Chapter 22: Parents

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Y/N was walking down the hallway with Yang they had finished class and they were discussing about it.

Yang: Seriously that problem was complicated for no reason.

Y/N: Yeah I understand trust me.

Yang: I don't know how your able to do that with relative ease.

Y/N: Trust me it was a lot more difficult for me then it looked.

Yang: Yeah well I'm glad you were able to help me with that problem and even more glad that we're out of that class. Now I get to spend time with my handsome geeky baby.

Y/N begins to blush.

Y/N: Gosh can you not make me a blushing mess.

Yang smiled before pushing him and pinned him against the wall making him blush.

Yang: Yeah but seeing you so flustered is so cute.

Y/N: Um uhh.

Yang: Don't think I didn't noticed. When I accidentally pinned you to the ground.

She leans into Y/N ear.

Yang: You liked it didn't you?

Y/N became more flustered.

Y/N: Maybe.

Yang then begins to laugh.

Y/N: Hey what's so funny?

Yang: I'm sorry it's just. You so cute. Come here baby.

They then kiss each other for a couple of minutes then there lips departed.

Yang: We have the hole day to ourselves so what do you want to do?

Y/N: Hmm well there's this ice cream place that gives really good ice creams do you want to go check it out.

Yang: Sure I would love too.

They were about to walk off when Weiss found them.

Weiss: Finally I found you two.

Y/N: Oh you where looking for us?

Weiss: Yeah.

She then hands then hands a invention card to Yang.

Weiss: You've been Invited to eat dinner with my father.

Yang: Just me?

Weiss: No he invited our teammates as well and you can invite two people. So I just wanted to let you know.

Yang: What time will it start?

Weiss: At eight. Will you be coming?

Yang: Yeah.

Weiss nods then walks off Yang then looks at Y/N.

Yang: Are you ok coming with me to this dinner invite.

Y/N: Yeah you'll be there so.

Yang: Great.

Yang then kisses Y/N in the cheek.

Yang: Well why we still have time. Let's go to that ice cream place you were talking about.

Y/N: Right.

They then walked down the halls.

Mini time skip Y/N got F/F ice cream while Yang had a strawberry ice cream.

Yang: Hmmm that was so good.

Y/N: Told you it be good.

Yang: Yeah you weren't kidding. How did me and my family not find this place?

Y/N: Yeah me my aunt and my uncle would come here here all the time to get ice cream.

Yang then put her hand on top of Y/N's.

Yang: Your uncle would have be proud of you Y/N.

Y/N smiled as he held Yang's hand.

Y/N: Thanks... So about your mom.

Yang: It's no biggie. I got over her death.

Y/N: I mean you're other one. The one you're searching for. You don't hate her guts?

Yang looked out the window for a bit then at Y/N.

Yang: No surprisingly. I should hate her but... For some reason I have this gut feeling that there's more to the story. Dad always told me that even though she could be cold she was good woman and loyal to the people she cared about. And my Uncle Qrow would always tell me stories about her.

Yang then looked out the windows and saw a Raven land on top of a lamppost.

Yang: So after hearing all those things about her and the good she has done. I have to find out why she left. Then make my own conclusion.

Yang then looked at Y/N.

Yang: Did one of your parents abandoned you?

Y/N: No not really. I guess... Something happened to them.

Yang: What do you mean?

Y/N: Well one day I was playing hide & seek with my dad. Then I entered his office and it was mess. Papers were scattered everywhere and stuff like that. And by the look of his face. It wasn't good. Then after that they took to my aunt & uncle. And once they got in that car and drove off. I never saw them again.

Yang: Oh Y/N... I'm so sorry.

She then puts her hand on top of Y/N's.

Y/N: But I can't stay in the past. A lot of people are going to be relying on us. So I'll learn as much as I can and be a great huntsman.

Yang smiles.

Yang: That's right. And I'll be by your side.

Y/N smiled as he stared into Yang's eyes there bowls of ice cream being gone but then it was interrupted by screaming they look out the window and see everyone away from the danger or into it and they also saw fire trucks driving by they looked at each other and ran out the area and then they see a building on fire.

Y/N: I'm going to go call for help.

Yang: I'm going inside.

Y/N ran into a alley way and took his shirt off to reveal his Spider-Man costume.

Meanwhile Yang was getting people out of the building with the fire fighters but then a woman tries to rub in but one of the firefighters stopped her.

Woman: No let me go. My baby is up there!

She points at the direction the baby was at Yang looked up and was about to blast her way inside but then Spider-Man swings in and enters the window the baby was in they all watch with concern faces.

Woman: Please.

Then a large explosion burst out the windo.

Woman: No!

Everyone looked on as the raging flames where roaring out of the window but then Y/N front flips out of the window with a baby in his arms.

Y/N: Here you go. Your baby is ok.

Then woman then takes her baby and starts to lightly bounce them up and down

The woman: Thank you. Thank you. God bless you Spider-Man. God bless you.

Yang: Good to see your still alive Spider-Man... I feel like I know you.

Y/N: That's because you do.

Yang: I do?

Y/N: I'm your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

They then hear a woman scream.

Yang: There's someone still up there?

Y/N: I'll get her.

Yang: Be carful.

Y/N nods Y/N shoots a web and swings inside the window. He starts to walk through and saw the woman wrapped in a blanket.

Y/N: Ma'am! Ma'am everything Is going to be ok I'm coming to get you to safety.

Y/N got closer to her and when Y/N reach out his hand on there shoulder they turned around to reveal the green goblin as he was using a voice changer Green Goblin then punch's Y/N sending him flying crashing into many support beams.

Green Goblin: You are pathetically predictable. Like a moth to a flame. What about my generous proposal? Are you in or out?

Y/N: Your the only one out Goblin.

Goblin then moved his hand behind his back to revealing to be Pumpkin bombs.

Y/N: Out of your mind.

Green Goblin: Wrong answer.

He then throws the bombs but then they turn into razor blades.

Y/N: Oh boy.

He then dodges them by jumping and spinning back in mid air then leaned back to dodge the rest but there was one more and it slashed his arm the Green Goblin then grabbed him and slammed him into the wall but Y/N then kicks him off sending him crashing into multiple wooden support beams he looks up and Sees Y/N jumping towards him with a kick which sends him flying again Y/N then caught him by shooting some webs at his chest and spins in a circle and throwing him Green Goblin gets up and sees Y/N was about to throw a punch but then he blocks it and delivers a punch to the stomach then to the face before headbutting him Y/N then caught his fist and punches him 3 times Y/N was about to punch him but Green Goblin catch's his leg spins in a circle and throws Y/N across the area Y/N shacks his head and sees the Green Goblin on his hover board.

Green Goblin: You made a huge mistake hero. Thousands of people will die. And there blood will be on your hands!

He then flys off leaving Y/N all by himself.

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