Chapter 1: Evacuate!

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The First Order would arrive at any second. Leia knew her job as general was to get everyone out of here. War was coming, and they had to be ready even if they weren't. She had sent Poe and a few other squadron leaders to distract the First Order so that the others could escape safely.

She took her seat on the Raddus as Admiral Ackbar and Cadet Syline were telling the pilots it was time now. The Raddus lifted up above the retreating base of D'Quar. As many X-wings, bombers, cargos ships, and their ship were all that could get in the air. On medical bay, her niece Amilyn's friend who was still in a coma was there.

She had sent Amilyn, Rey, Chewbacca, and R2-D2 out to find Luke. Amilyn's father. Hopefully, he would understand the situation they were in, and that he might renter the world he left behind. Maybe he could help Amilyn complete the last bit of her training. But that hope wasn't hers to decide.....this one was Luke's.

C-3PO stared at her as they took off seeing Poe distract the First Order with other leaders. Poe and Amilyn were always together, but this mission could take longer because of them trying to find the where the Resistnace had gone. But it would be test for how strong their bond was, like she and Han had done years ago. Her heart still acted in sadness even of the thought of Han was truly dead.

Amilyn, Rey, Luke, and if Ben ever could come back, were the last remains of known Jedi. Luke was wiser and older than Amilyn. Amilyn was both strong and gifted, even though she had the powers of the chosen one. Rey was a quick learner it seemed by how her niece had reported on what had happened on Starkiller. Ben was gifted, even still now if he was ver coming back would still have a place in her heart.

(Poe's POV)

I have a bad feeling about this! Because it came true!

Poe's data pad read translating what BB-8 had to say about them distracting the First Order. "Wasn't my choice Buddy! Happy beeps, Buddy!" Poe spun his X-wing around as they dodged blaster fire. He pressed the button on his yoke blasting apart one of the canons. Attacking a first order Dreadnought wouldn't be the first thing that cadet Paige Tico thought of. But Leia had agreed to the idea of the X-wings and One bomber to fight the Dreadnought off.

His friend, Snap Wexley had tagged along for the mission and took out the next canon for Poe. Paige Tico was in the bomber that could bomb, and possibly stop the Dreadnought. Tie-Fighters started pouring out of their transporter room as they went into battle. "We'll cover you Black leader." Wexley called through the com as he departed from Poe and started shooting at the Tie-Fighters.

"Copy That." Poe called through the com as he piloted his way to the next canon. Paige Tico. Paige was a very impressive pilot they had who had given the idea of the X-wings distracting the First Order. It was brilliant, but Poe knew he had to follow Leia's orders if he wanted to keep flying for the Resistance. Laser blasts were shot aimlessly by him as he took out the next canon. "One more to go General!"

"Good Poe! As soon as that last canon is taking out, you better get out of there." 

"Copy that!" Poe said calling through the com as a Tie-Fighter came right in front of him. He instinctively pulled his yoke and shot the Fighter into shards. BB-8 was obviously not happy to be there. He kept talking through the data pad complaining and cursing people out. It was funny to see a short round droid putting curses through their language.

"Damnit!" Wexley called through the com. 

"Wexley what is it?" Poe questioned Snap.

"The bombers are being shot down. They're all almost gone. Only Tico's can make it out."

"Tico. Paige Tico come in." Poe shouted through the com needing to know if the bomber pilot was still alive. Tico needed to be so they could flee as soon as the bombs dropped. And so Leia didn't have to slap him.

(Paige Tico's POV)

Her eyes fluttered open as she lay on the small metal walkway of the bomber ship hearing Commander Poe calling from her com. "Paige, here." She responded as sparks of fire and wires filled her lungs. She had fallen hard on her back, possibly she had broken a rib. But she couldn't give up now, especially not for Rose.

Rose Tico was her younger sister who was also with the Resistance and probably aboard the Raddus. Rose was a technician and an engineer who was very risky under the wires. If Rose was here, she would've fixed the breaking wires and had them out of here in no time. But Rose wasn't here, and the other pilot with her was probably dead as much as she felt she was.

"Paige! I need you to get out of here!" Poe ordered through the com. Paige eyes flicked with fury as she heard his order. She wasn't giving up now for a fight she was fighting in. She wasn't going to give up for she was fighting for.....not even if it meant she might die.

"No. I can still do it. Commander Poe it's best if you leave. I can still bomb the Dreadnought." Paige responded looking for the bombs controller. She saw it was up a ladde and began to hit the pole. The controller was mid way off the floor above her and midway about to fall. The controller fell after many of her hits against the pole. She reached out her hand and caught the controller tightly in her sweaty palms.

"No, Paige! That was an order. Get out of here!" Poe ordered through the com once more. Paige clutched her necklace that dangled from her neck. She was still lying on the floor wondering if her decision was right. Rose had the same necklace as her because of the medallions being twin necklaces. This is for Rose's safety she told herself.

"I'm staying whether you like it or not. Tell Rose....I'm sorry.....and that she will always be my sister because I love her." She smashed her com against the wall before Poe ordering her again. The Tie-Fighters still were shooting at the bomber, but Paige still lay there as she hit the button. The bombs around her dropped onto the Dreadnought.

The Tie-fighters shot at her one last time causing the ship not able to function anymore. She told herself this was right. It should keep Rose safe for a while. She closed her eyes as the fire swarmed around the ship, and clutched her necklace knowing it was the end.

(Poe's POV)

"No!" He called through the com as the bomber blew up. But the bombs had fallen onto the Dreadnought like they had planned. But it came at a great cost of losing another pilot they probably would've needed.

All the other bombers were gone, destroyed by First Order fire. Paige had failed the command to return in order to save the fleet. Her plan led to her chosen death. Was it right? Was it wrong?

"We have to leave now, Poe." Wexley said as they basted off into hyperspace behind The Raddus. "I don't know what Leia's gonna think. She may not even believe our report of what happened to Paige. Paige had a sister....right?l

"Yes she told me to give her sister Rose a message. Whatever Leia thinks, we both need to be there for each other." Poe responded to Wexley. They boarded the Raddus landing the ship in its docking bay. "I just hope Leia doesn't slap me."

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