❤️💜Special story for my bestie💜❤️

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This special story is for my best friend, who is my little bestie sister BookwormtoWriter
Kia, This story is for you for our beautiful friendship and you made my life amazing and you are the best bestie sister in the world! 💖

It's a beautiful morning, Luna with her little sister Kia, a young 21 year old troll who has light purple skin, purple hair which will be two curly puffs, blue eyes, she wears matching blue hoodie and sweatpants and she wears silver earrings. She comes out of her room and is greeted by her three youngest nieces, Lila, Rosa and Amy.

Lila, Rosa & Amy - AUNTIE KIA!!! 😄😄😄 *hugs their aunt*

Kia - Good morning girls! 😄 *hugs back* Did you sleep well?

Lila- Yes! I dreamed I was in a field of colorful flowers with Rhonda! 😄

Kia - Wow, it's a very beautiful dream Lila! 😊

Rosa - And I dreamed that I was in a world filled with cakes, cupcakes and candies! And it was delicious! 😋

Kia - Aww I know someone who wants to eat sweets and candy! But do you remember what your mom told you?

Rosa - Mom told me that I shouldn't eat too many sweets since I'll be hyperactive. 😁

Kia - It's good Rosa. *carries Amy* And you, baby Amy, what did you dream of?

Amy - I dreamed of you and Uncle Floyd! ☺️

Kia - Oh! 😳 *blush* That's great! Umm... What were we doing in your dream?

Amy - Like mommy and daddy, you were kissing and there were hearts everywhere! 😄

Kia blushes just imagining kissing Floyd, she is in love with Floyd and thinks about him every day, her sisters Sol and Luna encourage her to confess her love for the sensitive BroZone.

Lila - Are you okay aunt Kia? You blushing. 😟

Kia - Oh yeah I'm fine don't worry girls. What if we ate pancakes?!

Amy - Yaaay pancakes!! 😋🥞

Rosa - And cereal and cookies and cupcakes! 😋🥣🍪🧁

Lila - And hot chocolate too! 😋☕🍫

Kia - Yes! But not too much sugar you should choose a breakfast. Come on, let's join everyone! 😄

Lila, Rosa and Amy - YAAAY!!

Kia and girls join Luna, John Dory and their other kids. John Dory drinks his coffee

Kiyah - Good morning!! 😄

Kids - GOOD MORNING AUNT KIA!! (runs and hugs Kia)

Luna - Good morning my bestie sister!! 😄

JD - Morning Kia. 🙂

Kia - Morning guys! (the children let go of her and return to the table to eat) Luna are you cooking?! 😧😃

Luna - Yes. 😁 (looks at her husband with gentle eyes) A handsome man taught me to cook. 🥰

JD - (look at his wife with love) You're welcome babe. 😉💕

Johnatan Dorian - Ew! There are children here! We don't want to see you kissing, it's disgusting!

Jelly - Johnatan, let our parents kiss, they are in love! 😊🫶🏻

Johnatan Dorian - Yeah... And one day Aunt Kia and Uncle Floyd are going to be a couple. 😑

Amy - They kissed in my dream! 😄

JD - (spits out his coffee and is shocked) What?! 😧

Luna - What?! 😲

Johnatan Dorian - WHAAAAAT!?! 🤯

Kia - Wow are you that surprised? 😅

JD - Of course we are surprised and you know what? Floyd told me he's in love with you. 😉

Kia - (blush) Really? 😳

JD - Yes, but he's shy to tell you, that's why Luna and I are going to bring you and Floyd together today and tonight!

Star - Wow! Amy's dream is realistic! This means that the dream will come true! 😄

Jouna - Exactly Star! And it's true uncle Floyd tells us a lot about you! 😊

Kia - Wow, I think it's cute, and John Dory is it true that he's afraid that I'll reject his feelings for me?

JD - Yes he loves you so much that he tells us so much about you!

Johnatan Dorian - I admit he talks about aunt Kia so much that he blushes too! 😁

JD - Yeah and I have to leave you girls, I promised Floyd we'd meet at the market.

Johnatan Dorian - Can I come?

JD - Sorry son, you have to watch your sisters and your aunt Sol is coming with Shiny and Light. But in the meantime you watch your little sisters.

Johnatan Dorian - Okay dad.

JD - And don't worry son, (caresses Luna's belly) You will soon meet your little brother.

Luna - John! I'm not pregnant! 😅

JD - Not yet, but one day.~ 😏

John Dory is about to kiss Luna but the kids look at them and Kia looks at them and thinks of herself and Floyd kissing.

JD - Well... We'll kiss when we're both together.

Luna - *giggles* Okay. 🤭 (gives a short, sweet kiss to her husband's lips) Come on, go join your brother.

JD - Alright, alright babe. 😌 (puts down his cup of coffee and leaves the kitchen) See you later girls and Johnatan Dorian watch your sisters carefully.

Johnatan Dorian - Yes dad.

JD - See you girls and kids! 👋

Luna - See you sweetie. 🥰👋

Kia - See you John. 🙂👋

Kids - See ya daddy!

John Dory leaves the house to join his brother, Luna comes up with an idea.

Luna - Ooo, Kia I have an idea! 😃

Kia - Ooo what is your idea? 😃

Luna - We can take a cake for your date!

Johnatan Dorian - We gonna eat a cake?! 😃

Jouna - No is for aunt Kia and uncle Floyd!

Johnatan Dorian - Oh... Not cool! 😑

Jelly - HEY!

Johnatan Dorian - What?! Is not my fault! I'm hungry! 😫

Luna - Again?!

Johnatan - I'm a man mom and I'm still hungry even though I am 10 years old! 😎

Jelly - Stop to be bossy Johnatan. 😑

Johnatan Dorian - So what? Dad told me "Johnatan you are a man now!" So, respect to me girls! 😁

Luna - Stop Johnatan. 😑

Johnatan Dorian - I want a little brother! 😁

Luna - Seriously? 😑

Kia - Okay, Luna take a breath and let's go okay. (move forward by gently pushing Luna) See you kids! 😁

Girls - See you!

Johnatan Dorian - Hey! Don't leave me with girls! 😫

Luna - Stop to be dramatic Johnatan Dorian!

Johnatan Dorian - (cross his arms) Not cool, mom! 😑

Luna and Kia go out leaving Johnatan with his sisters. The girls look at their older brother smirking.

Amy - Johnatan, (takes out a makeup bag) can we make you up? 😁

Johnatan Dorian - NEVER!! (runs away)

Girls - (laugh and chase their older brother)

<With John Dory & Floyd>

The two brothers are with Rhonda and are walking in the forest.

Floyd - So how is your wife and children, John?

JD - They are all good and Johnatan Dorian still asks when he will have a little brother. 😅

Floyd - (chuckle) It will never stop. He's exactly like you. 😊

JD - Yeah, like father like son. 😉

Floyd - And you are a good father John Dory. 😊

JD - Aww you're so sweet Floyd. 😊

The two brothers continue walking and John Dory notices that Floyd is very quiet.

JD - Are you okay Floyd? 🤨

Floyd - Oh yes I'm good, I'm fine. Just... Thinking.

JD - About what? Or maybe... About who?~ 😏

Floyd - *blushing* W-what?! Who is who? I don't know, what you're talking about John Dory? 😅

JD - You know very well who I'm talking about. 😏

Floyd - No, I don't know who you're talking about. 😅

JD - You're thinking about Kia, right? 😏

Floyd - *blushing* 😳

JD - Floooooyd~ You're thinking of Kia, right? 😏

Floyd - ... *becomes shy* I...I-I... 😳

JD - Don't try to lie, I know how my brothers are when they hide something from me. 😏

Floyd - Ugh fine I admit! *sits on the floor* I love Kia, I love her so much she's so cute but I don't know how to confess my feelings!

JD - There you are, you confessed! 😁

Floyd - Yes but I will never arrive, I'm not like you John, not like Bruce not like Clay and not like Branch either... I will never admit my feelings for Kia... 😔

John Dory gives Floyd a sweet smile and sits next to him to reassure him.

JD - Don't say that Floyd and no, but you are you, you must overcome your shyness and Kia loves you too and don't worry I will be there to help you and our brothers too I promise you. 😊

Floyd smiles at John Dory and the two brothers give each other a nice and beautiful hug.

Floyd - Thank you John Dory, you're the best big brother in the world! 😊

JD - You're welcome and anything for my little brother. 😊

The two brothers continue this cuddle until other arms pull them into a group hug.

Clay - Are you cuddling WITHOUT us?!? It's unfair guys! *pouts to be dramatic*

Floyd - John Dory reassured me guys don't worry. 😅

JD - Don't be jealous guys, hugs from brothers! *hugs his little brothers*

The brothers hug and Floyd starts to gain courage thanks to his brothers and he will be ready to confess his feelings to Kia.

<With Luna and Kia>

The girls had finished the cake and Luna glanced at Kia and noticed that she was getting nervous.

Luna - What's wrong Kia? 😟

Kia - Oh it's just... Do you promise me you won't tell the others?

Luna - I promise my little bestie sister! 😊✋

Kia - It's just that I... And if Floyd-

Luna places her finger on Kia's lips preventing her from finishing her sentence.

Luna - No Kia listen to me, Floyd loves you and John Dory promised you that he will help you get together and I will help you too because you are my bestie sister and I will do everything to help you like you did the same with me.

Kia - (smile and hug Luna) Yes, you're right Luna and thank you for encouraging me. 😊

Luna - (hug Kia back) Awww anything for you. 😊

The bestie sisters share a hug and that's when Luna comes up with an idea.

Luna - You know what bestie? I have a good idea! 😁

Kia - (stays confused but gives her bestie sister a big smile) 🤨🙂

Luna - But first we're going to give you a makeover!

Kia - Uh?!? 😳

Luna - Don't worry, we'll just change your haircut! 😉

Kia - Oh, why do you want me to change my hair? 🤨 My hair is ugly or something?

Luna - (puts her arm on her little bestie sister's shoulders in a little hug) No, your hair is beautiful and cute bestie! We'll just see if Floyd likes your hair like this or with a different look! 😁

Kia - Oh okay, I trust you bestie. 😊

Luna - Yaaay, let's go!! 😆

Luna and Kia return home and head to Luna's bedroom and put her at the desk in front of the mirror.

Luna - Alright bestie, it's time to change your haircut! 😁

Kia - Okay, but... Do you think Floyd will like it? 😟

Luna - I'm pretty sure, bestie! I'm also sure when he sees you, he'll be as red as a tomato! 😁

Kia - Oh, well... Let's go to change my hair! 😄

Luna - Yaaay, and I promise, he will really LOVE your look! 😉

Kia - I trust you, bestie! 😁

Luna starts to do Kia's hair and they enjoy talking about how she will react and talk about their men. After a few minutes, Luna finished styling Kia's hair.

Luna - And there you go! (takes the mirror) What do you think?

Kia - Wow! I look so...

Luna - You look beautiful bestie!

Kia - I LOVE IT!! (hugs Luna) Thank you so much Luna!!

Luna - (hugs Kia back) Aww you're welcome Kia! Anything for my little bestie sister!

The two best friend sisters continue to cuddle, alongside the BroZone brothers, John Dory Branch, Bruce and Clay do everything to make Floyd feel less shy towards Kia, and the training is very successful!

<In the evening with Floyd and Kia>

That's it, it's time for the date! Kia, accompanied by Sol and Luna, heads towards the dating place. While the boys prepare for the date, Floyd dressed in a nice suit and a cute bow tie tries to keep calm and avoid being stressed.

Floyd - (starts to get anxious) Guys...and if she tells me no...

JD - She won't say no to you, Floyd. She loves you like you love her, and controls your anxiety before you go crazy.

Floyd - I control my anxiety! It's just... I'm afraid she'll reject my feelings...

Bruce - So control your anxiety, your fear and also your stress!

Branch - (looks at them confused) You guys watched Inside Out 2? 🧐

JD - Luna obliged me with my children and I must admit that it was good and everyone voted that Luna was Anxiety because it's true that she is anxious all the time asking herself questions. 😁

Clay - And what did your kids say about that?

JD - Our little Amy when she saw Anxiety she said "look it's mommy!" And that's why we all voted that Luna is very anxious during stressful times. And now it's our dear Floyd who is stressed and anxious.

Floyd - Well... Because it's my first date!

Clay - Okay, calm down Floyd. Everything will be fine, we promise!

Floyd - Well... I trust you guys.

Bruce - Great! And don't worry, We will be with you in secret, you don't have to-

Branch - She's coming! With Sol and Luna!

Floyd - What?!? Already-

Branch - Don't worry everything is ready, all you have to do is be... Yourself and be a good gentleman! 😁

Clay - Yeah good luck Floyd! You're going to be amazing! 😁👍👍

John Dory, Bruce, Clay and Branch leave Floyd and hide behind a bush to watch him and help him in secret. With girls, Sol and Luna accompanies Kia who wears a Light Blue dress on her date.

Sol - OMG, Kia you are so lucky to have a with a romantic boy like Floyd! Of course for me the most romantic is Hype! But honestly, (stomps her feet excitedly) EEEEE!! (hugs Kia) I'm so so so soooooo happy for you!! You are sooooo lucky!! I would like to be there with my boyfriend!

Luna - Sol, Sol! (take her big sister's hand) Breathe and stay calm. You're getting too excited, (takes out a cardboard bag) here, exhale and inhale in-

Sol - (takes the bag and exhales and inhales into it to calm her excitement)

Luna - (gently pats Sol's back) Okay, take a breath and still calm sis. Alright bestie! We'll be right behind this bush and everything will be fine and you'll be *speak french* incroyablement fantastique!! <That's mean; Incredibly fantastic>

Kia - Yes you're right. Okay, I'm ready and wish me luck!

Sol & Luna - See ya Kia!!

Kia - See ya girls!

Sol and Luna leave Kia, and that's when she sees Floyd in a suit who blushes while looking at her.

Kia - Oh, hi Floyd!

Floyd - *blushing* H-hey Kia... Wow...

Kia - Yeah, hehe. It's surprising to see my hair like that and wear a dress, the hair was Luna's idea and the dress was Sol's idea.

Floyd - Well... You are so beautiful Kia. *take Kia's hand* You look like a princess. *kiss Kia's hand*

Kia - *blushing* Oh, hehe... Thank you Floyd, you are so handsome and... *straightens Floyd's bow tie* you look like a gentleman.

Floyd - Oh, it's hehe. It's because you deserve a handsome and amazing gentleman like me and I will do anything for you, my princess. *wink*

Kia - Aww you Floyd!

Floyd - You are as pretty like a rose in a field of flowers of all colors and you are beautiful and bright as the sun that warms my heart. You are my sunshine who brings me out of the dark and gloomy darkness, without you I am nothing, with you my days are a true paradise, you are bright like a star which guides me into a better world.

Kia - Awww Floyd.

Floyd - Kia, *gets on one knee* Since I met you, my life is no longer the same as before and I have never felt so alive and you are my guardian angel. Kia... Do you want to be my girlfriend?

Kia - *GASPS* Oh my gosh, yes! YES!! *jumps into her boyfriend's arms and kisses him*

Floyd - *surprised but kiss his girlfriend back*

JD, Bruce, Clay, Branch, Sol & Luna - YAAAAAAAY!!!

Floyd & Kia - *looks at them in shock*

Sol - Oops... We weren't discreet. 😅

JD, Bruce, Clay & Branch - Yeah, sorry guys. 😅😅😅😅

Luna - Enjoy your date lovers, pretend we're not there we're leaving. 😁

Their families leave leaving Kia and Floyd alone, they look at each other and start laughing at what happened.

Kia - Wow, it was unexpected. 😅

Floyd - Yeah, our family is so protective over us. 😅

The two lovebirds continue their beautiful romantic tryst and Floyd is an idea.

Floyd - Kia, do you want to dance?

Kia - Aww of course Floyd!

They start to dance romantically and Floyd takes out a rose which makes the dance even more romantic, they finish dancing and kiss.


Here! This is Special Story is for my bestie sister, Kia! 😊💜❤️

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