Chapter 3

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Here she was, The Princess of Hell at the front doorstep at one of Heaven's main embassies. The nerves were kicking in, and she was beginning to lose her footing. A Hundred thoughts were racing in her mind, each one filled with excitement and joy, while others were of fear and of utter anxiety. She wondered what this Commander was like, all the possibilities turned in her head, this moment feeling like it was a matter of life and death.


The Princess turns to see Spawn, who had been following her while she broke into her little musical number. There were not many things that could tucker him out, but when Charlie broke into song, it was as if he had lost ten years of his life.

"Oh Spawn! What are you doing here?"

"Came to look after you..." He takes a breath. "You really gotta stop going into a song every 10 minutes, you have any idea how unpredictable you can be when you're in that state-!"

"HAHAH! Can you believe this?! I'm actually going to meet the Commander of Heaven's forces!!" She squeals, unable to contain herself. "This is so EXCITING, nerve wracking, but mostly exciting!! What should I say to them? Do they even speak english? Oh boy, what if I say the wrong thing, what if I insult them, oh man, oh man ...I think I'm gonna barf-!"

"Charlie..what have I always taught you when in situations such as this?"

Charlie takes a deep breath. "Right, right...Overthinking is a plague in the mind, and therefore should be eradicated before it takes over."

"And what else..?"

"Don't assume that things will turn out good or bad, all you can do is wait and find out the outcome."

" breathe."

Charlie takes another deep breath, then breathes out.


"Yeah..I'm good now."

"Good. Because I was beginning to lose you for a second."

"'s just that..I can't believe that I am about to meet an Actual Angel, in person! Can you believe that!?"

"No..not really"

"Come on Spawn! This is are one chance to get heaven on board with our plan-!" 

"Your plan."  

"Right...but If we convince them that souls can be redeemed, then they will have no choice but stop the yearly exterminations. Everyone will be safe!" 

"You know that is a big 'IF' right? What if you can't convince them?" 

"Well I guess we'll have to find out won't we?" 

Charlie proceeded to open the door and peek inside. "Hello?" She shouted, her echo being heard reverberating off the walls. It was surprisingly very empty, with no indication that life had ever existed until now.

Charlie proceeds to step inside, walking down the building's empty interior. "Hello?!" She called out again, only to get the same response. "Creepy..."

"I don't like this one bit."

"Come on Spawn! Where's your sense of adventure?"

"I left it back at the Hotel."

"Spawn, this is an opportunity of a lifetime. A real chance for actual change!"

"Or a chance that might make things worse."

"Well not with that attitude! Like you just reminded me, you can't expect things to go bad or good, you just wait for the outcome."

"Ugh..fine. But if things go south..don't come crying to me."

Charlie and Spawn head toward the Main Desk, which to no one's surprise, had nobody operating it. Both then quickly spot a Bell sitting silently on the desk. After a long silent debate of who should ring the bell first, Charlie reluctantly decided to be the one.


Then out of nowhere, a floating contract descends from above, waiting for the Princess to sign the print.

"Ok..also creepy." Without giving a second thought, she signs her name in the Fine Print, once finished, the contract quickly ascends back to where it came from.

Suddenly, both see one of the meeting room doors open, both looking in to see nothing but black.

"Welp..wish me luck."

"No way princess! I'm coming in with you."

"Spawn, it's fine. Just guard the door, I won't be long."

Spawn stays quiet, nodding to say he understood. Charlie gives him a warm smile before turning her attention to the dark room. She takes one last breath. "Here goes nothing."

"Uh Hello?" Charlie then shouts as she enters the room. She was already beginning to have second thoughts. "Is"

Till out of the blue, the lights turned on and there sat the Commander of Exterminator's, with one of his soldiers beside him. "Sup."

"Oh shit!!" Charlie said with surprise, losing her balance before falling down. Quickly, she gets back up, having a hard time finding her words. "Oh..Hi!! I'm Charlie, My..Dad asked if I could meet you?"

"Yeah I know." The Angel Commander responds, seeming surprisingly chill for what seems to be an important meeting, however, Charlie cracked it up to possibly just him being professional.

"Ok,'s nice to meet you."

"Totally! Nice to meet you too!" The Angel lets out his hand for her to shake, which she happily went for. However, when their hands made contact, her hand phased through his. Charlie was reasonably weirded out by this.

"HA!" The Angel laughs. "I fuckin got you! Did you fucking see that? Good shit."

" wait. You aren't here?"

"No. You think I go down there?" He cackles. "I mean, I love the vibe, totally, I love your tunes, pretty fucking hard core, don't get me wrong, but it's such a bummer man, everything down there is just -BLAH- you know? Hehe..Ew!"

"'m happy that we got this opportunity to meet. There's this project i've been working on that I really want to talk to you about-"

"Hey, hey, hey..slow down..we got about we get to know each other a little hmm? How about some lunch? Are you hungry? I got you." He then holds up a plate of baby ribs.

"Here's my personal favorite. You'll love it." He says, giving her a cheeky smile.

"Oh..uh thanks." Charlie said, generous of the offer. However, when she went to grab one, it was soon discovered it too was fake.

"Hahaha! I got you again, Bitch! Haha! Fucking Hilarious!!"

"Hehe..." Charlie unamusingly laughs along, realizing that this meeting was gonna be a doozy to sit through.


Spawn stood outside, guarding the door in case anyone decided to interrupt the meeting. This all felt too fishy, too convenient, something was up, but he wasn't sure what that could be.

"Fascinating." Said a mysterious voice, interrupting Spawn's train of thought. He looked around, only to see a figure far from where he was standing. They were seen placing their hand on one of the stained windows. "I've always wondered what Heaven's architecture would look like. From miles upon, upon miles, there is nothing in hell that stands out more than this place. It just makes you wonder if the rest of Heaven was like this, all the wonders it must have, sometimes..I would like to think if I did things differently..."


"Oh, forgive me. Just the ramblings of an old sinner...been down here for far too long, thinking, wondering, hoping and failing. I'm sure you know what that's like."

"I'm I know you?"

"You don't." The figure answered. "But I do know loads about you."

"Oh really?"

"I know you are." They said, "Your Spawn...created to be Lucifer's pet, to protect and keep the Morningstar bloodline safe. You killed and tortured countless souls, souls who you kept in line with fear and complacency. day, you stopped, you had ceased all action in hell's hierarchy for seven years until just a week ago, you reappeared again to stop a hassle between three sinners."

"You know about that?"

"Don't be was a big thing on the news for a while. Everyone was talking about it, Kinda hard to ignore."

"Who are you? A reporter? A journalist or some shit?"

"Oh no...I am far from qualified for being any of those things. Just the same as your princess isn't at all qualified to be having this meeting."

"How do you-?"

"When you're as old as I am, you have nothing better to do but listen, to study, to prepare for what is to come. I've seen the patterns, the shifting of tides, everything's falling into place and all that's left is the last piece of the puzzle."

"Answer my question; Who are you?"

"I've gone by many names.." The figure then flips off their hood and turns around. They are revealed to an Old man in his late 80's, he sported a long white beard, having reddish pale wrinkly skin and old as sin. "..but I have a few I like to go by, one of them being 'Cogliostro'.

"Listen here Old Man, I don't know how you know about any of that, or how you know about this meeting, but I suggest that you leave NOW before you get yourself into trouble-"

Before Spawn could finish his sentence, he sees the Old Man disappear before his eyes. Confused, he then turns to see them beside them, seen grabbing his cape, inspecting it.

"Hmm..I see he still kept the cape, Quite pristine if I must say so myself."

"Hey!" Spawn says angrily, proceeding to take a swipe at the Old Man. But when goes in for the blow, the Old Man disappeared once again, only to reappear beneath him, poking at one of the skulls above his crotch area. "Ah, he also kept the skulls..though a bit much, even after all these years, it does give the suit personality."

Spawn quickly goes in for a pound attack, but like before, the Old Man vanishes and appears somewhere else, but this time, they were holding something in their hands, it was his mask!! Spawn grabs his face, only to feel his rough burnt skin.

"Ah, so you were a burnt victim. Guess that would explain your reason for wearing the mask."

"YOU GIVE THAT BACK!" Spawn demands as he launches himself towards them, but with no effort, the Old Man leaps into the air, causing the Young Hellspawn to hit a wall instead. The Old Man lands back on the ground, he turns to Spawn, looking at him as though he was a master teaching his student.

Spawn gets back on his feet. He felt his breath begin to grow heavy, his hands curling into fists. "Why you little.."

He charges again at the Old Man, with intent to rip them apart. But like before, The Old Man simply steps to the side and watches as Spawn runs past them, losing his momentum as he tumbles face first to the floor.

"Tell me Hellspawn..what did Lucifer promise that let you be willing to get into this state of forceful servitude? Was it greed, power, or just an act of desperation?"

Spawn groans as gets up once more, his eyes glowing a bright emerald green. He no longer cared about holding back, he wasn't gonna let this Old sack of bones a lesson, and the only way he knew how. "How about you get closer and I'll tell you!" 

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