Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Benji's POV

"Benj, what are you doing down here, I thought you were meeting me at the library to study?" Jamie huffed as she walked into the cafeteria.

"Sorry, I was hungry so Pierce and I shared a pizza and then I had a craving for an ice cream sundae...sorry  jayjay, I lost track of time."  I gave her my cutest puppy dog eyes as she glared at me, knowing she couldn't stay mad at me for long.

Pierce was checking her out pretty intently, so I knocked his arm and gave him a disapproving look.  Jamie and I had been best friends since grade school.  We looked out for each other and I happened to know Pierce was a no-good, love 'em and leave 'em ladies' man. Plus, Jamie was taken.

"Benj," Jamie started, "mid-terms are coming up, do you really wanna flunk out of your first year of University?"

"Dude, just cram the night before like I do," Pierce piped in, "there's a party at my buddy's frat house tonight, come with!"

 "No!" Jamie interrupted, surprising both of us.

 "You can come too Jamie," he offered.

"No, Pierce," I replied, "Jamie and I already have plans."

 "That's why we have to get a chunk of studying done today Benj, so that we can go."

"I know, I know Jamie, I'm coming.  I'll see you around dude," I called to Pierce as Jamie pulled me towards the door.

"Whipped!" I heard him mutter as I left the room, but I only chuckled.

 "Benj, have you been taking your meds?" Jamie asked when we were out of earshot.

"I ran out on Wednesday, it's no big deal, I called this morning and I can pick up my refill after 2:00 pm."  

"Shit Benj, today's Saturday.  No wonder you've been so distracted, why didn't you call it in on Wednesday, or better yet, when you saw that you were getting low?" she scolded.

"I meant to and I kept forgetting, I'm sorry!  It's no big deal jayjay!"

"Sweetie," Jamie began in that overly patient, painfully indulgent, mother-tone she gets with me sometimes, "I can't take you to the club tonight if you're off your meds, you'll get all hyper and piss off some Dom."

"No!  Master Phillip is going to introduce me to someone tonight, someone he thinks could be my own Dom.  I have to go, don't worry, I'll have a pill as soon as I pick up my prescription, I'll be fine! Promise!"

Jamie let out a big sigh, as if the whole world was on her shoulders.  I wasn't that much to deal with was I?  "Okay, but no alcohol...and no more sugar or crap today."

Jamie loves me to death, but I know I try her patience.  But even when I was constantly getting in trouble in grade school and struggling through high school, she always stood by my side.  Cleaning me up when I got into fights, and, as an openly gay kid with behaviour issues, that was a helping me study, I wouldn't have done nearly as well as I did without her.  It wasn't until 9th grade that I was diagnosed with ADHD and it suddenly became clear why everything seemed so difficult for me.  My teachers finally stopped treating me like a bad kid and started realizing that I had to learn in a different way.  I couldn't sit still in a lecture hall for an hour and I needed a tutor to help me focus on my homework and complete my assignments.

My parents were great about it.  They made sure I had everything I needed to be successful.  My mom researched the disorder and began changing my diet and getting me all sorts of special vitamins.  My mom's a very all natural, holistic kind of person, so she wasn't thrilled about me taking the medication my doctor prescribed, but she couldn't deny that it helped.  My grades went up, I got in less trouble and I discovered theatre.

Theatre was a great place to work out all of my extra energy and once my meds kicked in, I could even focus enough to learn my lines.  Now I was in my first year at U.C.L.A. with my best friend.  Jamie was going to major in Psychology, after growing up with me, she wanted to be a psychologist helping kids with disorders like ADHD or Autism.  I wasn't sure what I wanted to major in yet, but was leaning towards psychology or sociology or even theatre.  Jamie told me I could combine them all and run a theatre program for at-risk kids.  But first, I had to get through University and right now, half-way through my first semester, it was a struggle.


"We can't be late tonight Benji, okay?  Dennis hates it when I'm late."  Jamie cautioned as we walked back to the dorms.  We had studied for several hours, taking a break every half hour for a quick walk outside while Jamie quizzed me.  Luckily we had most of the same classes.  We had gone to pick up my meds during one of the breaks and now it was time to get ready for tonight.

"Tell him it's my fault?" I suggested.

"He knows it's your fault, why do you think he asked Master Phillip to find you your own Dom.  We all think having a Dom look out for you and continue your training will bring you more focus."

"And really great sex!" I mused as Jamie rolled her eyes.  "I'm sorry I get you in trouble with Dennis, jayjay, you don't deserve to be punished when it's my fault."

Jamie stopped just outside of my dorm.  "Don't worry, he's pretty lenient about it.  He knows how close we are and that I promised your parents I'd keep an eye on you."

 "I know...but you shouldn't have to..." I sighed while looking down at my feet.

"Forget about it, I love you Benj, I'll always be there for you.  And hey, maybe the guy Master Phillip has picked out will be the perfect Dom for you.  He wouldn't hook you up with anyone who wasn't right and who wouldn't be able to help you.  Now go upstairs and set the timer.  Ten minutes for a shower, ten minutes to get dressed, ten minutes to spare and meet me down here at 9:30.

I ran up the stairs and through the loud hallways, music blaring throughout the freshman all-male dorm.  You'd think I'd be in heaven here, with all the hot guys, but I hated this dorm.  It was chaos and for me, it was like locking an alcoholic in a liquor store with a blender, margarita mix and a bag of crushed ice.  The only guys I fit in with here seemed to be the loud obnoxious ones who loved to pull me into their nefarious schemes.  'Straight to my room, take a shower, straight to my room, take a shower,' I told myself going up the stairs to avoid the guys playing quarters in the common room.

"Benji!!!" They called when they saw me pass by. "Come play with us!"

I peeked in the room. "Sorry guys, I'm going out tonight, I have to go get ready. Jamie's meeting me."

"Just 10 minutes, dude!" Eric called from the head of the table. Eric was a total jock. Six foot plus of hot California blonde surfer manly meat. He was beautiful, but he knew it. He was also bisexual and slept with anyone who took his fancy and lately, I seemed to be on his radar. "Come here," he reached his hand out beckoning me, his eyes drawing me in with his weird sexy hypnotic abilities.

I took a few tentative steps in and when I was close enough Eric pulled me into his lap. A few of the other guys blushed and some of them snickered. The one thing that could be said about this dorm was the laissez-faire attitude, no one questioned anybody's sexuality and experimentation seemed to be the theme of the freshmen at UCLA.

"Here sexy, have a beer," Eric purred into my ear as he pushed one over, his other arm snaking around my waist and resting low on my hip bone.

"No thanks, I promised Jamie I wouldn't drink tonight."

"Dude, you really need to cut those apron strings, that chick has you all tied up." His tone had now turned deep and frustrated.

"It's no big deal," I placated, "I'll have a beer with you later when I get back." I knew these guys would still be partying when I returned as I wouldn't be much later than 11 or so. "But I really gotta go get ready now Eric."

I felt his hand rub across my lower belly under my shirt before he released me and let me get back up. I couldn't say that I wasn't affected by Eric's magnetism. I definitely was. My heart pounded every time I saw him since that first day when my parents dropped me off at the dorm. The way he glided across the green; tall, muscular, his tight shirt showing off his flexing biceps and six-pack abs, cargo shorts showing off long tan legs, sturdy calves and powerful thighs. Typical California boy with the blonde hair and blue eyes. He was a gifted athlete, most of his achievements in lacrosse, but he excelled in rugby as well and could often be seen running around the campus or lifting weights in the athletics building. Not that I creeped him or anything, but he often seemed to be at the gym when I was doing my workouts.

But Eric was a player in the full meaning of the word. He was accountable to no one person and dated everyone. Anyone who found themselves in his bed knew that it was a one night, maybe two night stand. Those crisp blue eyes would capture your attention and draw you in like a venus flytrap.

So far I had been able to resist his charms. As much as I would love to let him have his way with me, I just couldn't handle one night stands. I'd had my heart broken too many times, I got too attached to my boyfriends and when they left I'd been devastated. Playing with Eric was like playing with fire. I could so easily fall for him, but I knew I wouldn't be able to handle the emotional fallout.

I quickly slipped away and headed up to my floor. I'd have to really rush to meet Jamie in time.


Bang, bang, bang! I was trying to figure out if I should wear the blue shirt with the tight black pants or the black silk t-shirt with the black leather pants.

"Benji!  What the hell?" Jamie yelled as she barged in the door.  I've been waiting for 20 minutes!  I quickly looked at the clock.

"Umm, I fell through a time warp?"  She glared at me.  "Jayjay, I don't know what to wear!" I whined.

Jamie looked amazing, in a tight black, simple dress that came to her knees. She was a natural beauty with long dark auburn hair which she wore down, the natural waves shining which matched the shine on the silver collar-type necklace that Dennis had given her. The average person would just think it was a choker, as her hair hid the silver padlock on the back. Obviously she had the key because she didn't wear it all the time; the key was a charm on the silver bracelet she wore on her right wrist.

When she finished killing me with her eyes, she let out a growling sound and picked up the blue shirt.  "This matches your eyes...and no leather yet, meet the guy first, make sure he deserves to see the way those hug your ass...go with these," she said, picking up a pair of charcoal grey tailored pants.  "And these," she added pulling out a pair of black Italian dress shoes.

I quickly dressed and we headed back down the stairs. Whistles assaulted us as we passed by the common room and a quick glance in found a very busty blonde girl straddling Eric's lap with her tongue down his throat. In the split second I watched, his eyes found mine and he gave me a quick wink.

Ugh! This is the reason I had to stay away from him. I just wanted someone who was with me and only me, just as I would be with him and only him. In Eric's case, his beauty was only skin deep and I had to remind myself that every day.


We arrived at the club and Dennis met us right away.  "Hello Sir," I greeted Jamie's Dom. "I'm sorry I made Jamie late."

Dennis just gave me an aggravated look as he took Jamie's hand, pulling her into his chest and kissing behind her ear.  "Master Phillip is in his office, he wants to see you," he said before he led Jamie off to another part of the club.  I gave them a half smile and turned to go find Master Phillip. 

Master Phillip managed the club and was in charge of training new Dominants who wanted to become a member and sometimes new submissives as well.  He ran a very tight ship as he liked to explain and made it his business to make sure every sub felt safe and well-treated.  When Jamie started bringing me here a few months after meeting Dennis, I was immediately put under Master Phillip's care once I decided that I wanted to try this lifestyle.  It intrigued me, the prospect of having someone who took care of my needs so I didn't have to worry...and the thought of being dominated by a big sexy man....okay, that was the real reason.  Master Phillip also thought the right Dom would be able to help me, and I knew that I needed to let Jamie live her life and not be my watcher anymore, she had Dennis now and she really loved him. 

I didn't know if I would find love here, but as a gay 19 year old who'd only had a few boyfriends that never lasted longer than a few months, I was horny as hell.  Master Phillip explained that I had options to either "play" with uncommitted Doms, which I knew wasn't really for me, or he would help me find my own Dom. We would get to know each other and then if we decided we were compatible would sign a contract for an agreed upon amount of time; usually three-months to start. It was a contractual commitment, but at least I knew what I was getting into and I didn't have to agree unless I liked them. I could determine how far we would go before I made that decision too.

Master Phillip had done most of my training with a few other Doms helping out, but there had been no sex, just very simple scenes concentrating more on stimulating my senses, body control and understanding discipline.  The Doms who Master Phillip had help with my training were already in relationships and were just doing it to help people who were just entering the lifestyle to be good, responsible Doms or proper subs, and to make sure that the people were right to take on such roles and responsibilities.

"Ow!  Oh, sorry," I croaked as I crashed looked up at 6 and a half feet of sexy.  He had dark wavy hair and dark eyes, Romanesque features, a broad muscular chest and six-pack abs that were accentuated by the tight black t-shirt he wore.  He looked to be in his mid-twenties and from his commanding demeanor I knew right away that he was a Dom. I felt myself pale as I realized I had just so carelessly crashed into a Dom I neither knew or would know that I was still learning.

He stared at me for several moments, the look in his eyes softening from a look of annoyance to one of....hey, wait...was he checking me out?  A sexy smirk lit up his face and he picked up my hand bringing it to his mouth as I felt soft lips place an ever so light kiss on my palm.

"No worries," he purred in a deep, sexy voice. "My fault.  I'm Ajax."  He paused, waiting for me to tell him my name I supposed, but my mouth wasn't working and I just stared at him like an idiot.

"Benji!" I heard my name called in the stern voice of Master Phillip.  Oh shit, I was distracted again and Master Phillip was waiting for me.  I'm in trouble...again, I thought as my heart dropped. My hand fell from Ajax's grasp and I quickly put them both behind my back and dropped my gaze to the floor while turning to the approaching Dom, "I'm sorry Master Phillip...I uhh..."

"Never mind Benji," he replied, his deep voice calm and understanding, much to my relief.  "This is quite serendipitous that you've bumped into Mr. Valdes.   Mr. Valdes is one of the owners of the club, he's also the one I wanted to introduce you to."  He turned me so I was looking at the Adonis I had just bumped into, "Ajax, this is Benji.  I think you two should get to know each other better."

A wave of nervous energy flooded through me and I stared at down, inspecting the pattern on the floor.  "Benji, look up at me," this man called Mr. Valdes, Ajax directed and my head snapped up, my eyes focusing immediately on his.  He took me in, his eyes glinting and an approving smile on his face.  I couldn't help but return the smile as I felt the stiffness in my shoulders relax.  "I think we'll get along just fine Phillip.  Do you mind if I take Benji to a table in a more private area so we can talk?"

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