19♠ Unbearable

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"Who?" I questioned, missing whatever big revelation he seemed to be waiting for me to receive.

Avery's chuckle into the snow seemed to sour the green-eyed man's mood even more than my lack of knowledge where he was concerned.

"You've never heard of me? Really?" he questioned, his expression almost disbelieving, as if it were a near impossibility. When I shook my head, he spat, "Liar. Every village this side of the canyon knows who I am. And while you are certainly a beauty to behold, your youth is slowly fleeting. You must have come across me in some conversation, surely."

Twenty seven was not old, if that was his implication. Satisfyingly enough, I would not have to lie to this man. I simply had no idea who he was. However, the wilder his stare got, the more I wondered if that was a good or bad thing. I supposed I'd find out soon enough.

"I've never heard of you, Ravenwood."

"It's Ravenhood," he seethed.

"My apologies," I lied plainly. "But, if you would please just allow us passage, we have pressing matters to attend to and have had enough setbacks as it is."

"Hmm, yes, it would seem fate has not been the most accomodating to your...matters," he noted, his stare lingering on the cut to my forehead. "Allow me to show you differently."

The way his smirk easily replaced his snarl was unsettling. My guard couldn't go further up than it already was, and I was  having a hard time understanding why Avery would lead us into the clutches of this man if there were any alternative routes.

"So...you're letting us go on our way?" I phrased, my disbelief evident as our breath in the chilling air.

"Naturally," Ravenhood snickered. "When I have finished accomdating to you, that is. He, on the otherhand," he cringed as if smelling something rotten when he motioned to the still restrained Avery. "He'll have bled to death before nightfall."

The sudden spike in my anxiety, fear, and anger certainly got Oak's attention. She was still tethered to me, watching and hearing everything I was, and judging by the wave I felt of her matching emotions, she was not happy with Ravenhood either.

"If you hurt him in any way, I swear to God-"

"Ooo! Careful! Don't want to bring the big guy into this. There's no telling who He'll side with," he goaded, not phased by my glower.

"I seriously doubt He'd side with a murderer," I spat.

"I agree!" he grinned. "And I'm sure your companion has, in fact, killed someone before. Perhaps even many. Couple that with trespassing on my land and his attempt to harm me and I don't think the Almighty would side with him, either!"

The cackles of Ravenhood filled the air, prompting a chorus of laughter from his men. I was finding it increasingly difficult not to land myself in the same position as Avery. In just a weeks time, I managed to believe I knew Avery well enough to know he'd only kill those posing a threat to life. If their slaughter could be avoided, I believed he'd go with any other option. Even moreso, I had proof that God believed in him enough to give him a second chance at life.

Ravenhood knew nothing of who and what we were, though, and I had every intention in keeping it that way. 

"Alright, that's enough," he said, ending with a final chuckle. "Quiet down."

His men didn't take note soon enough, and I was able to witness just how quickly this man could shift attitudes.

"I SAID THAT'S ENOUGH!" he bellowed, and everything went still. Even the wind seemed to go silent. "Thank you. Now, I feel it's time we head back to camp. Afterall, we have a guest that could use our kind of hospitality. Wouldn't you agree, men?"

When they all shouted in agreement, Ravenhood gestured for them to follow him, all while yanking me along.

Their camp had to be only a handful of miles away from the spot they intercepted us, but with my lack of rest and nonstop trauma on my body, I was beginning to feel the pain of my damaged ribs again. The discomfort, however, didn't stop me from straining the injured area just so I could turn around and get a glimpse of Avery. He was being dragged through the rugged snow by his legs, by the order of Ravenhood. No care was given to his head as they yanked him along. A few times, I was able to catch sight of someone kicking the icy snow into his face.

I grew angrier the more I saw. Upon our arrival, I was hoping they'd give Avery a moment of reprieve, but knew that was not likely. As I watched them help him to his feet, his gaze burned into mine before checking me over, like he was searching for a new injury that was possibly added to my already existing ones.

Don't worry about me, idiot. Worry about yourself.

"What are you doing?" Ravenhood questioned, marching over to the man that helped Avery up. Slapping his hands against the man's chest, he shoved him out of the way before shouldering Avery back to ground, disrupting the snow they stood on.

"I was just doing as told, Hood," the man mumbled in confusion.

"No, you were just bringing a prisoner toward our living quarters. He should have never made it past the cages!"

"My apologies," he hastily said, hoping to rectify his apparent mistake. "I'll take him there right away!"

"Oh, forget it!" Ravenhood huffed, sucking his teeth. He wrung his hands together for a moment before concluding, "Just take him to the whipping board. Perhaps we can get this over with now, before supper is served."

I tried my best to follow the men as they roughly carried Avery to the large, dark wooded wall at the edge of their camp, but Ravenhood fiercely grabbed my arm and tugged me to his side. His grasp was painfully firm, and he showed no care in lightening it once it was secure.

"I think this is far enough, don't you, love?" he taunted, his lips brushing against my ear in an unwelcomed manner. "Wouldn't want to get his blood on you, correct?"

I didn't dignify his questions with a response. Rather, I kept my attention on Avery, memorizing every face that took part in binding him to the wooden wall. There were two holes cut into the wood, large enough for his arms to fit through, which was exactly what was done. I could tell by the way his arms were bent back that someone was tying his hands together on the other side of the wall, keeping him in place. Not once did Avery flinch—not even when they tied a thick band of rope around his neck, fastening his head to the board. His dark blue eyes were still, calm even, as he looked at me, as if trying to communicate something.

"Now for the fun part," Ravenhood sneered, his eyes alight with mischief and wickedness. He raised one hand, somehow immediately getting the attention of all his men that were still lingering around. He was just about to say something, when a loud bell suddenly sounded throughout the whole compound. "Dammit," he sighed, looking at me while sucking his teeth. "Looks like we'll have to postpone the show a little while longer."

"How inconvenient," I muttered with sarcasm.

"You three!" He continued, paying my attitude no mind. "You'll watch the prisoner while the rest of us eat!"

If the men had the nerve to complain, they certainly didn't let him hear.

"Come, love," he pressed, pulling me toward a relatively large hut. "We must eat now, before the winter freezes over our supper."

It didn't take long before I was forced into the shelter he chose and strapped into the seat opposite his at an old square table. Only one of my hands were left free, meant to allow me to feed myself, while the rest of my limbs were tied to the arms and legs of the chair I sat in. The soreness of my muscles was an afterthought, however, when I was faced with the unpredictable man in front of me.

Under his mustache sat a sly smirk, one that showed no signs of fading, even as his men brought in enough food to feed at least a dozen of the men back at Camp Exodus—or what was left of it. The dark dingy hut was illuminated by candles, providing no warmth against the elements and even in its lack of comfortability, I could tell it was in better condition than any of the other shelters in the compound. My eyes roamed my surroundings with keen interest, wondering if there was something nearby that could possibly help Avery and I get out of this situation, but nothing stood out against the shadows. I did, however, notice the disheveled bed placed in the corner furthest from me.

My eyes quickly darted back to Ravenhood when chuckled lowly, unnerving me. "We won't be needing that just yet," he taunted.

Inside, I could feel Oak swell with murderous rage.

"Alright, that's good enough," Ravenhood grumbled, shooing his men out the door when it seemed they were lingering longer than necessary. "Get out of my cabin. Out!"

The desperate part of me wanted them to stay, so as not to leave me alone with him.

Slowly, he stalked around the small square table, circling me with predatory eyes. I had to sever the tether between Oak and I in that moment in order to bring her heart rate down.

"If I'd known I was going to obtain you today, I would have had the cook prepare something more...appealing," he shared, running a finger across my jaw. I quickly retreated from his touch, causing his features to harden for a second before he caught himself, relaxed, and returned to his seat across from me. "None the less, it's something. So, let's eat."

I made no moves to do so, which he soon noticed once he finished spooning in a few mouthfuls of whatever vile grey slop his men cooked up. The only thing remotely recognizable as food was the hard bread in the center of the table, next to a jar of yellowish jam.

"Go on," he urged, his stare borderline offended at my lack of reaction to his self-perceived hospitality. "Most of my men would kill for a chance to sit at my table. Eat."

"You must be mad if you think I'd ever dine with the likes of you," I spat, no longer able to hold my tongue.

The disdain behind his green eyes began to light, piercing into my unrelenting stare, but I never wavered, fueled by pride. Ravenhood was in a class of his own—a class of bastards that made even Avery look saint-like.

"Eat, you damn wench!" he growled, glowering over the table and shoving my bowl of sickly porridge closer to me. "I won't say it again."

Leaning as far forward as I could, I glared right back at him, asking, "Is that a promise?"

We simmered in silence for a moment, his eyes focused on mine, completely unaware that my free hand was inching closer and closer to the dull knife laying next to the jam. If I could've kept his attention engaged elsewhere, I might have been able to do something—anything. Unfortunately, I may have pushed him a little too far, because the next thing I knew, Ravenhood pulled back, wearing a sour expression for a short moment before an unsettling grin spread on his pale lips.

"You're not hungry? Fine. Then I see no other reason to delay further," he smiled, walking in a skip-like fashion toward me.

I asked no questions, my eyes too busy longingly looking at the knife I was so close to grasping, even as he untied me. If the pain of my injuries weren't already steadily returning, I would have attempted some of the defense moves I learned back at Camp Exodus, but that was impossible to try in my current state. Dragging me out the door without a single explanation, I felt my throat go dry when I realized what he must have meant.

The supper. It was only meant to delay what he saw as inevitable.

The death of his prisoner.

"Alright, men!" Ravenhood sang, calling his minions to attention. "All those in the mood for a show, gather around! I have a feeling this one, in particular, is going to be riveting."

The second I laid eyes on Avery, I felt my heart stop. I was frozen, disbelieving that what I saw before me could have actually happened in such a short amount of time. There was so much blood staining his chest, the cuts to his flesh visible since they'd removed most of his garments. I was certain they thought the unnecessity would cause him even more pain, possibly frostbite. I was a little relieved that he'd still be able to draw warmth from Beau despite his shadoe's absence, but that moment of repreive was short lived the moment one of Ravenhood's men dragged their dagger down Avery's side.

Avery didn't utter a sound, even though I could tell that hurt him. His jaw clenched, veins popping out as he strained to keep quiet and not give his torturers the satisfaction they craved. His determination actually caused me to swell with pride, a puzzling truth that had me wondering how I could feel so over a man I swore I found no joy in or with.

Yet all you want is to escape with him, alive and well.

It appeared I wasn't the only one impressed with Avery's silence. Ravenhood's contempt leaked into the air around him, and I could feel his frustrated gaze fall on me as he took in my reaction to what he'd ordained to happen. With a low snarl, he snapped his head back in their direction.

"You call this flogging?!" he criticized, displeased with his men's choice of action. "I want to hear him cry! I want to hear him beg me for mercy!"

"What would you have us to do, Hood?"

"What would I have you to—" Exhaling in frustration, he walked right over to the array of weapons they had pinned against an adjacent wall and picked up something with multiple strips of leather hide hanging from a paddle, along with bits of metal shards at the end of each strip. My chest tightened when he didn't hesitate to swing it at Avery.

I couldn't help the pained the whimper that escaped my dry lips when I saw the crimson stripes bleeding down his torso. One after another, Ravenhood landed blows across Avery's torso, tearing into his flesh. All I could smell was blood, my stomach turning at the sense.

"Now, you do it!" Ravenhood growled, shoving the whip into the nearest man's hands. When he hesitated, Ravenhood shouted, "WHIP HIM! Or you'll be next in line when he's through."

The man needed no further motivation. Raising his armed hand behind his head, he brought the whip down with all his strength, creating a deafening cracking sound. Avery could no longer fight back his cries, and the sound of his yells made it difficult for me to breath. I had to help him. I had to stop this, but I was having a hard time finding a solution that wouldn't immediately get us both killed.

Why isn't Beau here!?

My skin crawled in disgust as Ravenhood rejoined my side, his devilish smirk making my fists sweat as I tried my best to ignore him. He'd get what he deserved eventually, hopefully by my hands, but now was not about him. 

I couldn't do anything rash, but I swore that demon-eyed man would pay for this. Oak was calling out to me, and only after her third attempt at a tether did I allow the connection to form. Not even five seconds after, she was crying, begging me to allow her to intervene, and while I didn't deny her, she was dozens of miles away. By the time she got to us, Avery would most likely be unconscious.

Dammit! Where are you, Beau!? He needs you!

My eyes scanned the snowy hills around us, hoping to see the polar bear on his way, charging to his lynk's aid, but his ivory fur was no where to be seen. I could feel my heart twist, wrenching itself into a knot each time the undeniably strong, as well as strong-headed, man I'd been forced to survive with screamed out in agony. I could see the white meat of his flesh beginning to peek through, yet his dark eyes stayed firm on me, as if he was trying to remind me that he'd supposedly endured worse things. Albeit, it was hard for me to believe when I was witnessing his torture in person.

It was when those eyes began to flutter close that I really pressed Oak to hurry up, but I stopped the second I saw something fiery red dart behind the whipping board. My eyes were like a hawk's, honed in on the spot I thought I saw it, desperately wanting proof that I hadn't imagined something. That's when it happened. In the quickest of flashes, I saw the bright colored tail sway out before disappearing behind the board again.


An exhale of hope was bubbling in my throat, but the feel of Ravenhood's breath against my neck stilled me.

"What do you think of this?" he had the gall to ask me. "I'd love to know."

"I think your men are nothing more than savages," I spat, my eyes ablaze with unfiltered hatred. "And you are nothing without your savages doing your bidding. The second they're gone, a pawn is all you'll be."

His nostrils flared at my words, and while I could see his fists clenching in my peripheral, I kept my gaze fierce and bold. This confrontation was not planned, but if it kept his attention hostage, then it was not on Avery, and it gave Timber a chance to possibly help.

Besides, I had a feeling Timber was not the only one in control of herself.

Please save him, Cullen.

"Maybe so," Ravenhood seethed, any previous sensual interest replaced with bitter spite. "But, this pawn is the only thing keeping those savages from defiling that body of yours until daybreak. Perhaps you'd like to put more sense into your next play, because your insults are wearing at my graces. I'd recommend not angering me further."

As much as I wanted to combat everything he said, I couldn't. Not only would it be incredibly unwise, what with Avery's and my own life in the madman's hands, but it also put Oak's sanity at risk. Mulligan may not have said such things, and it may not have been confirmed by another, but somehow we both knew that the bond worked both ways.

If I died, she'd be as empty as the old man.

I couldn't let that happen to the only family I had left.

That is the only reason why I didn't swat Ravenhood's hand away as it roughly grabbed my jaw, yanking me closer to him. I didn't have it in me to withhold my glare as he looked down at me with a sinister smirk, however.

"Now," he taunted, turning my head to insure I saw that Avery was intently watching us. "Let's see if we can make his last moments on earth even more unbearable."

Not giving me a chance to respond, the man forced his lips against mine.

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New chapter out! Hooray! I've lost count on how many months it's been, but no need for torches and pitchforks! I'm excited about where the story's headed and hope to find plenty of time to work on it!

Also...just wondering, but, did any of you peep that little pun in the chapter title? UnBEARable. Haha, get it? Because Beau was nowhere to be...

I'll just see myself out. 🙂🔫


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Guys, Witty is one of my longtime friends on this app and his amazingly talented self made a song for this story 😱😍😭 and I love it so much! I think it fits the vibe of the story so well, and I already know I'll be listening to it whenever I'm working on the next update! I definitely recommend checking it out! Show him some love, give him a follow, he deserves it and so much more!

Link to the song: https://clyp.it/0pwtkrng

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