Chapter XVII

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Rey didn't keep track of how many times she had tried to reconnect with Ben. Yesterday evening when he disappeared, she remained in her room, searching the vast Force for his presence. Guilt also kept her locked away—she couldn't face Poe at dinner because of his kiss and Ben using the Force on him, nor could she maintain obliviousness if Leia showed up and asked about her son, especially since Ben had agreed to see her after Rey's lightsaber was complete.

How could she possibly lie to the General, saying he was busy when Rey didn't have any clue to what he was doing? He could be in trouble right now, and she didn't know.

With the continued lack of response, Rey began to panic. Ben wouldn't have severed their Force Bond—he wouldn't have eliminated his only way to her. She was his lifeline; his support. He needed her as much as she needed him. So, what had happened?

Cross-legged on the floor in her room, Rey was meditating hard when something disturbed the Force. It didn't possess such a demanding aura as Ben, more of a gentle serenity. Regardless, she felt presences in her room, and opened her eyes.

Three forms stood before her, nearly transparent and glowed a soft blue. Two were men, but the one in between them was a small creature—about hip-high—had long, pointy ears, and leaned on a cane. She recognized the man on the left.

"Master Luke?"

He smiled. "Hello, Rey."

She had read in the Sacred Texts about truly powerful Jedi transcending into Force ghosts when they died. Only those who followed the Light Side could do this.

Luke Skywalker looked as she last saw him, with shaggy hair, a beard, and wearing the traditional Jedi robes. The short creature and the second man wore the same robes. Something about him seemed familiar, like she knew him even though she had never seen him before. He was an old man, had short, white hair, also outlining his jaw and chin, was the same height as Master Luke, and had kind, gentle eyes.

"Who are you?" she asked the ghost. "I feel like I should know you."

He smiled. "You do, then you don't, Rey."

Her eyes widened with recognition. "You're the voice I've been hearing!"

The man bowed his head. "I am. I am glad you chose to listen to me."

Hope and nervousness rose in her chest so quick, she nearly choked. Ben's words about Rey's lineage repeated in her head. "You wouldn't happen to be my grandfather, would you?"

"You've remembered Ben's words." He nodded. "Yes, I am your grandfather: Obi-Wan Kenobi."

All breath left her. Finally, she had found blood ties. Rey finally had someone to call family. Even though Obi-Wan was a Force ghost and not physically alive, she wasn't alone in the Galaxy.

"Ben said he knew you from hearing your voice in my head. He recognized your voice since he heard it in his grandfather's. Why?"

"I trained his grandfather—Anakin Skywalker—after my master, Qui-Gon Jinn, died."

Anakin Skywalker. Darth Vader. Rey didn't know all that much about the history of the Jedi, but she knew about that Jedi who turned to the Dark Side and became one of the most feared Siths ever. Much like Ben, but she had pulled him back before he went too far down that path.

She had so much to ask him, especially concerning her parents, but thought it too personal to discuss in front of the other two. Remembering the question of the Texts, Rey turned to Luke.

"Master Luke, did you put the Sacred Jedi Texts on the Millennium Falcon?"

He looked at her blankly. "You have them?"

Her brow furrowed in confusion now. "Yes. I'm taking it that you didn't put them there? If not you, who did?"

The little creature cackled joyously, and Master Luke looked down at him.

"Master Yoda, you made me believe you had burned them. That's why you laughed: you knew they were safe!" he said accusingly.

"Placed them there, I did," Yoda said. He looked at her. "Surprised, were you?"

She liked the odd way he spoke. "Yes, I was. Relieved, too."

"I learned about it from watching over you." Obi-Wan looked over at Luke. "Keeping that information from Luke would be humorous, and I wanted to see his face when you told him. I was not disappointed."

Master Luke scowled.

Hesitantly, Rey started, "So, you three know about me and Ben..." Her eyes scanned their faces for their reactions.

"Know. Saw. And agree," Yoda said.

"You have brought my nephew back from the brink." Luke shook his head. "You are a better Jedi—a better person—than I was, Rey, for never giving up on him."

"Do you know what's happened to our Force Bond? Why I can't reach him anymore?"

Obi-Wan shook his head. "Not for certain. We were not able to connect to Ben like you, but we felt a break in the Force. Sensing you searching for him, we guessed what had happened and came to you. Only a Force-user could break such a strong connection."

The blood ran out of Rey's face and left her weak. "The Knights of Ren. They've discovered us somehow and broke our Force Bond. They have him." Rey shot to her feet.

"Go, where will you?" Yoda asked.

"Wherever the Sovereign is stationed," Rey said.

Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow. "Which is?"

"I'll ask Leia where it is. I must save Ben!" She headed for the door.

Master Luke waved his hands in a placating manner. "Slow down, Rey. Think. You cannot go alone; there are too many of the First Order, not to mention the dangerous Knights of Ren."

Rey turned back to them. "I don't care. Ben needs help, and I'm the only one who can."

Yoda nodded. "Yes. Your help, Ben needs." He pointed his cane at her. "Others help you need."

"You know you will die if you go alone, Rey," Obi-Wan said. "The odds are against you; I feel your death in the Force. Going in surrounded by others will increase your chance of surviving."

"But no one else knows Ben has become a Gray Jedi like me, other than Leia," Rey said. "Imagine their shock when I go to his aid. They'll think I've turned and will try to kill me. How can I tell them that we go to help him instead of killing him?"

"See quicker, eyes do than ears hear."

"Master Yoda is right," Obi-Wan began. "People believe things faster when they see proof; no one hears something and takes it as fact as quick. If they do, their heart is not behind it."

She summed up what they told her. "So, showing everybody will be better than telling them..."

They all nodded.

"We'll leave the question of 'where to go' to you," Master Luke said.

Obi-Wan said, "May the Force be with you, Rey."

"Always," Yoda finished. "Yes, always."

She thanked them for their help and support—even when she didn't know Obi-Wan was there—and ran out of her room in search of Leia to rescue Ben.

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