Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Benji's POV

My head was going in a million directions after he popped his cock out of my mouth.  'What's next?'  'Gahd his cock tasted good'  'What does he want me to do?'  'Did he like that?  He should have, I didn't get the nickname Blowjob Benji for nothing'  'Is he going to fuck me?'  'Oh my gahd…I want him to fuck me!'   'But that thing's huge!'  'Wait! I think I'm nervous…what do I do…shit…I'm nervous!'

"Pet, I need you to focus, clear your mind, I can see it going a hundred miles a minute."

I looked up at Ajax…Master…I needed to always even think of him as Master when we're here so I don't slip up.  How did he already seem to know when I needed his help.  "Clear your mind and count to twenty, slowly.  Don't think about anything else.  Just concentrate on the counting and don't let any other thoughts flow through your head."

"Out loud Master?"

"Yes Benji, good boy, out loud, nice and slowly."

I took a deep breath and began to count.  Master rubbed the back of my head gently as I did.  When I reached twenty I actually felt much better, my thoughts had calmed.

"Are you ready pet?"

"Yes Master."

"Stand up, I'm going to clip your restraints onto the St. Andrew's cross." 

My heart started to race a little, but I wasn't scared.  I knew he wouldn't push me past my limits on our first time together.  I trusted him.

Master led me over to the cross and had me stand about 6 inches in front of it.  He clipped the leather restraints already secured on my wrists to a small chain that extended from each of the top parts of the cross.  He did the same with my ankles so my hands and feet were spread apart.

"If you need to, you can lean on the cross, but try to stand on your own," he instructed, "keep your face forward unless I ask you to look at me."

In my peripheral vision I saw him walk over to his cabinet, but I couldn't see what he pulled out.  There was an interesting swirl of paint on the wall a few feet in front of me, so I concentrated on that instead of trying to see what he was doing.

SLAP!  I started when I felt the sting of Master's hand on my ass.  "I've been looking forward to seeing what this ass looks like glowing red, I bet it's even sexier, don't you think?"  Assuming that was a rhetorical question, I didn't answer.  He rubbed his palm over each cheek and then gave me a few more slaps, then again, massaging out the sting.  Feeling his smooth hand over my ass was enough to get my already hard cock to begin leaking pre-cum.  His fingers would slide down teasingly between my cheeks and my breath caught in my throat each time.

"Do you like this?" he asked, his roguish tone flowing over me like thick smoke.

"Yes Master."

"What do you like about it pet?"

"Umm..."   SLAP!   "Ah...I like how the sting sends shoots of electricity right to my cock, Master...and I like the feel of your hand on my ass."

"Very good pet, thank you for answering so honestly."  He rewarded me by sliding his whole hand down between my thighs and gently massaged my balls, giving them a very gently squeeze before bringing his hand back.  I did my best to stifle a moan.

"Don't hold in those sounds pet, I want to hear how I make you feel."

He stepped away for a moment and even for that short amount of time I missed the close proximity.  It was like I felt safer when he was right there.  Less vulnerable and exposed.

SWAT!  SWAT SWAT!  I felt the smaller, but more intense sting of the crop on the back of my right thigh first and then he repeated the set of three on the other thigh.  Next he moved over each cheek again, this time slightly harder.  He repeated more swat's of the crop on each side of my lower back where it was more fleshy.   He repeated the full set again, this time even harder, but not yet hard enough to make me flinch.

After a third, slightly more painful set he paused and I once again got rewarded.  This time he stepped up to one side of me with his chest pressed against my shoulder and began nipping and kissing at my neck while his hand slid down my front and took my engorged cock in his hand, gripping my length and sliding his tight fingers up and down from base to tip.

Oh gaahhdd!  I let out a long moan as he slowly, teasingly worked my cock with his hand.  His other hand slid over my back and down over my sore ass.  "I can feel the heat of your skin," he whispered in my ear as his palm slid over my backside, "it's very inviting," he chuckled, "I think your ass is issuing me a very persuasive invitation...what do you think pet?"

"Yes Master, it is," I breathed out through moans as both hands continued to work my front and back.

"Mmmmm," he mouthed over my neck, "well you tell it to be patient, I'm not nearly done yet."  He gave my ass another slap and stepped away.  I nearly cried out in retaliation.

When he came back in my line of sight he was carrying a piece of leather that looked like a modified belt or a strap of some sort.  My eyes went wide as Master Phillip had never used a belt on me.  "Don't worry.  I know how to use this to bring maximum pleasure without too much pain.  We'll just try it a bit, but first..." he paused, placing the belt on a table.  He walked away and I heard a drawer open.

"The belt works best with this," he finished and I saw a medium size vibrator in his hand and a tube of lube.  My heart rate increased as he squirted the lube onto the vibrator and some on his finger.  "Just relax pet," he whispered as his slick finger circled my tight pucker.  I let out a long moan as he slid the digit in and started moving it in a circular motion before a second joined.  His other hand once again resumed sliding up and down my shaft and soon he had me eliciting a series of moans and groans that would make a whore sound tame.  When I suddenly cried out quite loudly, he chuckled and brought his lips up to my ear, "there it is!"  Once he found my gland he worked me up to where my whole body was twitching and I knew I was getting dangerously close to climaxing.

"Master, I feel so close, may I cum?" I asked.

"No pet, it's not time for that yet," he replied amusedly, sliding his finger out of me and releasing my cock.  I knew this was part of the game, so I just let out a sigh and waited to see what came next.

"Lean forward a little," he instructed and as I did I felt the vibrator pass through the ring of tight muscle that his fingers just vacated.  When he had it in place I heard him click the remote and it came to life deep inside me.  My hips automatically started to rock slightly.  "Hold still," he corrected, placing his hands on my hips, "concentrate on not moving, but stay relaxed and this won't hurt too much."

My hands gripped the chains and I tensed in response to his words.  "What did I just say Benji?" he admonished.

I took several deep breaths and let my muscles relax again, "I'm sorry Master."

Before I could really think I felt the vibrator speed up and then SLAP the leather strap met my ass and the intense sting coupled with the deep vibration within me was the most perfect explanation of pleasure through pain that I could have ever imagined.  I let out a deep groan and my ass automatically perked up as if begging for another.  Master answered my plea with another slap and my cock shuddered getting ready to blow.

"Master, I'm going to cum," I whimpered.

"I don't want you to cum yet, do you want me to stop?"

"No!  Please no Master."

"Catch your breath pet, concentrate.  You can do this," he said slowly and calmly and I focused on his voice, took a deep breath and felt myself gain control over my threatening orgasm.  I let out a sigh of relief.

"Better?" he asked.

"Yes, Master."

The vibrations went up again and Master gave me five more hard slaps, each so mind blowing that I was seeing stars and the paint swirl I had been staring at on the wall began to dance before me.  Everything around me faded and I felt like I had tunnel vision as I became mesmerized by the dancing swirl.

When I didn't feel anymore slaps and enough time had elapsed that I thought he was finished I startled myself by calling out, "Please, more Master, please!"

I felt the slap of leather and the swoosh of pleasure several more times, losing count as my eyes followed the dancing swirl like a junkie eyeballs his next hit.  Self-indulgent moans bounced around the room and I wondered why they sounded so familiar...where was the other Benji and why was he so loud?  He sounds like a bitch in heat! I thought in amusement.

Another pause, and I gasped, begging for more.

"No, you've been a good boy, but you've had enough," a deep disembodied voice sounded from behind me.  As my body shuddered its cry of deprivation, a new feeling poked its raunchy head into my euphoria.  I looked down and my cock, engorged and dripping, pulsing in anger at its lack of attention.

A shiver ran down my spine as the vibrator was pulled gently out of me, sliding down my channel, "No..noooo," I whined.  My angry shaft pulsed even harder at the divestiture.  My whole body shook, pulling at the restraints.  I felt like I was on a roller coaster that was stuck at the apex with nowhere to go.

"It's okay, Benji,  I'll take care of you," the words eased my tension as they dripped over my skin and soothed like sweet milk flowing into my ears.  I felt the restraints being removed and I stood shakily unable to move.  Strong arms scooped me up and I felt myself placed onto soft cool sheets.  My eyes were so unfocused that I just watched the swirls of different colours and tones as they undulated before me.  I reached a finger to try to touch the sparkly samba pivoting before me and instead felt silky locks of wavy hair, that, when I focused really hard, I realized was Master.

"Your hair's so soft and pretty," I whispered dreamily, momentarily appeased by running my fingers over his head.  A deep chuckle reverberated through my chest coming from Master who was pressed against me. This only proved to remind me of the deep wanting I had been feeling only moments ago.

"Please Master!"

"What my pet, tell me what you want."

"I want to feel you inside me," I hissed.

I suddenly felt strong lips and Master's tongue probing to pass through my own.  I kissed him back just as fervently and my hips leapt up to press against his.  His hands traveled over my chest and I wrapped my arms around his neck, my fingers trailing over his hard shoulders.  Master stood up after we broke to catch our breaths and reached up to the headboard pulling down a chain which he then hooked my wrist restraints to.  Noooo! I thought to myself, I want to be able to touch him.  But I knew better than to complain.

He traveled down from the top of my head, kissing and licking, nibbling each nipple, his tongue trailing down my torso until he reached my waist.  My whole body jumped when I felt his mouth engulf my erection and he moaned as he sucked me deep down into his throat; the vibration sending sparks shooting through every synapse in my nervous system.  I let out a high pitched sound as he brought me close to the edge once again and my hips began to shake, but before I plummeted over the cliff he pulled his mouth off with a popping sound.

The next sound was the ripping of foil and when I looked down he was sliding a condom over his massive hard-on.  I pulled at my restraints to no avail.  Master squeezed more lube out and rubbed it all over his cloaked cock.  Kneeling between my legs, he pushed my knees farther apart and back toward my shoulders, shoving a pillow below my hips.  I watched him, enthralled by his careful preparations.  A pair of slippery fingers entered me, his eyes focused, his breath steady as he made sure I was stretched out.  It was beyond sexy.

His eyes met mine while he slid his fingers out and placed the head of his shaft against my hole.  His gaze was so intense that I couldn't look away.  His hips swung and he plunged right in, my breath caught and I moaned at the burning feeling that I found so oddly pleasurable…only with Master, it was better than I'd ever experienced.  My head shot back and I felt like my eyes rolled back in my head.  He thrust hard so that his balls slapped against my ass and he began a steady back and forth motion, his eyes never leaving my face I noticed when I was able to focus on him again.  He adjusted his hips until I screamed and I saw the sides of his mouth curve up slightly, as if knowing he had just found my spot.  Once his aim was down, his thrusts became even harder and he intensified the sensations by gripping my engorged, red menacing shaft.      

My moans became whimpers as he was pushing me so close to my release, it was almost torture to hold back.  My entire body tensed and I pleaded with my eyes as his had still not left mine.  My face contorted in all sorts of manner and I could no longer quell the shudder that started to obsessively ravage my body.

"Master…I can't hold back, please let me cum," I implored, the strain in my voice evident.

"You may cum pet," he nodded and I cried out as I began to pump out stream after stream of cream as his hand milked me.  He continued his thrusts until just before I finished, he slammed in hard and with a deep grunt I felt his shaft pulse as heat spilled deep inside me, I imagined filling the condom he wore.

The high that I floated upon held me up for several minutes and only when I started to come down and my head flopped back on a pillow, did Master slowly pull out.  My eyes closed as he first unhitched my restraints and then I heard the snap of the condom as he pulled it off.  My arms fell lazily at my sides and soon he was removing the restraints from my wrists and rubbing the circulation back into my arms.  The collar came off next.

"You did so well pet," he murmured, "better than I could have imagined."  Master continued words of encouragement and praise; his aftercare sweet and caring.  He removed the cuffs on my ankles next before stepping away momentarily.

"Drink this Benji," Master directed and a straw was placed in front of my mouth.  I drank it down, it tasted like juice or gatorade or something of the sort, my senses were still so raw I wasn't quite sure, but it felt good taking in the cool liquid.

"How do you feel?" he asked. 

"Tired," I whispered, barely able to open my eyes.

"Benji, I'm so proud of you.  You were amazing tonight."  I felt soft hands caressing my cheeks, the mattress dipped beside me as he sat down and I let out a deep sigh leaning into him.  I don't remember anything after that, I don't remember how long we stayed in the playroom or how I got into the bed which was now mine.  I don't know if he laid down beside me or if I slept alone that night.  The next time I was aware of anything was the next morning as Ajax, showered and fully dressed gently shook my shoulders.

"Benji, wake up kiddo.  If you get up now, we have enough time to stop for breakfast before I have to drop you off at your class."  I blinked several times, the sun making it hard at first to see.  "It's 9:00 o'clock Benji, time to get up," Ajax tried again as I groaned and rolled onto my back.

I sat up and winced slightly.  Yeah, my butt was a little bit sore…but a wide grin spread across my face as I thought about how much it was worth it.                                                             

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