Chapter 32: I've been meaning to tell you...

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(Break in by Amy Lee, Lzzy Hale)

Nightfall over Semiria was beautiful as city lights began lighting up in darkened windows. The city speeders passing by letting wind blaze against her even from her distance. The only sound heard behind that was her boots against the steps making her way down to the balcony.

Cool night air hit her, but it made her glad she had brought her resistance jacket with her. Her thoughts and everything that had happened gave her mind no reason to let her rest. Not being able to sleep was bad enough when there was no one to talk to during the night. Her mothers small band of smugglers, mandalorion s, and codebreaker building had already too many extra rooms. Being on the 43rd floor was a joy to have such a pretty view.

She hadn't seen the night sky so beautiful from the gloomy dark skies of Ach-Too. The stars glimmered and shined above the cities buildings. She breathed in the warmth of the city air not minding the small bits of gas from the vehicles passing by. She rested her arms on the balcony's ledge looking out onto the rest of Semiria.

Her mother had been so kind ever since they had gotten here. She already had a plan for a base and said her crew would gladly help on missions. Carlynn Solo and Verenia Brynn the smugglers were glad they got to steal some ships under the eyes of The First Order. Carlynn Solo was much like her Uncle Han. But up until today she never knew Han Solo had a sister who eventually had Carlynn. 

Ajan Kloss. That was the name of the planet her mother had found. Much like D'Quar it was full of greenery and tall trees that be able to hide the base. Oddly enough the planet was a moon with a jungle on its surface. But as Verenia had explained The First Order had never put the planet on their maps. Then Verenia and Carlynn's codebreaker friend Baze even was going to make access codes for the resistance.

Her mother had been everything she had hoped she would've been. Even though, her mother kept apologizing about why she had to leave. But Amilyn kept telling her it was okay. Her mother had still cared about her even when she thought she'd never see her again. After telling her mother what had happened to Luke, she had been told the whole story in seconds, but hid her grief well.

Shara Dameron had invited her to a small dinner that night with Poe. Shara had made Pog soup which she had always passed down through family tradition she had told her at dinner. The soup was a light, orange color, but was filled with immense spice and perfect amount of vegetables. Shara had always been so kind to her, but tonight after such a long battle. Shara had given a different side to her, the side of the mother who had raised Poe.

She sensed a presence walking down the stairs. It was Poe. Strands of her hair she had put down which was rare to see her hair down. "Couldn't sleep?" He asked walking towards her after reaching the balcony. He looked at her as he stood by her to her left side.

Amilyn shook her head. "It's weird though. After your mothers excellent cooking and meeting my mom who I never remembered. You'd think I'd get at least a good rest, I am...up and looking at the city." 

"Eh, Pog Soup is something I usually have with my mother when we get sometime together. And old recipe from her family's side."

"Well, it's always a treat for me when I have a dinner with you and your mom." Amilyn said teasingly to Poe who smiled at her comment.

"I never see you with your hair down." Poe said to her. Amilyn felt a dusting of her cheeks turn red from a small blush.

"It's the night and it's better to leave your hair down." Amilyn told Poe. They looked at the view for a while. Poe turned to see Amilyn staring at the city. She looks to perfect right now he thought to himself. Her honey blonde hair strands whipping in the small gestures of air passing by. He pulled himself together, hiding the urge of wanting to kiss her

"It's beautiful isn't?" Poe asked her.

"What me or the sky?" Amilyn remarked turning to Poe to meet his gaze. Poe let out a laugh.

"Both." Amilyn rolled her eyes and turned back to watching the city at night. Poe scannned her up and down. He had never seen her like this, but the way it made him feel was odd too. 

"We make a good team." Poe finally said turning to Amilyn smiling.

"I believe we do." She said before they both turned to look at the passing ships and active sounds of celebrating throughout the streets. Lights from buildings turning on as parties begun and some came to an end. The city seemed to have no ideas of sleep come to their minds. Amilyn felt her emotions swelling over her standing next to Poe in the moments of silence they were sharing.

Amilyn turned to Poe who had been already looking at her. She stood up straight to look Poe at a  her actual height and not slumped a bit on the railing. He gave her a small smile, waiting for her to speak. He looked at her lips waiting for her to say something only to realize he couldn't hold back for much longer. 

She watched as he scanned her face, wondering what he was about to do. Gently, tucked a small strand of her hair that had been flying in the winds of the ships passing by. His eyes met with hers before he drew a small breath, before leaning in and kissing her. His lips brushed against hers.

It was gentle, yet it was different than she would've thought. She put her arms around his neck as he continued the kiss. He slipped his arms around her waist. He parted his lips from hers as he lingered a bit. He eyed her for a few moments trying to see signs of regret, but to his relief had found none.

Amilyn gazed up at him with a small smile on her face. Poe gently placed his hands on both of her shoulders before speaking. "I've wanted to do that for so long."

"I...did too." Amilyn said looking into Poe's eyes. But he turned to look at the sky as if something troubled him. Amilyn waited for him to say what was troubling him as he turned back to her.

"What are we going to do, Amilyn?"

"What do you mean?"

"We're in the middle of a war. It's only going to get worse and worse.......I can't risk it......what if...we......what if something happens to you?" Poe said shuffling back.

Amilyn shook her head rapidly after he had finished his question of concern. "Nothings going to happen to me Poe."

                                             "You can't guarantee that."

"Maybe not. But I can guarantee that as long as I'm here, nothing is going to happen to you or us. I don't think I could handle it if something happens to me....and that I never got a chance to be with you." Poe smiled at Amilyn whose reassurance had given back his smile towards her.

"I know. I feel the same....I guess I was worried." Poe nodded slowly as he told her, it felt as if he knew it wouldn't be true. "When did you get so wise?"

"I've always been, you just thought I was talking nonsense probably. And I feel the same too." Amilyn told Poe.

"That's all I wanted to hear." Poe smiled at her.

"Things may get complicated, but that doesn't mean we can't be there for each other like we've always done. I want to be with you, Poe...."

"It doesn't have to be complicated between us. We'll be the only uncomplicated thing." Poe said getting a small smile from Amilyn.

"Then we'll do that." 

Poe shrugged, grinning. "Then what are we waiting for?" He leaned in giving her another kiss which she didn't run away from. Because there was no idea of running where she knew everything was going to be fine for then.

                          The end until book three

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