Chapter Fifteen

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Rubbing his eyes a bit too harshly with the back of his free hand, Yoongi brushes his teeth, staring at his reflection with a frown.

Normally he wouldn't mind waking up to an empty apartment.

Historically, Yoongi rather likes having time to himself.

Time to regain his peace and recharge his social batteries before he's forced to leave the comfort of their apartment and interact with the outside world.

No, Yoongi doesn't usually mind being alone but he'd prefer to be alone with Jungkook.

They don't even have to be doing anything.

There's times when they'll both be at the apartment doing completely separate things, engulfed in their own activities, hardly saying two words to each other over a span of a couple of hours but just Jungkook's presence– knowing he is nearby– is enough for Yoongi to feel at ease.

"Jungkookie has always been very good at making people feel safe."

The words Jimin had said last night ring loudly in his head.

Last night...

Yoongi spits out the minty foam from his mouth, wiping the excess off his lips before again making eye contact with himself in the mirror.

Last night had started out fine. Fun even.

First they'd started the night by eating various types of pizza as well as small portions of the brownies he'd brought paired with soda and alcohol.

After they'd eaten Yoongi had a blast talking to Hoseok about everything music before they'd joined the other two to help paint the living room walls.

Once a couple coats had been layered on they'd sat down around the coffee table for a well earned break and that's when they'd started playing Truth or Dare.

That had been fun too at the beginning but as truth began being selected and things became more serious, the vibe of the night did the same.

The truths weren't bad. They were actually rather tame considering how open and rather shameless Jimin and Hoseok seemed to be.

After Jimin's question about whether or not Yoongi's ever been in love though...

Yoongi recognizes easily that that is the point when the night took a turn, the playfulness and fun melting away.

They'd all been surprised– possibly even caught off guard– by Yoongi's answer.

He hadn't meant for his words to spoil the mood but he was meant to answer honestly after all. That was the whole point of the game.

Nevertheless everything was ruined after that.

Jungkook hadn't even waited until after his next turn before he'd gotten to his feet, stating that it was getting late, he was tired and was going to head back to their place, telling Yoongi that if he wanted to stay that was fine and that he would leave the door open for him.

Then he'd turned around, heading for the kitchen to quickly help clean up what he could.

Yoongi had been immensely confused.

Jungkook wasn't acknowledging him for some reason. When he'd told Yoongi he could stay he hadn't even looked at him.

Now that Yoongi thinks about it, Jungkook hardly looked at him at all after or during his talking.

He seemed– annoyed, but the older didn't know why that would be.

He'd complimented Jungkook. Told him that he loved him. That he was like Yoongi's family. For some reason Jungkook seemed unhappy about the answers.

And Yoongi knows Jungkook is upset with him, not Hoseok or Jimin.

He knows this because after they'd come home Jungkook said three words– good night hyung– to him before he'd gone into his room, shutting the door behind himself to get into his bed for the night.

When he'd heard the click of his door closing, Yoongi was a bit stunned.

It was unexpected to say the least.

He was almost tempted to walk right in after him and demand Jungkook tell him what had him so bothered.

What might have happened at Hoseok's or what might have been said to sour his mood to this degree, but he ultimately held himself back.

He wants to figure it out but he also knows he can't push his friend.

Jungkook is just like Yoongi when it comes to talking about what's weighing on his mind.

He doesn't unload any of the weight on his shoulders until he's ready.

"My problems are my problems, hyung" he'd often say on past rare occasions Yoongi has tried to push a bit more than normal for Jungkook to talk.

(He's also told Yoongi before that he doesn't want to burden Yoongi with his silly troubles which is just ridiculous. Yoongi has told him that.)

He's always encouraging Yoongi not to bottle things inside. To let out of his system what he's feeling. To speak his feelings out into the world so they don't have to bog down his brain any longer.

He tells Yoongi these words of encouragement yet doesn't apply the same advice to himself.

Yoongi can't knock him for it though. He does the same thing to Jungkook.

He also gives advice, positive affirmations and encouragement that he should share more of what he's thinking while he himself has a problem doing so.

Guess we're both hypocrites who disregard our own advice... he pouts to himself with a huff.

Leaving the bathroom, Yoongi makes his way back to his room, climbing into bed with way too many thoughts swirling through his mind for how early it is in the day.

He wiggles around a time or two, fluffing and adjusting his pillows a bit, trying to find a comfortable spot on his mattress but nothing feels quite right.

With an unhappy growl he makes the decision to rip the comforter off his bed and make his way to the couch. Maybe that'll be more comfortable.

Wrapping the blanket tightly around his shoulders he walks, compiling a list of talking points in his mind he wants to have organized for when Jungkook gets back from wherever he's gone off to.

He wants to be able to talk to him as soon as he gets home.

Wants to get any tension resolved so they can enjoy their day together because Yoongi has been so excited for their day in.

Today is supposed to be chilled out and lazy, their plans consisting mainly of no plans, which sounds perfect.

Today is about spending time with his best friend and he will not allow any weird tension to get in the way of that.

"I wonder if-" he begins to question aloud when a deep yawn cuts his sentence short.

He's still tired. Very tired.

Maybe he can get a little more sleep before Jungkook comes back. Then he can be well rested for their talk. Alert and clear headed.

Yes. Sleep would be nice.

With another yawn he shuffles and scoots himself around on the couch, trying to find a comfortable position to lounge in while he waits.


"Get it together," Jungkook growls lowly, adjusting the bags in his hands as the elevator begins to rise to he and Yoongi's floor.

"Today isn't about you," he mumbles.

He's trying his best to talk himself into getting his priorities straight and bring his focus back to the plans he's made for the two of them.

Today is about Yoongi. About making him smile and laugh and feel happy. Loved.

He can save his selfish woe is me inner monologues and pouting for tomorrow. Today was meant to be in celebration of Yoongi and his birthday.

Remembering this, Jungkook tries to push all else aside, taking a deep breath as he runs through his list of ideas and plans he has for the day.

Today is about Yoongi he repeats to himself.

After stepping out of the elevator and getting to their door, Jungkook has his keys out and ready.

He unlocks the door as quietly as he can, managing not to drop anything in the process.

Once inside he softly kicks the door shut behind him before making his way to the kitchen table to set down the groceries he's picked up, most of it being sweets and snacks to replace what they'd used in their food fight the night before.

It didn't take long for Jungkook to put everything away, him trying to be as quiet as possible as he assumes Yoongi to still be asleep since he can't hear or see him.

After the things that needed to be kept cold are stowed away in the fridge and the other snacks are set out on the counter and in the cupboard, Jungkook quickly washes and dries his hands before he's on his way to find Yoongi.

As he gets closer to the couch he recognizes the comforter from Yoongi's bed rumpled in the middle of it but there is no Yoongi.

Next he makes his way down their narrow hallway, intending to look in Yoongi's room next but stops to change course when he sees his own bedroom door is halfway open.

He knows he'd closed it before he'd left that morning...

Peaking through the doorway he isn't as surprised as he is endeared to see Yoongi in the middle of his bed with just the top half of his face sticking out of the blanket– his eyes that are lined with his long dark lashes, his button nose and a tuft of messy hair the only things visible.

He stares for longer than he should before he pads quietly to the bed.

Once he's crouched down and eye level with the sleeping man, he can't help but lift a hand to brush the hair off of his forehead so he can get a better look at him.

Yoongi is so beautiful. Jungkook has always thought that.

"Hyung," he calls quietly, petting his hair softly.

No answer. Not even a stir.

"Hyung," he tries again.

Yoongi does scrunch his nose this time at the quiet interruption to his sleep, his lips pouting out ever so slightly as he does so.

"Baby," he coos.

Yoongi hums, nose scrunching again before he snuggles his head closer to Jungkook's hand, leaning into the touch.

"How did you end up in here, hm?" Jungkook chuckles softly.

"Couch wasn't comfortable," Yoongi mumbles, lips barely moving, voice gravely from just waking up and no louder than a whisper.

"Where'd you go?" He asks, nuzzling his cheek against the pillow.

"I wanted to make sure we had everything restocked that we used in our food fight for our day in today so I went to the store."

"What time is it?"

Jungkook glances at the digital clock on his dresser.

"Just after nine."

It's quiet for a beat before Yoongi speaks.

"Wanna talk, Kookie," Yoongi sighs tiredly. "Need to talk..."

Jungkook purses his lips.

He knows Yoongi probably has questions about why Jungkook left Hoseok's last night. About why he reacted the way he did.

They'll talk and he'll answer Yoongi's questions and explain himself as best as he can without giving too much away– without confessing– and make sure Yoongi knows he didn't do anything wrong, but not right now.

"We have all day to talk and be together. You should sleep a little more," Jungkook smiles fondly, fingers still carding through Yoongi's hair.

Yoongi grumbles, saying something Jungkook can't quite make out, sounding a little grumpy but not upset.

The room goes silent again but it isn't necessarily awkward. Not as comfortable as it usually is, but not tense either.

"Come here," Yoongi mumbles suddenly, untucking one side of the blanket and holding it up for Jungkook to crawl under it with him.

Jungkook does as he's told, moving quickly to settle onto the mattress next to Yoongi.

When he's settled onto his back Yoongi tucks himself right up against his side, body curling against Jungkook's as he snuggles his nose against his shoulder.

The room goes quiet again, nothing but the sound of their breathing sounding in the space around them.

Jungkook wants to say something. There's a jumble of words right on the edge of his tongue but he isn't quite sure how to arrange them into a proper sentence. How to organize them to explain what he's feeling or thinking.

Nothing seems fitting. Voicing any of the thoughts now would be him doing the opposite of what he'd been telling himself since he left the store anyway really.

It doesn't matter if Jungkook is confused or worried or scared... none of that is important. Not right now. Not today.

When he hears low snores coming from his side his lips tick up in a smile.

Sleepy, snuggly Yoongi is one of Jungkook's favorite Yoongis to spend time with.

This Yoongi lets Jungkook coddle and take care of him without hesitation or shyness.

Rolling onto his side so he's facing Yoongi he gently moves the sleeping man so he can tuck his arm under and around him to cuddle him against his chest.

Once Yoongi is comfortably in his arms and Jungkook has them both covered under the blanket he allows his eyes to drift closed, matching his breathing to his hyung's.

In mere seconds he feels sleep crawling over his body as his worries and doubts slip into the back of his mind, leaving nothing but Yoongi at the forefront.

Today is about Yoongi. No one and nothing else matters.


There's a pleasant weight against the front of Jungkook's body. Warm and soft.

So soft.

His fingers itch to run across the surface of whatever this is. To touch. To feel the texture of it beneath his fingertips.

He lifts his hand, mind groggy and only half cognizant, as he does what he wants; touches.

His hands run delicately over the surface. It's so plush and warm. It feels heavenly.

He's a bit lost in his touches when the warmth suddenly moves, angling itself closer to him and when part of the object brushes against his groin he gasps quietly, breath getting stuck in his throat.

Without a second thought he digs his fingers into the warmth as he moves his hips forward again.

It feels good. So fucking good.

He repeats the motion once- twice more and just when he's about to dig his fingers in a little deeper, he hears it.

A voice. Yoongi's voice.

He can't make out exactly what he's said. Jungkook's name maybe? But not in a sexy way. His tone definitely sounds grouchy.

Suddenly his mind is crystal clear and his eyes snap open as the reality of what he was doing and with who hits him like a bucket of ice water getting dumped over his head.

He scrambles to back away, nearly dumping himself over the edge of the bed.

"Hold still," he grumbles and thank God he sounds more asleep than awake because Jungkook is mortified enough at this situation.

He doesn't need to be waking Yoongi up with his hardening dick digging into the back of his thigh.

Yoongi's breathing deepens again as he thankfully falls back asleep just as quickly as he'd woken up.

Jungkook knows he won't be going back to sleep anytime soon and looking at the clock it looks like it's nearly eleven.

Taking a deep breath he climbs the rest of the way out of his bed, careful not to jostle the mattress too much.

He covers Yoongi back up with the blanket gently before grabbing his towel that had been tossed over the back of his desk chair, a pair of underwear and a change of clothes from his dresser before heading quietly for the bathroom.

He might as well shower while Yoongi sleeps. Maybe start making them some lunch after he's done.

He got all the ingredients for Yoongi's favorite recipe for jjajangmyeon that he had planned on making for lunch today.

It's one of his most beloved comfort foods and is the perfect way for them to start Yoongi Day. Or continue, rather.

Honestly napping together was the actual perfect way to start it. Nothing beats having Yoongi wrapped up in Jungkook's arms in his opinion.

They were nice and warm and comfortable until Jungkook and his dumb hormones ruined it.

He growls quietly in frustration as he shuts the bathroom door behind him and sets his things near the sink.

Turning on the shower he quickly strips himself of his clothes before stepping inside before sliding the curtain closed.

As the water slides over his body he goes through the list of possible activities he has ready for Yoongi to choose from.

He'll do whatever Yoongi wants. Not that this is really going to be any different than how he usually is with Yoongi.

He just wants today to be a little extra out of the ordinary and special. For Yoongi to feel special.

Jungkook may have these romantic feelings for him but above all else Yoongi is his best friend and he deserves to have a good birthday, which he will.

Jungkook will make sure of it.

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