Sparks in Between Fang Marks: Bite from the Beast 3

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"Are you sure about this?"

Link stood; a majestic vision enrobed in his signature hero's tunic. You grabbed a wooden comb from his bureau and ran it through his unruly bangs.

"What's wrong with my normal clothes? I'm not going into battle."

You stopped combing, rolling your eyes. "For a hero, you sure do whine a lot. Haven't you ever heard love is a battlefield?"

"I just think falling in love shouldn't involve this much effort."

"Effort?" You countered. "Link, you're going on a measly date."

With a surrendering sigh, he stood still as you brushed his tunic, making sure to iron out any wrinkles in its cotton with your fingertips. You ignored the feel of brawn beneath his clothes as you continued to smooth his collar down. The past few weeks, you and 'wolf boy' have grown quite close... as friends.

Sure, there were lingering looks laced with sharp-witted chatter that seemed to hang between you both. The more you seemed to torture Link, the bolder he became. The chemistry between you both had become combustible.

At least on your end.

But your job was to groom him and give him away to the 'one' who would inflame his heart with love and set him free of his curse.

But you found it becoming harder and harder to ignore the little whisper in the back of your mind. This minute, taunting voice seemed to ask you, why couldn't you be the one?

"Y/N?" You looked up at Link to see him observing you in concern. "You, okay? You look like you floated into the mirror of Twilight, never to be seen again."

You give his collar a final smooth down before playfully swatting him away. "Come on, you don't want to be late for a date; it's a poor look."

You both made your way over to Link's horse, Epona. "We must head to Castle Town."

Link hopped onto Epona. The image of him clad in his green tunic atop his horse was sure to make any person's pulse race. Who didn't love a dashing knight?

"Y/N? Are you coming up?"

You looked at him, puzzled. "Huh? You mean ride with you? You don't have a horse for me?"

"What's the point? We can both fit on Epona." He jumped off of Epona and stood before you, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. "You're awfully weird today. I'm the one getting tortured with blind dates." He grabbed your waist and began to lift you off of the ground.

"What are you-"

"You just told me we can't be late." Link hoisted you upward, helping you wrap your legs onto Epona and get your feet securely into the stirrups of her saddle. He jumped up behind you. "See, that wasn't so bad, was it?" His whisper sent a chill down your spine.

Another trickle of his breath hits your ear. "Let's go; I don't want to be out with you when the moon rises."

"I agree; I would like to not be attacked by 'wolf' you again."

A cocky laugh erupted from his throat. "Who said anything about the wolf?"



You both made your way to Castle Town, where the interview for Link's heart was waiting to commence.

You walked into Telma's tavern; the dim lights and blithe atmosphere would be perfect for Link's first date. You made your way to the bar and hid your face behind an oversized menu. You surreptitiously watched as he sat alone at a table.

Wishing you were the one sitting with him.

He looked over at you, and you gave him a supportive thumbs up. You could see the tension melt from his shoulders at the sight of you. He gave you a resolute nod.

A buxom figure strolled toward his table. Her wide hips sashayed purposefully, reminding all of the men in the bar of her spell-binding femininity. A white cat jumped onto Link's lap, startling him.

"Louise! What did I say?"

Telma pulled a chair out, sitting down in front of Link.

"Hey Telma."

"Hey there, sugar. Louise figured she would be your emotional support cat." Link gazed down at the long-haired feline with fur colored like a marshmallow. He massaged her temples, causing her to vibrate with approval.

"Oh, you know I'm waiting for a date?"

Telma bent toward Link, a tidal wave of her cleavage spilling onto the table. He looked away.

"It's a shame you and Ilia didn't work out, but it's not a shame for me..." Her hand snuck beneath the table and landed on his knee, causing him to jolt upright.

"T-Telma, what are you-"

She winked at him. "You need a woman, Link. That's your problem. A man with a body like yours should be praised by the warm, curvaceous body of a woman like me." Her fingers danced up his leg, rattling him.

"Telma, don't tell me you're..."

"Your date? I'm glad you figured it out, honey.

Link shot you a glowering stare, and you shrugged your shoulders. You ignored Telma's hands all over him. You ordered a shot from the bar to bury your jealousy.

"W-what about Renado?" Link asked.

Telma took her hand off of his leg and slammed the table. Louise slowly opened and closed her eyes, oblivious to anything but the attention his fingers were feeding her. "I'm done chasing him! I don't chase men; they chase me!"

Link sighed. "Telma, I don't know what Y/N told you, but I'm looking for love."

"Sure, honey, I can give you lovin' "

"No!" Link put his hand on his forehead and rubbed it in vexation. "I mean, love. Not sex."

"Well, if you change your mind, you're in my bar after all." She got up, her black leather cloak swinging behind her. Louise looked up at him and hissed. She hopped off of his lap and followed behind her scorned mother.

Link looked your way, slowly beckoning you with a few flicks of his finger. You quickly hid your face, ignoring him.

You had a feeling Telma would be too forward for someone like Link, who needed to think he was in control. Link liked to be the aggressor. At least he seemed that way with you.

That's why you enlisted a few other choices.


You buried your face in the menu once again when you saw another contender approach Link's table.


"Hi Link!" She sat on the empty chair across from him.

"What are you doing here? The bar is no place for children."

Her legs dangled off of the chair. She stood up so she could stamp her foot and demonstrate her displeasure. "Link, I am 19 now!"

"Oh, has it been that long?" Link gave her an amicable smile. "You have grown into a fine young lady and princess."

"Well, duh, that's why I'm here."

"Oh no," Link swore beneath his breath.

"Every princess needs a prince, and well, you always helped collect bugs for me." Agitha placed a box on the table. Link didn't need to ask to know what was inside of it.

Agitha giggled, a sound reminiscent of when she was the ten-year-old he first encountered. Her blonde pigtails bobbed as she whispered, "Here is the deal; in this box are a bunch of cockroaches. You help me play a prank on Telma, and I'll agree to date you."

Link fell backward, scrambling to get away from the box of eager roaches on the table. You couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculous look on his face. Link caught sight of you laughing and growled.

You had to say that growling suited him, even as a human.

"Agitha," Link stood and brushed off his clothing. "I appreciate your offer, but I'm afraid I just need someone a little older."

"HMPH! With that attitude, you'll always be single!" She grabbed her box, storming off, but not before thrusting it in Link's direction and threatening to take the lid off, giving him a jump scare.

You once again pretended to look at the menu until you felt hands rip it from your grasp. "Is this your idea of a joke?" Link got in your face and hissed.

"Telma's boobs and Agitha's bugs? That's what you think is going to make me fall in love?"

"What's not to love about Telma's boobs?"


"Oh, alright. Such a crabby wolf boy! Listen Link," you set your hands on his shoulders, trying to calm him down. "You have to understand love comes in all sorts of packages and sometimes in someone you least expect."

The crowded bar offered little distraction from how close he was looming to your lips. You couldn't help yourself, thanks to the magic of the shots you indulged in, you awarded yourself with a quick glance at his. You couldn't help but think about how lucky the winning candidate would be to taste them. "There's a few more applicants. Please, just trust me, okay?"

Link groaned. "Oh, fine! But if none of them work, then I expect you to have a backup plan."

You opened your lips, snapping them shut. You wanted to tell him you had a backup plan.

And actually, the backup plan had been your first plan all along.



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