Chapter 20

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 The picture on the right is Benji with his adviser Joe.


Chapter 20

Benji's POV

"How did mid-terms go Benji?"  It was Thursday afternoon and I was driving downtown to the boy's club with Joe.

"Way better than I expected," I replied happily.  "I checked on-line this morning and I got 2 B plusses, an A minus and an A!"

"Benji, that's great!  WOW!  I'm impressed.  What changed?"

"I don’t know…lots of things.  Learning how to study was different than for High School than for college, Jamie's helped me, your advice helped a lot and going to Ajax's to study in quiet.  He's also really good at helping me focus for small time periods, then helping me burn off some energy and then back to focused studying.  Well, all of you have helped me with that…"

"He's just better at the burning off energy part," Joe teased.

"Oh shaddup!"  I tried to smack his arm, but he held up his hand.

"Driving, driving!"

"You're such a pussy, Joe!"

"Listen Benji, I need to stop at Walmart.  Derek asked me to pick up some juice on the way to the club." Joe swung into the parking lot of the consumer behemoth and I cringed.  "You coming in?" He asked 5 minutes later when he finally found a parking spot.

"No.  I'm not really allowed in Walmart."  Joe looked at me oddly, so I just grinned.  "Actually, I need to run into that store over there, I'll meet you back at the car?"  I gestured over to an art supply store.

"Sure, you taking up painting or something?"

"Nah, just want to pick up something for Liam."

"Okay, don't take too long."

"Dude, I'll be in and out before you make it by your first mama in stretchies and a tube top!"  I hopped out of the car and ran across the street to St. James Art Supply.   It only took me four minutes to find what I was looking for and two more to pay for them and I was back out the door and waiting by the car when Joe wheeled out a cart full of family sized juices.

Twenty minutes later we were parked at the Boy's Club and a bunch of the older boys were helping unload the car.  I grabbed a bag and dropped it off in the kitchen before I headed out back.  The basketball court was full of older boys, but I saw Brett, Aiden and Jonah kicking around a soccer ball in a corner of the lot while Liam sat on a table nearby his face buried in his spiral notebook.  Aiden kicked the ball and it came flying my way so I blocked it with my foot, did a few fancy moves I learned in High School and then kicked it back.

I walked over and sat down at the table across from Liam, noticing Jonah keeping a careful eye on me.  "Liam, I brought you something," I said when he finally peeked up at me.  Wordlessly he tilted his head looking at me quizzically.  I opened the bag and pulled out a sketchbook and placed it in front of him.  "A sketchbook, so you don't have to draw your pictures on lined paper."  Liam's head came up over his notebook and he looked at the book curiously.  I flipped the cover open and ran my finger over the paper.  "Feel the texture, I'm not an artist, but I had a friend in High School who was and he loved running a graphite pencil over a brand new sheet of a brand new sketchbook."  I pushed the book a little closer to Liam and a small hand came up and he ran his small pointer finger over the paper.

"And…Number 2 pencils are great, but a real artist needs a real set of pencils."  I pulled out the green colored canvas pouch, untied the string and rolled out a beginner's set of pencils.  It included several types of graphite and charcoal pencils, erasers, and pencil sharpeners.  Liam's eyes went wide as he looked at all the different types of leads.  I slid one out and handed it to him.  "Try it."

Slowly and cautiously his little hand reached up and took the pencil from me.  He looked at it very closely before he ran the tip over the paper.  He put it down and pulled another pencil out on his own, running that across the paper as well.  One by one, he tried each different pencil watching the different types of lines and marks each made.   Then he took his finger and ran it across the page and then back again.  Some of the lines blurred, some stayed dark, but each to a different degree.  A small smile came across his face as he explored the different types of lines, markings and shading each pencil could give.

"What do you have there Li? Jonah asked coming over and sitting down next to him.   Liam peeked up at the older boy from under his dark hair and smiled, his small hand waved him down.  Jonah leaned over so his ear was next to Liam's mouth and the small boy put a hand up and whispered in his ear. 

At Jonah's confusion I tried to explain.  "I just picked up some things I though Liam might want to try for his drawings, a sketchpad and pencil set."  Liam smiled up at him and then took Jonah's hand in his, drawing his fingers over the paper then turned his hand over and laughed at the dark markings.  Jonah gave me a long questioning stare then looked down at Liam and smiled at the joy in his face.

"We don't have any money to pay you back," Jonah said looking back up at me.  I looked down at Liam who suddenly looked worried at the realization that he might need to pay me back for the items.

"I don't want any money," I assured him.  "But if you ever wanted to make me a drawing, I wouldn't mind that…but it's up to you.  I saw them and they didn't cost much, I just thought that an artist like you needed some real artist tools."

"Benji, Jonah, come over and we can play two on two," Brett called.  I looked over at the other boys and they were making makeshift goals with pilons.  The field wasn't very big, but would be fine for the four of us.  I looked back at Liam who was running a finger over the pencils, making them roll in their fabric slots.

"Liam, do you want to play soccer with us?"  The grin was still on his face as he looked up and shook his head at Jonah.  The two of us joined Brett and Aiden and we played for half an hour, quitting at a 2-2 tie when Joe suggested it was time to do some homework.  Some of the kids who has been doing homework since they arrived came out to play and we went inside to take their place at one of the tables in the study room.  It was the same as last time, I helped Brett and Aiden while Jonah helped Liam.

"Who helps you?" I asked Jonah. 

"Jonah's really smart," Brett answered for him, "he gets all A's without any help."

"You're lucky," I told Jonah, "I have to work twice as hard as my friends just to get passing grades."

"Is college hard?" he asked.

"It's harder than High School, but you take less classes at a time, so you have more time to focus on them.  I study with my best friend Jamie which helps, and I have an adviser who helps…and my boyfriend makes sure I study a lot too."

All four sets of eyes looked up at me.  "You have a boyfriend? Not a girlfriend?" Aiden asked.

"Yes, his name is Ajax."

"Like the soap?" Brett asked with a grin.

I chuckled at the joke I’m sure Ajax has heard quite often.  "He said it's an old family name, so the soap was probably named after his great, great grandfather," I joked.

Aiden and Brett laughed and went back to their homework; I looked over at the other boys.  Jonah was still looking at me, his mouth slightly open as if deep in thought and Liam was looking up at him.

"Are you okay with me being gay?" I asked Jonah.  "Who somebody loves doesn't change who they are as a person…and it's not contagious," I assured him.

"I know," he replied.  "It's fine."

"Good.  Maybe some time I'll being Ajax over to meet you guys.  He's a really good soccer player, he was the star of his High School team and played all through University too."

"Cool!  That would be awesome," the boys all agreed.  "Does he play basketball too?" Brett asked.

"Not as good as me," I answered with a wink, "but I wouldn't ever play poker with him, he's got a dangerous poker face."

"Why don't you bring him next week," Jonah suggested, and I felt like the walls he had were finally starting to break down.

"I'll ask him.  We usually do something on Wednesday's since I only have one class, so I'll ask him if we can stop by here for a little while that afternoon if he can get out of work early."

"That would be cool," Jonah said with a nod before he looked back at Liam's homework.  "Hey buddy, let me show you how to do this one."  Jonah walked him through a few math problems while I continued to help the other boys.

At dinner Jonah asked me about U.C.L.A. and what I was studying.  "What made you want to study psychology?"

"When I was in grade school I had a lot of problems, what they called 'behavioural' problems…I was always getting in trouble.  When my parents were at their breaking point they brought me to a child psychologist.  He diagnosed me with something called A.D.H.D.  Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder.  It affected me in how I learned, how I related to others, how I made decisions.  Before that, my teachers, and even my parents I think, thought I was a bad kid, a trouble maker.  After I was diagnosed they understood why I acted the way I did.  My doctor, the psychiatrist, taught me ways I could cope with the way I felt, like when I felt overwhelmed or anxious or had too much energy and he even told my teachers about different ways that would help me learn better.  I also take some medicine that helps me to stay more focused.  I guess, I'd like to help people the way that my doctor helped me."

"Help kids with A.D.H.D.?" Aiden asked.

"With lots of things.  There are lots of different problems people have, especially kids, that keep them from learning like other kids, or make other things harder.  Sometimes they just need someone they can talk to, somebody objective, other than a parent or friend, or sometimes they need medicine like me, or sometimes they need different way to learn."

"That's cool," he replied.

"What are you guys interested in?  What would you like to study?"

"I like cars, so I think I might want to do something with cars, like a mechanic or something," Brett replied.

"Everybody drives a car, so mechanics are always in demand.  How about you Aiden?"

"I don't know…I'm not really good at anything."

"What do you like?"

"I like woodshop.  I like to make things," he said.

"There are lots of things you can do with that; carpenter, wood worker, builder…  How about you Jonah?"

Jonah's arm was draped over Liam's shoulder as he helped him finish his math sheet.  He looked up just as Liam finished the last problem.  "Good job kiddo," he said as he ruffled his hair.  "I don't know, I like math and science.  Sometimes I think maybe a teacher," he said as he looked down and smiled at Liam.  "But sometimes I think it would be cool to be a doctor too…but…I won't ever be able to go to college.  My parents don't have much money and my Dad says only rich people go to college."

"There are lots of scholarships and grants for kids who don't have a lot of money Jonah, especially if you have good grades.  If you really want it, there's always a way."  He looked a little skeptical so I added, "next year I can help you look into some of them and you're guidance counselor at school should be able to help too."

Jonah shrugged his shoulders noncommittally. 

"Hey guys, finish up, it's almost time to go eat," I said after glancing at my watch.

After dinner the kids broke into groups for clean-up.  My boys, yeah, I considered them mine already, were in charge of clearing dishes and loading the dishwasher today so I helped them along with 2 staff members.  After we finished and the boys were packing up their things to head home, I helped Joe stack the chairs in the dining hall onto the tables so the floor could be washed that night.

Brett, Aiden, Jonah and Liam were heading out the door and I called good bye to them.  They started out the door, but then Liam broke away from the group and ran into the dining hall and right up to me.

"What's up Liam?" I asked.  I crouched down a little until I was closer to his height.  He leaned forward and put his hands around his mouth like he did with Jonah earlier so I leaned closer and turned my head slightly. 

Liam cupped his hands against my ear and I heard a tiny voice whisper, "thank you."  I'm sure I had a look of shock when he stood back and reached into his backpack.  He pulled out a piece of paper from the sketchbook I had given him and handed it to me before he ran back out to the other boys.   Brett took one hand and Jonah the other before they headed out the door.  I looked down at the drawing in amazement.

"What is it?" Joe asked.

"It's amazing!" I turned it towards Joe.  While I had been playing soccer with the other boys Liam had drawn the four of us.  Jonah was mid kick, you could see the  movement of the ball on the page as he made a goal.  Aiden was trying to block the ball and I was blocking Brett.  The incredible talent that little boy had was amazing, the realism and the almost instant understanding of the shading the charcoal could accomplish.  "I'm going to frame this," I told Joe.

When we got in the car I couldn't wait to call Ajax and tell him.  I got his voicemail so I left him a quick message to call me when he had a chance.  We got back to campus about 40 minutes later and Joe dropped me off at my dorm.  When I walked in the door all I could hear was the loud base of music booming from someone's room and the hallways were full of guys from our dorm, and girls and guys from all of the dorms on this part of the campus.  I guess we were having a dorm party.

I headed up to my room, saying hi to a few of my friends and several of the girls from Jamie's dorm.  I wondered if Jamie was here too.  When I got to my room I unlocked the door, dropped my bag and phone on the desk and headed back out to look for my best friend.  I found her with Alecia, Kayli and Sylvia who were with a bunch of guys from my floor, including Eric, in the TV room at the end of the hall.  The beer was flowing and everyone was very animated.

"Benji!"  Jamie called out as I peered in the doorway.  "You're back!"  She jumped up and ran over giving me a big hug.

"How many beers have you had Jamie?" I asked quietly, "didn't you learn anything from the other night?"

"Seriously?  This is my second.  I was just hanging with these guys while I waited for you to get back.  Come on, let's go to your room.  We need to catch up!"  She grabbed my hand and led me back down the hall.  As we reached my room I saw a very cross looking Steven walking down from the hall, a heavy backpack over his shoulder.  He looked up and I just shrugged at him before he headed into his room.  Jamie and I went into mine and flopped down on my bed together.

"So did Ajax punish you?  Was he really mad?" Jamie asked.

"Ajax was fine, I got a little punishment the next day, but nothing bad.  I want to hear about your weekend though Jamie!  What did Dennis say?"

"He was mad at first.  Well, more like worried-mad.  He took me to his  apartment and sat me down and told me I had to explain what was going on.  Well, of course, I felt really bad, and I was kinda drunk, so I started to cry.  Benji, he was so sweet.  He comforted me and when I calmed down, I told him everything."


"Everything.  From how I was feeling, you know, about him and me.  And how the girls were making me feel, you know, boring, why we went out that night.  And…um.  Benji.  I told him that it was me who convinced, well, pretty much made you come with us.  And that you only came to keep an eye on me."

Jamie got all teary eyed and I gave her a hug and patted her back.  She rested her head on my shoulder and continued her story.

"Dennis was angry that I didn't speak up when he was yelling at you.  And Benji, I'm really sorry about that.  I should have stuck up for you."

"It's okay Jayjay, for once I got to take care of you.  It felt good."

"But it wasn't right, you're my best friend."

"I forgive you."

"Thanks Benj."  I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and told her about my weekend; about my possible feelings for Ajax and my worries about letting myself fall too hard.

"I have the same advice you gave to me Benji, talk to him," she implored.

"I know, I'm just not ready yet."

Just then there was a knock at my door.  "It's probably Kayli or Alecia looking for me," she said, "Come in!"

The door opened and Ajax walked in.  For a split second I was worried what he would think seeing me and Jamie in bed together, but his face didn't give away anything to be concerned about.

"Everything okay?" he asked, nodding at the two of us.

"Yeah, we're good," I replied.

"I told Dennis everything," Jamie said, sitting up. "I'm really sorry Ajax…"

"It's okay Jamie," he said, "as long as you made it right.  No harm, no foul."

"Benji," she said, turning to me, "I'm going to head back to the dorm, I'm kind of tired."

I quickly sat up, "I'll walk you."

"No," she put her hand on my shoulder to stop me.  "I'll go get the others, we all need to head back."

"Are you sure?"  Jamie nodded.  "Okay, but if they don’t want to go, come back and get me, I don't want you walking home alone in the dark."

"Okay."  She gave me a hug and then got up.  "Bye Ajax," she said as she walked by him.

"Goodnight Jamie."

Right before she closed the door she turned back to me and mouthed, 'Talk to him'. I shrugged my shoulders, knowing I wasn't going…at least not tonight.

"I got your message Benji," Ajax said as he sat down on the bed next to me.  "Sorry I missed you, I was having dinner with a client.  I tried calling you back, when I didn't get you I thought I'd stop by since I wasn't too far from campus."

"It was probably when I went looking for Jamie, she and a bunch of her friends were partying down the hall."

"Is it always this loud in your dorm?"

"Not always, but a lot of the time.  The freshman dorms are kind of known for their partying.  They can't get into bars, so they make the dorms into their own personal party haven," I admitted.  "That's why I study better when I'm at your place.  Less distractions."

"Well, you know you are welcome to study there any time.  I'd like to have you there as much as possible," Ajax said as he leaned forward and kissed the side of my head.

"Oh!" I blurted out, startling Ajax.  He looked down and laughed.


"I got my mid-term grades, B+, B+, A- and an A!"

"That's great baby, I'm so proud of you!" He said that word again, but maybe to him 'baby' wasn't as big a deal as I felt it was.  I masked my confusion with a big smile.  "We'll have to celebrate tomorrow…the club?"

"I'd like that Sir, that would be great."

"Good…now lay down, I'm going to show you how pleased I am with you."  Ajax stood up and made sure my door was locked, before pulling his tie off and unbuttoning his dress shirt; I watched entranced as he draped it over my desk chair.  He watched me like a hungry predator as he came closer.  "Take off your clothes pet," he ordered and my mouth went completely dry.  But I quickly complied.  I certainly hadn't expected this tonight, I didn't even think I'd see Ajax until tomorrow night.

"Put your arms above your head pet.  Do I need to restrain you or will you keep them there?"

"I'll keep them there Sir," I replied as I reached above me, my breath hitching in anticipation.  Ajax leaned up, taking my lips in a passionate kiss.

"It's a good thing I know that Jamie's your best friend," he whispered, his lips trailing down my neck.  "Otherwise seeing you in bed together like that," his lips moved down over my chest, "would have made me one angry Dom."  At those words he bit my left nipple, rolling it between his teeth. 

"Oh Master," I hissed and immediately felt a wave of excitement shoot through my entire body, my hips bucking up.

"Stay still pet, or I'll tie you up with tube socks," he chuckled.  Ajax trailed over to my right nipple and sucked hard on it, giving it a little bite at the end.  I kept my body as still as possible as he continued to bite and nibble his way over my stomach and down to my hips.  "Do you realize how very proud of you I am pet?" he asked looking up at me.   He kept his head up, staring into my eyes making me realize it wasn't a rhetorical question.

"I..uh…I guess?" I stammered.

"I am.  I'm very proud of you." 

"Ahhh!" Ajax's hand was suddenly gripping my half hard cock, encouraging my erection to full mast.

"Now I'm going to tease you for a bit, so that when I let you cum, your orgasm will be so intense that you'll fully understand how proud of you I am."  Before I could take another breath Ajax was taking me deep into his mouth, swallowing so his throat worked my shaft and my body started to tremble from his ardor.

As promised, he took me to the edge several times, sucking on just the head of my penis, drawing me all the way down his throat, taking my balls into his mouth as he pumped my shaft with his hand, even trailing his teeth down my tender skin to the point that my whole body was so strained, so rigid from holding back, that I was vibrating.

All the noise of the dorm was so pushed back from my consciousness that we could have been on a remote desert for all I knew.  My complete focus was on my Dom and in particular on his mouth.  Edging seemed to be a particular favourite activity of his and where I would have thought it would be like torture…well it was a little…it was well worth the result as when he finally let me cum, it felt like an explosion of pleasure filled sensations going off throughout my whole body.  I held back a muffled scream as I shot down his throat several times, my orgasm drawn out to epic proportions.  I never would have thought that my Dom would enjoy swallowing my cum as often as Ajax did, I would have thought more the opposite, but Ajax seemed to relish every drop like it was the most tasty treat.

As Ajax licked off the last drops, my body finally relaxed into the bed exhausted.  But I didn't want to leave it like that.  I wanted to do the same for Ajax, make my Master feel as good as I did.  I sat up and trailed my hands over his chest.

"I want to do that for you too," I whispered.

"No baby, you're tired.  I want you to lie back and go to sleep…"

"But Sir…Master…"

"No, do as I say," he said firmly.  I flopped back down and Ajax crawled up next to me.

"I'm going to stay until you fall asleep.  Now give me a good night kiss baby."  Ajax kissed me softly and I could taste myself on his tongue.

"Mmm," I murmured as my eyes closed and I tucked myself into his chest.

"Good night baby."


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