.
You were staring at him and trying to collect your thoughts, focus and understand what you were really feeling. He made your heart beat ten times faster.
You were afraid to admit your feelings so quickly.
"Too fast," you whispered, and he, for a moment, took his hand from your cheek.
But the feeling of confusion vanished very quickly from his face and he rested his hand on you again.
"I told you that you won't run away from me today."
You parted your lips involuntarily in surprise at his attitude. He was so stubborn. It was useless to try to avoid this topic.

"Jungkookie..." you started hesitantly. "I ... I ... I like you," you said, so softly, that you almost whispered.
His eyes widened. A flush crept across his cheeks, and his heart was beating so fast he felt it clogging his ears.

"What ... what did you just say?" He stammered finally.



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