Chapter 13: What it means to be Spider-Man

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At Y/N dorm

Y/N was sitting in bed as the memory of what Junior told him replayed in his head over and over and over again.


Junior: So what dose he owe you or something like that?

Y/N: You could say that.

Junior: Yeah he tends to piss off the wrong people.

Y/N: Yeah... He sure does.

Junior: Look if I'm going to give you the information you want you'll have to make a deal.

Y/N: That deal being?

Junior: You can't tell him I told you where he would be. He would kill me if I he knew.

Y/N: Don't worry he won't know a thing you have my word.

Junior then looked around a bit to make sure no one is listening he then takes out his scroll. And shows the map of vale.

Junior: Me and Roman don't really keep in touch that much so I don't know know where he stays. But I do know where he's heading tomorrow night. He then zooms the screen to the street Roman will be at.

Junior: Roman will be here at an abandoned building. Now I don't know what he'll be doing but all I know he's there.

Y/N: Alright thank you.

Flashback ends and Y/N sat on his bed for awhile thinking before he laid on his bed and went to sleep.

Y/N: (Coming for you Roman.)

The next night Balkan & Fargas where heading out to the building getting into the car.

Bulkan: Take use to Quest Aerospace.

Drive: Yes sure they then start to drive off.

The next night Y/N dropped on top of a building and saw the white fang members entering the building.

Y/N: Yup there here just like what Junior said.

Y/N then swings towards the building he lands on the roof and was looking through a windows and saw Roman Torchwick he then balled up his hand into a fist and with out thinking he jump really high then shoots two webs and zips down destroying the window everyone looks at the direction the sound came from and saw Y/N he the swings towards two White fang members and kicked them sending them flying into a wall.

Y/N: Roman.

Roman: Ahh if isn't the notorious... Uhhh. You know they don't have a name for you yet.

White fang member: He's called the unknown hero.

Roman: Oh well you've been quite popular around the streets. How you're able to cling on walls and shoot webs. And it seems like most of the stuff there saying is true. But I'm pretty busy so let's play another time web head.

Then Roman points his cane at Y/N and shoots a fire dust at him Y/N jumps towards the wall and sticks on it and sees that the white fang have all of there weapons on Y/N they then begin to shoot at Y/N but Y/N moves out the way by jumping to the other side of the wall then he jumps over the white fang members then shoots his webs onto two guns that one of the white fang members guns then slams them down onto the two other white fang members knocking them out Y/N then uses his hands to spring himself back and kicked the two who had guns one member points there gun at Y/N but he fires his web and makes them points up and they fire at the sky Y/N then punches them in the face and knocks them out Y/N turns to see one more coming at him so he runs towards them wraps his legs around them and throws them into the ground he then sees more coming towards him.

Y/N: You know it's been fun guys but I gotta juice.

Y/N then jumps over them and starts to swing over them. Y/N then sees Roman he swings towards him and grabs making him scream a bit as all the white fang members are shocked to see him be taken.

Like this.

White Fang Member 1: The boss!

Y/N continues to swing away from him getting far away as possible from the abandoned building.

Meanwhile Balkan & Fargas were in the car driving through the bridge not knowing that they were being stalked by a figure wearing green suit and were flying a hover craft.

Meanwhile with Y/N he threw Roman on top of a roof as he glared at Roman through his mask.

Y/N: I've finally found you Roman.

Roman: Oh me? I'm flattered.

Roman then shoots his cane at Y/N but Y/N just dodges out the way and zips towards Roman then punches him in the face.

Y/N: Took a life.

He then uppercuts him making him hover in the air a bit.

Y/N: But not just any life. He was a good man who always saw the best in others!

He then punched him in the stomach two times making Roman stumble back.

Y/N: And you murdered him!

Roman: You have to be specific hero I've killed many people.

Roman then runs towards Y/N swings his cane at him but Y/N dodges all of his attacks then dose a back flip kick then grabs his shoulders flips over him and slams him into the ground he then gets on top of him and begins to pound his face he then stops for a moment as Roman laughs.

Roman: Man who ever I killed they must of been very important to you. Such rage... Well then hero.

Roman then rest his head on the ground.

Roman: Finish me.

Y/N was about to do just that but then hears explosions coming from the bridge he looks at Roman.

Y/N: (Damit. I can just finish him
Here and now but...)

Y/N looks at Roman one more time who still has a smug smile.

Meanwhile at the bridge explosion where going off everywhere Balkan and Fargas tried to get out but the door was stuck to one of the walls they then hear a raspy laugh they look at the front of the car and see a man responsible for the explosion.

Green Goblin: Out am I?!

The green goblin then throws a pumpkin bomb near at the car both men scream until the bomb goes off killing both of them Green Goblin laughs but then out of nowhere Y/N kicks him sending flying off the glider but the glider flys beneath where Green Goblin was about to fall he then lands on the glider.

Y/N: Hey so what's your super villain name? No wait let me guess. The Emerald elf.

Green Goblin charges at Y/N but Y/N runs towards Green goblin slides under the glider then shoots a web and yanks him off the glider he then zips towards Goblin and punches him 3 times before jumping in the air and doing a spinning kick which sends Green Goblin crashing into the car Y/N was about to punch Green Goblin but he caught his fist surprising Y/N he laughs before head butting him then punching him in the stomach and face 4 times he then grabs Y/N and slams him into each different cars before throwing him across the area and Y/N crashes into the hood of the car and bounces off of it.

Y/N: Ah crap... Looks like he's just as strong as me.

Y/N looks up and sees the Green Goblin walking towards him when he hears a boy inside a car screaming for help he then laughs as he puts one foot at the back of the car and slowly pushes it.

Dad 1: No stop!

Green Goblin looks at the man who is on the floor covered in bruises and debris.

Dad 1: Do anything to me but please... Leave my little boy alone.

Green Goblin: Hmmm you'll let me do anything to you?

Dad 1: Anything.

Green Goblin: Hmmmm. Naaaaaaah.

He then pushes the car off the bride as the boy screams.

Dad 1: Nooooooo!

Y/N immediately took action as he ran towards the side of the bride and jumped off he shot a web the car then at the bridge and with all of his strength held the car up he then stuck the two webs together so the car won't fall Y/N then drops down on the car and rips the back window open to see a kid screaming.

Y/N: Hey kid it's ok I'm here to help.

He continues to scream but then Y/N takes off his mask.

Y/N: Hey look.

The kid looks at Y/N and sees that he's human.

Y/N: See. I'm just a normal guy. What's your name kiddo.

Max: Max.

Y/N: Max. That's a cool name. So let's get you out of here buddy.

Y/N then climbs in not realizing the gas was leaking out and takes off the seat belt the kid falls a bit but Y/N caught him.

Y/N: Whoa close one right.

The kid smiles and so dose Y/N but then the car catches on Fire.

Y/N: Oh crap!

The car then begins to fall but Y/N grabs the back of the car and shoots a web at the bride the kid falls all the in the front of the car.

Y/N: Crap crap crap! Max look at me! You have to climb.

Max: I can't.

Y/N: Yes you can!

Y/N tries to think of something to motivate Max when he sees the mask on Max's chest.

Y/N: Look the mask! Put it on it will make you strong I promise.

Max then puts the mask on and begins to climb the up towards Y/N as Y/N give encouraging words.

Y/N: Yeah that's it! You got it kiddo!

Max almost made it to Y/N when a piece of the trunk ripped off and the car began to fall.

Y/N: No!

Y/N then shoots a web at the kids and was able to save him from a certain doom.

Y/N: Great work kid.

Y/N then strings max up to him.

Finally minutes later Y/N carried Max over the bridge and got him back to his father his father immediately grabbed him and hugged him.

Dad 1: Oh my god. Thank god. My son my son.

Y/N smiled under his mask as seeing this reminded him of him and Uncle Jason the father then looked at Y/N and asked one important question to him.

Dad 1: Who are you?

Y/N stayed silent for a bit but then responded.

Y/N: Spider-Man.

Y/N now known as Spider-Man swings away as the father and son watched.

Y/N was back at his dorm as he looked at the mask and all types of emotions and thoughts where going through his brain but one thing was for sure he knew his true purpose to be Spider-Man.

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