Twenty One

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Assalamu alaikum. In shaa Allah! Me and Saroosh are planning to focus on this book and complete it. For that, we need your motivation too. Even a like, a small smiley comment, a heartfelt note on how you like this story would mean a lot. Please oblige.


"What?" Rafa exclaimed, staring at his back.

"Good night, Rafa." His voice was gruff, with a note of finality to it. "I'm going to check on Mama. She needs me."

I need you too.

She didn't say anything for several minutes, watching him leave without looking back. A numbness enveloped her, taking away her rage like the breeze that slipped through the open window. Her love for him was far greater than the dissimilarities between them. His words enraged her, his ideas about her not understanding caused her pain, but it all disappeared when she saw him. When she realized they were in the same room, why they were in the same room.

They were in love with another, and that outweighed everything else.

The gurgling sound of the fish in the water reached her ears, making them perk in alarm, and a wave of realization ran through her neurons.

She paced toward the large fish tank that she had grown used to. With its yellow coral decorations, live plants and colorful pebbles, it was a wonderful sight. She stared at the fish which her beloved adored. Gabs, the golden colored beauty swam through the pristine blue water with so much elegance that immersed in its charm, Rafa didn't know when her ocean blue eyes pooled with water, she only realized when one of the adamant droplet cascaded down her cheek.

She gently wiped it away and leaned her forehead on the fish tank, closing her eyes. She loves him. So much.

The eerily quiet night reminded her of the first night she had spent in this place. In this particular room, and how she had fallen asleep on the bed in an uncomfortable position; lonely.

And the following nights of glory, the laughter filled chatters the couple had, the trying to be silent romances they had had under the blankets, the sun rises they had awakened together and of the sun sets they have enjoyed together.

Dwelling on the beautiful memories she shared with Abdur Rehman, Rafa thought of all the incidents of the night. Maybe, just maybe she should have given him an option to consider? Did she force her desires on him?

Her mind rejected the plea, claiming that it doesn't make sense. At least in her perspective.

The loneliness creeped into her bones but her optimistic self didn't give up hope. Things will get back on track, she thought. He will come back to her, hug her to sleep. She didn't disappoint him. She consoled herself.

During those valleys of thoughts, she went into sleep only waking up to see Abdur Rehman sleeping beside her.

In order not to wake him up so soon, she quickly switched off her ringing alarm for tahajjud. She wasn't a keen prayer of that particular salah but ever since Allah has granted her dream to become true, after getting married, she had made a habit to wake up at least at the last ten minutes before fajr to thank her Lord for her husband.

She still admired to always dwell in slumber and then again, that particular night, she felt a need to ask her Rabb for her help. To always stabilize their differences and to never wither the blooming flower of love they shared together.

After praying both the prayers, Rafa retired back to bed and only a few minutes later, when she was reciting her morning set of supplications, Abdur Rehman's alarm started to ring. As the form beside her stirred in sleep, Rafa's whole body felt tingles of anxiousness on how to meet him after their first ever disapproval on a family matter. Not knowing how to react, she closed her eyes shut. Pretending to sleep.

She felt the mattress straighten as Abdur Rehman sat up and she felt his gaze travel up to her face, her breathing becoming uneven.

And then, he stood up and she opened her eyes to see his back enter the adjoined wash room. The sight made her sigh in relief.

All these worries made her sleep to run out of the window, not even a speck seemed to be in her line of sight so Rafa turned towards the other direction and put her arm over her face in order to cover it.

Several minutes later, the bed again dipped in a continuous motion and before her forehead could have creases of confusion, masculine fingers gently grabbed her waist, careful enough to not cause her tingles. Rafa admired how Abdur Rehman had learned his way through her body, knew where she was sensitive and where she was not. Carefully, they turned her form towards him, one hand ran under her, holding her shoulder, and the other hand worked to ward off her golden locks of hair to stray behind her earlobe.

She felt lips gently succumbing to plant melancholies of kisses on her forehead, with every touch the intruder silently shouted that she meant so much to him. She was the only person that mattered to him. He held her so close and nearly attached to his heart that she could clearly hear the rhythm of his heartbeats. The hold was so precious that it made her feel as if she was a porcelain doll, if not handled with care, she would break and the person holding her made her feel that heartbreaks were never meant to cross her way.

She was indeed precious.

Abdur Rehman ambushed all his disappointments of last night and held the sleeping form of his wife as if undoing all the things said and done.

If all the dark blue galaxies became ink and the world turned into paper, that would also not be enough to declare his love for her.

In his thoughts, he didn't see the beloved in his arms open her eyes.

"I am sorry, Abdur Rehman," Rafa slowly whispered, "I shouldn't have...," her cherry blossom lips spoke, making his eyes delight with desire and her apology caused him to love her even more.

"You weren't wrong," he said honestly, slowly leaning to have a sip of the honey like petals of her lips, "I am sorry for overreacting too."

"It's-it's just that me and my mom...share a sacred bond and sometimes, it might be complicated to understand for outsiders," At the word outsider, Rafa's face fell, so he quickly added, "And it was wrong of me to have expected you to ace the subject without even teaching you the formulas to solve the sum."

Silence engulfed the couple just the way they had been engulfed together in a lying position.

"I think now you know why I preferred biology over maths." Rafa's lips broke into a small grin.

It took a moment for Abdur Rehman to understand, but when he did, he pinched her cheek in adoration.

"To be honest, maths is a very easy subject if you try to understand it."

"Just like you and your mom?" Rafa grinned and Abdur Rehman let out a hearty laugh.

"Yeah, just like me and her. " He nodded, a tired smile on his lips. "With time, you'll learn to solve all the problems."

"I hope so."

But sadly not all hopes turn into reality.

The high pitched tone of the YouTube chef filled the tranquil kitchen, bouncing off the steel appliances and circling in the cozy living room. For once, Rafa was grateful for complete privacy while she worked.

"Add the clarified butter to the dry mixture we prepared earlier. Now take the beaten eggs by spoonfuls..." the tutorial instructed as Rafa hurried to follow along.

She had strategically planned the cooking session when Tayyaba wasn't home. She hoped to make ras malai and surprise her little family with her cooking skills. Ever since the odd tension a couple of nights ago, she had been thinking of ways of making it up to Abdur Rehman. She had stumbled upon the idea of making a south asian sweet dish after coming across an ad for desi ghee on the kitchen tablet—the same one which Abdur Rehman used to read the news.

Excitement tingled in her belly as she imagined the look her handsome husband would give her when she laid out the dessert after dinner. Her mother-in-law would surely be mesmerized too.

"Don't forget to routinely stir the thickening milk you left on the stove," the chef reminded, prompting Rafa to run a spatula through the steaming ivory mixture.

It was coming along rather good, almost identical to the one the chef in the youtube video was making. She was so glad she had shopped for the ingredients earlier that morning, getting the exact brands and qualities, and not relying on the ones at home.

Her eyes jumped to the almonds she had left in hot water earlier. Their peels were bubbling up and ready to be easily stripped off. Everything was coming along great, and she couldn't wait to see Abdur Rehman's face.

Finally pouring the cooling mixture in folds, she left it atop the microwave to cool before she could hide it away in the fridge.

It's all going to work out, inshaAllah!

At work despite the grueling influx of patients because of flu season, Rafa found herself silently giggling to herself thinking about the surprise she had prepared for Abdur Rehman.

"You sound happy," Anjum noted from the other side of the phone call.

"Speak for yourself, I can sense your smile all the way across town!" Rafa laughed. "What is it? Did you sign another one of your multimillion dollar deals?" She forked a piece of a chocolate filled croissant, casually glancing around the hospital cafeteria in her tightly squeezed lunch break.

"Something like that." Anjum's tone was whimsical, signaling to Rafa that the joyful matter might be based on something else. Her thoughts went towards Yahya. Did that guy finally confess his feelings? And why hasn't he told me about it yet?!

She wanted to hang up on Anjum right then and call her brother to chew his ear off, but decided not to for the sake of her loving relationship with Jesima and her respect for Aashiq Bhai.

"You tell me what you're happy about and I will tell you about mine," Rafa coyly suggested. If Yahya had proposed, she wanted the details.

"Yahya-," before Anjum could start, hearing her brother's name from Anjum'a mouth, Rafa jumped in her seat.

"Omg!!! He proposed. I was right, I am always right," she exclaimed. Her voice was in wonder. The people around her eyed her warily, realizing it soon, she picked up her almost done plate of croissant, spooned it into her mouth, and dumped the plastic plate into the trash can all the while balancing the phone in her ear with her shoulder, she gave them a sheepish smile.

Anjum patiently waited with butterflies flapping in her stomach knowing very well how Rafa would have gained a reaction with all her shrieks.

"Anjum." Rafa deadpanned on the other end, "When did this happen? I thought I will be the one to let your ship sail in the sea-"

"Calm down, didi. Nothing has happened," Anjum stretched, "Umm. At least not yet."

"What do you mean?"

"Your brother stopped by my office this week-"

"And?" Rafa squeezed her ear into the phone, "Quickly get to the point, Anjum. My break is about to end."

"He asked whether I will be willing to make things progress-"

"Wow!" Rafa dreamily sighed. "I knew he had a romantic bone in his body."

"Tum bhi na, didi."

Rafa rolled her eyes, "I don't even have to guess what would have happened next," her heart doing a little victory dance," because I have known for a long time that it's a yes from your side."

Anjum remained silent yet Rafa heard a million words in her silence. They talked for a few more minutes until her break officially came to a halt.

The evening sunset was as pleasant as her rest of the day, it was true when Allah said in the Qur'an, "With hardship is ease." It doesn't mean that there is ease after every hardship, sometimes we do believe this above fact and while going through tough trials we patiently wait, leaving our door open for ease to walk in. No, it doesn't mean that. It indicates that life is not always going to be a bed of roses because even the rose stalk contains a few thorns.

In between your problems, if someone checks up on how you were doing and if he makes you smile - that also is a part of your ease.

Even though the night before had been stressful, everything since morning had been great. With these grateful thoughts she tightened the apron around her slender waist, glancing at the wall clock as Abdur Rehman's car pulled up into the driveway. The loose rubble of the sidewalk crunched under his tires, signalling the steady hum of the garage door as it opened with the click of a button.

Anticipation bubbled in her stomach, and she struggled to keep her excitement at bay. He's coming in, he's coming in!

Turning on her heel to examine the dining table she had painstakingly set, she patted down her sleek ponytail, ready to receive her husband.

Tayyaba, who had come in a few hours ago, had found Rafa deep inside the storage closet, hunting for fancy chinaware. When Rafa had expressed her wish to surprise Abdur Rehman, Tayyaba had offered to help her with the rest of the dinner. Now both women beamed with a shared excitement.

If we continue to play like a team, I wouldn't mind making my mother-in-law my best friend!

"Assalamualaikum," Abdur Rehman's voice boomed through the hall.

"Wa'alykum Salaam!" Rafa's excitement was apparent. "How did your day go?" She took his briefcase from him, earning a puzzled yet grateful look.

Welcome kisses he was used to, excited Salaams he understood, but not once had Rafa greeted him this way; taking his bags and sliding him his chappals.

"What's going on?" He asked with knitted eyebrows but a small grin. His eyes met his mother's who had appeared in the hallway.

"Rafa has a surprise for you," Tayyaba told, smiling encouragingly.

Worry lifted off his face, being replaced by a contentment. If his mother and wife were doing good together, he was fine.

"Go wash your hands, we have dinner ready," Tayyaba said, exchanging glances with Rafa, who seemed to be jumpy with excitement.

"Okay." Abdur Rehman mirrored Rafa's sweet smile, starting for the stairs.

His stomach did flip flops in hunger as soon as he smelt the aroma of the food. It felt like a five-star experience as Rafa placed a dinner plate in front of him while his mother gently pushed a steaming pot in his direction. His eyes roamed over the platter of tikka-biryani, chicken curry, brinjal chutney, and raita.

"Oh my God, this smells amazing," he exclaimed. "Did you make this?" His eyes glazed over as Rafa shyly nodded.

It was the first time that Rafa was complying with her full effort in cooking a whole course meal and even the thought behind it caused the crescent in Abdur Rehman's face to not waver. He was happy. So happy that his heart soared to no bounds as he pushed up his sleeves to dig into the delicacies.

With just one bite, his eyes closed in their own accord for the food in his mouth melted in deliciousness, the flavor and taste were otherworldly.

"How is it?" Rafa asked in pregnant anticipation. She offered the platter of biryani to Tayyaba, deciding to go last.

I've never loved you more than I do right now.

Abdur Rehman gulped his words along with the food, "You made me spellbound."

Rafa nodded with understanding, and grinned shyly. "You are yet to see my final surprise."

"What is it?" Abdur Rehman's eyes shone star-like as he chewed the meat.

"Didn't you hear the word surprise?"

He rolled his eyes and Tayyaba laughed at their playful banter. Surprisingly, the food wasn't bad and she was glad that her daughter-in-law has the knowledge of their cultural dishes.

"Okay, close your eyes for the next part," Rafa announced. She eyed him to make sure he complied before hobbling over to her fridge and bringing out a clear dish filled to the brim with ras malai. "You can open your eyes now!"

The floating ras malai garnished with finely cut pistachios and dried rose petals mesmerized Abdur Rehman, for a moment reminding him of the night he and Rafa had gotten married. Their hotel bathroom had been encased with roses and sweet scented candles. He fought back the grin of the hilarious incident of that night, and dug into the sweet dish with a spoon.

Rafa's expectant eyes followed him as he took a spoon, dipped it into the serving dish, and then guided it to his mouth. He chewed excruciatingly slowly, savoring the flavors, exploring the many ingredients. Her breath caught in her throat as she watched his Adam's apple bob as he gulped, then he said, "This is great."

Her face fell. "That's it? You had so much to say about the biryani and curry but only this for the main surprise?" A crave of annoyance lingered on her lips, it wasn't until she looked at Tayyaba's grinning face.

"I love it," he said, reaching in his back pocket to retrieve something.

"What are you doing?" Rafa cautiously asked, watching him open his wallet and take out a hundred dollar bill.

He offered it to her. "Good job."

"What the—Abdur Rehman! Do I look like a—"

"Abdur Rehman, buri baat," Tayyaba rebuked, giving him a look. "Rafa beti he's just kidding with you." Tayyaba fingered her wrist, taking off two bangles from her half dozen and offering them to Rafa, "In our culture, it's a tradition to gift the new bride when she cooks."

"Like every time? Wow!"

"No," Abdur Rehman's chuckle burst her bubble of swimming in treasure. "The first time at least," Tayyaba calmly explained.

"Th-thank you." Rafa's eyes watered with wonder and emotion as Tayyaba slid the bangles onto her fair wrists. "Thank you." Her heart was filled with relief and joy. Everything was alright, she had gotten the relief and ease after her hardship.

"Chai in thirty minutes?" Tayyaba asked several minutes later, clearing the table. She put her share of the dessert in a small bowl to have later, when her sugar levels were less high.

"Sure. You guys were so insistent about dinner I only washed my hands, let me go shower and then we can sit together for chai."

Rafa followed him upstairs, asking about his day and filling him in about hers. "Something is definitely going to progress between those silent lovers Anjum and Yahya. Your friend is going to join the ranks of a happy husband soon."

"He said that?" He asked, opening his wardrobe to get out a fresh set of clothes.

"No, Anjum told me so far." Rafa lingered near the bedpost, toying with her hair.

"Then don't mention it to Yahya yet; that you know what's going on. Let's let him come to us by himself, that way it will be more special for him...building that courage to tell about his feelings for someone, explaining his intentions of making her a part of his life."

"Look at you, talking from experience." She approached him with a mischievous look.

His gaze burned into hers. "You're right about that. I desired you intensely before making a single move."

"What about now? You still desire me?" She was dangerously close to him, the clothes draped over his arm a barrier between them

His eyes ran over her ponytail and soft eyes. She had returned from a long day at work and put in the effort to look ravishing. "More than ever." A flicker of discomfort ran through his face suddenly. "But I have biological matters to attend to."

"Eww, go!" She pushed him towards the bathroom. Turning on her heel to go lay on the bed in whimsical contentment.

SubhanAllah! She felt so content about the day. Everything was falling in place and to top it all off, Yahya and Anjum's soon to be union if her brother worked a little bit quicker to achieve his love, made her super excited.

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't even notice when the door opened and a freshly showered Abdur Rehman came. He headed for the balcony to nearly drape his towel to air dry.

His face looked a little pale, but he made no comments other than, "Let's go drink some tea. I think I might just have green tea instead."

"Why? You are so slim already because of your jogging?"

"Is a doctor actually saying that?" He gave her a quizzical look. "I just have an upset stomach, probably something I ate at work." He scrunched his nose in thought as they went down the hallway. "South Indian food doesn't sit well with me, all that rice and veggies."

"What? You know that my friends are South Indian, you inconsiderate husband!" She jokingly ran after him, knowing his bad sense of humor.

The green tea did nothing to calm Abdur Rehman's stomach. His discomfort continued to increase as nausea overtook him, followed by consistent trips to the toilet. He had lost his sleep at some point, instead sitting at the balcony in a state of semi-consciousness.

"Abdur Rehman?" A loud yawn left Rafa's mouth as she arose from deep sleep, the same sleep Yahya had to previously deal with every morning while waking her for fajr. "Come back to bed."

"I don't feel too good," he whispered, trying to stand up.

"What?" His wounded tone woke her up completely. Her physician side kicked in,"how many times did you go to the bathroom?" She threw back the bed covers and made her way to him,

"I don't know? Twenty?" His skin was moist and cold under her palm. She tried to support his weight, hoping to bring him to the bed.


She stared in horror as his knees gave in and he started to fall, taking her with him.  

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