Chapter 24: Spider-Man vs Green Goblin

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Y/N Team RWBY Glynda & Ozpin had finally made it back to beacon and the sun was about to set.

Y/N: Hey Yang. I'm going to walk my aunt back to her dorm.

Glynda: Oh Y/N you don't have to do that.

Y/N: I know that Aunt Glynda. But it's not a have to. I want to.

Yang: Awww your so sweet.

Yang then kisses Y/N cheek.

Yang: Alright lovely do you thing.

Y/N: Thank you. Tomorrow you'll have all my attention.

Yang: *Chuckles* I can't wait tiger.

They then kiss as Y/N walks towards Glynda and walks her back to her dorm.

Glynda: You know your too sweet.

Y/N: Yeah. I'm hearing that a lot.

Glynda: I'm so proud of you Y/N. And your uncle is too. You came so far. You had your hiccups but you managed to get through.

Y/N: Thanks. I'm trying my best to do good.

Glynda: Well your doing an excellent job.

Y/N smiled and so did Glynda he then looked up at the sky and thought of his uncle.

Y/N: (I hope I really am making you proud uncle Jason.)

They then finally made it to her dorm Glynda then yawns.

Y/N: Well someone's tired.

Glynda: I'm fine. *Yawns* Seriously you don't have to—

Y/N: Of course I do. Your my aunt which makes you responsibility.

Glynda: *Sighs* Oh Y/N. You shouldn't have to feel that way.

Y/N chuckles until his Spider sense was going crazy.

Glynda: Y/N Is everything—

Y/N: Get down!

Y/N tackles Glynda and as soon as he did there was a large explosion causing a giant hole in the wall and flying through it was Green Goblin he laughed seeing as when he done Glynda immediately got in front of Y/N.

Glynda: Y/N stand back!

Glynda then glares at Green Goblin that would make even the scariest of Grimm shiver in fear.

Glynda: Get out of my dorm!

Green Goblin: *Laughs* Make me.

Goblin then throws a pumpkin bomb Glynda stops it with her telekinesis but then they explode and gas start to surround her Glynda eyes widened before going limp and falling Green Goblin then catches her.

Y/N: No!

Y/N runs towards Goblin but then he backs hand him sending him crashing to a wall.

Green Goblin: You know. You should be careful with you line of work. It can get people you love the most hurt... Spider-Man.

Y/N eyes widened shocked that he knew about his identity. Green Goblin laughs as he flys off.

Y/N: No! Noooooo!

Mini time skip Y/N was frantically running towards his dorm room.

Y/N: No no no! I can't lose her too.

Y/N then made it to the dorm rooms and finally to his dorm frantically looking for his suit. He finally got it out everything on and jumped out of his window and swings off to the city.

Y/N: (How did he know?! How did he know I was Spider-Man!? Did I not make sure nobody was watching me!? Well what ever the reason is my aunt is in trouble and it's my fault!)

He then gets a call from Yang he then answers.

Yang: Y/N are you ok there was a massive explosion and Glynda's dorm has been destroyed?!

Y/N: I'm fine but my aunt! The Green Goblin got her!

Yang: What?!

Y/N: I can't explain much but I got to save her! She's all I have left!

Yang: Y/N wait! Don't—

But before she could finish he hung up.

Yang: Y/N?! Y/N?! Damnit!

Y/N was swinging through the city when he saw explosions in the air and he saw that they were at the bridge were they first met.

Y/N: The bridge. Where we first met.

He then swing towards the bridge. He then shot two webs as a building started to walk back a bit then catapulted himself towards the bridge he finally got to the bridge and landed on top of it and saw the Green Goblin holding Glynda with his right hand and to his left he was holding the line to a Skylift full of children.

Green Goblin: Spider-Man this is why fools are heroes! Because you never knew some lunatic will come along with a sadistic choice. Let die the woman you love. Or suffer the little children. Make your choice hero. And see how you are rewarded.

Y/N: Don't do this Goblin!

Green Goblin: We are who we choose be. Now choose!

Green Goblin then let's go of the wire holding the skylift & Glynda and so he ran towards Glynda and jumped off the bridge he divided and caught her before shooting a web and swinging to the Skylift and grabbing the wire.

Y/N: Hang on to me Ma'am!

He then shoots the web at the bridge to stop there fall and the children's.

Y/N: Are you ok.

Glynda: Yeah.

The web began to get loose.

Y/N: Ma'am I need you to climb down understood?

Glynda: Understood.

A light flashes then and they see it's a boat.

Man: Ahoy up there! We're gonna bring the barge right under you!

As the crowd watched above the bridge a man pushes through the crowd it was the same man who hugged his son when Green Goblin attacked the bridge and sees Spider-Man.

Father: Hey that's Spider-Man. He saved my kid a few nights ago.

Woman: Yeah he saved mine too.

Green Goblin then starts to fly with his hoverboard and everyone looked in terror but the man just glared at him.

Father: We have to help Spider-Man.

Man 2: How?

As Glynda tried her best to climb down Green Goblin flew by and punches Y/N jerking him to the side which jerks the Skylift and Glynda who's still climbing down Green Goblin flys towards Y/N again and punches him it sends him flying back making him let go of the wire. The sky lift begins to fall but Y/N catches it in time and shoots a web at the bridge but Glynda begins to fall but catches the edge of the Skylift.

Man 3: He's not going to make it!

Man: He's gonna make it!

The boat got closer and closer but the Green Goblin started to fly back towards Y/N as blades come out of the glider.

Green Goblin: It's time to die!

He was about to ram Spider-Man when a fire extinguisher was thrown at him hitting Green Goblin in the head and making him tumble he then turns around and looks up at the bridge and sees everyone at the bridge throwing stuff at him.

Father: Come on up here tough guy I got a little something for ya! Leave Spider-Man alone your going to pick on a guy who's trying to save a bunch of kids?!

Man 2: Yeah I got something for your ass!

He then throws a crowbar at Green Goblin which hits him in the chest.

Man: You mess with Spidey you messin with Vale!

Father: You mess with one of us you mess with all of us.

Yang: Damn straight!

Green Goblin looked to the side and sees Yang charge at him she then punches him off his glider she then uses her gauntlets to swiftly land on the skylift and helped Glynda up the Green Goblin lands on his glider and growls. In anger.

Yang: You want some more!

Before Goblin could retaliate he kept on getting it with more items then finally the boat made it and Y/N gently dropped the Skylift on the boat. Everyone cheered but then the Green Goblin flew towards Y/N.

Yang: Spider-Man look out!

Then Green Goblin wrapped a wire around him and takes him away from the bridge then flys towards an abandoned building and throws him through the wall he shoots a web to stop his momentum but fails as he crashes through a window and a wall then a pumpkin bomb was thrown at him and as soon as he hit the ground and bounced off it and towards him it blew up in his face making him go flying and crash into a wall Green Goblin then jumps off of his glider.

Green Goblin: Misery misery misery that's what you chosen. I offered you friend ship. And you spat on my face.

He then punched Y/N in the chest he goes for another punch but Y/N ducks out the way but Goblin knees him in the face then punches him Y/N tries to retaliate but Green Goblin blocks it and hits him with an uppercut sending him flying before landing hard on the ground Y/N tries to get up but Green Goblin continues his assault on Y/N he continues to punch him multiple times before headbutting him then slamming his head to the wall multiple times then kicks him and Y/N crashes into the wall and falls the ground face first. He tries to shoot a web but Green Goblin steps on his and destroys the web shooter.

Green Goblin: You've spun your last web Spider-Man. Had you not been so selfish your little girlfriend and aunts death would've been quick & painless but now that you've really pissed me off so I'm going to finish them... Nice and slow.

This angered Y/N as Green Goblin grabbed a rusty sharp pipe and lifted it up.

Green Goblin: Yang Your Aunt and I. Are going to have one hell of a time.

Then with all of his strength he got on his knees and lifted the arm Goblin was stepping on and threw him up in the air Goblin crashed into the ground he got up but then sees Y/N running towards him and hits him with a flying kick making him stumble back Y/N then punches Goblin multiple times in the head chest and stomach Goblin then tries punch him but Y/N jumps then kicks him in the chest making him go crashing into a wall Y/N shoots a web with the one useful web shoot at Goblins foot he then pulls with mighty force sweeping Goblin off his feet Y/N then shoots a web at the wall and pulls it down onto Green Goblin Green Goblin emerges from the debris but Y/N swings in grabs him and throws him through a wooden wall he then lands in front of him but Green Goblin raises his hands up.

Jacques: No Y/N stop! It's me.

Jacques then takes off his mask to reveal himself.

Y/N: Jacques Schnee.

Jacques: Y/N thank god for you.

Y/N: You killed those people on that bridge when we first fought.

Jacques: The Goblin killed them I had nothing to do with it! Don't let him take me again. I beg you protect me.

Y/N: You tried kill my aunt.

Jacques: But not you. I tried to stop it.

Jacques then presses a button on his suit and the glider slowly started to fly up behind Y/N.

Jacques: But I couldn't stop it. I would never hurt you. I knew from the beginning. If anything ever happened to me it was you I could count on. You Y/N Goodwitch would save me and so you have. Thank god for you. Give me your hand. Believe in me as I believed in you. I could be like a father to you. And you could be like a son to me.

Y/N: I had a father. His name was Jason Goodwitch.

Jacques face changed to a scared man to a cold blooded killers face.

Green Goblin: Godspeed Spider-Man.

Y/N Spider-Man sense went off as the Glider's blades came out and charges at Y/N but he jumps & flips over it and the blades ram into Jacques stabbing him in the stomach and sticking him in the wall.

Y/N: No!

Jacques screams & Growns in pain as Y/N eyes widened.

Y/N: Nono I. I didn't mean to.

Jacques finally stops as he looks at Y/N and Green Goblin was gone but Jacques was there.

Jacques: Y/N... Don't tell my children.

He goes limp as Jacques was gone. Green Goblin & Jacques Schnee were dead.

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