Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Benji's POV

Joe and I arrived at the boys club at around 4:00 pm.  "The kids usually start streaming in around 4:15-4:30," Joe explained, "we have some time so I'll give you a quick tour."  I followed him around the building as he showed me a large living room, a large recreation and games room, the library, a large kitchen, bathrooms, a few offices; outside was a basketball court and another area with picnic tables for hanging out and a small area where kids could skateboard.  He also introduced me to the man who ran the club, Derek and his small staff; Joe and I were the only volunteers today.

Joe left me in Derek's office to fill out paperwork and so that he could run through how things worked as well as the rules.  I was in there for at least 30 to 40 minutes before we finished, so when I went to find Joe, the place was pretty full of teenage boys.  Some younger ones were getting help with homework in the library, a bunch were playing video games and a lively basketball game was going on outside with Joe as referee.  When I stepped outside he waved and I stood unsure where to go.

Joe came running over after a few minutes.  "Okay everyone," he called out to the kids, "this is my friend Benji, he's going to be coming with me on Thursdays to help out so be nice to him."  I smiled at the kids and a few of them said hello or waved before they got back to their game.

"What do I do?" I asked Joe before he returned to the game.

"Don't worry about it, just try to meet a few kids, but basically hang out until you get a feel for things."

I saw some kids sitting at a picnic table, so I thought I'd wander over there to start.

"Hey, I'm Benji," I greeted the four boys as I sat down.  Three of them were playing a card game, which made me smile, I mean, you never see kids playing cards these days, the fourth, a smaller boy, was hunkered over a notebook and seemed to be writing or drawing something, I couldn't quite tell as he held it in his lap so the table hid it from view.  He had straight black as ink hair, slightly on the long side that hung in his face.  He seemed off in his own world. 

"Call," one of the boys said as he laid down his cards, "straight flush," he added with a smirk.  He looked up as the other two groaned.  "I'm Brett, that's Aiden," he said as a boy with curly blonde hair looked up with a silly grin, "Jonah," a brown haired boy nodded.  I gave each boy a friendly smile.  "And my brother Liam," Brett, who also had dark hair, but not quite as dark as Liam's, nodded in the direction of the smaller boy.

"Liam," he called.  The small boy quickly looked up, his bright blue eyes trained on his brother.  I smiled at him, he was adorable with pale skin and an impish little face.  "Say hello to Benji," Brett said softly and I could tell he held a lot of affection for his younger sibling.  Liam peeked at me through his black locks and I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Hey Liam," I said, "what are you drawing there?"  He quickly held the book to his chest protectively.  "It's okay kiddo," I said softly, "you don't have to show me."

"He draws and writes poetry," Aiden offered, "he's really good!"  I looked at Liam who shrunk into himself as if exposed and then looked at the other boys.  Aiden was back to looking at his cards, as was Brett, but Jonah was watching Liam, his look unreadable.  Liam looked up at Jonah as if sensing his gaze and Jonah broke out into a smile.  I watched, almost transfixed at the exchange as Liam's face turned flush, he smiled back and then looked back down at his notebook, unable to meet his eyes for too long.

I looked back at the card game, feeling like I was intruding on their moment.  "What are you playing for?" 

Brett held up match sticks.  "We're not allowed to play for money, but Derek lets us trade these in for candy," he groaned rolling his eyes as if it were the most uncool and juvenile thing in the world.  "You want us to deal you in?"

I was actually surprised at how quickly they seemed to be accepting me. "Really? Sure!"

Brett chuckled.  He seemed to be the leader of the small group.  "Joe told us you were cool," he explained, as if reading my mind.   Then it was my turn to laugh, I was already liking these kids.

We played a few hands of poker.  Each one had graciously given me a few of their matchsticks to get started and slowly I lost them all back to them, not ever having been known as a card shark.

When the basketball game on the court finished and the players went inside to get drinks or perhaps meet with their counselors, Brett stood up, "come on guys, let's throw a few hoops."  Aiden and Jonah stood up placing their matchsticks carefully down in front of them.  Liam, who sat across from me kept on working in his notebook.

"You wanna play?" Brett asked.

"No thanks, I'm even worse at basketball than I am at poker," I lied, mostly not wanting to leave Liam alone at the table.  I was actually a pretty good basketball player. 

"No prob," Brett retorted heading off to grab a ball from the storage bin.  Aiden followed right behind him, but Jonah paused, looking from me to Liam almost protectively.  He looked unsure as to what to do.

"It's okay," I said softly and Jonah, whose eyes darted back to me, opened his mouth, but seemed to find no retort.  When he looked back at Liam, he bit his lips before calling over to him.

"Lee-lee, we'll just be over on the court if you need us," but Liam was so busy with a sketch, the pencil in his fingers darting over the page quickly, that he didn't even notice.

"Hey Liam," I began after Jonah finally walked off, "Can I see one of your drawings?"

He looked up as if startled that I was still there.  He looked around in alarm and quickly saw where his brother and friends were and seemed to relax slightly.  When he looked back at me he studied me carefully, after several minutes, he shook his head no.  My heart sank a little, I know I was supposed to be the adult here and most of these kids had pretty hard lives so there was no way I was going to gain their trust immediately, but I couldn't help feel a bit of disappointment.

"That's okay, I understand," I replied with a forced smile.

The rest of the afternoon seemed to go well.  Joe had suggested trying to focus on a small group of kids at first and get to know them.  He explained that it might take several visits before anyone even came close to opening up to me or asking for my help so I felt like what little progress I made, was pretty good.  I even helped the boys with their homework before they left for the day at 8:00 p.m.  Well I helped Brett and Aiden, and Jonah helped Liam. 

Part of the program was to make sure the kids who needed it, got a good meal before they went home, so a simple dinner, made by staff and kids, was served at 6:00.

On the ride home I filled Joe in on my afternoon, he seemed very pleased with it all and told me he was hoping I'd connect with that group.  "None of the older counselors seem to be able to break through their barrier, they seem to accept me somewhat, but I kind of thought you being younger and only a few years older than them, might be able to make more progress than the rest of us, and it seems I might have been right," he sounded very pleased.

"They seem to be good kids," I told him truthfully.  "Can you tell me a little bit more about them?"

"Brett, Aiden and Jonah are 16 and Liam is almost 13, though small for his age," he explained.  They've all been the best of friends since they were toddlers, from what I've heard.  They live in the same apartment building.  They…they really rely on each other which is good, none of them have had it very easy."

"How so?" I asked.

"Well, Brett and Liam live with their Mom now, their Dad left about a year ago.  I guess he was a major alcoholic and used to beat their Mom and probably them too.  Lynette, their mother is really nice, but she works 2 jobs to support them and so they're on their own a lot.  Aiden lives with his grandmother, I'm not sure what happened with his parents, but he's lived with her since he was small.  Jonah's parents are both around, but aren't in contention for 'Parents of the Year' if you get my drift.  The boys have been coming to the program every day for about 2 years right after school until closing at 8:00 and then most Saturdays too, their school guidance counselor is a friend of Derek's and referred them when the older ones started at his school."

"If I'm able to, can I come more than one day a week?" I asked.  After one afternoon, I was already feeling attached to these kids.

"Sure! That would be great!  Whatever time you can give, just make sure it doesn't interfere with your studies," Joe cautioned.  "There's a calendar in the front hallway where you sign-up.  That way Derek knows how many volunteers he has on any given day and when he needs to call in extra hands.  It's also good because the kids can see it and know who to expect when."

After Joe dropped me off I checked my phone.  At Joe's suggestion I had turned it off when I got there so I could focus on the kids without interruption.  I noticed I had missed 2 calls and a text from Ajax so I quickly called him.

"Hi Sir," I replied after he answered the phone on the first ring, "I'm sorry I missed your calls."

 "It's no big deal, I was just getting worried about you," he replied.

 "Joe suggested I turn off my phone while at the Boys Club, I'm sorry."

 "How did it go?" He asked.

 "It was really great, I already kind of have a small group of kids I'm getting to know.  They're really great too."

 "Well, they're lucky to have you there kiddo," he said warmly, which made me feel relieved after how distant he got at lunch.  "Listen, are you packed?  I'm about twenty minutes from campus."

"Yeah, I packed when I got back this afternoon, so I'm ready as soon as you get here."

"Good boy, I'll text you when I pull up."

"Okay Sir."

After about 10 minutes of pacing around my room I picked up my backpack and decided to wait for Ajax out front.  While I waited for him I texted Jamie to let her know about the boy's club, but mostly just to check in.  I was still wondering about why she hadn't texted me this morning.  I was really hoping Dennis didn't have plans to not let her associate with me anymore.  I really don't know how I'd react to that.  Thinking about that made me agitated and I started to pace outside the dorm.  It'd been almost 10 minutes and Jamie hadn't replied to my text.  I could have called her, but if she wasn't answering my text, what was the point.

"You okay pet?"  A calming voice came up behind me and I turned around just as Ajax put his hands on my shoulder.  I was so worked up I hadn't even heard him pull up.

"Do you think Dennis will make Jamie stop talking to me?" I blurted out.

"Nooo…I don't know him that well, but I really don't think he would do that.  He knows how close you are and how long you've been friends.  Why are you asking, did something happen?"

"She texted Kayli this morning to tell her she was staying the weekend with him and asked Kayli to tell me…I mean, why couldn't she just text me herself.  And then I texted her a little bit ago and she hasn't replied."

"Don't jump to any conclusions Benji, maybe they're just busy.  I'm sure she'll text you before the weekend is over.  Just relax," he soothed as he rubbed my shoulders.  "It's going to be fine.  Let's get going to the beach house and have a nice weekend and not think about anything in L.A.  I'm not going to think about work, mid-terms are over so you don't have to worry about school for a few days…we'll leave everything here behind.  Can you do that?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Good, because I really need that right now," he said with a sigh.  I followed him to the car and noticed two bags in the back.  "I packed some of your clothes and things from the apartment to keep down at the beach house," he explained, "that way we can just grab the essentials and run whenever we need to get away."

"Okay, that's a good idea." I agreed.

We drove for a few minutes before Ajax let out a deep sigh.  "Benji, I'm sorry about lunch."

"What do you  mean Sir?"

"I was a real dick…after I saw Paul…I'm working with him on a merger right now and seeing him there today kind of threw me off," he admitted.

"What do you mean?  Does he not know you're gay?"

"I don't know if he knows or he doesn't know.  I don't necessarily try to hide it, but when colleagues are around I guess I don't advertise it either.  I don’t know.  I'm…I'm not my brother.  He's always been the confident one.  Doesn't care what anyone thinks of him, if they don't want to do business with him because of his sexuality, he figures screw them, he can buy and sell them every day 'til Tuesday."

"I think you're very confident, I don't think you see yourself the way other people see you Sir."

He let out a laugh, "Nico always tells me I'm too hard on myself.  I guess I've spent too long comparing myself to him and falling short."

"You said that things always come easy to Nico.  I admire you more because you've had to work twice as hard to get where you are.  And he's left you in charge of the company, so he must be pretty confident in your abilities."

"Thank you Benji, I have a lot of admiration for you too."

"Just admiration Sir?" I teased and wiggled my eyebrows.  He let out a hearty laugh and patted my knee.

"A lot more than just admiration baby," he said in a deep sexy voice.

I relaxed back in the seat knowing that everything was okay between Ajax and I.  I could forgive him his fear of PDA.  These days, unfortunately it was a common concern, just because it never bothered me, didn't mean that I could assume the same for whatever partner I was with.  And besides, as his sub, he calls the shots, so I would just get over it.

The rest of the ride we talked about all sorts of things. I told him in more detail about my visit to the boy's club and he told me about some of the deals he was working on.  When we got to the beach house it was pretty late, but neither of us was especially tired.  It was a little cool for a swim, but I was pretty sure Ajax had other plans anyway.  I wondered if it included the punishment I was due from last night.  I kind of hoped so.  I just wanted to get it over with so it wasn't hanging out there.  Besides, unlike the time in my dorm room, I felt I could handle it better now and maybe it would turn into something else afterwards.  A horny 19 year old could only hope!

"What are you smirking about pet?" Ajax asked me after he dropped the two bags he was carrying down the hallway.

"Can I ask you a question Sir?" I said, changing the subject.

"Yes, pet."

"How come you have a playroom at your apartment, but not one here?"

"Hmmm.  Well, I've never taken my previous subs here, to be honest.  This always just been a sort of refuge for me.  An escape."

"Really?  But…"

"Why did I take you here?"

"Yeah…yes Sir?  You took me here the same night you met me."

"I know."


"I'm not entirely sure Benji.  I hadn't planned it.  It just…felt right."  He looked thoughtful for a moment before his eyebrows perked up and a mischievous smile came across his face. "I do have a surprise though.  Follow me."  He picked up his bag and I grabbed mine dropping it inside the door to my room before I picked up my pace to follow Ajax to his room.

"A friend of mine owns the company that installed my playroom, same company that's designed and installed the playrooms in most of my clubs.  He came down this week and installed something for me and delivered a few items as well."

Ajax stepped into his bedroom and moved to the side so I followed him in, looking around, expecting to see a St. Andrew's cross or a spanking bench.  I looked at him with confused eyes because nothing looked different from the last time I was here.  The room was large, but simple, not a lot of furniture, the king size bed with night tables on either side.  An easy chair by the window in a sort of reading nook with a standing lamp/table combination, A very simple entertainment cabinet was across from the bed with a large flat screen TV.    All of his clothes were in the walk in closet where there were built in drawers and shelves along with closet rods.

"Good, since I sometimes let friends or family use this place I wanted it to be very inconspicuous.  He walked over to the closet, "there should be some packages waiting for me in here."  Ajax pulled out some large plain brown shopping bags.  He started throwing things on the bed, padded wrist cuffs very similar to the ones in his playroom and then some kind of rope an pulley system.  My eyes went to the ceiling to the thick wooden exposed beams and that's when I noticed the thick eyehook that had been installed in the middle of the room.  "It's been carefully reinforced and is rated for 700 pounds," he said when he saw I had noticed it.  "We can even use it for a swing if you ever want to try that, and when I want to hide it, I can hang a lighting fixture or piece of art there."

Ajax continued to unwrap new items from their packaging.  A brand new flogger, paddle, belt, crop.  "Which do you like the best?" he asked.  I hadn't moved but just looked at each of the items.

"Your hand Sir.  I uh…I don't mind any of those, but I like skin to skin contact the best."

"I'll keep that in mind.  Why don't you go take a shower while I install the pulley.  I put some items you can use in the bag I packed for you.  I'll come get you when I'm ready.  And it's Master until the morning now, pet."

"Yes Master." I made my way back to my room and unpacked both my bags.  Inside the one he packed, along with bathing suits, shorts and t-shirts, were some of the skimpy underwear he had bought me and also a razor, an electric shaver, non-stinging moisturizer, lubricant and, yep a special shower cleansing kit like the one he had for me at the apartment.  A clean hole gets the pole.  Words to live by.

I cleansed, showered, shaved, moisturized and paced around my room…was he going to come get me?  Did he want me naked or to put on one of the sexy briefs?   I picked up a lacy pair, but quickly threw them back.  Too soon, not ready to go there!  I found a skimpy pair of lime green sheer briefs and put those on.  Yeah, these I could rock.  I could always take them off if he wanted me naked, I was getting punished anyway, he could just throw in another swat if I was supposed to be naked.  When I heard Master coming I quickly kneeled down by the bed facing away from the door and clasped my hands behind me.

He quietly entered my room and I kept my gaze forward and down.

"I see you found everything I packed pet?"

"Yes, Master.  Thank you for thinking of what I would need."  He came to the side of me and I could see that he was wearing nothing but his black dobok pants again.  He was holding something in his hand and I realized it was the black collar he gave me at the club.  He slipped it around my neck and secured it in the back.

"Good boy.  I like these," he said crouching down beside me, snapping the elastic of the briefs.  I refused to call them panties, even if they were more panty-like than brief-like.  Maybe they're called briefers or briefests or briefies.    "Come pet," he ordered, giving my bum a little pat as he stood back up.  I followed him into his bedroom and looked at the pulley system he had installed into the eyehook.  It was pretty simple, one end going through and hanging down, attached to a large round ring that the cuffs would attached to with the use of spring hooks. The other end of the rope extended back to the wall and was tied to another eyehook that I hadn't noticed before.  It could be released, raised or lowered as needed.


"Yes, pet?"

"I've never been suspended before," I admitted nervously.  I had seen some suspension bondage and Bakushi demonstrations, but it honestly wasn't something that attracted me.  I would try it if Master wanted me to, but I was a little scared.

"I'm only going to use it to hold your arms above your head pet, you'll be standing on the floor."

"Thank you Master."  Placing his hands on my shoulders, Master moved me over under the ring.  He fasted the cuffs to each of my wrists and when he asked, I raised them up so he could hook them to the ring.  He went over to the rope tied to the wall and raised it just enough so my hands were up over my head and I could just hold my weight up with my feet. 

"As good as these look on you, pet, I'm going to remove them now," Master said as he pulled my briefies down my legs and off my feet.  He then picked up a small spreader bar, only about 2 and a half feet wide and secured the cuffs on each end around my ankles.  I felt exposed and a little helpless, but I was okay.  I trusted my Master and knew he wouldn't do anything to hurt me, so I was able to stay more relaxed than I thought I would be when I first started seeing other subs in this position.

"I'm going to blindfold you pet, to keep you focused on sound and my touch only."  Master said and then brought over a black cloth and tied it around my eyes.  I had been blindfolded by Master Phillip and some of the other Doms I trained with, so it wasn't anything new.  It was something I actually liked, it did make me stay focused and made any stimulation that much more intense and exciting.  Master was quiet now, but I could hear what sounded like him arranging some items on the bed.  Then I heard a bottle open and a squirting sound, which I recognized as lube.  When I felt him close again, he took hold of my cock with his lubed hand and squeezed me tight as he pumped up and down, making me almost instantly hard.  He gave me several tugs until I was fully erect and then I felt something hard slide onto my shaft.  A cock ring.

"Don't panic pet, it won't be on long.  If you feel any pain at all use your safe word, okay?"

"Yes Master."

"What is your safe word pet?"

"Agliophobia Master."

"That's quite a mouthful pet, are you sure you can get that out if you need it?"

"Yes Master, I've practiced."

"Good boy."

"How does it feel?" Master asked.

"It doesn't hurt…it feels…it kind of feels good," I answered, surprised that it would.

"That's why I wanted you to try it, pet.  Now, I'm going to warm up your skin a bit and then give you your punishment from last night.  Are you ready?"

"Yes Master."

Master glided his hand up and down my shaft a few times, making me catch my breath in surprise.  Then he was gone and I moved my head from side to side to try to hear where he was.   SLAP! I felt the sting of the riding crop on my ass.  Pretty soon he started peppering my ass and the tops of my thighs with light slaps of the riding crop.  I never knew where he was going to hit next or when as he altered his pattern and timing several times.  Every now and then he glided his clenched hand over my cock keeping me stimulated, but wanting more.

"Ah!" I cried out as I felt a flogger across my back.  It wasn't too hard, just surprising.  Next I felt it over my ass and the tops of my thighs, but my breath caught in my throat when I felt the leather strips slap my erection and curl around giving my balls multiple taps too.  Again, it wasn't hard enough to hurt, just startle me, and actually…it was pretty hot.  I let out a moan as more blood seemed to pool into my erection and I almost felt myself get thicker.  Master squeezed my balls lightly with his hands and then glided his fingers along my shaft again.  I was trying to stay quiet at first, but I couldn't seem to stop the sounds from the stimulus he was giving me.  I didn't get reprimanded so I figured it was allowed.

Master continued to use the flogger over various parts of my body; thighs, ass, cock, stomach, chest, upper back.  I could feel my skin radiating heat and it all just made me more and more stimulated and wanting.

"Pet, I'm going to use the belt now for your punishment, 20 slaps and I want you to count each one out loud."

"Yes Master."  He lowered the rope about a foot and told me to lean forward.

SLAP!  "One"

SLAP!  "Two"

Master continued, the slaps weren't so hard at first, but progressed as he continued.  At fifteen I was starting to find them uncomfortable.

SLAP!  "Sixteen," I panted.

SLAP!  "Seventeen."

"Will I have to worry about you going out and getting drunk at strip joints again pet?" he asked.

"No Master."  SLAP!  "Eighteen."

"Next time a problem like that comes up what will you do?"  SLAP!  "Nineteen.  I'll try to talk her out of it and if it doesn't work I'll call you."

"Good boy," he praised and the last slap was almost nothing.  "Twenty," I sighed in relief.

"You took your punishment well pet," he said smoothly as I felt him take my wrist cuffs off.  "I'm proud of you," he continued, removing the spreader bar as well.  He left the blindfold on and led me over to what I assumed was the bed.  When I felt it against the backs of my knees I realized my assumption was right.  "Lay back," he instructed, gently pushing me onto my back.  He pulled me up until my legs were no longer hanging off and then he got off the bed.  I could hear his feet padding away, so I waited patiently, enjoying the tingle all over my body from the different implements.  That feeling like I was flying had taken hold while Master was flogging me and only intensified from the punishment slaps.  I relaxed back into the bed and enjoyed the feeling…like swirling all through my head.  It was only the second or maybe third time I'd been in what I leaned was subspace; it felt pretty amazing.

When Master was back I felt him kneeling on the bed in between my legs which he had spread apart.  I felt a warm wet cloth caress my shaft, it felt like he was wiping off any lube that was still there.  "You were such a good boy," he said softly, "you deserve a reward."  Seconds later his mouth was on me and I felt his strong lips sucking me in.

"Ahhhhh," I moaned, "Masterrr…."  I was already feeling so good and now I was just flying higher than a kite.  My hips started moving on their own, I didn't seem to have any control over it, like I was detached from my body.  I felt like I was floating up somewhere toward the ceiling.  The only thing I could feel was the intense sucking…like he was going to swallow me whole starting with my cock.  My shaft felt so full and dense, there was an intense pressure like it was getting fuller and fuller and wanted to explode but couldn't, then  I remembered the cock ring and realized that was why.  It didn't hurt, it was just really intense and kept bringing me higher and higher until my body started shaking.

"Ohhhh…" I called out as I started to feel so close and so ready.  Master started to lick intensely at the base of my cock and then I felt a few tugs and he slid the ring off, but still held my cock tightly at the base.

"Pet, you may cum when you're ready, you've earned it," his deep voice was like a silk ribbon floating around the room dreamily until it slipped into my ears like a Barry White song.  He took me back into his mouth and his hand came off my cock, moving down to cup my balls.

"Agggghhhhh," I screamed out as they tightened up, hard as rocks and I felt my body shudder.  The suction made by my Master's lips intensified and before I could take another breath I was cumming, shooting down his throat, he swallowed every drop which turned me on so much that a second orgasm ripped through me as soon as the first finished.  "Master, I'm sorry," I croaked when I finally started to calm down.

"Sorry?  Pet, that was…amazing."  His voice sounded awed.  He kissed my cock and then crawled up over me until he was right over me.  "You are amazing."

"Master…" I whispered and his lips came over mine, I tasted myself on them.  I wanted to put my arms around him, so many emotions were swirling around inside me, bursting to come out, I didn't know what to do with them all.  It was too much, overwhelming.  He lowered his body just above mine and I could feel his own erection pressing into me and I wanted him so badly.  There was nothing I wanted more at that moment.  "Please Master," I wrapped my legs around his waist and moved myself against him, "please."

Master reached up to the night table, never taking his eyes from mine, when his hand came back he had a condom and a bottle of lube.  My lips parted as I sucked in much needed oxygen watching him shrug out of his pants.  He ripped open the condom package and rolled it onto his shaft, again, never taking his eyes from mine.  I heard the sound of the lube bottle open and he was soon preparing me.  Every single nerve ending on my body was tingling and when I felt him pressing at my entrance I was about to explode.   Master leaned up and placed his hands on either side of my head, he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on my lips and before they moved away he plunged deep inside me with a grunt.

Master soon had me moaning and groaning, pounding into me like a man on a mission.  His hips pistoned against mine and I gripped his shoulders to keep from flying away.  "Oh god," I cried out, he had moved his hips and his cock was now hitting my prostate on every drive, I was instantly hard again.  Master kept up his pace with herculean strength, while I twisted and writhed below him until finally with a deep growl he rammed in one last time, seemingly deeper and I felt his cock swell and throb as his orgasm pulsed into me, my own orgasm following like a chain reaction.  My head fell back onto the bed as all strength left me, my legs slid down Master's hips and my fingers let go, my arms falling down beside me.

Master cradled my upper body in his arms and rocked me slowly while I felt like a limp rag doll.  "You're okay pet," he whispered in my ear, kissing my temple, "that was amazing."  I felt my eyes slipping closed and Master slid me up, placing my head on a pillow.  "I'll be right back baby.  I'm just going to get a washcloth."  Those were the last words I heard before I fell into an exhaustive sleep.

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