Chapter 1

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Lilith's POV

Once me and Lana were finished packing our necessities I wrote a note and put it on my small excuse for a bed, a pile of blankets on the ground. Me and Lana jump out the window and start running.

Once we were past the pack border I felt all the ties that kept me here fade away like nothing was ever there.

"Were free, finally free!" I yell to Lana as I twirl.

"Yes. Yes we are!" She replied happily.

Just as we began to walk I suddenly felt searing pain in my back and it felt like hell.

"OMG YOUR SHIFTING!" Lana said quickly.

That was the last thing I remember before blacking out.


I woke up on my side and when I tried to get up I fell. I looked down to see what the problem was, but I had paws.


Well duh, Moon retorted.

Shut up, I responded to her stupid comment.

I ran over to a nearby stream and looked down. I was a pure silver wolf with strange purple markings on my head that continued to my tail and striking purple eyes.(Picture above)

"Wow. You're beautiful." Lana said from behind me in her fully black wolf form.

"Yeah, yeah, now let's make some revenge plans." I say deviously.


I know the chapters are short but bare with me here it's hard when you have writer's block :(

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