Wrong place forever

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WARNING! This chapter contains topics such as: Kidnapping, live experimentation, torture and topics of that sort. Please do not read if you are sensitive or uncomfortable with these topics.

Eager to explore the unknown, Shard finds himself in a bit of a situation after going against his parents' wishes. Little did he know, this choice of stupid ignorance would be possibly the worst mistake of his life.


Blinking his eyes open, Shard silently listened for any sounds of life.


Adjusting to the darkness of his room, Shard glanced at the illuminated clock on his nightstand, 1:13AM.

Slowly getting out of bed, Shard pulled his cracked door open, making his way to the living room to make sure his parents were really asleep.

Peering into the room, he could see the TV left on, both of his parents leaned against each other, their slowed breathing in sync. They were asleep. Perfect.

Grinning to himself, Shard quickly yet quietly made his way back to his room, tip-toeing to the window and pushing it open.


Shard jumped, startled as he whipped around, staring at his father who was now sleepily standing in his doorway. "Why you up, bud? What'cha doin'?" The red demon yawns.

"I... couldn't sleep, the room feels really stuffy. I was just opening my window to let some air in." Shard lies quickly, blinking at the swordsman.

"Alright. Make sure you stay covered, it'll get cold in here with the window open." Sword steps over, leaning down to wrap his arms and wings around his son. "Try to sleep now, if you still can't by the next hour, you can wake me up if you want company, bud."

"Thanks Pa." Shard smiles, returning the hug his father gave. He'd have to wait at least another 10 minutes before he can make his escape. "I will."

"Go to sleep now, buddy." Sword lifts the boy up, placing him into bed and tucking him in. He gives a quick goodnight kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight, I love you."

"Night, love you too." Shard rolls over, getting comfy as his father leaves the room, keeping his bedroom door cracked.

Suppressing a sigh, Shard quickly rolled back over to stare at his clock.

Every minute felt like an hour as they passed one by one.

Shard could hardly keep themselves still, excitement rushing through their bones. He had been planning to sneak out for weeks now, ever since his 9th birthday! He was a big boy now, they could go wherever they wanted!

As the clock struck 1:28AM, Shard listened again for any sounds of movement outside his room.

The house was dead silent.

Slowly crawling out of his bed again, Shard made his way to the other side of his room, slipping on a jacket he had already set out, as well as his boots. Grabbing his cross-body bag, Shard listened once more.

The house was eerily calm.

Grinning, Shard tip-toed to his window. His room was on the second floor and the screen had popped out long ago after he accidentally tore a huge hole in it. They never got around to putting another one in.

Stepping onto the ledge, Shard hauled themselves up, quietly making his way onto the roof of his house.

Blinking against the nightly chill, the boy made his way to the edge, spreading his wings. He hadn't learned to fly well yet, but he had basically mastered the art of gliding! His father couldn't fly himself, so it was a bit hard to teach Shard all the uses of his wings, not that the boy minded.

Jumping from the roof, Shard silently glided down, his feet softly hitting the sand.

There's no goin' back now.

Smiling with confidence, Shard basically ran down the sidewalk, stopping at the closest bus stop. He already knew the time it would arrive. 1:50AM. Shard had no way to tell the time, but they assumed it was soon considering the time they had left.

Sitting on the bench, Shard kicked his feet, their wings slightly flapping at his sides. He hardly even noticed a new demon beside him. "Aren't you a little young to be out here?" The newcomer asked, eyeing Shard.

Shard looked over, his red irises glowing in the moonlight. "No! I'm 9 now, I'm a big boy!" He grins, examining the demon closer. They looked oddly familiar with straight green horns, a silver ring with golden crystals fitted on his left horn. An engagement ring.

The green demon blinked a few times. "Are you Sword and Rocket's kid?"

"Yep!" Shard nods. So the demon had known of him slightly.

"...Right." The demon eyes him. "Why are you out here at this time?"

"Dad and Pa never let me go to Blackrock 'cause of what Medkit says, but I wanna go, so I'm going now." Shard fidgets with his hands.

"Blackrock?" The demon looks surprised. "...How interesting! ..I'm going there myself." The older demon quickly takes out his phone. "Mind if I go with you?"

"I don't mind! But what's your name, sir? Mine's Shard!" Shard smiles.

"Shuriken." The green demon reveals, seeming to rapidly type something. "Did you sneak out without permission?"

"Uhh, maybe! But that doesn't matter, 'cause I'm a big boy and I don't need permission anymore!" The winged boy kicks his feet more. "Why are you going to Blackrock at this time?"

"...Just visiting. My uh.. my friends don't like being awake during the day, so I visit them at night." Shuriken scratches his neck awkwardly.

"Oh, okay!" Shard's wings fold behind him as the bus arrives. "Come on, Shuriken!" He grins, quickly standing up and taking a bus card out of his bag.

Scanning the card, Shard takes a seat near the back, Shuriken following close behind them and sitting beside the boy. "I have to call someone real quick." He informs the child, tapping his phone and bringing it up to his ear.

Shard nods before turning to look out the window. He was so excited, their usual anxieties seemed to disappear completely! Normally, he'd lock up and go non-verbal if a new person was talking to them, yet he felt oddly comfortable around the green demon.

Shuriken cursed under his breath, causing Shard to look at him with curiosity. "They didn't pick up." Shuri tells the boy, reaching over and ruffling his hair.

"What are you?" Shard asks randomly. "You dress really funny."

"I'm a ninja." Shuriken smiles.

"Aren't ninjas and stuff from Thieve's Den? Why were you in Lost Temple?"

"Yeah, I'm from Thieve's Den. I was only visiting my fiancé's grandfather with him here." Shuriken explains. "Do you know what you want to be when you grow up yet?"

"I'm already grown up!" Shard huffs. "But I don't know yet. My gear is kinda useless." They sigh, recalling how despite all the other geared demons his age know how to use their gear and its purpose, yet Shard could only make his orbit his hand. Such a useless gear!

"Oh. Maybe you'll get it one day, I'm sure it's not useless." The ninja blinks. "Say, do you know anyone named Slingshot?"

"Yeah! My dad is friends with him, I don't know him that much, but I've seen him before. His cafe is really cool!" Shard beams at the change of topic, remembering the blue cat demon he's met a few times in his life.

"He's my brother, I work at his cafe."

"Really? That must be why you look familiar!"

"I guess so." Shuriken taps his phone, bringing it up to his ear again. Shard assumes he's recalling the person before, so they turn to watch out the window again.

Watching as the sand slowly turns to grass as the drive continues, the grass soon thinning to concrete. They should be at Crossroads within a few minutes.

Staring at the snow beneath his feet, Shard's smile grows as they kick some. They had finally reached Blackrock, Shuriken standing behind him.

"Hey- how about we go to a store or somethin'?" Shuriken suggests, shivering against the cold. He was very poorly dressed for the weather.

"Okay!" Shard blinks, taking Shuriken's hand in his own as he lets the shaking ninja lead him. "Do you have your gear with you?" He asks randomly.

Shuriken glances back at the boy. "No." He replies simply, teeth gritting. Picking up their pace, the green demon quickly leads them into a random convenience store, sighing with relief as the warmth surrounds them. "You can pick somethin' out, I'll buy it for you."

"Thank you!" Shard grins, scampering off to look through the isles.

Stopping at the snack aisle, Shard debated between a chocolate bar and bag of chips. Glancing around, he noticed another group of demons in the store. Their clothes were roughed up and they bore many scars on their faces. They must be strong!

Turning back to his snacks, Shard decides on the chips, quickly grabbing them and making his way back to Shuriken. "Can I get this?" He asks, noticing Shuriken had been anxiously looking at his phone.

"Yeah..- Yeah, that's fine Shard." Sighing, Shuriken puts his phone up, taking a wallet out of his pocket. "Let's stay in here a bit."

"Why?" Shard asks as he puts the chips on the counter in front of the register, the cashier glaring down at the outsiders as she scans it.

"18 bux." The cashier spits with a growl.

"18 bux?" Shuriken looks at her, dumbfounded. "Gods, is everything in Blackrock this pricey?" He huffs, handing the bux to the cashier who yanks it from him.

"Thank you!" Shard chimes to the lady, grabbing his chips as he follows Shuriken closer to the door. "Why are we staying here?" They repeat their question.

"Because uh- I seen a really scary monster outside, and we have to stay in here until it leaves!" Shuriken smiles awkwardly, grabbing his phone again to anxiously text someone.

"Oh." Shard blinks. "I'm not scared of any monsters! I wanna go explore!" He protests, opening his chips to munch on.

Shuriken glances around. "Fine, fine. Just stay very close to me." He sighs, grabbing onto Shard's shoulder as he opens the door, letting the boy walk out first.

"Okay!" Shard chirps, the feathers on his wings puffing out. "I like it here! It's so much better than Lost Temple, I hate how hot it is there!"

"Well Lost Temple is a lot safer, there's a lot of bad things here." Shuriken rapidly looks around, having a grip on Shard's shoulder.

"I don't think so." Shard decides, soon finishing his chips. Nudging Shuriken's hand off, he steps away to throw his empty bag in the trash. Turning back to the ninja, he had vanished. "...Shuriken?" Shard asks hesitantly, looking around.

Seeing the demon nowhere in sight, Shard starts to panic. "Shuriken.?!" He raises his voice against the chilling wind.

Feeling a grip on his shoulders, Shard relaxes. There he was!

Turning around, Shard froze.

That wasn't Shuriken.

A pitiful whimper escaped the boy's throat as he watched a new demon reach up, just to crash something down on his head.

Everything went black.


Slowly blinking his eyes open, Shard squinted against the harsh lights in his face. Looking around, he noticed he was leaned against someone, their arms wrapped around him. Turning, he realized it was Shuriken.

"Shuriken..?" Shard asks, blinking up at the ninja.

"Hey, bud." Shuri forces a smile. "We're... We're in danger, bud." He puts it simply.

"What do you mean danger?" Shard looks, confused.

"We've been kidnapped, Shard. People took us. We're at Blackrock's main science facility, they're probably going to experiment on us." Shuriken couldn't stop tears from streaming down his face despite keeping a reassuring smile.

Not understanding the severity of their situation, Shard noticed they both had been changed into different clothes. A simple white t-shirt with white shorts. Taking in their surroundings, the two demons were in a pure white room with nothing in it aside from a singular blaring light and heavy door. The door had no knob on their side, yet it did have a small window.

"Why can't we just leave?" Shard expands his wings, noticing how the ninja behind him is shaking. "Why are you crying?"

"We can't leave, Shard. We're trapped here. We can't go anywhere." Shuriken forces out a chuckle. "They're probably going to kill us, Shard."

Shard shakes his head. "Only bad people do that."

"Just- listen to me, Shard." Shuriken's voice drops to a growl in the winged demon's ear. "Stay behind me at all times when someone comes in. Do exactly as I say."

Worry flicking over his gaze at Shuriken's change in tone, they nod. "Okay.."

As if planned, the door swings open, a demon dressed in an oddly patterned uniform stepping in. "Finally, you vake!" They have a thick accent.

Shuriken jumps to his feet, quickly stepping in front of Shard with a growl. "What do you want from us?"

"Ah, fiezty!" The demon giggles with a smile. "You zeem to have forgot where you are! Zis iz Blackrock, my friend!" They step closer, another demon seen to be holding the door open. "You already knov vhat iz to come, but let me introduce myzelf firzt!"

"We don't care about your shitty name, let us out ." Shuriken uses his foot to lightly press Shard closer to the wall, the boy silently obeying as he scoots back.

"Rude!" The demon scoffs. "My name iz Zyringe, I'll be your vonderful perzonal zientizt!" The named Syringe smiles madly. "Howz'bout we get ztarted?" Jerking his head, another demon enters the room to stand beside him. "Who'z firzt?"

Shuriken's horns glow as he growls, tail lashing feriously. "Don't touch us."

"Or vhat? Vha'zzou gonna zo? Ehh, bite me?" Syringe giggles, the new demon stepping closer to Shuriken, attempting to grab and restrain him.

Shuriken yanks away, landing a punch on the demon's nose, followed by a quick knee to the gut, causing the demon to yelp and fall to the ground. Shuriken growls at Syringe. He knew Blackrock's scientists weren't known for being physically strong.

"Zo aggrezzive!" Syringe sighs as two more demons enter. Shuriken's confidence dropping instantly. Shard stared in horror as they rushed to the green demon, overpowering him with ease, restraining his arms. "You vill be firzt then." Syringe smirks, jerking his head as Shuriken struggles against the Blackrockians, yelling curses.

The two demons carry Shuriken out, the third one slouching to follow, an arm gripping their stomach.

Syringe smiles at the terrified Shard who's pressed himself in the corner. "You vill be nezt, zon't you worry!" He steps over, now towering above Shard. "Zo yourzelf a favor and cooperate, child." He growls, grabbing Shard's hair to force the young demon to look him in the eyes. "You are nothing but a Blackrock lab rat now. You cannot fight againzt uz." Syringe's eyes narrow, his purple horns glowing.

Slamming Shard's head against the wall, the boy yelps, tears swelling in his eyes as the scientist walks away. Shard reaches a hand to the back of his head, quickly pulling his fingers away to look at the fresh blood on them. They sniffle, covering the small yet painful wound that now lay on their skull as the door slammed shut.

He wishes he never came to Blackrock.





Shard didn't remember what happened after that.

The only thing he could recall was the growing pain in his head.

They probably passed out at some point.

What did he do to deserve this?

All he wanted was to have fun, exploring the unknown.

Was this karma for going against his parents' wishes?

For being so ignorant towards Medkit?

They wish they could, but that's impossible.

Now, Shard blinks his eyes open slowly, finding himself strapped to a table. He quickly looks around in a panic, struggling against his restraints. He was in what looked like a room for patients at a hospital, yet items that looked like pure torture devices lined a few counters.

Breathing heavily, Shard stared as the horrifyingly familiar face of Syringe enters the room. "Good, you've voken already!" The scientist chimes, grabbing gray gloves out of his pocket and putting them on. "I am glad, iz very good for you to be conciouz during zis." He chimes, walking beside Shard. "Vhat iz your name, freak?"

Shard gulps as the scientist grabs his face, aggressively shoving his head around.

"Your name." Syringe repeats himself with a growl, slapping Shard.

The boy whimpers as tears fill his eyes, a stinging burn left on his cheek. "S-Shard." He answers obediently. They decide it was better to comply with no struggles.

"Zhard? Okay ehh, no more of zat. You now called Number Eight or O Eight." The scientist grabs something from a nearby cart, holding up a syringe. "Zis may hurt. Be ztill." He orders, lining up the syringe with one of Shard's arms.

Shard holds his breath as he feels the needle pierce through his skin, fighting back sobs as the unknown liquid is pushed into his veins.

"Good, good. You behave vell, very good." Syringe praises as he dumps the needle into a nearby trashcan. "I put ehh... bad zubztance in you. You vill be veaker, cuztomary for new ratz like you."

"Why..?" Shard asks hesitantly, looking up at the scientist above him. "I don't think I'll ever be strong enough to overpower anyone here... Isn't that just a waste of chemicals.?" He blinks.

Syringe is silent for a few moments. "Iz cuztomary. Ve know vho you are. Zon of demi-god, you are poverful. No vaste of nothing, iz my gear zat doez it." The scientist reaches for something else on the cart. "No more queztionz, I anzver only vhat I zink needz anzver."

"Oh." Shard blinks, feeling the strength leave his body with every passing moment. "Thank you for answering.." They mumble.

"Very polite. You are velcome, child. I plan to make you a great veapon!" Syringe lifts a scalpel. "Zis vill hurt more zan needle. Zon't move." Lifting up Shard's shirt, the scientist gives no further warnings before carving into the boy's stomach.

Shard jolts at the sudden pain, instantly starting to sob in a panic as he's cut into. Despite his panic, he tries their best to stay still, fearing what may happen if they don't obey.

"Ah, zo annoying!" Syringe scoffs, placing the scalpel on the cart. "I vill numb zince you behave. Conzider a treat." He huffs, taking another needle and carelessly stabbing it into the boy's stomach.

Shard flinches, still crying at the pain in his stomach, no knowledge of the quantity of cuts, nor the depth. "I-It hurts..!" They whine through sobs.

"Yez, I zaid it hurt. Give fev minz, vill ztop hurt." Syringe rolls his eyes, sitting on a stool on the other side of the room. He rolls it back to his spot beside Shard. "Ztop crying, iz very annoying."

Shard's breath hitches as he tries to stop himself from crying, the pain in his stomach soon easing within a few minutes. Now only sniffling, the winged demon breathes heavily.

"No pain?" Syringe asks, gaining a nod in response from Shard. "Good." Continuing his work with the scalpel, Shard hardly dares to breathe. They didn't want to mess the scientist up and make him cut one of their organs open.

"Juzt checking if normal." The purple demon informs. "Need all your ztuffz before real experimentz. Checking core prezzurez."

Shard didn't know what any of that meant, but it seemed to calm him a bit. Despite the situation they were in, Shard tried his best to remain optimistic. If he could make good terms with the scientist, maybe things wouldn't be so bad. "..Can I ask a question?"

"About vhat?" Syringe looks up from the boy's slightly open stomach.

"You." Shard blinks hopefully.

"Go 'head. Make quick, you bleed out." Turning his gaze back to his work, Syringe continues to carefully cut through Shard's body.

"Your gear, can it do anything other than make demons weak?" Shard asked nervously. It was a stupid question and he doubted Syringe would answer him, yet he thought if he got to know the demon even in the smallest bit, it would make the scientist just a smidge more merciful.

"Ehh, yez. Vhy azk? Can do many thingz, I vas doctor before zientizt. Lotz of healing propertiez." To Shard's surprise, the scientist actually answered.

"I was just curious.. Thank you." Shard gazes around the room once more.

"Core very good, you very healthy." Syringe nods, placing the scalpel down. "I ztitch you up now, you go back to cell after."

Shard sighs with relief. "What did you do with Shuriken?"

"Ze green one?"


"I do zame thing, vithout numbing. He pazzout, he back in cell now. You lucky ve no extra roomz, you get to ztay together."

"Oh." Shard blinks in pity for his new friend. "Are you going to kill us?"

"Not zoon. Maybe if failed test, dizzapointment. You both have ehh.. potential. I work to make you ztrong veapon for Blackrock. No kill unlezz need." The answer eased Shard's nerves a bit. He could go through experiments if they were similar to this, maybe managing an escape due to his good behavior. They just had to hope nothing went wrong.

"...Why are you doing this?" The winged demon asks.

Syringe eyes the boy. "Vhy? Iz my job. Payz vell, Blackrock iz not good place if no money. If no money, you ztarve or become zlave for rich. I do zis to live." Syringe explains his morals. Although many would consider it selfish, Shard understood.

"Why can't you move to a different faction?"

"I no traitor." Syringe scoffs. "Once born Blackrock, you ztay Blackrock. Demonz vho leave vithout good cauze are found and killed. Very fev make it yearz after left."

"So if you leave Blackrock, you'll be killed?"


"Oh. But what if they don't find you?"

"Then you covard. You ztay hidden for yearz, you zon't live. I vould never live like zat."

Shard recalled the stories he heard from Medkit. Medkit was supposedly a wanted traitor of Blackrock, but he still lived his life without fear. "Is there a traitor named Medkit?"

"Medkit?" Syringe blinks. "Yez. You knov him? He been vanted for fev yearz."

"I heard stories of him, I just wanted to know if they were true or not." Shard quickly lies. Obviously if he didn't know Medkit's relationship to him, he wasn't about to tell them. Medkit was that of an uncle to him, being sworn brothers with his father, although Shard never officially gave him that title. "The stories say his eye was ripped out by his lab partner... uh... Subspace I think his name was?"

"Yez, iz true. Zubzpace took Medkit'z eye. Big fight between them, but Medkit hurt Zubzpace more." The scientist nods as he recalls his former co-worker. "I met Medkit. He vaz rude, no rezpect for any but himzelf. Alvayz trying to take control." Syringe scoffs. "Zubzpace waz alvayz nice to him, but Medkit treated him badly. Zhis made tenzionz high, one too many argumentz and blood waz zpilled."

Shard took in the information with a grain of salt. Syringe could be twisting the story to make Blackrock seem more innocent. However, Shard couldn't help but partially believe it. Medkit was always a bit rude to nearly everyone. Shard couldn't recall a single time the medic smiled!

"I done vith ztitchez. You go back to cell." Syringe stands, taking his blood-stained gloves off and throwing them in the garbage. "I get guard to bring you." With that, the scientist leaves the room, leaving Shard to himself.

Sighing, Shard stared at the ceiling in silence. It was tiring acting friendly towards the scientist, but he wouldn't give up his act. They wanted to go home alive .

A new demon enters the room a few moments later, saying nothing as he unstraps Shard from the table, lifting the boy carelessly. Shard was grateful for the numbing as he watched the guard's arm press directly on top of his newly stitched wound.

The walk back to his cell wasn't more than a few minutes. Mumbling a thank you as the guard sets Shard on the floor, he only gains a grunt in return as the door is slammed shut, locking him in once more.

Sighing, Shard turned to look at Shuriken who was passed out in the corner. Slowly crawling towards the ninja, he noticed Shuri's nose had been bleeding, blood covering his mouth, neck and shirt.

Looking worried but not being able to do anything about it, Shard cuddled up to the ninja's side, leaning against the wall with him as they attempted to drift to sleep.


A few days had passed since their arrival at the lab. Shuriken now walked with a seemingly permanent unbalanced limp, often taking cruel punishments and experiments to keep Shard from going through the worst of it. Shard had yet to have a serious experiment done on him, only needles being poked in his arms and an occasional surgery.

Sadly, the boy had to watch Shuriken go through the worst of it. The ninja's left horn had been removed almost completely, only a stub remaining. His energy and strength had almost vanished completely, yet he still forced himself to his feet to take the most of everything instead of Shard.

Neither of them had been fed since they got there.

Currently sitting on a mat that was given to the two of them, Shard glanced over at his older companion. Shuriken was laid down, awake but not moving. "...Are you okay?" Shard asks sheepishly. It was a stupid question.

Shuriken turned his head to look at the boy, forcing a smile. "..Yeah." He huffs, his voice weak and strained. "I'll be alright. As long as you're safe."

Shard couldn't help but sniffle, tears forming in his eyes. "You look horrible."

"Tell me how I look." Shuriken sighs. Neither of them had even a glimpse at any reflective surface.

"Your eyes are... dull, you have dark circles under them too." Shard sniffs, "Your horns- well, horn... is almost gray. You look like a living skeleton.!"

Shuriken let out a weak chuckle, "I guess I do look pretty bad." He smiles. "I can live with that."

"Please stop forcing yourself to protect me, Shuriken." Tears begin to run down the boy's cheeks. "I-If you get any weaker, you might die! They might kill you. He told me that he wants to make us weapons for Blackrock, and if we're too weak, he'll kill us off. I don't want to lose you." Shard mumbles the last sentences as he cries.

Hauling himself to a seated position, Shuriken leans his back against the wall. "Guess I'll stop taunting 'em for a bit then. That make you happy?"

Shard smiles weakly before gently hugging the ninja beside him. "Yes. Lay back down, you need to get your strength back up."

Rolling his eyes, Shuriken slowly lays himself back on the mat. "Yeah yeah. You're bossy for a kid."

"You're stupid for an old man."

Shuriken lets out a sigh, laying his head on his scarring arms. Cuts and bruises seemed to litter his entire body. "D'ya wanna talk, or take a nap?" The desaturated demon asks, looking weakly at the boy.

"I don't think I ever asked, but what was your life like before all of this happened?" Shard questions, starting to run his fingers through the feathers of his wings.

"My life? My life was wonderful, Shard." Shuriken sighs. "I believe I was blessed by the gods themselves. I'm a popular phighter, one of the top ones actually. I have a wonderful family with my sister, brother and Katana." Shuriken smiles as he closes his eyes, recalling his life memories. "Me and Sling always made everything a challenge, there's never a dull moment with both of us around. Vine always worried about one of us getting hurt, always trying to ruin our fun! We always drove her insane." The ninja let out a weak chuckle. "Katana was always like a parental figure to me and Vine, he took us in when we had no one, then took in Sling too. He taught me basically everything I know now."

Shard listened silently as Shuriken rambled on about his life.

"Always pushing me to do better, I would have never achieved anything in life if it weren't for 'Tana. Me and Vine were left out on the streets as kids, but Katana gave us our lives back." Shuriken continued on, no sign of stopping anytime soon. "Then later in my life, I met this guy, hell I met this idol . Valk Flipside, the most amazing guy I've ever met." Shuri's face tints green. "We've spent the last 8 years together, got engaged only a few months ago. We were planning our wedding the same day this all happened." He sighs, opening his eyes. "That's why we were visiting his grandfather, Firebrand. We wanted to include him in the wedding. But of course, I couldn't sleep that night, so I went for a walk, and I seen you."

"You saw me?" Shard questions, cocking his head at the ninja.

"Yeah. I knew who you were, and I knew you weren't supposed to be out there, so I followed you. I never had any friends in Blackrock, and even if I did, I wouldn't visit them. The only Blackrockian I know is Hyperlaser and he would never allow me to even step near this place. I couldn't let you come here alone."

Shard is silent for several moments. "You knew the risks, but you followed me. Why?"

"We would have been family, Shard. Valk and Sword are cousins, that would tie my tree to yours. I will never abandon my family. Even if I wasn't with Valk, I consider all the phighters my family." Shuriken huffs. "Subspace included, even if he's part of this shithole."

"Oh." Wings drooping, he ruffles his feathers. "I'm sorry for causing this to happen."

"It's not your fault, bud. You didn't know. I just hope your parents get here soon, they know we're in Blackrock."

"They know?" Fear strikes through Shard as his eyes widen at Shuri.

Shuriken smiles, "yes, they know. I told them as soon as I saw you, but neither of them answered my calls."

"I'm so dead!" Shard huffs, wrapping his wings around himself.

"Rocket's gonna chew your ears off!" Chuckling weakly, the ninja begins to cough, gasping for breath.

"I'll try to get you some water." Shard sighs, looking at the weakening demon beside him. He'll never forgive himself if Shuriken dies because of his own selfish actions.

Catching his breath again, Shuriken sighs as he closes his eyes. "..I think I'll rest for a bit." He croaks, voice hoarse.

"Okay.." Shard brings his knees to his chest, hugging them as he watches Shuriken quickly drift to sleep.

Staying in the position for what felt like hours, drifting into daydreams and memories, Shard hadn't even noticed the door was now open. Looking up, a different demon was watching the two. He had the same scientist uniform on, a lab coat on top of it. Looking at his face, Shard noticed he had a gasmask on and a strip of cloth covering his left eye. Four pink horns complimented the coloring of his outfit.

"..Who are you?" Shard asks after several moments of the two staring at each other.

The scientist giggles, "I'm Blackrock's greatest, Subspace!"


His family had always tried to instill fear into the name Subspace, being Medkit's mortal enemy. He could smell the disgusting scent of decomposition radiating from the rumored psycho. What surprised Shard was the fact he didn't have the same accent of most Blackrockians.

"Oh. Why are you here?" Shard asks, wrinkling up his nose against the scent.

"I saw a name I recognized in the logs, thought I'd come check it out." Subspace nods towards Shuriken. "Is he asleep?"

"Yeah, he is. Are you going to kill him?"

"No." The pink demon shakes his head. "I have no reason to. Sure, he's annoying in phights, but I can't deny he makes things lively." Walking closer, Subspace examines the two demons. "Have you had anything to eat or drink? How long have you been here?"

"No, we haven't. We've been here for... a few days. I don't remember how long, sorry." Shard's voice is low as he rests his head on his knees.

"Hm, it seems as if my co-worker once again forgot Blackrock's morals!" Subspace's volume increases. "Sigh!" Did he just say 'sigh?' Yes, yes he did. "I guess I'll clean up after him and get you somethin'! I really am the greatest!" He chirps, "stay here, I'm leaving the door open, but if you try to get out, I'll stab you." Subspace warns, turning to exit the room.

"Okay." Shard agrees simply, looking over at Shuriken and tapping his shoulder. "Shuri?"

Shuri's eyes blink open at the touch. "Hm..?"

"Uhm, Subspace was here. He's getting us food and stuff, but he said if we leave he'll stab us." Shard fills the ninja in, nodding towards the open door.

"Subspace?" Shuriken blinks. "Why?"

"He said something about Blackrock having morals? I don't know, he saw your name and wanted to come check you out." Shard shrugs. "Is he really all that bad? Medkit always said he was a psycho that only cared for himself and stuff."

"He's annoying, sure, but him and Medkit have a long history together. I don't think Subspace is that bad, just a bit of a narcissist." Shuriken huffs, sitting up to wait for the pink demon to return. "We'll never know if what Med says is true, nor will we know if what Sub says about Med is true. Can't go back in time."

"I guess." Shard sighs, stretching out his wings, flapping them slightly for exercise. He loved his wings.

A few moments later, Subspace returns with a cart. "You woke up! Hi Shuriken!" The scientist beams, his voice painfully loud.

"Hey Sub." Shuriken forces a smile.

"How'd you get here? Never thought I'd see you in my facility! So unlike you to be near Blackrock in general." Subspace shuts the door behind himself, unworried about the fact there's no handle on the inside. Taking two plates off the cart, he hands one both to the demons, followed by a sealed cup.

"Seen Shard comin', couldn't let him go alone. He's Sword and Rocket's son." Shuriken explains, leaving the meal beside himself on the floor. "Didn't plan on endin' up here, but it happens I guess."

"You look like shit." Subspace giggles, sitting on the floor in front of Shuriken. Neither of the demons paid any mind to Shard as he gratefully ate his food.

"I feel like shit too." Shuriken sighs. "I can barely walk since I lost my horn."

"Sucks that it was your left one too! Now you gotta go against wedding customs and wear the ring on your right one, if you get out that is!"

"Yeah." Shuriken leans his head back. "What are my chances of gettin' out of here alive?"

"Like almost zero." Subspace smiles under his mask. "I'd help you, but I like my job too much, sorry!"

Shuri groans. "I miss Valk." He huffs, turning his gaze to the floor. "I miss my siblings and Katana too."

"I can probably get Hyper to send a message to Katana for ya." Subspace offers, randomly twitching.

"Really?" Shuriken looks up at him. "I'd appreciate that a lot." He smiles.

"Yeah, I need to talk to him anyways. What do you want to tell Katana?" The pink demon takes a notepad and pen out of the pocket of his lab coat, preparing to write what Shuriken says.

"Uh, just that I miss everyone and I hope I get out of here alive." Shuriken shrugs. He was never the one for sappy letters.

Subspace nods, writing it down before turning to glance at Shard. "Who's that one again?"

"Shard, Sword and Rocket's kid." Shuriken notices how silent Shard is. "He goes non-verbal sometimes if I remember correctly."

Shard nods at the green demon, grateful that the ninja noticed his change in dialogue.

Subspace is silent for several moments. "Syringe is the one that deals with you both?"

The two weakened demons nod in unison, causing the scientist to sigh dramatically. "He should know better than to fuck with SFOTH blood." He huffs, crossing his arms. "Does anyone know you're here yet?"

"Yeah, his parents do."

"Great!" Subspace scoffs, his neon pink crystal spinning in agitation. "Well, try not to die before they get here. Blackrock usually has a rule against messing with stronger forces, but apparently, that freak thinks he's better than my rules. I assume within a few days you'll be saved!" Subspace thinks for a moment, "actually, I can probably get you out like right now!"

"That's a relief." Shuriken forces out a chuckle, his shoulders drooping in exhaust. "Would you really get us out though? Isn't it risky towards your position?"

"Oh yeah, you're considered SFOTH blood from your little partner or whatever. How does he fuck up so bad to get 2?! I'm taking off from work for the next week or so, I'm not about to get caught between angry gods if my plan fails!" Subspace slips his hand into his pocket, taking out a phone. "Shut up, I'm calling my boss!" He snaps despite no one saying anything except for him, aggressively tapping the screen and calling someone on speaker.

Shuriken and Shard both simply stare at the scientist in confusion as he insists on allowing them to hear his entire conversation.

"I'm taking off work for the next 14 days!" Subspace says matter-of-factly as soon as a click of answering the call is heard.

Silence follows for a few moments before a gruff voice is heard through the other end, "and why do you assume you can demand that without discussing it with me?"

"Uhm, I have over a year of vacation time saved up for one, I can take off whenever I want. Two! A certain little demon decided he wanted to fuck with SFOTH and kidnap not one, but TWO of their family, and frankly, I don't feel like getting caught in their wrath, especially since they know they're here." Both demons are silently stunned by Subspace's entitled attitude towards his higher-up. "You need me! You and I both know if anything were to happen to me, Blackrock's production, reputation, and economy would drop."

A low sigh comes across the speaker. "Fine. You may have the next two weeks off, Tripmine. Who wanted to fuck with SFOTH?"

"Syringe!" The scientist seems a bit too happy to snitch on his co-worker. "Not only that, but he violated the moral code, both experiments here haven't had anything to drink or eat, even though they've been here for days! One's in REALLY bad shape too! I don't think Firebrand will take too kindly to his grandson's fiancé getting his horn removed, especially the left one." Subspace sighs dramatically, "what a shame! Venomshank might be a little angry too about his only grandson being all cut up! Only a kid too, how heartbreaking!"

Growling comes from the line, "I get it, Subspace. I just needed to know his name. We will release them tomorrow, Syringe will be dealt with. Now, is that all you needed?"

"Yep!" Subspace hangs up the phone without a reply, grinning under his mask at the two. "And there you go, you're free tomorrow!"

Shuriken was stunned for several moments. "Was it that easy?" He blinks, confused. "Also, Firebrand barely likes me, I don't think he'll do anything to help me." The ninja huffs.

"That easy! I am the most powerful scientist here after all~ I can get my way with almost anything!" Subspace giggles like a maniac. "Say, how old are you little boy?" Subspace eyes Shard, seeming to seethe with crazed mania.

Shard opens his mouth to reply, but finds no words come out as he hesitantly wraps his wings around himself. Huffing, they hold up 9 fingers.

"9? I know a kid 'round your age, how fun! He's a bit older, 11." Subspace flicks his tail, "maybe you'll meet one day! I heard there's going to be a lot more youth events in Crossroads."

"Youth events?" Shuriken questions. Obviously the demon hadn't heard of the news.

"Yep! There's a new... errr... I don't remember! There's a new thing with a new building in Crossroads for kids from all factions. They said it's to help ease future faction problems, somethin' about the new generation befriending each other and taking it onto adulthood as government officials!"

"That doesn't seem too bad. What exactly do they do there?"

"They basically just go on field trips and play together. It's honestly just like a daycare for ages 6 through 17! I think it's stupid, but I guess they do learn a little bit there in terms of social skills!" Subspace heaves himself up, wiping down his lab coat. "Well, I have work to do." He declares, walking to the door before reaching into his pocket. "I expect to not be caught in your stupid blender again, Shuriken! If you continue to phight with that broken horn, that is!" A click is heard, seconds later a Biograft swinging the door open.

"Yeah yeah, I'll go easy next phight." Shuriken smiles, "thanks again, Subspace. I think you might've saved my life."

Subspace gives no reply, his tail only flicking in acknowledgement as he grabs the cart he previously rolled in, leaving the room. The door slams shut behind the scientist.

"See, he's not all that bad." Shuriken comments, reaching to grab the food left beside him, hungrily tearing into it.

Shard nods in agreement, silently preening his wings. They loved their wings, they were his pride and joy at times. Shard doesn't know what he'd do if they ever lost their feathered limbs.

A comfortable silence fell over the duo as they relished in their soon departure.

Maybe this was just a lesson to behave and not go against his parents' wishes.

For now, he'll take a nap.







Opening his eyes, Shard is met by the light seemingly brighter than ever.

Wincing, he instinctively brings up a hand to shade his eyes, only to find it's been restrained.

Adjusting to the blinding light, the boy finds himself strapped to a table once more, a sadly familiar situation he's been in many times. Looking around, he notices Syringe standing at a counter, mixing chemicals with his back turned to the demon.

"..Sir?" Shard calls out, surprised to find his voice raspy and weak.

Syringe turns around, glaring daggers at the winged demon, "yez, you vake." He steps closer. "Iz zis your vay to betray me?" The scientist growls, holding a small hand-saw in his hands.

"Betray you?" Shard questions, gazing comfortably at the purple demon. "What do you mean?"

Syringe's growl grows in his throat as he grabs one of Shard's spread wings, pulling it before slamming the saw close to the end. Blood sprays the room as Shard begins to scream in pain, the crazed scientist only continuing to saw through feathers, skin and bone. "I zhoved you merzy, and you rat me out?!" He laughs, tossing the saw to the floor, leaving the piece of wing hanging on by only a thin layer of skin. "I vaz nice to you, and zis iz what I get in return! HAH! You've cozted me my life, nov I vill ruin yourz." His voice drops low at the last sentence, grabbing the dangling piece of wing, ripping it from the rest.

Shard sobs in pain, thrashing with no avail. His entire body feels as if it's on fire from the painful sensation of something as sensitive as his wing being harmed, not to mention sawed off . Trying to defend himself, Shard can only manage to yell a string of sounds through his sobs of pain.

"I knev I zhould of killed you." Reaching for something behind Shard's head. Retracting his arm with a scalpel in his hand, Syringe smiles as he prods at the boy's left eye. "Ah, ze vindovz of ze zoul! It vould be a zhame if zomething happened to zem." The demon giggled, sending pulses of fear through Shard's body.

Shaking and attempting to thrash free from his restraints, Shard sobs, squeezing his eyes shut as he feels the scalpel teasingly slit the skin around his eye, the depth barely that of a papercut.

"Nov nov, zis von't hurt a bit! Ztay ztill zo no accidentz." Syringe gleams, using his free hand to force Shard's eye open. "Lizten to ze doctor!"

Shard panics, his breath barely more than short gasps, helpless against the demon above him. He holds his breath as he feels the blade of the scalpel meet his eye, his vision going black as they freeze into a stunned shock.

Just as soon as the shock starts, it ends as a burning sensation erupts throughout his face. Screaming as his nerves pulse in agony, a hand is placed around Shard's throat, strangling him into a forceful silence, the scientist's claws digging through the soft skin of the boy's throat.

"Zhut up vould you!" Syringe huffs, smiling gleefully as he now holds Shard's extracted eyeball, dangling it above the demon's remaining eye cruelly.

Shard's eye is stretched in horror as his remaining vision starts to fade. Allowing himself to slip into unconsciousness, the manic laughs of the scientist were the last things he heard.







Get up.




Shard stirred, his body numb.








Shard whimpered as he felt heat rise throughout his body.





Shard gasps awake, locking eyes with his abuser towering over him. Shard rested against a corner, unknowing what his current condition was.

"Finally!" Syringe scoffs, placing his hands on his hips. "Zince I am going to be killed regardlezz, I vant to zhow you vhat you've cauzed!" He gleams.

Shard blinks slowly, breaths heavy as he slowly lowers his gaze to his body. Chunks of flesh were torn off his body, his wings disgustingly crunched and folded against themselves as if they were balled up paper. Shard stared in horror at what's been done to him before his gaze was abruptly forced back to the eyes of the demon in front of him by a swift yank of his chin. "Look at me!" Syringe growls, his horns glowing with power.

"Blackrock haz done no good for me. I give everything to Blackrock, they give no back." The scientist begins to rant, pacing around the room. "I knew zis day vwas coming! Zo I planted bombz around!" He laughs, reaching into his pocket to pull out a remote. "It vill kill uz all! At leazt in zis zector."

Shard can do nothing but stare, too weak to even open his mouth to reply. He was going to die here, so close to a promised freedom. He wishes he got to see his parents one last time.

Exhaling deeply, Shard's mind was numb from the pain he was currently in. Closing his remaining eye, the boy accepted his fate. "Eh? You're no fun!" Syringe barks, tail lashing behind him. "I did all zis, and you can't even react! Zon't vorry, zat's okay. Ve vill die in zis hell together!"

Hearing a click of the button, everything goes silent as Shard finds himself silently praying to the gods he had grown to know. A heartbeat passes.

A loud explosion erupts from seemingly everywhere. It all happens so fast. One moment everything was fine, the next, walls came caving in, the entire building roughly folding in on itself.

Before losing consciousness once more, Shard found himself buried under rubble, sirens and yelling blaring in his ears for no more than a few seconds before he lay peaceful once more.

This was it.

This was how he died.

Would his parents miss him?

Would the gods miss him?

Maybe he'd see Ghostwalker one last time before his soul lay to rest.

Or maybe, he was wrong.

Maybe he survived.

Coming to his senses, Shard could make out a faint beeping that gradually sped up.

He felt a hand grab his.

The feel was faint, but it was there, like someone was holding his hand through multiple pairs of gloves.

They could hear voices.

Three voices.

He couldn't tell what they were saying, but they sounded familiar.

All they needed to do was open their eyes .

Maybe he was dead and was feeling the last of his body before his soul was taken.

Maybe it was all a bad dream.

Exerting all of his strength, Shard blinked open his right eye, only to find everything to be a painful blur. Light blinded him further, colors nothing more than shapes and sizes in his vision.

Was he still in Blackrock?

Slowly, his eyes adjusted as he saw three familiar faces.

Sword was standing above him, holding his bandaged hand, tears streaming down his cheeks.

Rocket was in a similar state, gripping onto Sword's arm as he stared daggers through Shard's soul.

Medkit was a few steps away from the bed, simply watching him with no emotion.

Shard blinked a few times, feeling reality rush back to him, their senses coming into play once more.

The first thing they felt was the pain.

Too weak to move, too weak to speak, Shard could only look at his parents, desperate for any relief to the burning sensation throughout his body. Thankfully, Medkit seemed to pick up on his silent pleading, stepping over to mess with one of the countless machines hooked up to his worn body.

"Is he gonna be okay?" Sword asked, his eyes never leaving his son. Shard had never seen his parents this quiet, not to mention crying .

"Illumina's sake, Sword! I told you, his condition is eerily stable. I don't know if he'll be okay, but right now, he's fine!" Medkit snaps. Sword had obviously been pestering him with questions of his condition. "He really shouldn't be in such a stable condition, I don't know if it's the body exerting the rest of its energy in his final moments, if it's temporary, if someone gave him something or what!"

The answer only seemed to crush the two parents as Sword's grip increased on his hand. Medkit had basically just told them to prepare for the worst.

"His heart is beating fine on its own, but just in case, one of these machines here can make it beat for him." The doctor sighs, seemingly tired.

"So he won't die?" Rocket asks, his voice hoarse and shaking.

"Not if I can help it."

Shard was a bit relieved at Medkit's promise, feeling his pain begin to fade. Their breaths became deeper as they felt the slightest bit of energy flow through their bones.

Slightly turning his head to the side, Shard gazed at one of his wings. It was stretched out between some sort of stick, holding it in place. Bandages covered every piece of his wing, feathers poking through the layers.

"Your wings are gonna be alright, bud." Sword attempts to comfort his son, knowing how much he adored his wings. Rubbing circles onto Shard's hand with his thumb, he continued, "they were kinda crushed, but they'll be as good as new in no time."

Their father's words comforted him as they continued to slowly examine their body. It was hard to find a part that wasn't bandaged. He hoped there weren't any permanent marks left.

"I have to go check on Shuriken. Call me if anything unexpected happens." Medkit sighs, turning and leaving the room.


Shard looked at his parents, desperate to know how his company was doing. He opened his mouth to ask, but was unable to make out any words. "What is it? You wanna know how Shuri's doin'?" Rocket asks, leaning forward. Shard nodded ever so slightly.

"He's... not in the best shape, bud." Sword sighs, tearing his gaze away from the boy.

"But if I know Shuri at all, he's gonna fight 'till his last breath..!" Rocket added, trying to sound optimistic. Hope sparked in Shard's chest, unknowing to the reality that Shuriken was nearly dead, Medkit's healing abilities and the hospital's support machines unable to help him anymore. Shuriken had to make it with his own strength.

"Y'know, you've been out for 17 days now, honey." The blue phighter huffs, reaching over to mess with Shard's hair. "You had us worried to death."

Shard blinked an apology before his father spoke up, "you're forever banned from ever stepping near Blackrock again." Sword's voice was threatening but filled with emotion. Shard knew he was speaking from fear.

Reluctantly, Shard slightly nodded, taking a slow deep breath before he closed his eye. "Go to sleep buddy. Rest well so you can get better, alright? We love you." Sword's tone changed to caring as Shard felt a soft kiss be placed on his forehead. Warmth spread through the boy's body as he relaxed into the bed.

He'll be okay.


I love adding Shuri into my fics just to add him
can you tell he's my favorite and therefore is the victim of every "who do I put in here"

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