Chapter 29

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"What are you doing?" Ajax asked and my closed eyes popped open as he returned with a large plate of food. I felt my face immediately flush. "Tell me," he said with a grin.

What could I do? I had to tell the truth.

"I was...umm, I was picturing you on your hands and knees as a sub," I blurted out faster than a high-speed train, "it was really hot!".

"I can tell," he said, glancing down at my semi.

"I still can't believe you were a sub once."

Ajax let out a chuckle. "Yes, I first trained in the lifestyle as a submissive and had one Dominant. It was actually through my time with him that I realized I was more dominant than submissive. He helped me realize that and then trained me as a Dominant. I owe him a lot, he was a big influence on me."

"Where is he now?"

"He passed away about a year ago."

"Oh, I'm sorry Sir."

"Thanks, Benji, he was a great mentor to me, and friend, I miss him." Ajax frowned thoughtfully and I really wanted to jump up and hug him. Before the thought could crystallize, he looked at me and his face changed back to a smile.

"Now, let's eat," he said cheerfully, changing the subject and sitting down.

I was still kneeling on a pillow by his chair and looked around wondering if I was supposed to go get my own plate.

"I'm going to feed you pet. It's a good exercise for getting back in the D/s headspace. Here, sit on this," he said as he pulled over a small ottoman. "Don't worry, there's plenty of food, so I can refill our plate as many times as needed."

"Thank you Sir, it smells really good."

Once I was settled on the seat Ajax took a small bite and checked the temperature. He nodded to himself and used the fork to scoop up a larger portion, holding it out to me. I leaned forward and let him feed it to me.

"Mmmm, oh my god," I said with my mouthful, "this is amazing." I finished the bite, closing my eyes at the divine flavours crossing my palate. It was slightly sweet, cheesy, meaty, and delicious. I was in heaven. When I opened them, Ajax was smiling at me, ready with another forkful.

"It's like lasagna, but better," I said. "Melty, cheesy, sweet and savory."

"It's the fried plantains that make it sweet."

"I love it! I'm going to ask your mother to teach me how to make this."

Over the next 20 minutes, as I ate, he talked. Telling me more about his time as a submissive, what he learned about himself. And then talking about his insecurities. I wanted to reassure him, I mean, I'd heard him talking to business people, he was really good. Plus his business was successful and I was pretty sure that it wasn't just Nico that made it so. But I felt like, he needed to talk, uninterrupted. He needed to work stuff out for himself and I wanted to be there to listen. Not that it was easy. It took every ounce of self-control for me to sit quietly and listen. I was pretty sure afterward that I should have been awarded a medal, but who am I to toot my own horn.

When I was too full to eat anymore and realized he'd only been feeding me, I held up my hand to the next forkful. "Sir, I'm so full. It's so good and I want to eat the whole pan, but if I eat any more I'll burst." Ajax laughed and popped the fork in his mouth. "You need to eat too Sir."

"I know, I was just really enjoying feeding you."

"Can I go refill the plate?"

"Sure," he said handing me the near-empty dish. I quickly went into the kitchen and scooped up enough for Ajax. I smiled to myself as I turned around. Feeling better than I had in days. Maybe things were going to be okay.

When I returned, Ajax reached up and I handed him the plate as I sat back down on the ottoman. He took a bite and I could tell he liked it as much as me by the grin and look of contentment.

"Your mom is an amazing cook," I said.

"She is, she's taught me to make most of her specialties, but they never seem to come out as good as when she makes them."

"Foods always better when somebody else makes it," I added as he took another big bite.

"So is there anything else on your mind that we should talk about," Ajax asked.

"No, I feel better now," I told him honestly. "I'd like to hang out with some of your friends again, especially Lars, but not...Gia or Claudia."

"Don't worry, they're not my friends. I used to run in the same circles as them, but not anymore. They just haven't figured that out yet. But I won't let anything like that happen again Benji, you have my word."

After dinner, we sat out on the balcony to let our food digest. Ajax sat on a chaise lounge and pulled me in between his legs, so my back rested on his chest. We sat quietly and enjoyed the view while his hand lightly rubbed circles on my chest and shoulder. It was so relaxing and mellow that all the worries I'd had over the last several days faded away. I could have stayed here forever, it felt that good. We were connecting, even when we weren't speaking. It was so comfortable I almost felt myself drift off.

When his hand moved down over my stomach and dipped into my boxer briefs I knew it was playtime and hid a small grin and I mentally shook my head to wake up.

"Let's head into the playroom," Ajax said, his voice low and gravelly. The sound made my whole body tingle and my breath caught in my throat. "Breathe pet," Ajax chuckled as he patted my back.

I flushed in embarrassment. Ugh, why is he so hot. And how did I get here? In this beautiful house, with a beautiful man, I ask myself, how did I get here? I chuckled to myself as I got up and waited for Ajax. Sometimes I'm even too weird for me.

Standing up he nodded for me to go first, placing his hand on the back of my neck as we walked up to the second floor of the apartment. Ajax entered the four digit code to the door lock and held the door for me once it opened. Keeping my eyes down, I entered the room and went to kneel in the middle like he had instructed me in the past.

I heard Ajax open a drawer and soon he was behind me. "I'm going to blindfold you for our scene. I want to build your trust and by removing one of your senses you will rely more on my verbal and physical directions. Are you okay with this?"

"Yes, Master. I trust you." I'd secretly been looking forward to this, what could be more exciting than not knowing where or how someone was going to pleasure you next. The anticipation is the best part!

"If anything gets too difficult or you need a break, just let me know. We haven't done anything like this before and I want you to enjoy it, not be aggravated by or frustrated. It might make it easier if you try to focus on my voice. I will be watching you as well."

"Thank you, Master."

I didn't mind the blindfold at all. Focusing on the sounds of Ajax walking around the room, made all the usual distractions fade away. Even when he seemed to spend a lot of time preparing things, the sounds of drawers opening and closing, a chain clanking, it felt soothing. I knew it was all preparations for our scene together, and that it would be worth the wait.

"You've been so patient," Ajax whispered to my left and I resisted turning my head in his direction. "Here, stand up," he said, tugging me up by my arms, holding me until I had my balance.

"You really are so beautiful," he said as he ran a finger down my cheek. "Such beautiful skin, and perfect lips." He placed a feather-light kiss on my mouth and I let out a sigh. Don't melt yet, don't melt yet.

"Come." He led me to the right where I knew the St. Andrews cross was. He carefully strapped my wrists to the cross, my back to it. It felt more stable being able to lean against something.

"These need to come off," he said as I felt him slide my briefs down. I could feel the movement of the air against my sensitive skin as he leaned down to strap my ankles to the bottom of the cross. I was already getting hard, but now I was full blown erect and my breathing was getting faster.

"You're excited for this I see," Ajax said, gripping my shaft and giving it a few pulls. I tried to hold back my moan, but Ajax wasn't having it. "Don't hold back my pet. I want to hear how this makes you feel, but no coming until I give you permission."

"Yes, Master," I replied, catching my breath. Let the wonderful torture begin.

"Tonight everything is about your pleasure. I'm going to push you a little, but I promise if you focus and do as I say, it will be more than worth it."

I listened to Master's footsteps and then heard the mini fridge open and close. A few seconds later he was back and I felt something cold and wet being rubbed over my right nipple. An ice cube. I felt both a chill go through me and the heat of pleasure from the simple touch. The ice cube moved to my other nipple and I felt Master's warm mouth on the first one. He nibbled and then bit the little nub, startling me and little jolts electricity shot directly down to my groin. "Ahhh," I yelled, the exclamation turning into a groan as he licked away the pain. Soon he did the same to my left nipple before pulling away.

"I'm going to warm your skin a bit with the flogger," he said a few seconds later. I'd come to love the way he made the strands of the flogger dance on my skin. Master was quite adept at the art of flogging and had turned me into a junky. He started very lightly, almost just drawing the tails over my chest before he startled me with a harder swipe.

"More," I whispered and Master shushed me, but followed through with several more passes until I could feel my skin going from warm to hot. He lowered his aim to my upper thighs and the slight fear of feeling the bite on my sensitive shaft made my breaths go shallow.


His praise for something I couldn't even see, let alone have any control over still made my heart swell. I relaxed into the feeling of the tails stinging my skin. It was weird how it could relax me, but after the first couple, you don't feel the pain anymore. The endorphins release and you just feel this incredible buzz.

It took me several seconds to notice that he'd stopped and was rubbing cream into my chest, stomach, and then thighs. Next, he was unstrapping my ankles and I wondered why we'd stopped. I must have expressed my concern out loud because as he undid my wrists, he explained that he wanted to get me relaxed before he moved me to the spanking bench.

After he finished rubbing the cream all over, he moved me to the spanking bench. It was angled slightly, so as I rested on my stomach and chest my head was slightly lower than my hips. It was so comfortable that if I wasn't anticipating something amazing, I could have easily fallen asleep.

"I'm just going to strap you on so you don't fall off," he explained as I felt a thick strap go over my lower back and the sound of velcro underneath the upper part of the bench which was about the same width as my body. He also strapped my ankles to the lower padded rests that were spaced far enough so my legs were spread and he had full open access to me.

Master rubbed some oil on my back and ass before he peppered my skin with more strikes of the flogger. It brought the buzz I was feeling up a few notches, and the need I felt for more, even stronger. For more strokes to my cock and some attention to the part that was now exposed and at his mercy.

"Please Master," I panted.

"Just relax pet, I know what you want, I'm going to get you there, you just have to stay relaxed."

Still, in the darkness of the blindfold, I was able to stay patiently in this state of relaxed arousal.

I heard the distinct sound of a bottle of lube being opened and I couldn't help but wiggle my hips as if they were saying, "notice me, notice me."

"Patience pet," Master commanded with a slap that managed to cover both cheeks of my needy ass. Master poured a copious amount of cold lube between my cheeks until it was dripping down over my balls. Lubed hands stroked over my shaft eliciting high pitched moans. When the hands left I heard a switch and the buzzing sound of a vibrator.

"This is going to keep you perfectly aroused for what I have planned next, pet," he said as he strapped a long vibrator along my shaft with the end tucked into my balls. "I'm going to get you nice and prepped so make sure you stay relaxed. I won't push you more than you can take, so don't tense up or fight me."

That had my curiosity piqued, but I was too far into my headspace to worry about what he meant.

Strong fingers massaged the cheeks of my ass before a single digit rubbed the lube over my entrance. I let out a moan of both pleasure and anticipation. I couldn't wait to feel the stretch of his fingers opening me up. "Please," I murmured. No more teasing Master, something I didn't dare express out loud.

"Shhhh," he murmured as one finger entered me, bending, turning, stretching. I let out a deep breath knowing that if I'm tense, it is uncomfortable, but if I'm relaxed, it's amazing. The long relaxing breaths also help me get into a headspace where the fact that someone is probing my ass doesn't bother me. If I thought too much about it, I would feel embarrassed or humiliated. It's one of those things I try not to think too deeply about. The fact that I enjoy everything he is doing to me. Instead, I stay in the moment and let him lead me along the path he chooses.

Two fingers soon replace one and the feeling of being stretched is even more exhilarating. His long fingers massage the walls and then reach further and stimulate my prostate to the point where I'm afraid I'm going to come just from that. I let out a moan and then a plea. Master's other hand reaches under and his thumb and pointer finger circle the base of my shaft tightly. Effectively staving off the urge to come.

When three fingers replace two, I'm almost out of my head. His hand turns, his fingers curl and I feel pushed closer and closer to the edge. I feel totally out of control and I relax myself further, pushing out against his hand, letting go, submitting to him fully. The thought, the feeling, is incredible and I realize how much I trust him not to hurt me.

Four fingers. I feel separated from my body like my head is floating somewhere else. Master has complete control over my body as if it's his domain. He owns me. He can do whatever he pleases with me. And that's okay. I trust him. He's taking me someplace I've never been. It is taboo. It's humiliating. It's none of that because he won't allow it to be.

Fingers curl against my inner walls. Fingers massage my sensitive gland. I feel as if any moment I will be milked empty. Tight fingers hold my cock, not allowing me to ignite against my will, or against his.

"Good boy," he breathes into my ear. "Letting yourself go so well. I'm going to make you feel so good."

As I float along I feel fingers slowly pull out, but before I can adjust I hear the lube again and something very thick is pushing into my hole. It feels ribbed with sections getting larger and larger and each time a new section pushes in I feel my breath pulled from my chest. Finally the pushing stops, it's seated fully and I feel more stretched than I ever have before, but the thing is vibrating and that feels so good, like tiny little massaging fingers.

"Don't come pet," Master says as his hand leaves my shaft and I hear him stand up.

"Relax," he says when my breath hitches at the loss of warmth from his body being so close. "I'm going to warm up your skin."

I feel the end of the flogger drag lightly over my body and I push myself to relax further.


The vibrations within against the sting on my back work exquisitely together.

Whap, whap, whap.

Yessss, master. "Thank you," I whisper.

Whap, whap, whap.

"This will be a bit more intense," he says as I hear him put down the flogger. I don't know what to expect, but I'm so mellow, so relaxed, I know it doesn't matter. Anything will be amazing.


Ouch. That stung more than anything else, but the afterglow, the heat flowing out from the point of contact is worth it. It pushes me further into this place I have found myself. Floating, disembodied. Piqued.

Fwap, fwap, fwap.

I grunt with each hit, but the spread of reverberating heat is divine.

Fwap, fwap, fwap.

I moan. Wait for more.

"More, please Sir."

Fwap, fwap, fwap.


"That's enough pet."

Hands massage more cream into my back. Firm fingers dig into muscles, releasing, turning my body into jello. I lay prone on the bench, every part of my body fully relaxed, no muscles working. No control. Feeling completely safe.

Strong fingers slide under and grip my forgotten cock. How could I forget you, my friend. My best friend. My buddy, pal-o-mine. Master wakes my friend, blood flows, excitement grows and I can feel again. With a vengeance. I want to come I want to come so bad. Strong, steady strokes pull me toward ecstasy.

"I...I need to come," I choke out. "Please, Sir. Please, Master, I need to come," I gasp.

"Wait pet."

Hand slows down and I feel the large plug slowly pulled out of my ass. No time to miss it before a warm cock fills me and Master blows air through clenched teeth. "Yesss," he hisses.

His hips begin to work me, pumping slowly, working up to a fast pace and I really....really. Have. To. Come.


"Wait, pet, wait."

My body tenses, wanting to obey. Wanting to please my Master as he pleases me so much.

Pounding hips, balls flying. His slapping my ass, mine slapping between thighs, until tightening, ready to explode.

I whimper, a sound I don't recognize.

Hips thrust harder, slowing down until I'm told to come with a growl. I scream. Scream to high heaven and my balls explode and my cock bursts like a dam. He roars behind my head as he slams three more times before I feel him tighten, grow even thicker and then fill me up, hot juices that I can feel splash against my core. One, two, three, four bursts of molten hot lava. No lie.

"Fuck." He says between breaths, leaning over my back. Hot skin against my tender flesh. "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

"Fuck," I reply.

He chuckles. A tired chuckle. He kisses the back of my neck then slowly lifts his body off of me. He rubs my back more before slowly pulling out. I moan. I feel empty. I don't like it. I let out another moan of despair.

"Shhhh, okay," he says as if he knows what I'm lacking. "This will help," he says as a smaller lubed plug is pushed into my ass. It does help. I feel calm again. But tired. Really tired.

"I'm ti...."

Awareness. It's dark, but there is something streaming through the window. Thoughts are jumbled. Images, no words. Light, dark, soft, firm, warm. When I can actually put real identifiable thoughts together, I realized I was in my Master's bed, tucked up under his chin and held snuggly by a strong arm. Moonlight streamed in through his window high up in the sky. He smelled good and I breathed him in deeply. Ajax let out a chuckle and I grinned remembering how he teases me when I sniff him.

"How are you doing?" He asked, petting my face softly.

"I'm in Nirvana," I replied softly. "Can I stay here?"

"As long as you'd like."

"Thank you," I breathed out and let my eyes drop closed again. "I choose forever." 

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