Spawn - 9

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Chapter 9
" Hmm... see, there's only blood from where it landed. I don't think the actual spear made it stain this." Aegis explained, gesturing to the boulder where the Hound had landed. " Yeah, that's all good. But where did the body go?" Shrimp protested, his ears pinned. Aegis looked around, spotting a lump a distance away. " Hey! Over there! Something must've moved it!" Aegis beamed, beginning to bound towards it. As she approached it, she felt her stomach drop. " Oh my- that's the other Hound! I remember it had yellow dots under its eyes!" Shrimp gagged, pushing Aegis away protectively. A massive gash was scored across its throat, and a fresh puddle of blood flooded around it. " What even DID that...?" Aegis gasped, pinning her ears. " You have the other half..." Another voice suddenly popped in behind them, and Shrimp's fur bolted up. The pair whirled around, and Aegis inhaled lightly. " Sweet sky rocks!" Shrimp cursed, leaping backwards. The mahogany colored Anaki Aegis had seen before, was standing right before them. " Who-who are you?" Aegis sputtered, flaring her wings threateningly. " That's another Anaki!" Shrimp gasped from behind her, catching on. " I'm Drake. But that's not important. How do you have the other half of the Dragon Heart?" The stranger asked, taking a step forward. Shrimp suddenly leapt in front of Aegis, baring his fangs. " What are you talking about?" He snarled, lashing his tail. " Her necklace. It's like mine." Drake answered calmly, holding up the emblem on his necklace. It was in the shape of half a heart, and Aegis realized it completed her side. " I've had it for as long as I can remember. I don't know where I got it from. I didn't even know it had another half." Aegis stepped in front of Shrimp, calming him down. She unlatched the thin rope around her neck, holding it up.
" Huh... I need that." Drake suddenly lashed out a paw, making an attempt to snatch it. Aegis whirled it back just in time, leaping backwards. Shrimp growled at him, extending his claws. " Woah! No, no! This is mine! You can't just have it!" Aegis snarled, tucking it in her satchel. " Ugh. I thought you would say that. Prepare to face the same fate as that Hound, or whatever." Drake rolled his eyes, baring his fangs. Aegis tilted her head, confused, and glanced up at a hill a distance away. " No..." Shrimp gasped, tensing his legs. Nearly a dozen silhouettes rose up, taking the shape of Aliens.

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