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The smell of scorched darkness and smoldering flames had become eternally intertwined with Tenebris. Amidst the vast cosmos, nestled within the remnants of extinguished stars, the planet had emerged as a spark that shone with unprecedented brightness in its history. On that fateful day, the shadow-made planet had been targeted by Thanos.

His army had turned Tenebris into a blazing inferno. Its once obsidian landscapes were devoured by flames more intense than a dragon's breath. Urbanized cities were reduced to ashes whose specks of dust swirled around as a reminder of the fallen victims whose despairing shrieks haunted the place to this day.

Tenebris trembled in fear as deadly energy rays pierced through its surface to reach its core. Thanos had slain anyone who dared to oppose him; even the royal family that had trusted him the most. They had met their end at the hands of the dark lord, protecting the very place they cherished. They died defending their home.

All that for a relic named the Heart of Darkness which was allegedly kept there since the planet took its first breath.

It took a long time for Wraith to inhale the ever-present soaring pain lingering in the wind. The truth was that he never wanted to come back. He avoided Tenebris because it reminded him of the life he had lost.

He couldn't look into the eyes of the souls that were forever meant to wander around outside their bodies, passing the destroyed streets with no purpose; no endpoint in sight, fulfilling the curse of death herself until Thanos captured her.

Although the curse had ended for the future generations that will die here; the others remained walking the corridors like ghosts, failing to connect to reality. Only those who were slain by the pure starlight were able to rest in peace. Now that Wraith was back, he desired to restore the planet to its glory, moreover to make it a multicultural center so that his late parents could be proud.

The wind kept carrying the sorrows and the echoes of the past yet instead of mourning Tenebris' demise, it sealed the memories as a harbinger of a new beginning. Wraith hadn't ignored the crackling grime beneath his feet, rather he followed them like tracks. Soon, he found himself exploring galaxies and other worlds, searching for survivors who had been ruthlessly exploited by the Mad Titan.

Wraithane found himself in the far reaches of the universe where the lights ignited.

It took a while till the ruins started to thrive with excitement. A place once haunted by death was slowly recollecting the bustling life. Each rescue mission, each journey to the unknown outer realms was enough to remind them of the delight called hope.

Although some of his kind lost the ability to heal themselves as the essence of darkness was extracted right out of their bodies, they carried on, having a tough time choosing between Earth and Tenebris.

After all, Scardadenguas cherished the prince's courage and fell right into his arms once they were freed, following him everywhere as proof of their unyielding trust. They rebound to their homeland and start to live again in honor of the return of their prince and savior.

And so it went, planet after planet, galaxy after galaxy, reclaiming territories once ruled by his father, saving more lives, leaving a trail across the intergalactic map that connected the dots of restored order.

Each time Wraith returned, he brought more of those whose faith was ripped apart during the wars. Scardadenguas, along with the newly arrived residents from various species, celebrated the prince's might.

The capital city of Tenebris, Temna, flourished like never before. It was as if the city had witnessed color for the first time. The desolate streets were rebuilt, now teeming with the vibrant energy of everyday life. The scents of local spices filled the air, accompanied by the melodies of laughter.

Children reached out to touch the shadow prince as he passed through the square, hoping to receive his blessing and experience his fearlessness. Rumor had it that a speck of the power of the Heart of Darkness dwelled in his body, but he never confirmed it.

Wraith was overwhelmed with the excitement and the cheers that brush-stroked his soul yet it was hard for him to utter a smile. Something tight wrapped and throbbed around his brain and chest. Perhaps it was the longing squirming inside. Although their paths split a long time ago, there wasn't a single day he hadn't thought of his beloved Nebula.

Had she joined the Guardians, or was she navigating the universe on her own?

Was she safe?

He hoped that Nebula was thriving, for she deserved nothing less. Still, she slipped away just like stardust from his trembling fingers.

Every thought of her clouded his vision. Each arrival that celebrated a successful rescue only exacerbated his blinding headaches. More often those enigmatic episodes evoked the agony and distress that followed the Starfleet bombing.

He saw glimpses of those he had lost in the quick light flashes. Their pained expressions imprinted upon him, as if all his efforts to honor their memory meant something to them. The pain intensified as he recalled his father turning his back on him.

Waves of suppressed anger surged within him as if they had been living deep inside of him since before his birth. The prince's heart swelled with determination, ready to rule the dark world as his destiny intended.

"Prepare the ship." Wraith cut off the discussion with a deep breath, dispelling the feverish haze in his mind. The advisors leaned over the map, highlighting the location of an emergency call from an exploration fleet lost in the pitch darkness.

The unease flickered in their eyes; especially in general's who were -even now- sweating blood.

Ruine's brows furrowed as she gauged the reactions of others, disbelief etched on her face. They couldn't let this unspoken decision pass them by. The taste of impending doom lingered on her tongue, infecting her every thought.

She survived so many wars, she didn't like to take risks; particularly not now when the planet started to flourish and many reunited with their families. Wraith was way too generous, giving others (even those who didn't belong there) places to live, entirely forgetting the dangers that could approach them. Overpopulation and poverty were just a few of them.

The prince may not feel that way, having anything to lose -as those whom he was fond of died before his eyes- yet to general caution and safety meant everything.

"Your Highness, I have stood by your family's side through countless trials, and I will continue to do so but this calling does feel a bit strange to me. Tusulyc was wiped out years ago, there's no way they managed to enter the atmosphere." General Ruine stuttered, with her callous gaze fixed on the prince, "Given our current position, we can't afford to take unnecessary risks. Please consider the implications for our fledgling society."

The signal, constantly updating their coordinates, drummed with increasing intensity, nearly mirroring the growing unease in Wraithane's mind. The tension in the room rose as the advisors exchanged concerned glances, while the general's chin twitched as she tried to quell the growing turmoil in her mind.

"I understand your concerns, General," Wraith expressed, attempting to not use fear or favor, "However, the exploration fleet detected a distress signal, and we must investigate and provide assistance if necessary." Despite the odd circumstances, they were obligated to do their utmost to help them. "If Tusulyc has managed to survive all these years, there's a possibility they may need our help as well. " Even more, if the prince (the one who was planned to be crowned soon as fate had decreed) commanded it, they shall respect his word. "Gather the necessary supplies and personnel. We'll leave immediately."

"As you wish, sir," General Ruine's jaw tightened, nodding her agreement before turning away to issue orders for the gathering of supplies and personnel. Her mouth twisted in defeat, but her reaction went unnoticed.

The ship cut through the fabric of space, sailing through the starry abyss that stretched beyond. Glittering waves rippled across the immense cosmos, and galaxies twirled in the distance, watching as the ship approached with an eerie silence.

Clusters of newborn nebulae shimmered as the ship navigated the vibrant tunnels, which slowly dimmed as they progressed. Wraith held his breath, observing the lifeless worlds cloaked in ethereal mist.

Tusulyc's opalescent hue shone from afar, overshadowing planets blanketed in ashes. The planet resembled a pearl encircled by obsidian shells, or a single burning flame in the dark, encased by debris and moonlets.

As they drew nearer, the ship's scanner picked up energy signatures, and distant stars twinkled like watchful eyes.

"Prepare for a possible encounter," the general's voice broke the silence, firm yet tinged with uncertainty Ruine got distracted by the mesmerizing scenery as the iridescent fog enveloped the ship and hugged it tightly. Colored blankets of thousand glinting orbs caressed the hull, gently pulling it closer to the signal beacon.

As they descended toward the source and cut through the layers of vapors, a sprawling industrial cityscape emerged from beneath the mist. The pearlike haze that lured them in turned into smog that entwined around the towering spires and destroyed metallic arms that once reached into the depths of space.

Crystallized stardust formed a protective cocoon around the planet, and the surface of Tusulyc appeared as a desolate expanse with ashy soil, solidified lava, and a horizon speckled with run-down manufacturing facilities.

The ship landed on a landscape that was desolated and sheathed in molten debris; the heat remnants of the star extraction. As Wraithane stepped onto the scorched ground, memories flooded his mind. He remembered the missiles hurtling like comets and the craters they left behind.

Ashes of neighborhoods drifted through the air, seeping into the ground, where they seemed to preserve the pain. These remnants trickled into the crevices between bloodstains and soil, turning Tenebris into a burial ground of echoes, slowly fading into oblivion.

Tusulyc was no different. Had he not known its past rulers, he might not have recognized it. The planet had become another casualty of Thanos' power, stripped of its culture and heritage, and replaced by industrial harvesting facilities.

Wraith's eyes clenched, surveying the ruins replaced with extracting facilities; also known as the harvesters. The structural remnants of the star harvesters could be found on the far west of Tenebris, where a part of Thanos' fleet settled way before the alliance was renewed. He recalled how he had turned a blind eye to these structures, never suspecting their true purpose.

Vaguely remembering the harvesters on Tenebris, he knew they were usually concealed among the clouds of darkness. Their engines hummed, however, his attention was drawn toward the giggles resonating in the woods.

"Careful," Nebula chortled as she nearly watched him die choking on a piece of fruit, "You still have to taste the ones I brought from Tusulyc. Speaking of which, we should visit there together sometime. It's such a beautiful place, and I just know you'll love it."

"Wait, there's more?" Wraith had cleared his throat as his eyes watered, wiping juice from his chin with an embroidered sleeve. He felt foolish; her watching him devour the goods she gathered on her galactic journeys with her adoptive father. Now they sat on the ground, beneath a tree surrounded by the wonders of Tenebris' nature.

"You bet," a playful smirk took over Nebula's face, bag landing on her lap, "Did you think I invited you out here just for a few zorgleberries I stole from a market? Pfft, you do have low expectations for a prince." She had shaken her head, her hands rummaging through the bag's pockets.

"It's just... I remembered you saying you weren't really into dates that much," Wraith shrugged, unsure what to do with his hands as he absentmindedly plucked at the windswept grass.

"That's true," her tongue had clicked, "This is a one-time thing," she mumbled, taking a deep glance at him, sending off secret signals. The apples of her cheeks got rounder as she couldn't stop grinning. "But who knows, maybe I'll change my mind." Her hand wandered toward his, squeezing it enough to make the corners of his mouth quiver.

Wraith looked up into the wells of her eyes speckled with the tint of lavenders and violets. enjoyed studying her, noticing every little detail and quirk. For example, the way her upper lip was hidden whenever she was in smiles. Her nose was wrinkled at the bridge and her cheeks pierced with uneven dimples.

"Close your eyes."

He had nodded in silence, adjusting his posture as his heart raced.

"Now open..."

And he had done so. Wraith was in awe as both of their faces were illuminated in a faint glow. In Neb's palms, there lay a fruit shaped like a pear, its skin was soft with a vibrant shade of yellow with patterns etched upon it. The carvings on it shifted and shimmered as if they were alive. He reached out hesitantly, fingertips trickled over the skin. Right after he picked it in his hands, the unknown fruit shone even more brightly without damaging his body.

"What is that?"

"Solarcytrin," Nebula's smile widened with excitement, "And I gotta tell you... It was hard to get." she bragged proudly, pointing at a scorched strap of the bag she liked to bring while traveling, "Well, it grows on the shores of the lava lakes, I should've expected it happening. Sadly, I've managed to only pick two but it will surely do the trick." she chuckled, peeling off the skin of the solarcytrin she got for herself.

Wraith watched her closely, imitating, following her movements. His nails dug under the skin and peeled it as well. Immediately a sweet fragrance with a hint of sourness filled the air.

"I've heard that whoever eats the fruit, will gain a glimpse of what awaits in the future," Neb shared a tale that went along with its radiance. Who would think that Tusulycans were very superstitious? In truth, Neb liked the thought of something supernatural being trapped in such a tiny fruit.

"Whoever came up with that story must've been high or something—" Wraith exclaimed quite expressionless to pull some jokes on the blue girl. He craved to taste the solarcytrin's sugariness and shimmer.

Finally, his stone-cold statement was broken off with a simper, "We won't know if it's true if we don't try it."

"Fine," Wraith rolled his eyes flirtatiously, failing to fight off the smug look she gave him, "Cheers?"


They raised their hands and bit into the fruit. The solarcytrin's surface was glistening like a jewel drizzled by morning dew. The sweet nectar cascaded down the juice sacs right onto their taste buds. There the contrasts began; the syrupy-like flavor tingled, electrifying the palate, revealing its true form; becoming just like the scent itself—sharp and sour. The dance of flavors was overwhelmingly dizzy.

"Nebby, are you alright?" Wraith questioned heavily, having the jolting sensation resonating on the soft palate. Nebula was shrouding, blankly staring at the ground, calmly chewing the sour bits of solarcytrin.

The ambiance dropped with a snap of a finger as Neb grasped her stomach. It almost seemed as if her mind was somewhere else until Wraithane gently tucked the blonde locks behind her ear.

"I think I don't like it." She exhaled under his tender touch, "It does taste worse than I imagined."

"Couldn't agree more," the prince said amidst the loud tongue-clicking. "See, I don't want to brag or anything but I'm pretty sure that I was the chosen one to see the future..." Wraith stated, doing his utmost to uplift the atmosphere. Although it wasn't true, he managed to gain Nebula's attention.

"You did?" she asked, slightly thrilled, examining every part of his face to figure out whether he lied or not.


Neb's dark eyebrows furrowed, biting the inside of her cheek, "And what have you seen?"

"I know it might sound insane but...," he paused to feed the tension, attempting to suppress the laughter that was trying to find its way to crawl out. "You've kissed me."

"Oh really?"

"Uh-huh," Wraith had nodded nervously, "I was so confused at first because it was so out of your character," his mouth twitched, not even being able to formulate the rest of the sentence as he burst out laughing. "Come on! Did you think that it would work?"

Neb looked to the side. Her tongue pressed lightly against the rows of her teeth. She snorted, "Gosh, you're such an idiot."

"You should have seen the look on your—"

Wraith's pupils widened in delight as Nebula pulled him into a kiss. His lips were brushing against hers. He got to taste the sapphire as Neb bedazzled his in return. The warmth of her breath flushed his cheeks. She withdrew, just to take a glimpse at him. Doe-eyed, her mouth shivered to make him hers forever yet he still hesitated.

"Face..." His eyes were closed for a second as if he tried to carve the kiss into his memory. Neb's eyebrows scrunched and her violet irises glinted in anticipation.

Their gaze entwined like a string of fate.

Before she could say a thing he reached out, cupping her face gently in his hands. Nebula leaned into his touch, her eyes never leaving his.

Wraith closed the distance between them with an overwhelming rush of desire. Their lips met again. His hands explored her body, to help her to lay on the ground. Their breaths mingled and melded together. He dazzled her collarbones with pecks. He felt the galaxies under her skin moving; fluttering like butterflies wings.

Chills ran over his nape as it was stroked with such delicacy, till Neb's fingers ran through his hair where she tangled the raven strands. She helped him to navigate back to where he belonged. Neb smiled as he marked her cheek with one of the kisses.

A rustle in the leaves and indistinct chatter made Nebula press his shoulders to calm his hunger down. They both looked toward the crackling until a bird flew out of the thicket. Later a chuckle of relief complemented the wind swishing.

Wraith drew back to lay next to her and gaze at the starless sky. Somehow there was no need to talk. Their chests were eagerly rising, even her hand rested where her heart was located. The prince eagerly watched her reflecting the moonlight.

Nebula was a prism trapped in the world of darkness.

"Run away with me."

Nebula's heart galloped, almost stuttering.

"I mean it, Neb." Wraith turned his head towards her, his eyes filled with sincerity and longing.

She listened intently with a heart racing with the weight of his words. His face was slightly gloomed, understanding that they would risk everything if they even tried to defy her father. Still, Wraithane continued dreaming of what their life would look like if they just left everything behind.

"Just imagine it," the prince continued, his voice filled with passion, "We could explore the cosmos or settle down in Tusulyc. This could be our chance to live the way we've always talked about." With every word, his voice got softer. He took her hand, clutching it with reassurance. "Just you and me amongst the stars..."

"That's all I wish for..." the prince's hand tightened around hers, like a silent vow passing between them.

As she looked into his eyes, she saw a reflection of her desires. The touch ignited an undying spark. Neb took a deep breath that wavered inside her lungs as a response formed. The yearning to say it out loud itched and swarmed.

And when she finally got the courage and her lips trembled; she stayed quiet. Nebula's gaze shifted from their entwined hands to the vast expanse above them, the starless sky that mirrored the uncertainty of their future.

Despite thoughts and fears battling within her mind, she wished for it too.

Only if Wraith knew that there was no point in running as Thanos had eyes everywhere. What if they truly managed to run away together? Would it be different?

Would Tusulyc still be full of life?

Perhaps it was one of the reasons why he demanded to see the planet with his own eyes. Now that he was on Tusulyc and breathed the dead stagnant air; he regretted everything, deeply knowing that nothing could ever change the past.

Wraith was a mere speck in the vastness of the universe, powerless to alter the course of history.

He and his team moved deeper into the ruins, their steps echoing amidst the silence broken only by the distant sounds of crumbling debris. A sultry breeze gushed into their faces. Flickering lasers were analyzing the life forms, sealing the general's suspicion.

The air was heavy with an eerie silence, broken only by the distant echoes of crumbling debris. The scourers split for better coverage of the area, easily leaving the two behind. The general followed the prince, overshadowed by his absolute determination.

Their progress was slowed by the terrain, as they navigated through the remnants, heading to the unknown. The stinging wind was mindlessly playing with the dead tree branches that were swinging overhead. As they were exposed to a play of patience and approached the arid valley, a sense of dread settled within the prince.

They stood further from the ruins where the ship wreckage nestled.

"We've detected the source of the signal," Ruine's voice crackled through the walkie-talkie before being abruptly cut off with a low murmur. She hurried after the prince, who was already on his way to investigate the wreckage.

Wraith's shadow form dashed to the mangled mess of metal and shattered components.

The prince stepped into the remains of the ship, with regret filling up his veins. His footsteps were echoing in the thick silence, complemented by the acrid smell of burnt metal and flesh. Wraith scanned the dimly lit interior with scorched yet seated corpses.

He touched one of them; still feeling the warmth.

The faint hum of the ship's system, broken monitors, and flickering lights added to the sense of abandonment. How lonely they must've felt, thinking that no one would capture their distress signal. Perhaps if they arrived a bit early, they could've recovered at least one of them or that was something he wanted to believe.

Wraith examined the room more closely, scanning the console debris and chains scattered on the ground. He realized that the damage was done from the inside. They were exposed to a sudden surge of energy without even knowing.

His hand rested on one of the seats, his head pounding with pain. His vision blurred momentarily as a shadow flitted from one hiding spot to another.

Shards crunched beneath its feet. Wraith's eyelids fluttered, protecting him from the smoke prickling inside as he proceeded to pace closer to the hiding spot. Once the pain subsided a bit, his heart thumped against his chest.

"I found—" Wraith stuttered. He moved towards the source of the noise, spotting a little girl crouched beneath a cracked panel. Her coiled purple hair was streaked with ash, and she rubbed her knee with her palms. Shivering and glancing around nervously, she made eye contact with the prince.

Her heterochromia eyes were so bright and blameless, and with a finger pressed on her lips, she begged him to stay quiet with restrained sniffling. 

"It's okay... I won't hurt you." Wraith whispered softly, unsure if she understood his words. Possibly it was the sound of his voice or the way he kept his distance despite being concerned about her injuries that let the eight-year-old trust him. "I just want to help. Let me take a look."

The girl looked down, hissing in pain once her hands were removed to reveal a burn on her pinkish skin tone slowly turning scarlet.

"That doesn't look good," Wraith uttered with a pained sigh, "I think I know a trick that might help," He whispered as if sharing a secret. "I can show you, if you let me."

Though she hadn't spoken much, her eyes spoke volumes. Filled with hope and excitement, they almost ignored the pain of her injury.

Wraith didn't explain much, instead reaching toward her injured knee. In a matter of seconds, dark energy oscillated between his fingers and was transferred to her. The energy flowed onto her, healing the burn completely, leaving a blue residue on her skin as if watercolor had been splashed onto her.

The eight-year-old stared in wonder as the scratch disappeared before her eyes. The blue mixed with pink, creating a beautiful shade of purple that continued to shimmer and expand. It was as if her skin was alive, a canvas painted with swirling hues.

The prince's smile drooped as he caught sight of something that sent chills down his spine. His hand reached through and picked up one of the chipped shards. A symbol, etched onto a piece of the console, unmistakably resembled an emblem that should have been long forgotten.

"That can't be," he whispered, stirring up the chills squirming inside.

Wraithane's palms sweated as he held a carving of a symbol famously used by Thanos with pride. His legacy continued to live on, even as he did his utmost to undo all the damage he had caused. Now his irrational thinking had brought everything right into the lion's den.

"Got something?" The General's faraway voice brought him back to reality.

If she was so curious, why hadn't she followed him?

Wraith's mouth shivered, unable to form a proper sentence. He abruptly turned toward the girl, but she was nowhere to be found. He was engulfed in a trance. His eyes hammered, turning every blink into a hazy dispersion.  His eyes traced the trailing-off starry glaze, disappearing in the window's cracks just a second after the General spoke. There must have been a reason for the girl to be so scared of her.


The prince didn't hesitate and hurried out. He slipped out of the long-range explorer in the form of a streak of sheer darkness but was forced to transform back.

He slumped forward.

A blade sliced through his body, scorching him from the inside. Once it was removed, the burning sensation escalated and became all-consuming. Wraith gasped as he clutched a freshly-created wound. His vision blurred, and the pain intensified as he looked right at the one who attacked him.

Wraith couldn't even choke out his disappointment; the agony stuck at the back of his throat as he realized Ruine was the one holding the knife. Her silhouette was now imprinted on his eyelids. His vision became more unclear as she leaned closer, a vile grin fixed on her almond-colored lips.

"I can't let you live knowing the truth," She retreated the blade -finalizing the irreversible- and pushed him to the ground. "It's too dangerous. For both of us." In a second the general's voice became distant, followed by quick footsteps doing its most to get away from the crime scene.

As the prince fell to the ground, the searing agony -caused by the starry blade- flowed through him like magma. Wraith craved to speak but his mouth uttered a blubbered gasp, concealing the tiny voice that cracked for help.

Wraith writhed, frantically scanning his veins—streaks of light that entwined around his flesh. The burning light bubbled and flickered throughout his body like a volcanic eruption awakening from its rest.

Was this the end?

He struggled to crawl as his skin was dissolving; turning into fire sparks that were sent adrift in the wind. His heart pounded erratically. Each pulse was screaming, reacting to the internal carnage ripping his insides apart.

His painful shrieks were deafening, echoing through the desolate cityscape. The heat coursed through his body, numbing the joints of his fingers that melted in the blink of an eye. Wraithane was bound to understand the suffering his parents and dearest friends had endured to reach a better place. Now it was his turn to join them.

As tears blurred his vision, Wraithane's breathing became shallow. He felt his consciousness slipping away in atrocious agony. This is it. A blinding glow flashed before his eyes, catching sight of blank space.

He expected a vision of Tenebral, the place of eternal rest in his culture, but all he saw was pitch-black birthing a shimmer, colored in by nebulae. That newborn twinkle multiplied into orbs that twirled around each other, eventually creating a ring of fire. The flickers grew into stars whose distance decreased each moment until they collapsed into each other.

Wraith found himself being drawn closer to the center of the swirling mass of cosmic power.

The burning agony was gradually replaced by the comforting warmth of a starburst – a supernova. Wraith felt the explosion resonate with every fiber of his being, merging with the vast energy and becoming one with it.

He was surrounded by the tranquility of calm wind, signaling the lull before the storm. When he inhaled, attempting to suppress the thudding pressure, it exploded.

He became the supernova.

In that pivotal moment, the explosion radiated outward, enveloping the entire desolate cityscape. His light extended far beyond the harvesters and consumed everything in its path.

The ground trembled, remnants of buildings shook, and the fabric of reality seemed to bend and warp under the immense star power. The supernova scorched most of Tusulyc to the ground, with light reaching distant galaxies, illuminating the darkest corners of the universe with interstellar clouds made of remains of his body, dissolving into cascades of dust for all to see.

Wraith's last breath melded with the universe, his consciousness expanding beyond the confines of the cosmos. He coursed through everything like stardust, wandering through the unknown, weightless and thoughtless.

The buzzing energy caved in, accompanied by a radiating light that scattered from his line of sight, as a sudden surge of invisible force pulled him back—right to where his life had ended.

Wraithane's core collapsed as the final energy wave ignited the atmosphere.

The sounds of smoldering flames and swirling dust echoed throughout the place he had never visited before, yet loved so dearly. He smelled the scent of melted metal and death lingering in the air.

How was that possible? If he died, how could he still be sensing things around?

Wraith gasped, attempting to locate the wound that had caused all of this, yet nothing was there. His previously burned clothes emitted smoke. His eyelids fluttered heavily, his gaze fixed on hands he didn't recognize. Were they even his own?

He swallowed the strange aftertaste forming on his tongue, as if he had been brought back from the dead. His fingertips instinctively wandered across his face. It felt new; not as sharp, but rather mellow. Sensing these new facial features was startling, and the scare continued when he felt the imprint of someone's touch engraved into his skin.

Then it faded.

Wraith was blinded by a prism of whirling and dancing hues. His hazy eyesight cleared, recognizing that little girl. She was sitting beside him, absorbing the remnants of the supernova. Her gaze was fixed on the sky in awe. Dazed, Wraith gathered the courage to look up as well.

Newborn stars bedazzled the skies above. These weren't meteor showers—echoes of his death. All he saw was stardust of memories, assuring him that nothing was lost.

In fact, this was just the beginning. . . 

oh my god...  idk how that happened but I randomly fell in love with writing flashback scenes. and i know that scene of teen wraith and nebula (lowkey referencing adam & eve) will live in my head rent-free and i mean that. And the fact that they knew each other for such a long time and find it kind of hard to reconnect because of all that happened hurts my heart. please leave some feedback, it would make my day <3

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