Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Benji's POV

When we got back to the apartment Ajax excused himself to his office after helping me carry the bags to my room.  He made sure I properly hung up the suits and some of the dress shirts before he left the rest for me to attend to.  I put everything away in the drawers and shelves in the closet.  Laid out the shoes on the shoe rack and then grabbed a textbook and flopped down on my bed to study for a bit.  It wasn't long before my eyes were getting droopy and I felt the book fall onto my pillow.  I was lying on my side facing the window as the late afternoon sun streamed in.  As I slowly fell into a nap I felt the bed dip behind me and Ajax's large form tucked up against my back, pulling me snugly into his chest.  Instead of waking me up, the comfort only lulled me deeper into sleep; the last thing I felt before I was completely out was the light brushing of lips on my temple.

When I woke up I was alone; did I dream that Ajax had come in or was that real?  I was pretty sure it was real and I let myself have a moment of delight at the memory.  The sun had set and I could hear the sound of cooking through my open door.  I breathed in and almost started drooling at the smell, my stomach growling was the next clue that I was hungry.  I got up and followed my nose to the kitchen where Ajax was throwing some vegetables into a wok where what looked like beef was already cooking.

He looked up when I entered the room and his face lit up into a pleased expression that made my heart soar a little.  "Dinner will be ready in 5 minutes," he announced.

"What can I do to help Sir?"

"Well, you can set the table, plates are in that cabinet and forks and knives in this drawer."  He pointed to the places as he gave me the instructions so I quickly got everything I needed.  Ajax had a formal dining room, but  since it was just the two of us, I set the small table in the breakfast nook where we had eaten before.

"What would you like to drink Sir?"

"Just water pet, in a glass with some ice... and a slice of lemon.  And get whatever you'd like from the fridge."

Since soda and juice had a lot of sugar that I didn't need, I was pretty used to drinking water most of the time, so I made each of us a glass of ice water with a slice of lemon and then placed them on the table as well.  I was kind of surprised that Ajax didn't have wine with dinner like so many...well, he was kind of a yuppie wasn't he?  Well, like so many 'professionals' did.  I had seen him have one glass of wine the night we had dinner with Rob and Peter, but that was the only alcohol I'd seen him drink so far.  I kind of admired his pure and simple eating and drinking habits.

"Sir, I think I've only seen you have one glass of wine all the times I've been with you, most guys your age drink beer and wine like it's water," my big mouth blurted out.

Luckily he chuckled before replying.  "I do have beer and wine once in a while and mixed drinks as well, but it's not a regular habit and I never drink...if I'm going to..." he paused.  "Do anything with my sub.  If you're putting your trust in me, I want to have 100% awareness and control.  I just feel like it's a big responsibility to have someone's full trust and care in your hands, and I would never do anything to risk hurting you in any way."

His answer hit me like a ton of bricks and although I've already become pretty awestruck by this man, my admiration flew even higher.  "I know you would never do anything to hurt me," I numbly replied.

His eyes came up from the wok to look at me directly.  "I'm glad you know that baby, your trust in me means..." he looked down as if embarrassed, "well it means everything to me."

His attention became focused on the stir fry as he added bean sprouts, stirred a few more times before pouring the steaming hot food into a serving dish.  I stood there frozen watching as he next opened up a rice cooker and scooped a bunch of rice into another bowl.  His words went through my head and I swear, I felt like crying.  I didn't deserve this man.  He was...he was too good to be true.  How did I, Benji St. Clair, end up with this amazing man.  He was handsome, he was smart, he was caring, his body was killer...he was...perfect.  There is no way he should be with me.  He should be tried to think of the sexiest man alive, someone who would deserve Ajax.  Francisco Lachowski, Garrett Neff, "Sean Opry!"

"What?" Ajax looked at me with a confused grin.

"Did I say that out loud?" I asked.

"Yes.  Who's Sean Opry?"  I looked down at my feet as he placed the dishes of food on the table.  He turned back to the kitchen and grabbed some large serving spoons.  When he returned he asked again.  "Who's Sean Opry?"

"He's this gorgeous male model that should be with you instead of me," I mumbled.

"What?" he chuckled.  "Explain yourself pet."

"'re so amazing.  You're like the perfect..."  I caught myself before I said boyfriend.  " deserve someone better than me for a sub, like Sean Opry."

Ajax stopped and stood still, the grin dropping from his face.  He took the few steps toward me with determination.  "Hey, stop that.  Stop that right now!  If you continue to put yourself down I'm going to get very angry with you.  Besides, you've got it all wrong.  You are perfect.  You are perfection, baby.  It's me who doesn't deserve you."  He grabbed me into a big hug, "you giving yourself to me is like the most amazing gift.  Don't ever take that for granted.  You'll never know fully what that means to me, how honoured I feel that you agreed to have me as your first Dom.  Please, don't put yourself down any more.  I don't know who made you feel the way you've been feeling, but they're wrong.  You're beautiful, you're're fucking radiant.  Okay?"

He leaned back and looked me in the face.  "Okay?"  I simply nodded before he pulled me into a kiss.  Not a long one, but just enough to tell me that he meant what he said.  "Now let's eat baby, then we can get ready to go out tonight."

We sat down at the table and it was then that I started to think about the night's upcoming events.  The club.  Yeah, that I could handle.  I've been there so many times, I was used to it all and comfortable with it.  I was over gawking at the subs with collars and leashes dressed in only skimpy leather shorts, or even the time I saw one being led around naked.  Not all Doms and subs were like that, some were dressed fairly normally.  The club had all kinds.  Most of the extremes stayed in the back room or in the VIP room that overlooked the dance floor.  Parts of the club looked just like a normal dance club.  Everyone found the part they were comfortable with.  When I first met with Ajax we were in the, quote unquote normal part.  I had only ventured to the back room a few times with Master Phillip so I could see what happened there and once with Master Phillip's sub Quentin when he was asked to show me around and talk to me about being a submissive.  I had never been to the VIP room and had never been to the room that Ajax told me about.  I had seen demonstrations, but for the general membership they were not allowed to go too far.  They were mostly educating people about the different techniques of bdsm; restraints & bondage, sensory deprivation, wax play, ice play.  But all this thinking reminded me that Ajax wanted to do a scene with me in one of the rooms only for the highest echelon of the Club's Doms along with their subs.

The more I thought about our scene, the more nervous I started to become to the point where I could no longer eat my dinner.  I started to feel very hot, my hands were clammy and my breath was getting shallow.  Oh my god, I realized, this is like how a panic attack starts.

"Benji!"  I was suddenly interrupted.  "What's the matter, what are you thinking?"

"Um...Sir, I was thinking about tonight and I'm getting really nervous and I think I'm starting to have a panic attack."

"Breathe pet, relax.  Take deep breaths.  If you're this nervous we don't have to do it."  Ajax paused for a moment, "Shit, what was I thinking.  You haven't even been in the private showroom yet and I'm trying to get you to do a scene.  Benji, why don't we watch someone else tonight, let you see what it's like in there first."

Ajax stood up from his chair and walked around the table to me, he quickly turned my chair to face him and he knelt down in front of me.  "I'm so sorry, I wasn't thinking," he said softly.

"No!," I quickly interrupted.  "I want to do it for you, I don't want to disappoint you.  I..I said I would do it, I just got nervous. I was overthinking again."

"Benji...shhh, shhh.  You're not disappointing me.  I'm disappointed in myself, not to have even thought about that.  I was getting ahead of myself."

I hung my head, I was letting Ajax down.  "Stop!  Benji, stop those thoughts," he ordered sternly.  "Look at me!"

I lifted my head and he stood up but still crouched in front of me so our faces were on the same level.  "I'm in charge and I've decided that tonight we will observe, get used to the room and the other members of this group."


"Benji!  My reputation is at stake too, if I rush things it will show and I will come across as an inconsiderate Dom.  I don't want to lose the respect of my peers, especially not Master Phillip.  He spent a lot of time working with you and if I took his example and threw it out the window with my impatience, he would be very cross with me."

"I'm sorry," I whispered as I leaned into his embrace.

"Don't be.  It will be fun tonight.  You'll get to see firsthand how watching others can be very...stimulating."  Ajax rubbed my back until I felt calm again.  "Please eat some more dinner pet, we're not in any hurry."

When Ajax stood up I turned my chair back, and for his sake, ate the rest of the food that was on my plate.  He pulled his phone out of his pocket and sent a quick text.  I assumed it was to one of the Doms to arrange for another pair to be tonight's exhibition.

After dinner I took a quick shower.  When I came out of my bathroom I noticed that Ajax had laid out some clothes for me.  Tight black leather pants, a pair of black Doc Martens and a shirt...or rather...part of a shirt?  It was like the top part of a shirt - the shoulders and arms, but leaving the chest and stomach bare.  What made my cheeks turn red hot were the skimpy briefs he left on the bed.  They left most of the butt exposed and were really nothing more than a pouch in the front.  They were made of a silky black fabric and I had to turn them around a few times just to figure out exactly how they went on.

A black leather jacket was also laid out as the evenings were starting to get pretty cool.  I quickly dried my hair, still really happy with the way Angelo cut it; I think it was the best it ever looked, then I got dressed.  I felt a little exposed, but I knew this was nothing compared to what some of the subs wore at the club...or what they didn't wear.  I looked around for my collar, but remembered that Ajax had taken it off in his bathroom last.  Besides, I was pretty sure it was up to him to put it on me or take it off as he pleased.  Before I left my room I applied just a little black eyeliner to go with the outfit.  I had to admit, I looked pretty amazing.  'Hot young stud on the loose,' I joked to myself with a grin.

When I left the room Ajax was ready and waiting in the living room.  He also had on a pair of black leather pants, but with very sleek Italian shoes and a skin tight silky black t-shirt that accentuated all of his muscles.  "Wow!" I exclaimed before I could stop myself.

He looked up, "I could say the same for you."

"Ahhh..umm...should I go get my collar?" I asked, seeing as we were going to a club full of Doms.

"I have a special one for you to wear at the club.  I'll give it to you there.  Are you ready to go?"

"Yes Sir."  I wondered if I would have to wear a leash too.  I had to admit, I wasn't too fond of the leash thing.  "Do I have to wear a leash too?"  There goes my filter!

"No Benj, I'm not too big on leashes.  I trust you as my sub to stay where you belong without one."

'Oh thank god!'  I sighed...wait...did I say that out loud?  Ajax didn't respond and only picked up his phone, car keys and wallet putting them in the inside pocket of his leather jacket.  He gestured towards the door with his head and I followed him out to the elevator.

On the way there I stayed pretty quiet.  I wasn't as nervous as before, but I was still a little nervous as I had to make sure that I didn't do anything that would reflect back on Ajax badly.

"Don't worry pet, I have full confidence in you," Ajax suddenly said as his hand fell on my knee.  "You'll be fine.  Do you have any questions before we get there?"

I thought about it for a few seconds, "Is Dennis one of the Doms know, you hang out with in the private room?"  I suddenly realized that if Jamie, as Dennis' sub was there, it would be really uncomfortable to do anything in front of the group in the future.

"No pet.  Dennis is an acquaintance, but not part of the Doms I spend time with."

"Oh good...I don't think I could do anything in front of Jamie...she's like a sister to me!"  Ajax laughed and squeezed my knee sympathetically.  Pretty soon we were pulling up at the club.  Ajax used a special card to open a private parking garage under the building.  We parked and then used the same card to open a private elevator which opened right into the 2nd floor of the club, bypassing the front door and the public part.  We left our coats with the VIP coat check and then walked by Master Phillip's office.  Ajax peaked in to say hello.  At first I stayed outside until I heard Master Phillip calling my name.  I looked at Ajax who was in the doorway, but had moved over.  He smiled and nodded for me to enter.

I walked in and greeted Master Phillip with a smile.  He was sitting at his desk.  I looked to the other side of the room and Quentin was seated quietly on a couch.  Quentin gave me a small smile and wave.  He was adorable in only a pair of black leather shorts and a collar.  Quentin was a sweetheart and had been very open to me when I asked all sorts of questions about being a submissive.  I also was grateful for him for sharing his Master with me, even if it was only platonic training. 

"Benji, Ajax tells me that I should be very proud of you. That my training shows in your excellent behaviour."  Master Phillip's booming voice brought my attention back to him immediately.

"Yes Master...well, I don't know about the proud part Master, but I couldn't have asked for a better trainer," I fumbled.

His deep laugh echoed in the room, "You no longer call me Master, I'm Sir now, Ajax is your only Master once I turned you over to him.  Though you may refer to me in conversation as Master Phillip, since that's what most everyone does here.  But Sir when you address me directly."

"Yes Sir."

"And as long as you continue as you are, I will be very proud to call you one of my 'graduates'," he laughed.

"We're going to go have a drink Phillip, you and Quentin come join us if you can," Ajax said from behind me.

"I have some preparation to do for tonight, but we'll try to pop into the lounge later. 

"Come Benji," Ajax prompted.  I said goodbye to Master Phillip and gave Quentin a wave before I followed Ajax to the VIP lounge.  He held my hand once we arrived and he noticed several Doms at the bar looking our way.  I wondered about a collar, but didn't want to ask again.  A waitress came over and Ajax ordered us both a cranberry and club soda, it seemed to be one of his usual non-alcohol drinks when we were at a bar.  As I looked around I noticed that some subs were kneeling at their master's feet, some were sitting next to them like I was and some were in their laps. 


"Yes Benji?" 

"Do you want me" I asked apprehensively. 

"Remember pet, if I want you to do something a certain way, I will tell you, you don't have to worry or second guess yourself.  You're fine where you are right now, when we go in the private room, I'd like you to kneel by my feet at first, but when the show starts I'll ask you to sit up with me, but I'll direct you.  I will always give you any important directions, you have to learn to trust me about that." 

"I do Sir!  Master.  I'm sorry, I just don't want to disappoint you." 

"You won't if you learn to trust that I will give you all the direction you need." 

"Okay Master, I will."

"And I want you to keep your Benji spark, don't let your efforts to be the perfect sub crush the part of you that draws everyone.  That's the part that makes you perfect for me.  I love your sense of humour and your lively nature." 

"Really?  Usually that's the part people get annoyed with," I admitted. 

Ajax let out a loud laugh, "I'll admit you test my limits sometimes, but I like that.  I like to be challenged." 

We sat for a while and had our drinks, chatting about all sorts of things.  Some Doms came over to say hello and Ajax was sure to tell the single ones that I was his now while I sat beaming with pride.  I met some of Ajax's close friends and their subs when they joined us for a drink.  Master Phillip and Quentin came in a little while later and joined us, but soon directed a small group of us to the private room.  I followed Ajax in with my eyes kept downcast and when he sat on a love seat I quickly knelt by his feet.  I peeked around and noticed that the room was like a small version of the lecture halls on campus, there was a small platform and in front of it the floor rose just slightly with chairs and small sofas placed for observing what was happening in the front.  The lighting was very low in the "observation" area, putting the main focus where the presentation would be. 

Master Phillip and Quentin went straight to the front while everyone found a place to be seated.  Ajax leaned forward, "We're going to go down in a minute just so you can be introduced formally as my sub.  I'll make a little show of me collaring you, but that is all it will be and then we'll come back here to watch the demonstration."  I quickly nodded my understanding. 

A few minutes later, my heart pounding just a little, Master Phillip called us down.  Ajax stood up and took my hand, helping me stand up.  We walked down to the front and I was so nervous I didn't even hear what he was saying to the group.  It got quiet and then Quentin opened a box I didn't realize he was holding and held it out to my Dom.  Ajax picked up a new black leather collar.  This one was about 2 inches thick and had diamond studs spaced around the circumference every few inches.  Ajax held it in front of me so I could read the imprint.  

"Property of Ajax Xavier Valdes" 

I blushed when I saw it and gave him a small smile.  Ajax placed it around my neck, and this one did have a small lock on it.  He affixed the lock, pulling the key out and ceremoniously placing it in his pocket, causing the other Doms to let out a small laugh.  I kept my eyes down, a little nervous to look up at everyone, but I was pretty sure I wasn't supposed to...but again, if I was, I'm sure Ajax would tell me.  When we were finished, Ajax turned me to face him and leaned down, taking my face in his hands and pressing his lips to mine in a long, deep kiss.  Everyone sat quietly until he was finished and we returned to our seats. 

The lights dimmed just a little which I assumed meant the show was going to begin.  Quentin went to the side of the room and placed the box he had been holding on a table.  I watched as Master Phillip pulled off his shirt, standing there in black leather pants and his black boots.  He was built like a body builder and I watched as his huge muscles flexed as he stretched his arms and shoulders a bit.  "Quentin?" he called quietly and only now did I notice Quentin coming back from the side where he had obviously removed his shorts!  Oh, and did I mention, he had nothing underneath!  He was carrying several items; wrist and ankle restraints and a bunch of ropes. 

I didn't quite know what to make of the scene before me.  I looked around a bit, in the darkness it was hard to see the rest of the audience, so I looked back down as Master Phillip secured the restraining cuffs around Quentin's wrists and ankles.  Using a remote control a single chain lowered from the ceiling and Quentin lifted his arms so his Master could clip the end of the chain onto the wrist cuffs.  Master Phillip slowly trailed his fingers down Quentin's arms, while the small sub didn't take his eyes off him. When his hands reached the sub's shoulders he moved them to his face and held them there for several seconds before he leaned down and kissed the boy.  It looked like he said something and Quentin nodded in return. 

Master Phillip picked up the pile of rope next and began looping it around his hand getting any knots or twists out.  Quentin never took his eyes off him, never looked out at us, it was as if no one existed besides his Master.  It was a little weird watching the two of them, like we were intruding on something intimate and I didn't know how to feel about that.  It was different than me watching Eric and Steven because I didn't have their permission. 

Ajax tapped me on the shoulder and when I looked back he waved me up and patted his lap.  I stood up and his hands went to my hips guiding me down, arranging me so my back was against his chest, my legs straddling the outside of his and my head was on his shoulder.  He whispered into my ear.  "Just so you know, I wouldn't expose you as fully as Quentin is.  He's a bit of a closet exhibitionist and this is how Phillip lets him fulfill that need."  I nodded not quite knowing what to say as Ajax wrapped his long arms around me resting his hands on my bare stomach. 

Both of our eyes went back to the stage.  Master Phillip was wrapping the rope around Quentin's chest and then crisscrossing some of the length over his chest and shoulders almost making like a harness.  I recognized some of the technique from a shibari demonstration I had seen.  There was still some of the rope hanging down and this he wound down over his belly and then through his legs.  Master Phillip then reached a hand down taking Quentin's erection, which had started just after the kiss, and stroked it several times until he was fully erect.  He brought the rope around the base of his shaft and then tied another length tightly around his balls as my eyes grew wide.  It didn't look too comfortable but Quentin seemed to like it by the look on his face and the way his breathing started to pick up.  When Master Phillip was finished with all his bindings he gave Quentin's cock a little slap and stood up quickly.  He went to a table and picked up a black leather flogger before walking back to his boy, kissing him quite passionately and turning him around so his back was to us.  The large man stroked his hand over the boy's back and then gave him a few slaps to warm up his skin, then doing the same on his ass and thighs.  Once a faint pink color started to show on his skin he began twirling the flogger and slapping it against the boys skin every few turns.  It was almost like watching a dance as Master Phillip stalked around Quentin slapping him with the leather tails, kissing his shoulders or neck and then reaching to his front and stroking his cock.  After a while he turned the boy around again so he was facing us, though his eyes always remained on his Master with a look that was a mixture of awe, lust and love.  When he was facing us Master Phillip began flogging his front and even his cock and balls a few times. 

"Does that hurt very much?" I whispered to Ajax. 

"If you watch Phillips technique you'll see that at the angle where it actually hits his skin is actually the slowest point in the velocity, so it stings a little, but is not very painful.  If you look at Quentin carefully you'll see he finds it extremely pleasurable." 

When the majority of Quentin's skin was a bright red colour Master Phillip put down flogger and stroked his hands over the boy's chest, kneading his skin and pinching his nipples eliciting all sorts of moans and contented sounds from him.  I was actually pretty fascinated by the whole process, the pace at which everything took place and how Master Phillip used either speed or pauses to keep Quentin's arousal at its peak.  I wasn't surprised when the Master pulled two small nipple clamps from his pocket and secured them to Quentin's chest, they had a small chain between them which he pulled a few times to make sure the clamps were secure. 

Things started to get heated for me when Master Phillip kneeled down in front of his sub and started stroking the boy's cock with such intensity that he was soon moaning heavily and his body shuddering.  My own breathing started to get a little ragged and I began to squirm as I felt myself get aroused.  I heard Master Phillip speaking calmly to Quentin and then just before he took his hand off the boy's shaft he scolded him for moving too much.  The Master stood up leaving his boy panting and wanting.  Master continued edging him over and over and each time left Quentin in more of a state of need. 

Ajax shifted below me and I was so engrossed in the scene that I barely noticed his hands unbutton and unzip my pants.  It wasn't until a hand reached inside and grasped my hardening shaft that I became fully conscious of what he was doing.  "Do you want me to stop?" he whispered. 

"No Sir," I murmured honestly.  I even adjusted myself slightly to give him better access and blushed shamelessly in the dark.  While we watched Quentin brought to the edge over and over, Ajax was bringing me closer and closer.  It was naughty and thrilling and incredibly arousing to be having this sexy man jack me off while we watched the two men in their own state of sexual play.  As I got closer though, I became much more focused on Ajax, his breath on my neck and the feel of his hands on my body and less focused on Master Phillip and Quentin, though in the background I could hear the boy's desperate pleas for completion.  I had lost count, but I figured he had to have been brought to the edge at least 7 or 8 times by now and I'm sure we had been watching for close to 45 minutes. 

"Please Master," Quentin finally yelled much more loudly than his earlier pleas.  I looked down and his whole body was shaking.  "Please let me cum Master!"  His Dom was trailing his hands over the boy's thighs while on his knees in front of him and Quentin was looking down at him almost in tears.

Without turning around I heard Master Phillip call out.  "What do you think Benji, should I let Quentin cum?" 

My breath hitched and I felt myself stiffen.  Did he really just ask me?  "Answer him pet," Ajax whispered.  I looked at his face and he nodded toward the front.  "If you don't answer him I won't let you cum," he chuckled. 

"Yes Sir," I quickly called back.  "You should let him cum."  Quentin let out a sigh of relief as Master Phillips hands went back to his boy's swollen shaft and he began to work him once again.  At the same time Ajax was picking up the pace with my cock which had popped completely out of my pants a while ago.

"Cum for me pet," Master Phillip ordered his sub and the boy let out a high pitched moan as he shot a stream of cum into his Master's hand. 

"Oh my god," I muttered at the scene as I felt my own balls tighten and my cock quivered.  "Please Master may I cum?" I quickly whispered to Ajax. 

"Yes, pet, let go," he replied and after a few more tight strokes I emptied myself into his hand and all over my belly.  When I was finished Ajax reached into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief and wiped off his hand and then my front.  I sank back into his chest and dragged in breath after breath until I felt my heart rate start to approach normal.  When we were both somewhat cleaned up, he gently tucked me back into my pants and zipped them up. 

I rolled my head to the side and looked at his face, he was smirking at me.  "I think you like it in here," he said smugly.

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