Chapter 22

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Picture to the right, is of course Ajax.

Interactive Media:  Please wait to listen to the song attached until I tell you in the text, it just works better that way.  If it ends before you're it again...  

To anyone who has...umm...innocent sensibilities...well, you shouldn't be reading this anyway...but this is your first and only warning.


Chapter 22



Last night was amazing...the first thoughts in my  head as I woke up in my Master's arms. 

God...Ajax is so incredible.  I could soooo get used to this...I could so fall for him soooo hard.

I shook those thoughts from my head.  I had to focus on the here and now.  I was with Ajax now and I had to enjoy every second no matter how long it was going to last.  I nuzzled my face into his neck and breathed him in, deep into my lungs.  God...even after a night of intense sex, he smelled so incredible.  I took long deep breaths until his chest started shaking and I could hear a chuckle emanating from his ribcage and out his mouth. 

I popped my head up and looked into his smiling face.  "Are you sniffing me?" He asked.

"Um...yeah," I admitted.  "You smell good all the's like this thing with you."

"This 'thing'...well, thank you, I guess."  Ajax leaned up and gave me a sweet kiss on the mouth.  "How are you feeling this morning baby?  Are you sore anywhere?"

"No...I don't think so?" I answered wiggling around to feel how everything felt.  It all seemed to check out okay, "I think I'm fine, I mean, I can know...but it feels good.  I like that because it's like a reminder of it and when I think about it, I get a little tingle in the pit of my stomach.  You know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I do Benji.  But let's take a shower and then I'll rub some lotion on you anyway."

"How can I say no to that Master?!" I said with a grin.  Ajax pulled me up and I followed him like a happy puppy to the ensuite bathroom.  While I brushed my teeth and used the toilet, Ajax went to check his phone.

"We're meeting Nico for breakfast at 10:00 Benji," he said when he returned, heading to use the toilet as well.  "I'm not sure how long he'll be in town, so it will be a good opportunity for you to get to know each other."


 Ajax got the water warming before he too brushed his teeth and when it was ready he gently pulled me under the stream of water with him.  "You did really well last night Benj," he said softly while massaging my scalp with shampoo.  I kept my eyes closed and thanked him for his praise.  Ajax proceeded to wash me from head to toe in his slow, meticulous manner and opening my eyes, I watched as his expression became very thoughtful; caressing each inch of skin with the soft cloth.

[start playing the attached song/video now]

I leaned my shoulders against the back of the shower and closed my eyes again, soaking in the feeling of his attentive care.  He worked his way down my body going over each leg, lifting them one at a time to get the bottom of my feet, even between my toes.  It was so unreal for me, someone taking this care, probably not since I was a very small child had I been touched like this...well not quite like this...Ajax was now working his way up my shins, smoothing the cloth over the back of my knee as he kissed the front, his tongue dragging up my thigh.

"Oh! Ohhhhhh..." I moaned as his mouth worked higher and higher until his hand grasped my shaft, running a firm grip up and down before taking me into his warm mouth.  "Mmmm...." this was unexpected.  I put my hands against the shower wall to steady myself.

"" he said, his voice deep and melodic as he mouthed different parts of between each word.  He continued talking as he slowly, caressed with his lips and stroked with his hands.  My thoughts became almost immediately blurry so his words became almost a background beat to his actions.  ""  My breath caught in my throat as he suddenly took me even deeper into his mouth and began sucking and gulping me whole, at a breathtaking pace. 

"Again..." I groaned as my cock jumped out of his mouth with a pop.  I winced slightly when I heard the demand in my voice, but it only spurred Ajax even more fervently and he was soon feasting on my cock like a starved madman.  I could hear...and feel...a low, grumbly growl deep in his throat as his movements turned more animalistic.  I let out a long hiss, my knees shaking as that deep seated fear every man has for the safety of his cock only seemed to intensify the overwhelming pleasure his voracious mouth was giving me.  My eyes burst open and I watched him in a wordless euphoria; he was in some other place, in some cock sucking crazed mouth hoover vacuum no gag reflex semi-deranged manic taking what he wants zone...and I loved it.

But watching him was a mistake.  "F...uck!" I yelled as without notice, without permission I burst...exploded...blasted...erupted...super jet charged came down his throat...again...and again.

I gasped in fear but before I could come up with the words for an apology, he was on his feet, throwing me around so I was facing the wall.  He picked up my hands and slapped them against the tile above my head, then grabbed the body wash and poured it over my ass...without a chance to take another breath he plunged himself into me and a deafening, desperate groan filled my ears.  His hips pounded into me and I tilted my hips back to take everything he was giving me, braced against the wall as warm water rained down on my back.  "Again...harder...please Jax...again..." desperate words poured out of my mouth as he thrust and thrust, hitting every over-sensitized nerve ending, making me feel like my first orgasm never ended, as his attack dragged it out into a second.  The onslaught of my cock's repeat performance triggered Ajax to speed up to an inhuman pace and within seconds he was grunting and growling out his own completion.

He leaned over me as I was pressed into the shower only moving back as he slipped out of my ass.  I quickly turned around.  "I'm sorry," I whispered fearfully.

His face went from exhausted bliss, to confusion...and then softened.  "Why, baby," he said breathily.

"I...I...didn't ask permission, it...I had no control."

Ajax leaned forward, wrapping me in his arms.  "It's okay, I didn't have any control either. just make me lose control baby, like a crazy man.  You're not in trouble...we were in some other plane.   There were no rules there." 

I relaxed into his arms and held onto him like he was my lifeline.  Shit...there was no going back...ever...I was totally in love, in lust, in everything with this man.  Could I tell  him that?  I don't know...I was still scared.


"Here baby," Ajax said,  handing me my clothes.  "Let's get dressed and go meet Nico."  Forty-five minutes later we were walking into a nice, bright restaurant; the contrast to the playroom made me chuckle to myself.

I saw Nico sitting at a table reading a newspaper.  He seemed so...worldly, serious...someone that would probably not appreciate my...quirky ways.  It made me nervous, what if he didn't like me once he got to know me.  Would he tell Ajax I'm too immature for him...too weird? His eyes popped up and a warm, friendly smile crossed his face.  He stood up as we approached and gave Ajax a big hug.  When he turned to me, he paused first and glanced back at Ajax.

"May I give Benji a hug as well Jax?"

Ajax chuckled, "of course bro.  Just don't get any ideas."  They both laughed and I just felt myself blush to a deep crimson. 

Ajax had nothing to worry about, I was his as long as he would let me be.  I gave Nico a casual hug, "thank you for making my brother so happy," he said quietly into my ear.  "I've never seen him like this."  I gave him a quizzical look as we parted, but he just patted my back and gestured to the chair next to where Ajax was seating himself.

Nico wasn't quite what I thought he was at first.  Yes, he was a bit serious, worldly, very intelligent and a sharp businessman, I could tell.  But he was also warm, friendly and kind...and he loved his brother, it was very evident, and sweet, and once again, made me miss not having a sibling growing up.  I mean, I had my best friend Jamie, but sometimes she was more like a mother then then a sibling or even friend.  But I was grateful every day for having her...which reminded me to set aside some time to spend with her soon.  With her and Dennis and me and Ajax, we were spending less time together than we ever had.  Which was probably good for her I suppose.

After breakfast we drove back with Nico to his yacht.  Since it was a Saturday and none of us had any plans, after a tour of the amazing behemoth, we hung out and watched a few games and shared some beers and laughs in the little pub.  So cool, I mean, who has a yacht!  Who has a yacht with his own private pub, complete with big screen tv's, pool table and darts?  Nicolas Salazar, I guess.

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