Chapter 30: Spark of hope

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Amilyn wrapped a bandage cloth over Rey's cut on her left arm from the electro-ship. Rey winced as Amilyn tightened the cloth around her arm. CB-34 also helped bandage up a few cuts or wounds on some Resistance members. Amilyn tied the last bits of the bandaging cloth around Rey's arm.

"Thanks." Rey thanked Amilyn with a small smile. She hadn't noticed the cut below Amilyn's chin from the fight. Yet, Amilyn's cut wasn't as painful as Rey's.

"You're welcome." Amilyn told Rey with a small smile. Amilyn looked around her to see what she had seen earlier. Members of the Resistance were scattered around everywhere on the Falcon, the same expression of relief and grief. Porgs were in their nests and some members had come to like the little creatures.

"I do say your small medical training is very impressive, Mistress Amilyn." CB-34 complemented her handwork on Rey's arm.

"Thanks, CeeBee." Amilyn thanked CB-34

"I do say though that during my years at the old Jedi republic, Jedi Master Voe had the most interesting way of cleaning up and bandaging wounds she learned from the Chiss. A quite interesting tale, I'd love to tell. Maybe it's a good time now....would you like to hear it?" CB-34 explained to Amilyn handing a crew member a blanket.

"Sure!" Amilyn said exaggerating her sarcasm to hear something about medical advice. Rey gave a small smirk at Amilyn's sarcasm. CB-34 mechanical eyes showed his skepticism in his eyes, knowing something wasn't right about the way she said it.

"That was sarcasm wasn't it?" CB-34 asked.

"Yes. Yes it was." She told him.

(Leia's POV)

Leia stood in the doorway to the cockpit, puzzling at the tiny creatures infested on the ship. The chubby, big eyed avians were nested everywhere it seemed. Their nests were tangled on the Falcons wiring, peering out of access hatches. Squawking occasionally at the resistance members who dared to sit down at the table.

"Shoo," she said, sidestepping yet another one as she finally entered the cockpit. "When did this old rattle ship become a birdcage?"

Chewie sat in the co-pilot's seat, his hairy hands drifting over the control panel with a grace that belied his size. The wookie chuffed in amusement, then indicated she would take the pilot seat. Hans seat. Leia's steps carried her to behind the pilots chair, stopping with her hands on the seats back.

"Chewie...." She began, then stopped a moment to control her emotions. "Luke....He gave up his life for buy all of us some"

Chewie's hands slowed on the controls, stopping letting out a whine, a small sound lost deep in his throat. His hands fell into his lap and he slumped in the chair. Leia's hands settled on his shoulders, gazing out through hyperspace swirling around them. Memories came back to her.

Chewie had sat in the same sets the first time she'd ever entered the old Falcon. She remembered the never ending chaos, being pressed into service and ears during their frantic flight form the first Death Star. With the last of the Imperial sentry ships destroyed, she'd flung into the Wookiee arms, in a wha of celebrating.

Sitting side by side during long watches of agonizingly slow journeys from Hoth to Bespin. Having no idea if the Rebel Alliance had survived the escape from Hoth. But they doubled back to rescue Luke on Cloud City. But those people were gone, so many years later, here again.

She and Chewie pulled into a warm embrace as she felt tears pooling from the corners of her eyes. Burying her face in the wookies fur, allowing herself to weep. Chewie made no sound, but simply held her in that long embrace.

They stood like that, Leia's Chet's heaving, until she was able to regain a hold of her emotions. She gazed into hyperspace's infinite swirling until her breathing became slow. She knew she'd have to talk to Amilyn. Luke had been Amilyn's father.

(Time skip and Amyilyn's POV)

Amilyn couldn't remember the last time it felt so good to talk to Poe again. Pouring each others stories to each other; their pains, worries, stories, and knowledge. Yet, she watched Leia sit down on the couch, she and Rey had taken out beside the table. Before she could say a word, Poe simply nodded, knowing that she had to talk to Leia

Rey had already been sitting on the couch, inspecting the halves of Likes old sundered lightsaber. Amilyn sat on the other side of Leia as they sat in a momentary silence. Of course Porgs squawked and people talked, but neither of them knew what words to say. 

They turned their heads to watch Finn rummaging through a compartment underneath the bed where the unconscious Rose lay. Shoving aside tools, old batteries, and ancient books, until he finally found what he was looking for. Extracting a blanket and gently draped over Rose. Rye was the first to break the silence between them.

""Luke Skywalker's gone." Rey began. "I felt it. But it wasn't because of sadness or pain. It was peace. And purpose."

"I felt it too." Leia told Rey.

"I did too." Amilyn told them both. Her father had passed on through the Force. As one day other people would. But the Force would always remain. In every living thing, in every body of earth, or planet, the Force connected everything.

Rey looked from the broken in half lightsaber to the injured, exhausted Resistance fighters. This was what they had left. 

"Kylo is so much stronger now than ever before." Rey said to them both. "He has an army and an iron grip on the Galaxy. How do we build a rebellion from this?" Leia put her hands on both girls with a smile on her face.

"We have everything we need." Leia assured them both. "Now we just need a planet to....."

"I've already done that." Amilyn told Leia, who turned to her, raising an eyebrow.

"Me and Chewie have set coordinates for a place where we can find a base. We can more supplies probably, maybe even ships." Amilyn told them. She began to rub her palms together knowing what she also was truly doing it for.

"And what's this planet?" Rey asked.

"Semiria. A planet made to build weapons, ships, senates, opera houses, skyscrapers , and sky-speeders." Amilyn informed them of some of the planets features and purposes. Now, Leia had the right question to ask, but Amilyn knew she wouldn't have wanted to answer it.

"Why Semiria?" Leia asked. Amilyn sighed and held every ounce of emotion she knew she didn't want to show.

"Han got a call from a women you, him, and my father knew a long time ago. She sent it to him 3 years ago, it was bout her own alliance on Semiria. She said she had a crew of 350 people as she said......I've never met her.....well I did before I could have a's best for the Resistance to...."

"Mara?" Leia asked, Amilyn who swallowed back the pain in her eyes, the tears welling behind them.

"Yes." Amilyn breathed out. A loud roar came from Chewie, signaling that they had reached Semiria territory.

"I understand, Amy. Your mother......I can see she would've created her own rebellion. I always thought she was capable of being a leader. You don't need to explain further." Leia assured Amilyn, giving a small smile exchange between the two women.

Amilyn walked into the cockpit sitting down in the pilots seat, next to Chewie. He pulled the lever for hyperspace, pulling down, sending the ship into the planets system. Amilyn felt a shock of amazement of colors of Semiria had. The planet was streaked in a beautiful rose gold color and dusts of silver. Chewie flew them into the planets atmosphere, Amilyn recounted what she'd say to her birth mother.

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