Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

"It was great seeing everyone, but I can't wait to get back to L.A.," Jamie said excitedly as she sat back in the seat next to me and buckled her seatbelt. We had just boarded our return flight and I couldn't agree with her more. The atmosphere at my parents' was weird. It had me wondering too, how long they 'pretended' just for my benefit. Apparently, my dad was moving into a condo on December 1st, when their separation would become "official".

"You can't wait to get back to Dennis," I teased.

"Oh, you're one to talk Benji, I'm not the one moving in with my Dom barely a third through my first contract, not to mention first semester of college!"

"Do you think it's a mistake, Jay?"


"Of course!"

"I think it's too soon. Why don't you do some kind of compromise and just spend more time together, but still keep your own space? It just seems like you're rushing into a really big step."

"Yeah, that's what I'm starting to think too. The guys were saying the same sort of stuff and I couldn't even imagine if I told my parents." I let out a deep sigh, although I knew it was the right decision, I couldn't help but feel disappointed.

"I'm sure Ajax will understand. If he was looking at it objectively, I'm sure he would say the same thing to a friend." I just nodded, not looking forward to telling him at all. Would he be upset? Angry? Hurt? Would it make him change his mind about me? "I mean, it's easy for him Benji, he's the Dom. Having you at his beck and call is a pretty sweet deal and when he wants to do something on his own, he just orders you to your room or something, what about when you need your space? Do you have to ask permission? What about your friends at school?"

"It's not like that Jay, you should know that. All I have to do is tell him when I need space or time to study or to go hang out with friends...besides, you're really my only close friend at school...well there's Pierce too I guess...and Joe of course, but I really only see him at our weekly sessions and Thursdays at the Boy's Club. Any others are just acquaintances."

"Yeah, well, when are we going to see each other? I don't want the only time I get to see you to be when you're tied to a cross getting flogged at the club." Jamie whispered the last part, glancing at the passengers nearby and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Jamie, first of all you know I've never dropped our friendship for a guy. We'll still study together, go out, go shopping, just like we've always done. Maybe you and Dennis can even come over for dinner sometimes? But...I've decided to keep my dorm room; stay there a few nights a week."

"I think it's just important for you to have an 'out'. Like, if you feel it's too much, you have your own place to go. Being a sub can be very intense and doing it 24/7 is really tough, something to be worked up to very slowly. When we first talked about it, we agreed it would just be a weekend thing at most."

"Okay Jay, I've already agreed, can we not talk about it anymore though? It's a short flight and I'm already stressing about how I'm going to talk to Ajax."

"I'm sorry Benji, you're right. And don't worry; I'm sure he'll be cool about it." She paused for a moment and I could practically see the gears shifting behind her eyes. "So how do you feel about this thing with your parents?"

I looked at her and let out a long breath, leaning back into my seat and closing my eyes. My shoulders felt tense so I took a few more long breaths telling myself to relax.

"Sorry Benji, we don't have to talk about it right now."

"It's okay Jay. There's nothing I can do about it, so I just have to accept it. I wouldn't want them to stay together if they're not happy. It's just weird, going to take some getting used to. I just feel bad because my mom said something about them wanting to wait until I was off to college, so I have to wonder how long they stayed together unhappily just for me?"

"Yeah, but you can't worry about it. That was their decision as parents, not yours."

"Mmm," I hummed in response then remembered something I had to tell her. "Oh, I won't need a ride back from the airport after all. Ajax texted me while you were in the bathroom before we boarded. I guess he's going to be nearby anyway so he wanted to come get me himself."

"Awww. Well, Dennis will probably think you're avoiding him, but whatever."

Before we'd left Dennis had offered to pick us both up if Ajax could drop Jamie and me off because he couldn't get off work that morning. But to be honest, I still felt a little uncomfortable around Dennis, so I didn't mind that Ajax wanted to pick me up.

"I'm sure he'll be happy to have you all to himself."

"True," she giggled, uncharacteristically, which made me smile.

We didn't talk much more for the rest of the flight, dozing off instead after many late nights with our friends. Neither of us had checked luggage so when we landed we headed straight for the exit to find Ajax and Dennis speaking amicably in the waiting area.

When Ajax looked up and smiled I had the urge to sprint forward and jump into his arms, like you see in movies when a romantic couple has been separated a long time. It took a major effort to walk normally through the security check and the thirty or so feet to where they stood, but there was no way I could hold back the big goofy grin on my face.

"Hi," I said when I reached them, blushing at the way I suddenly felt a little shy. I glanced next to him, "Hi Dennis." The other Dom gave me a nod before focussing all his attention on my best friend. I turned back to Ajax and adjusted the strap of my bag over my shoulder. I was ridiculously nervous and unsure how to greet him so continuing to fidget I ended up looking down at the deep blue sweater he wore with a pair of faded jeans. He looked incredibly handsome dressed up in a suit or casual in jeans and a sweater. God, I was lucky!

"Did you miss me?" he asked.

"Um, yeah...I did..Si...Ajax." I cast my eyes upward and saw a broad smile.

"Then put down your bag and give me a hug!" His voice was warm and had a hint of humor in it.

"Yeah, sorry," I muttered as I dropped the bag and stepped forward, his arms reaching and pulling me in. He held me tightly for a few seconds, and I breathed in the heady scent of him. Before letting me go he gave me a few firm pats on the back and a small shake of my shoulders while chuckling which made me laugh.

"I missed you too Benji. Come on, let's get going. You probably haven't had lunch yet. I've taken the afternoon off so we can catch up unless you need to get back to campus?"

"Nah, I don't need to be back until classes tomorrow."

"Great, you can meet my mother when we get back. She's staying with me until next Tuesday."

We said our goodbyes to Dennis and Jamie before Ajax grabbed my bag and lead me out of the airport. I tried to take my bag back, but he's pretty bossy so I finally just gave up and let him carry it trying not to feel like a girl.

His car was parked close by in VIP parking and I wondered how he got a parking pass for the lot, but then again, it really didn't surprise me either. There's not much money can't buy.

We made small talk on the way back into the city, Ajax didn't dwell too much on my parents impending separation. He could probably tell it still upset me and I didn't really want to talk about it. I avoided talking about his invitation to move in, I was afraid to tell him I wasn't going to, well not fully. I'd spend more time there, but I was keeping my dorm room. I also noted though, that he didn't bring it up either and while I didn't want to have to talk about it right now, him not mentioning it made me feel insecure. Had he changed his mind? Did he think asking me was a mistake? Did he forget he asked me?! I chuckled to myself, I'm sure he didn't forget, so I guess it was one of the other two. My chuckle turned right into a frown.

"What's up with you, pet?" Ajax asked. "What was funny?"

"Nothing really Sir, I was just remembering some of the stupid stuff my friends were doing." Big fat liar. I looked out the window so he couldn't see my face. I felt horrible. Why did everything feel so bloody complicated lately?

"How does Italian sound for lunch?" he asked as we parked outside of a restaurant called Sabbatini's.


By now I was pretty hungry so Italian sounded pretty damn fantastic, so the thought of food definitely made me feel better. Ajax put his hand on my wrist as he opened his door, a gesture I'd come to find out meant, 'don't move, I'll get your door,' so I stayed in my seat as he walked around the front of the car. He opened my door and reached a hand down in a very gentleman-like manner and I kept a chuckle to myself even though I had the urge to curtsy at him. As he led me through the door with his hand on my shoulder, a man who looked to be in his late 50's in a black tuxedo met us at the front. I looked at what I was wearing, jeans and a hoodie and Ajax also in jeans and I thought maybe we shouldn't be walking into a place where the host, or I guess at a fancy restaurant they're called a Maitre D', wore a tuxedo.

"Signor Valdes, so good to see you."

"Fernando, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Ajax?"

"Mi scusi, Ajax," he said with a smile, "I have your favorite table all ready for you."

"Great! Fernando, this is Benji."

"How do you do?" I said politely. We followed Fernando to a more private table. "Do you think we're dressed okay for here?" I whispered to Ajax as Fernando placed menus on the table for us.

"Nico and I own the place, we can come in our pajamas if we want," he chuckled, "but don't worry, it's more casual at lunchtime if it was dinner we would have dressed."

"Oh, okay." I smiled, wondering how many more places he owned.

"What looks good?" Ajax asked.

"Everything, but I don't know what some of the stuff is, will you order for me, please?"

"Sure Benji, we'll be having a nice dinner with my mother, so let's not get anything too big. How about some antipasto to start and then we can share one of Chef Enzo's special thin crust pizzas?"

"That sounds awesome."

Ajax ordered and a few minutes later Fernando came back with some fancy lemon flavored Italian sodas and then a few minutes after that, a girl about my age in black pants and a crisp white shirt dropped off a plate of antipasto and a small basket of bread. We dug right in as soon as she left.

Everything was really good and when our waitress brought over the pizza I was practically drooling looking at it. Ajax gave me some background about his mother, who married Nico's father when they were small boys. Ajax didn't remember his father, who died when he was 2, but he considered Nico's dad his as well.

After lunch, we picked up a colorful bouquet of flowers on the way back to the apartment. Ajax told me his mother loved flowers and had me pick them out. When Ajax was checking his phone I asked the florist to help me since I knew nothing about flowers. She showed me a really pretty bunch with purple, pink, yellow and orange blooms.

Before we entered the apartment Ajax told me that although his mother understood English very well, she didn't like to speak it and almost always spoke in Spanish. "She thinks her English isn't good enough, but I think she's just lazy," he laughed.

"Mama, this is Benji St. Clair, Benji this is my mother Lucy Valdes-Salazar," he said once we opened the door and walked into the living room where she was reading a book. He also said something in Spanish which I didn't understand since I only had a couple of years of High School Spanish under my belt and he said it too quickly.

"How do you do, Ma'am," I said reaching out my hand to the small dark haired woman. She had a big smile on her face that reached right up to her twinkling brown eyes and I could immediately see where Ajax got his dazzling smile. Lucy grabbed my hand, but not to shake, she pulled me down into a tight hug instead while I quickly handed the flowers to Ajax before they got crushed.

Her Spanish which was also rapid fire went right over my head so Ajax translated. "She said to call her Mama or Mama Lucy," he chuckled before telling his mother to speak English.

"Mama, Benji picked these out for you," Ajax said once I was let out of Mama Lucy's clutches, handing her the bouquet. She got very excited and I think I heard 'gracias' a few times along with some other words. Then she looked at me and said, "Thank you, Benji," in a beautiful accent.

"Es mi placer," I said in my poor attempt at Spanish, saying 'it's my pleasure'. She smiled and gave Ajax a knowing look.

"Mama, shall we sit down and have some tea?"

"Si cariño," she said, smiling up at her son.

"I'll be right back," he said turning to head to the kitchen.

"I can help!" I called out.

"No, you sit down and get to know each other," he replied. Lucy was already seated on the large sofa and patting the seat next to her so I sat down. "Tell her about yourself, she'll understand," he added.

I could feel a warm blush creep up my neck, but proceeded to tell her about school. "Um, I go to U.C.L.A.," I said, "I'm studying psychology, I want to be a psychologist and maybe work with children and teenagers."

"Such good boy!" She said patting my knee, as she looked at me closely and I fought the urge to squirm in my seat. "You very special." Her accent was strong, but I could understand her words fine. My face heated up even more and I looked down, not sure what to say.

"Mijo, he never bring a boy to meet me before," she continued. "He always say, Mama, I have no one special. Now, he say, Mama, I have someone very special you will meet."

I let out a nervous laugh just as Ajax walked back into the living room. It didn't dawn on me until later that night to wonder if she knew that Ajax was a Dom and I was his sub.

"What's so funny? She's not telling you embarrassing stories about me, is she? Mama?" He looked from me to Lucy and back again almost looking distressed which made me laugh harder. He opened his mouth to object, but then closed it and just shook his head with a wry smile. "Okay, you two." He put the tray with three tall mugs down on the coffee table and handed one to his mother.

"Gracias mijo," she said as they shared a loving look.

Lucy had me tell her all about my classes, and then I told her more about my volunteering at the Boy's Club, and Joe as well as Jamie and my visit home. She was such a warm and magnetic person and even with the slight language difficulties, it seemed like she understood everything I said and knew enough English to get me talking almost non-stop. When Ajax excused himself to check on something in his office, I even found myself telling her about my parents splitting up and how confused I was about my feelings regarding it. In her own words, she convinced me that I shouldn't feel any guilt and that raising a son like me was certainly their greatest achievement and none of the time they shared in the process was wasted. Now that I was off to college and not living at home, it was just the right time to go and explore other things. She pretty much told me stuff that everyone else had said, but her sincerity made me realize she said things from experience and so it finally sank in. Tears of, maybe relief, came to my eyes and we ended up hugging for a really long time. I might have shed a few on her shoulder, but I probably won't admit to it.

When I heard footsteps coming down the hallway, they paused for a few seconds and didn't resume until we both finally sat back and I'd quickly wiped any, um...unidentifiable moisture, from my face.

"Shall I make reservations for dinner?" Ajax asked, "Nico will be joining us."

"No mijo!" Lucy scolded. "Hay restaurante de lujoI, I cook! We have Sancocho and Piñón. Home cooking much better, ¿no es cierto Benji?"

I nodded my head, "I don't know what Sancocho or Piñón is, but I can help. My friend Melvin's family used to have me over for dinner all the time when I was a kid, they used to make a dish called Mofongo and Melvin and I always helped his mom."

"Maravilloso!" Lucy looked up at Ajax. "Benji and I will cook. Tell Nico to come a las siete en punto!"

"Okay, Mama, no later than seven," Ajax chuckled.

Lucy and I pretty much solidified our bond over preparing the Sancocho, which is like a thick soup and Piñón which is like lasagna, but with fried plantains instead of pasta noodles. Ajax went off to buy a couple of six-packs of Dos Equis saying that beer would go better with the Piñón than wine and while he was gone Lucy told me all sorts of stories about Ajax and Nico as boys and teenagers. I could see that they had a very loving upbringing. Through my friend Melvin, I'd already understood the importance of family to people of Latin American descent. I'd always admired Melvin's large Puerto Rican family. He had three brothers and four sisters, plus his parents and then grandparents nearby. They were funny, loud, demonstrative and extremely loyal and loving. They'd moved to Florida when we were in 10th grade and being an only child in a quiet household, I'd missed he and his family so much.

"Mama," Nico said as we were finishing our meal later that evening, "Ajax and I are hosting some business friends and acquaintances for cocktails and dinner on Serenity Saturday night, would you like to join us?"

I looked up at Ajax, he hadn't mentioned it, but maybe since it was business people I wouldn't be going. As if sensing my uncertainty he leaned over and whispered in my ear. "I hope you'll accompany me."

"It's a Saturday night, so it's up to you Sir," I whispered back since I was still under contract, I would do as he pleased. Even though I'd probably feel out of place with a bunch of business people, at least Lucy would be there, I thought feeling better.

"Oh querido, you know I like to stay out of your business doings," Lucy replied as my shoulders slumped, "I'm going to visit Tia Cecile for the weekend. Didn't I tell you AJ?" She added turning to Ajax.

"Yes Mama, I just forgot. I'll have a car drive you to San Diego and pick you up as well."

"Thank you mijo. Now Benji, time for dessert, Tembleque. You like Tembleque?"

"I've never had it, but I saw it in the fridge. I was hoping that was for us," I laughed.

"Ajax and I will clear the dishes since you both cooked," Nico said standing up. He and Ajax proceeded to carry everything away and I could hear them loading the dishwasher and speaking in murmured voices.

"You go to their parties before?" Lucy asked. I wasn't sure if she was asking in a broader sense to include the club since Ajax and Nico did own it, but I shook my head since if they had invited their mother I had to assume the dinner party was not the same people as the club.

"Rich, fake snobs!" I almost choked on the sip of water I'd just taken and Ajax, who'd just walked in patted my back.

"Oh Mama, they're not all that bad, don't scare Benji. It's just part of business; we have to entertain our associates once in a while." He looked down at me and added, "Some of them are very nice. Rob and Peter might even join us."

The next morning Ajax dropped me off at the dorms and I ran up and got my backpack before heading to class. As I went down the back stairwell so I could exit the back entrance which was closest to the walkway that went to the Humanities building I could hear voices from below. Turning a corner I saw the back of Eric, his arms against the wall caging someone in. As I took another step down I could see Steven, leaning against the wall pinned in between those arms, looking down as Eric seemed to be whispering furiously into his ear.

Before they noticed me, I saw Eric reach one hand down taking Steven's and twining their fingers together in an almost loving gesture which contrasted strongly with the way he seemed to have just been speaking.

Two more steps down and they both looked up, noticing me.

"Hey guys, how was your Thanksgiving?" I tried to keep my voice light, betraying any of my curiosity or confusion. Eric took a step back, dropping Steven's hand.

"Good. I've got to head to class," Eric said before turning and taking the last set of stairs two at a time. I stopped in front of Steven, who didn't say a word.

"You okay?"

"Why do you always ask me that? I'm fine; I've got to head to class too."

"Cool, I'll walk with you," I said following him down the stairs. "So, you have a good Thanksgiving?" I asked once we were outside and headed toward the main campus.

"Yeah, it was alright." He didn't go into any details, but I did notice a small smile and blush on his face.

" do you know Eric?"

"Um...we're both from the same hometown; we went to High School together." He started to open his mouth, but then it closed quickly. "I'm in here," he said before I could ask him anymore. We were standing in front of the physics building. "See ya later." He was off before I could even say goodbye. I watched him for a minute before I met up with Jamie who was sitting outside Humanities waiting for me.

Classes started right back up with a vengeance. I wasn't able to see Ajax Wednesday night because I had to write a paper that I should have started before I left. I spent half the night in the library since I needed several research books there. Thursday, after volunteering at Boy's Club, I finished the paper and then handed it in Friday morning.

Friday night, Ajax picked me up and we took Lucy out for a fancy dinner. I asked Ajax where Nico was when Lucy excused herself to use the ladies room and he told me Nico was at the club that night and that we would be staying in after dinner, which made me assume he was using their shared playroom. I found myself curious as to who he might be with and if it was any of the subs I knew, but I didn't dare ask Ajax that.

Saturday night, Ajax picked out a suit for me to wear and we headed down to Nico's boat at around 6:00.

I should have known what to expect when we pulled into the parking lot of the marina and there were so many fancy cars. Not just a few BMW's and a Lexus here and there, we're talking Lamborghinis, Ferraris, Bentley's, Rolls Royce. I took a deep breath which Ajax noticed right away.

"We have a few minutes until the launch returns; will you tell me what's worrying you?"

"Huh?" My head popped up to see my Dom looking at me closely. "I'm fine...I mean...I've just never...I don't know what to say to these people."

"These people? They're just people," he said chuckling.

"Rich businessmen and women..."

"I'm a rich businessman, Nico is, you've met many at the club. You seem to do fine."

"Are these the lifestyle? Will they know I'm your submissive?"

"Some are, some aren't. It's just a regular dinner party; it's not a club event. Some will know, some will assume you're my guest. You should address me as Ajax for the evening."

"Yes, Sir."

"All you need to do is be polite, talk to them like they're normal people...oh, and there will be a lot of champagne and other drinks being served. Be careful, it's very easy to lose track and before you know it you're tanked. You may have one drink and then switch to soda."

"Yes, Sir."

"I have to connect with quite a few people tonight, maybe even step away for a few short closed-door meetings, will you be able to take care of yourself in those cases?"


His brows furrowed slightly.

"Yes, Sir."

"Good boy. It will be a late night so we'll stay over. I keep extra clothes and toiletries in one of Nico's guest rooms. I'll get you a spare key in case you need to use it during the evening."

Just then a limousine pulled up, the driver jumped out and opened the door for a tall woman with jet black hair cascading down her back over a sheer white, skin-tight dress and silver 6" heels. She stepped out while a man in a black suit got out of the other side with a cell phone pressed against his ear.

"The Blackwells," Ajax groaned. "Margo is the embodiment of shallow and Paol is always looking for the next big deal. But, they are big investors in our refinery division so we must be polite. Let's go, Benji, time to be charming." He inhaled quickly as if steeling himself and I watched as his face tensed into a polite smile. It wasn't the casual and joking Ajax I was used to.

We got out of the car and Ajax immediately headed for the Blackwells. Reaching out a hand to take the woman, Margo's, hand and bringing it to his lips for a kiss. I rolled my eyes to myself before stepping out from behind the car and walking over.

"Margo, you look exquisite as usual."

"Ajax darling. So good to see you." Ajax looked over at the man, Paol, who held up a hand and nodded before turning away to finish his phone call.

"Don't mind Paol, he's finalizing a big takeover, putting 2,000 people out of work, but making himself a $12,000,000 profit so apparently the end justifies the means." She laughed heartlessly as she glanced at me. "Ajax, when are you going to let me turn you straight? I promise you, one evening with me and you'll never want anything without curves again."

I swear I stopped breathing while simultaneously feeling my heart rate pick up. The heat washing over my face told me I was bright red and I could almost feel the proverbial smoke coming out of my ears.

"Margo," Ajax laughed, but I could hear it was devoid of any humor. "I'm sure your abilities are as high as they come, but after Paol killed me, he'd probably ruin my brother's business, so I'll have to regretfully decline." The bitch laughed and I felt anger and humiliation in the pit of my stomach. This night was already off to a bad start. Ajax put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed. I don't know if it was supposed to be an apology, but it didn't do anything to put me at ease.

The man finally finished his call and turned to us as he put his cell phone in his pocket.

"Paol!" Ajax began. "Glad you could make it tonight, Nicolas has promised me that he has a case of Bowmore 25-Year-Old Islay Single Malt aboard just for you."

"Ajax," Paol replied with a smile and came to shake his hand. "I hope you and Nicolas will have a few minutes available to discuss a new venture I'm interested in down in Caracas. I'll need your expertise and contacts in order to move it forward."

"Yes, we can discuss that after we get everyone some cocktails." Finally, he turned to me. "Benji, I'd like you to meet Paol and Margo Blackwell. Paul, Margo, this is Benji St. Clair."

Paol shook my hand and nodded while Margo looked at me like I was an appetizer. After a few seconds of looking me up and down, she reached over a hand, holding it as if I should kiss it like Ajax. Well, how could I say this politely? No. Fucking. Way. I gave her a purposely limp handshake before dropping it like a moldy piece of bread.

Paol had taken Ajax aside and was talking to him about something as they walked toward the dock. I was about to follow in that direction when the woman...should I even refer to her as that? When the viper leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "Well Ajax does like his boys cute, I'll give him that. If I'm bored later, maybe I'll ask him if I can borrow you for a while."

"I'm not available," I muttered.

"Oh, boys like you are always available for a price."

She slinked away and I just stood there. I looked around wondering if I should just walk back up to the highway and hitch a ride home. If this is what I was in store for, there was no way I would get on that boat with people like that. When I turned back Ajax jogged back from where he and Paol were heading.

"That's the worst of it, I promise. Whatever she said, just ignore it. I don't even know why Paol stays with her, it's unfortunate that you had to meet her straight off."

I couldn't even reply, continuing to stand still I just stared at his chest, unsure what to do.

"Give me a chance to introduce you to some good people." He put his hand on my elbow to urge me forward. "Benji?"

"Yes, Sir," I mumbled.

"Good boy," he whispered, squeezing my arm in an encouraging gesture. "I will reward you later tonight," he added.

"I can't be bought," I blurted out, still reeling from her comment. Ajax looked perplexed.

"I would never confuse our arrangement that way," Ajax replied sternly. "That's not how our lifestyle works."

"I know, I'm sorry...she..."

"Forget what that bitch said," he hissed. I looked up a bit shocked then looked to see that the couple had just boarded a power boat far ahead of us. "Let's go."

Before we started walking a late model, but immaculate Range Rover pulled up and four people climbed out. Three men and one woman. The woman walked over first and hugged Ajax.

"Selena" I didn't know that you and Julian were back in L.A.! Last I heard you were in Peru working on your book."

"We just got back a few days ago and Renny and Lars insisted we join them tonight. Don't worry, we spoke with Nicolas so we're not crashers."

"That would never be possible anyway because you always have an open invitation! Selena I'd like you to meet Benji, he's..."

"Yes!" She interrupted. "Nicolas told me about your new boy. It's so nice to meet you, Benji. I've heard so many great things about you. Mostly how happy Ajax has been since he met you."

"Nice to meet you, Ma'am."

"No no no, you must call me Selena. Come I'd like you to meet Julian, he's my Dom and husband. We're members of the club but have been traveling for the last six months. I'm a photographer and Julian is a writer so we're working on a project together."

Selena took me by the arm to meet her Dom, Julian, as well as Renny and Lars, a couple I'd seen a few times at the club but had never met. Renny was a large muscular man with dark hair buzzed right to his scalp and very dark skin contrasting with his submissive Lars, who was about 4" shorter, thin, white blonde hair and pale, pale skin. They made a very striking couple.

After introductions were made we started to walk to the launch where I could see the brunette bimbo was waiting impatiently while her husband was on another phone call. I let the others walk ahead choosing to walk with Lars who had gone to get a small bag out of the car before locking it. I wanted to get to know some more subs and he only seemed a few years older than me.

As we walked, I noticed a thick silver bracelet on Lars' wrist which read "Devoted to Renny." When he caught me reading it he laughed.

"I always see 'Property of So-and-So', but I wanted mine to be a little different. To show that I'm his by choice." The pale skin on his cheeks turned a beautiful shade of pink as he shrugged his shoulders.

"I like it. How long have you been together?"

"Four years," he said. "Don't look so surprised," he added at my response, "I'm 25, I look younger than I am. Renny is my fifth and hopefully last Dom."

"That's really cool. Ajax is my first...maybe later I can ask you some questions, I mean, what it's like to be a long-term sub?"

"Yeah, of course. I get kind of bored at these things, so that would be great. Renny is the businessman; I'd rather talk about books than mergers or look at paintings instead of financial reports."

"Oh really, what do you do?"

He let out a soft chuckle, "mostly I look after Renny, but when he's busy making millions I'm a freelance journalist of sorts. Mostly I review books, plays, and local art shows. I majored in Communications with minors in literature and art history...I'm one of those people who couldn't really decide what they wanted to do, but people seem to like my writing and my opinions, so I'm kept busy enough with assignments from a handful of papers and magazines, print and online. It kind of works out because Renny didn't want me to have a regular job since he travels a lot for business and I go with him, but this is really flexible and I don't have to feel 'kept'."

As we stepped onto the boat I looked over at Ajax and he smiled at me. I guess this night might not be so bad after all so I returned a grin before taking a seat next to Lars.

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