Chapter 1

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Spark wandered quietly around the forest, smelling the air for prey. The forest was in full bloom, and the trees had beautiful, lush flowers all over them.

She spotted a small mouse nibbling on a few seeds that were scattered over the ground. A tall, beautiful oak tree loomed over her, it's green leaves falling. 

She dropped into a crouch, making sure it was right, and slowly stalked forward. When she got close enough, she waited for a few heartbeats, then she lunched herself over the mouse, blocking its escape route to it hole.

It stands there for a moment, frozen in fear, and she uses that hesitation to swipe, knocking it to the side. Then she pulls it in and breaks its spine. One loud shriek comes out of the mouse, and she drops down, pulling her kill in close. 

They might have heard

Her ears pin back in panic, and she searches for a place to hide. 

She doesn't blend in very well, considering her ginger pelt. She spots a group of dry, brown ferns, and quickly carries her mouse over to it, covering it in dirt and leaves to mask its scent.

"Deary....." a Harsh, Creaky voice comes from the forest. "Where are you?....."

Spark got even lower to the ground, her ears pinned back as far as they could go.

When she wanted other cats, this is not what she means.

I hope they won't notice me. I don't need any trouble right now. That group is already evil enough. Fighting over me. She scoffs inside her mind

"Pretty dear... Come here..... we won't hurt you...." The voice says.

"Come to your dear Rin..." Another voice accompanies the first.

Ew. That's just gross. She gags silently.

"Come on...... don't make this hard..."

I'll fight you if I have too. Though that will give them a chance. She shudders at the thought.

"You stand out... You know that."


Suddenly, the ferns that were coving her were ripped apart, and she was crouching, vulnerable.

She launches herself at them, knocking him back. 

"Why do you have to make it so difficult?" The cat she had pinned screeched at her.

"Because I don't want to do what you want to do." She answered back, swiping him across his face, leaving a red, bloody mark across his nose.

She could see that the Tom was almost red, with green eyes, and a menacing smirk.

"Oh Darling." Another voice said, and she looked up to see that 4 more cats were surrounding her.

She pinned her ears down, fear showing in her eyes.

She couldn't win this, and she hated herself for showing her fear.

The other cats Clearly noticed, and they all grinned.

"Are you scared deary?" One of them asked. A black Tom.

"No." She snapped.

"But why? They is no reason to be scared of us. Just let us do what we have to do, then we will leave you alone." The group nodded, looking innocent.

She dug her claws deep into the cat fur, until she could feel skin being pierced. The cat below her grunted, and as if that was a sign, the group attacked her.

They came from all sides, and she lost her grip of the cat that had first discovered her and he also leaped, up trying to pin her to the ground.

"You Fox-Brains!" She screeched at them, and they laughed at her. 

Then there was a flash of black,  A shine of claws, and shrieks of pain. Spark stood up form where she was crouching, and shook out her pelt. Her attackers had gone, leaving 3 huffing and panting cats. One was a black Tom, another a brown tabby Tom, and an expecting tortoiseshell she-cat.

The Black Tom shot a glare at her, and went to sit at the side of the clearing. The tortoiseshell she came up to her and studied her. After that, she sat down with a light sigh, sitting awkwardly because of her swollen stomach. Spark wondered how she could right when she was so close to having her kits.

"Hello, young one." She sat down, and Spark eyed her hesitantly.

"Do not be scared." There was a slight teasing glint in her eyes.

"I'm not scared! Just..... cautious." Spark said indignantly.

"I am Finchsong." The she-cat said.

"And.....?" Spark prompted.

Finchsong smiled, a genuine smile, not just a smile that had sympathy for a young, lonely cat in it.

"I am a clan cat. The leader of My own clan." She gazed up at the tall tress surrounding them.

"What would that- no better question- why would you help me?" Spark was genuinely puzzled.

"Because you are young, and deserve many more chances in life."

"What?" Spark asked, very confused by this cat. She looks around for the other cats, and spots them, at the side of the clearing, watching intently. Well the tabby was, the black one was clearly looking for the mouse that she had caught.

Finchsong purrs. "Okay, that was a little confusing. I meant that you are only a young cat, and have a life ahead of you."

"That does make more sense." Spark agrees. "But still, but what does that have to do with you helping me?"

"Well, even though you weren't on out list I am asking...."

"Yes?" Spark leans in.

"I was asking.... Would you want to join our clan?"

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