Chapter IV

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In the War Room, General Organa recapped everything that had befallen the Resistance, starting with the evacuation on the planet D'Qar. When prompted, Rey also told her tale of training with Master Luke Skywalker, and the events that happened aboard Snoke's ship. She kept from mentioning the Force Bond that developed between her and Kylo Ren—they didn't need to know specifics, especially personal ones.

Quite a large number had gathered to listen to their retellings. Races varied along with genders: the hammerhead Ithorians, Sullustans that had huge, mouse-like eyes, large ears, and flaps of jowls around the cheeks, the Besalisk and Koorivars she had met on the landing pad, a few Mon Calamari—aquatic humanoids with goggle-like eyes and high-domed heads—some tan Abednedo—mammalian with dangling mouth tendrils and fleshy nostrils—and humans. Rey was uncomfortable with so many as her audience. But her unease became worse as she sensed someone's attention being solely on her. Her eyes constantly scanned the faces, but she couldn't find anyone focusing on her.

All had rejoiced at the news that Snoke was dead, but then their joy dropped at learning that Kylo Ren had taken his role as Supreme Leader. Outright dismay and helplessness infected them at also hearing that Luke Skywalker was dead too.

"What do we do now?"

"We're doomed!"

"There's nowhere we can run to get out of the First Order's reaches," a male Ithorian said, disheartened.

"How can we possibly stand against the First Order now?" a male human, Garik Gyyll, asked. "The Master Jedi is gone, his apprentice is now the Supreme Leader, and all we have are a few Resistance fighters, no fleet, and a Force Sensitive girl, who hasn't trained enough to even be called a Jedi! It's impossible to win!"

Embarrassment made Rey look down to her hands clenching on her lap. One, she felt guilt at not learning more from Master Luke. Two, she felt anger at hearing Garik doubt her so easily.

She would show him; she would show them all not to doubt her.

"Rey, pull back."

Realizing what she was doing, Rey quickly let go of her ire and her hands loosened. Now, she felt shame for giving in to her emotions—Master Luke had stressed that was the way to the Dark Side. But who did that voice belong to? It felt familiar, like knowing a friend's voice, but she couldn't put it with a face.

"That is enough, Garik!" Senator Stasimo said, bringing her back to focus. "Do not so hastily assume all hope is lost. We do have Rey, one who is skilled in battle, masterful at surviving from being a Scavenger, and who has trained under a Master Jedi—even if short. We still have supporters, resources, and a determination to be free."

"As long as hope lives, the Resistance can never be defeated," General Organa stated.

Everyone looked at General Organa and slumped shoulders straightened at her words. She could be very persuasive.

As the downhearted mood changed, Leia leaned over. "I'm sure you wish to escape, and I am giving you leave. Now, we move on to diplomatic talks. Go. Roam the palace halls—familiarize yourself with them—and, perhaps, seclude yourself in your room and take a look at those Texts..."

Rey gratefully took the chance to slip out—getting away from the boring talks, all those people, and those eyes that she never identified.

With the door shut behind her, Rey released a heavy sigh, then headed down the hallway in front of her. Large groups of people always make her nervous, due to her living on her own. Even though she never wanted to go back to Jakku and be lonely again, it was what she knew.

Like the General suggested, she took her time walking the massive hallways to learn the layout. The corridors were all wide, with high-vaulted ceilings, and huge windows looking out on Myrra. The red, light blue, and yellow buildings greatly contrasted the dark green of the surrounding jungle. This city wasn't a major target, so there was no need to blend in.

Rey found the sleeping quarters and asked a servant nearby which door was hers. Set apart from the others, the dark wood door opened onto a sizeable room—richly furnished with full bookcases, an exquisitely carved bed, a writing table, a high-backed chair, a tall window looking out at the jungles, and her own bathroom.

Seeing it all overwhelmed her—it truly was too much. Even though having a private restroom was a luxury, all she needed was a bed.

Remembering the invisible eyes that made her uneasy in the War Room, Rey took the Sacred Jedi Texts out of the bag and hid them among all the other tomes shelved. She replaced the books with five random books and placed the full bag on the writing table. If whoever had watched her came into her room, they would surely remember seeing her with a bag; if they took it, those texts weren't important. The precaution might be unnecessary, but it made her feel better.

She left her room to further explore the palace. One of the rooms she came upon was a giant Mess Hall, already occupied by hungry residents and Resistance survivors. Her stomach growled with the smell of food, so she went in to get her own serving. As she scanned for a seat, Rey spotted Poe and Finn sitting together. BB-8 sat on the bench beside Poe.

Almost never leaving his master's side, the droid beeped happily at the sight of her. BB-8 mentioning her name brought the two friends' heads up.

"So, what's our next plan?" Poe asked when she sat beside him.

"I don't know—left before they could discuss that," she answered.

"Argue and debate it for more than a week, you mean?"

"It normally takes that long?"

"Usually. Most of my plans are done on a whim, and they work... sometimes," he added in at the end.

"Not without injury," BB-8 beeped.

The fighter pilot looked down at his droid. "But we're still alive, aren't we?"

She turned to the black Stormtrooper-turned-Resistance-fighter as they continued to argue. "How is Rose?"

Finn sighed. "She has a lot of recovering to do, but she'll make it. She'll make it."

"I'm glad."

Awkwardness came up between them. Rey turned her attention to eating, but Finn had finished, so he looked around the Mess Hall.

"There's a lot we need to catch each other up on," Finn began.

She nodded. "A lot has happened. I had the hope that things would be quiet for a while."

Silence settled over them again. Rey could feel a wedge driving between them because of how they had to force simple conversation.

"You know, I'm fixing to go check on her. Want to come so I can introduce you?"

Rey considered Finn's suggestion but had to shake her head—she had to start training as soon as possible. "I'm sorry; maybe another time?"

Finn just nodded, clearly disappointed, though. "Alright."

He stood and picked up his plate before his eyes lifted to hers. "It's good seeing you again, Rey."

She smiled. "Likewise."

"See you, Poe. You too, BB-8," he said as he left to return his tray and head for the Medical Ward.

BB-8 said something to Poe, but Rey caught a little of his remark about the strain between her and Finn.

"Hush," Poe whispered sternly.

"So, Rey," he began with forced peppiness, trying to cover up what BB-8 had noticed. "Want to go see what kind of ships they have in the hangar? Maybe fly one out when no one's looking?"

"That sounds like fun, but no; I'm going to do something General Organa suggested," she said carefully—she didn't want it getting out that she had the Sacred Jedi Texts.

"Yeah, even if it's not an order, best to do what she says; trust me, I know." Poe stood to go as well. "Well, if you ever get bored, you'll probably find me in the hangar." He put BB-8 down and after a wave, they left.

As soon as he disappeared, Rey put her head in her hands. Everyone treated her so differently now. She preferred it when she was just like them, seen as an equal because she had nothing special about her. But as a Jedi, she was put into her own class—one consisting only of her and Kylo now.

Maybe that was why Jedi surrounded themselves with other Jedi or chose seclusion so much. No one to make a Jedi think themselves above them from being put on a pedestal and eventually turning to the Dark Side.

Rey rubbed her face. There was so much to think about. She had to remain humble and keep her emotions in check to keep from turning to the Dark Side, but she also had to push her training to become stronger than Kylo Ren.

One thing at a time.

With a sigh, Rey rose with her tray to return it, then go get started on her training.

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